Jianhaixi surprised looking at her thigh daughter, Leng for several seconds to react, "Ruirui?"

Jianrui wrinkled her nose and looked up at jianhaixi, "Mommy, we haven't seen each other for a few days. You don't even know Ruirui?"

Jane Haixi touched her daughter's head and said with a smile, "how can mommy not know my pistil? It's just that mommy didn't expect you to come, so she was so surprised. "

"Is Mommy happy to see Ruirui?" Jianrui tilted her head, raised her bright smile and asked.

"Of course I am." Jian Haixi poked her daughter's Pink Apple muscle and said, "whenever mummy can see Ruirui, she will be happy."

"Hee hee ~" Jianrui hugged jianhaixi happily and said: "Ruirui Rui is also happy. Rui Rui can see mummy. She is so happy

Jianhaixi did not prevent her so hard a hug, the whole person immediately back staggered a step.

When Jane rushes over just now, she can't hold on any longer, but she just refuses to move.

At this moment, the ankle injury is unable to support.

Seeing her staggering, Ning Jiwei, who was still standing at the door, suddenly changed his face and cried to Jianrui, "Ruirui, release your mommy quickly. She's hurt."

Hearing Ning Jiwei's words, Jianrui was stunned and quickly released her hand. She looked anxiously up and down at jianhaixi and asked, "Mommy, are you hurt? Where's the injury? "

During the interview, Jianrui has seen the bandage around jianhaixi's ankle and the blood on the bandage.

"Mommy, you're bleeding!" Jianrui anxiously called: "Mommy, you sit down quickly. It's all Ruirui's fault. Ruirui shouldn't have hit you."

"Mommy's OK." Jian Haixi didn't want to cause her daughter's panic. She said with a smile: "it's just a small wound. There was blood originally. It's not Ruirui that made me bleed."

Jianrui pursed her mouth and didn't speak. She just helped jianhaixi to sit down on the sofa.

Seeing her small face with a look of remorse, Mike couldn't help coming over and said, "Ruirui, do you still know me? Who am I? "

Jianrui looked up at Mike and said: "Uncle Mike, it's only been a long time. Don't you even know who you are? Why don't I go back and ask my brother to make a sign for you and hang it around your neck so that you won't get lost again. "

Mike listened to the little girl's venomous tongue, the corner of his mouth could not help smoking, "little Ruirui, you say this too hurt my uncle's heart."

Jianrui snorted and turned to hold jianhaixi.

Mike rushed Jian Haixi to spread out his hand and said silently: "girl is sad, and I can't help it."

He didn't feel unhappy because of Jianrui's words. He can't understand Jianrui's temper any more after they have known each other for many years.

She can coax people to heaven when she is in a good mood, and is willing to be obedient when she is in a general mood.

Only when the mood is bad, that small mouth poison can poke people's heart into a beehive.

Looking at her daughter in her arms, Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Ruirui, how did you talk to Uncle Mike? That's what I taught you? "

Jianrui curled her mouth and lowered her head to Mike: "Uncle Mike, I'm sorry, Ruirui is wrong."

Mike sighed, rubbed her hair and said, "uncle doesn't blame you, and your mom doesn't blame you. Don't be sad, Ruirui."

Jianrui didn't speak, but her small mouth pouted high and her big eyes were full of moisture.

Jianhaixi has some helplessness. She wants to educate her daughter, but when there are so many people in the living room, if she scolds Jianrui in front of everyone, it will make the child tired.

But if she doesn't do anything, she thinks it's not what a responsible mother should do.

Ning Jiwei walked to jianhaixi and her daughter with crutches, reached over Jianrui's shoulder and said, "Ruirui, go upstairs to find your brother first."

"Oh." Jianrui nodded and ran upstairs obediently.

Jian Haixi then looked at Ning Jiwei. Seeing his serious face, she couldn't help asking, "Why are you here at this time? What's the matter? "

"What do you say?" Ning Jiwei's face is not good-looking, and his voice is obviously angry.

Jian Haixi blinked and said, "is it because of my injury? But I've been very careful. Let's talk about it again... "

With that, Jian Haixi suddenly felt aggrieved.

She knows why Ning Jiwei came here. Although they didn't say anything the day before yesterday, they had some estrangement.

In addition, she took part in the operation with George without telling Ning Jiwei today and hurt herself, so Ning Jiwei will naturally be nervous.

But now in the face of Ning Jiwei's tone, Jian Haixi has no way not to be aggrieved.

She stopped and did not go on.

George on one side had a problem with Ning Jiwei. Now he heard this, and he couldn't sit still. "Ning Jiwei, what's your attitude? Who are you angry with when you come all the way here? "Ning Jiwei ignored George's words and just looked at jianhaixi.

Jian Haixi did not look up at him.

"Alas ~" Ning Jiwei sighed, reached out and rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Haixi, we need to talk."

Jian Haixi still didn't speak.

George directly stepped forward, squeezed into the middle of ningjiwei and jianhaixi, reached out and pushed ningjiwei away, saying, "my sister doesn't want to talk to you, please leave."

Ning Jiwei frowned slightly, looked at George and said, "George, I'm not in the mood to fool with you. Please get out of the way."

"Oh." George said with a sneer, "do you think I'm fooling around with you? If you were not disabled now, I would have wanted to beat you for a long time

Seeing this, Qin Zhixu frowned and said, "what are you doing?"

Mike and others also look at each other, do not know how to suddenly develop to the point of quarrel.

Jian Haixi got up, reached out and pulled George back, then looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "I also think we should have a good talk. Let's go."

Having said that, instead of going to the upstairs bedroom, she went to the door.

Ning Jiwei is stupefied next, raised a foot to follow up.

George sat on one side angrily, reached out and beat the pillow on the sofa as a sandbag.

Qin Zhixu looked at him and said, "I know why you are angry, but you have to have confidence in Haixi. After all, they can only solve this problem by themselves."

George snorted: "I just can't stand him like that. How much did Haixi pay for him? A bastard. "

Qin Zhixu opens his mouth to explain for Ning Jiwei, but he still doesn't say anything.

From an outsider's point of view, he thinks that Ning Jiwei has his own difficulties, but he thinks that if Jian Haixi is his sister, he will want to beat Ning Jiwei.

Next to him, the confused shuibingling turned to Mike and asked in a low voice, "is that the man of Haixi sister? What happened to them? "

Mike glared at him and said, "don't worry about children's affairs."

Shuibingling curled her lips, snorted and turned to find Mikel.

Mikael is sitting on the stairs waiting for Mikael's operation. Shuibingling comes up to her and asks in a low voice: "what's the matter with sister Haixi and the man? That man looks so handsome. Do they fight, too? "

Mikel shook his head and said, "sister Haixi's affairs are beyond our understanding, but I know they all love each other deeply. Even if there is any problem, sister Haixi will be able to solve it."

"Deeply in love with each other..." Water ice Ling Leng next, looking at the rice son asked: "son, deeply in love with a person is what feeling?"

But she wanted to see something as clear as ice.

Mikel said with a smile: "it's very simple. Imagine who you want to see most if you are dying. That person is the one you love deeply."

"The person I want to see most..." Shuibingling subconsciously looks at Mike, but he is looking anxiously at the direction of jianhaixi.

Shuibingling looks at Mike's figure. There is a glimmer in her eyes, and it is dim soon.

Mikel looked at her like this, reached for her shoulder and said nothing.


Jianrui sat beside Jianyi's bed and said, "brother, did I do something wrong just now?"

Jian Yi nodded, "well, I'll apologize to Uncle Mike later."

"I see. I'll go." Jianrui nodded her head.

Jian Yi looks at her dejected sister, thinks about it and asks, "how are you at Mo's? Will Mo Xiuqian secretly send news to Mo Sheng? "

Jian Rui Leng shook her head and said, "I didn't find it, but Xiuqian has become more and more familiar with us recently, and people are more and more cheerful, a bit like before."

Speaking of this, Jane was a little happy.

But listening to her words, Jian Yi didn't smile. "Ruirui, do you like the Mo family?"

"Ah?" Jianrui pauses and looks at Jianyi suspiciously. "Brother, Mo's family is daddy's family, which is our family. Of course I like it. Besides, my grandfather is there. There are mo Tong and Mo Xiujin. They are all interesting."

Looking at Jianrui like this, Jianyi can't help saying, "but the Mo family is very dangerous, and you can't see me and Mommy often. You are trapped in daddy's house every day. Don't you feel suffocated?"

"Well A little bit. " Jianrui pursed her lips and said, "but there's no way."

"Why not?" Jian Yi suggested, "you can come and live with us."

Jianrui was stunned and looked at Jianyi, "live with my brother and Mommy?"

"Well." Jian Yi nodded and said, "so you can see me and Mommy?""But..." Jianrui hesitated: "but in this case, there will be no one to accompany daddy. Daddy will be very poor."

Jian Yi pauses, and is silent.

"Brother?" Jianrui pulled Jianyi's hand carefully and said, "why do I feel that my brother seems to be angry with daddy?"

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