After getting on the bus and leaving Mo's home, Jian Rui excitedly looks at Ning Jiwei and asks, "Daddy, daddy, are we going to find Mommy and brother?"

Ning Jiwei turns his head to look at his daughter. He is stung by the excited smile on her face. In front of him, the picture of Jian Haixi's injury flashed again, and his throat suddenly gets sour.

"Daddy, isn't it?" Jianrui saw that Ning Jiwei didn't answer and asked, holding his shoulder.

"Well, it's going to Mommy." Ning Jiwei nodded.

“yeah! Great Jianrui happily raised her hands and grinned: "Daddy, I miss mommy and my brother. I don't know if my brother's injury is better now. There's more. I can eat the food made by mommy again, and then I can bring it back to Mo Tong to eat... "

Daughter on one side to break fingers count for a while to see jianhaixi to do things, ningjiwei is silent sitting on the side.

Jianrui excited after, doubt looking at ningjiwei way: "Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

"Well?" Ji Weining shook his head

"You can't fight with Mommy, can you?" she asked

Ning Jiwei didn't expect that his daughter's mind would be so sharp, so he asked, "why do you say that?"

"Did Jane quarrel? Because Daddy used to be happy when he saw mommy, but he's not happy today. "

With that, Jianrui frowned and glared at Ning Jiwei, and said, "Daddy, don't you make Mommy angry?"

Ning Jiwei Why are all his sons and daughters so keen?

Jianrui said angrily, "Daddy, if you make Mommy angry, I won't help you."

Ning Jiwei grinned bitterly, reached out and scraped his daughter's small nose, and said, "well, you and your brother don't need any help. Daddy will go to your mummy and kneel down in front of durian, OK?"

Jianrui looked at Ning Jiwei's injured leg and hesitated: "kneel down on the durian. At most My brother and I will plead for you and let you copy your homework. "

"That's our baby." Ning Jiwei said with a smile.

Jianrui leans on Ning Jiwei and thinks about it. She still looks up to Ning Jiwei and says, "Daddy, you can't bully Mommy."

Ning Jiwei a Zhi, the corner of the mouth smile suddenly some reluctantly, "Why say so?"

"Because Mommy is very kind to Daddy." Jianrui naturally said, "mommy has never bullied daddy. How can daddy bully Mommy?"

Her daughter's words shocked Ning Jiwei's heart. She didn't speak for a long time.

Yes, Jian Haixi never bullied him, never let him be wronged.

On the contrary, she is always compromising.

They have known each other for nearly two years. From the heart, he has done too little for her.

Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei suddenly feels like a jerk.

What's Molly? What's talina?

Even if you want to end it quickly, even if it's for a family reunion as soon as possible.

But these are not the reasons for her to be wronged.


before Ning Jiwei and Jianrui arrived at mikai villa, Mikel arrived first.

As soon as she rushed in, she was in a hurry to run upstairs, or did Mike stop her quickly and say, "what are you doing? I'm busy upstairs. "

"I'm looking for Mo Feng." Mikel stamped his foot and shook off Mike's hand. "Tell me honestly, is mo Feng hurt?"

Mike shrugged and said, "can't you watch it? If he's not here, of course he's upstairs. Can he still disappear? "

"You..." Mikel didn't care to talk to him, so he turned and rushed upstairs.

"Hey, wait a minute." Mike took the first two steps to pull people back again and said, "aren't you going up now? Do you know how to bandage or deal with wounds? "

"I..." Mikael bit her lip and said nothing. She was going out with Yang Lan today. She didn't know Mikael was here until she came back.

Ask the baby sitter again, say who is injured or something.

As soon as she heard this, she quickly sent a message to Mo Feng.

But I haven't received a reply.

So Mikel couldn't sit at home any more, called a car and ran over.

"You let me go, I'll go up with him." Mikel pushes Mike away.

Mike rolled his eyes and said, "it's really numb. Bingling, what are you looking at? Come and help

The last sentence is for the water ice.

Shuibingling answers quickly and runs to hold Mikel with Mike.

Mikel saw another person who had never seen him hold him. He frowned and said angrily, "who are you?"

Shuibingling blinked and said innocently, "I'm shuibingling. Who are you?"

"I'm Mikel, the sister of the owner of this villa." Mikel said angrily, "so you know, this is my home. Please let me go right away.""Oh." Shuibingling nodded, and at the moment he was really relaxed.

The other side of Mike's chin almost fell to the ground, speechless looking at the water ice cream way: "your brain watt?"? She told you to let go, and you let go? "

"But she's right," shuibingling said

Mike: "it's just Forget it, he doesn't communicate with idiots.

Mikel didn't expect that shuibingling would be so obedient. He was stunned for a moment.

Hearing Mike's fierce water ice cream, Mikel frowned, pulled the water ice cream and said to Mike, "Why are you a murderer? Are you still a man when you are so fierce to women? "

Mike: "it's just Forget it. He doesn't talk to stupid people.

While watching the play, George said to Mike with a smile: "if I say you deserve it."

Mike glared at him and said, "what should I do? If I don't stop her, will I let her rush up?"

"If she wants to go upstairs, let her go." George said, pointed to the upstairs and said to Mikel, "Miss MI, hurry up. Mo Feng is dying. Your brother is doing the last emergency work for him. Maybe if you go up here and disturb me, your brother won't even have to save him. He will be directly buried and sent to the crematorium. "

Mikel choked and stared at George angrily, but he didn't mention going upstairs.

When Jane came down from Haixi River, he saw George and Mike sitting on the sofa eating melon seeds, water ice standing beside him, and Mikel blushing, crying and angry.

"What's the matter?" Asked jianhaixi.

"Sister Haixi!"

As soon as Jian Haixi came down, Mikel ran to her as if he had found a lighthouse. "Is mo Feng hurt? What's wrong with him?"

Jian Haixi looked at the little girl's red eyes and knew that she was really worried. She said, "don't worry. He was seriously injured in the abdomen, but it's not too serious. Your brother is operating on him. We'll wait here quietly. Don't disturb him, OK?"

"Well." Mikel nodded obediently.

Mike looks at Mikel, who is calmed down by jianhaixi's words, and instantly feels that his mind is running fast again.

"Miss MI, is there any difference between what Haixi said and what I said just now? Why don't you listen to me? "

Before Mikel answered, George patted Mike on the shoulder and said with a smile, "this is the charm of personality, brother. You don't have this kind of thing. Don't think about it."

Mike: "it's just What should I do if I want to hit someone suddenly?

They were talking when suddenly two figures came into the door.

As soon as xiaorenying saw jianhaixi, she rushed over, hugged her leg and cried out: "Mommy

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