Mo's north courtyard.

In the bedroom, Mo Ting is falling asleep, but the position next to her is empty.

Downstairs, Mo Tong suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up, then quietly went out in slippers.

It was night, the whole building was dark, only the bathroom in the guest room was still on.

Mo Tong's ear tip moved and followed the tiny voice.

"Lulu, Lulu?"

In the bathroom, a strong voice of anxiety came out.

Mo Tong stood at the door, listening to the strong voice, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

He has always known that Su Daqiang is not sincere to Mo Ting, but he did not expect that he would dare to do so under Mo Ting's eyes.

And who's that Lulu?

Just when Mo Tong's heart is full of doubts, he suddenly hears song Lu's scream from his mobile phone and David's roaring "Song Lu".

Song Lu!

Mo Tongxin is surprised, how also did not expect that the person who has contact with Suo Qiang is song Lu of the Song family.

Does Su Daqiang just find song Lu by chance, or has he already got on the line with the people of the Song family?

What is his purpose?

Don't think about the steps in the bathroom. He quickly walks around.

Su Daqiang carefully deleted all the contact content between himself and song Lu, then switched his wechat account, and finally walked out of the room after confirming that he had not left any evidence.

Mo Tongyin is in the dark, watching Suo Qiang go back to the bedroom, his eyes are even colder.

He doesn't know what the purpose of Su Daqiang is, but he knows that Mo Ting is sincere enough to Su Daqiang.

He can't guarantee that he can save Mo ting from Mo Sheng, or that he won't be abandoned and used by Mo Ting, but at least, before these things happen, he will guarantee that Mo Ting won't be hurt by Su Daqiang.

Su Daqiang doesn't know that his behavior has been exposed. He just thinks it's too cold tonight.

Before entering the bedroom door, Suo Qiang could not help shivering. He always felt that something was staring at him from his back.

He frowned and whispered to himself, "what kind of weather is this? It's a good day, but it's a time of overcast wind. "

Get rid of the mind of those messy ideas, Su Daqiang went back to the bedroom, lying beside Mo ting.

As soon as he lay down, Mo Ting leaned over.

Mo Ting is about forty now. It's time for her to be plump. She leans over and immediately suppresses her breath.

He is a little tired of trying to push aside the fat woman around him. As soon as he reaches out his hand, Mo Ting unconsciously grabs it.

Mo Ting closed her eyes and asked vaguely, "Daqiang, where have you been?"

She thought she had found her whereabouts, so she pretended to be calm and said: "I went to the toilet, afraid of disturbing you, so I went out to the bathroom outside."

"Well You are always so kind to me Mo Ting Du put her lips together and gave her a kiss on Su Suo Qiang's lips, saying: "your hands are cold. I'm so sad. Come on, I'll cover you..."

Said, Mo Ting is not afraid of cold will su Daqiang's hands tightly into the arms.

Feeling the warmth from her hands, Suo Qiang was stunned for a moment, and the action of pushing Mo Ting away stopped for a moment.

For a long time, Suo Qiang sighed, instead of pushing, he hugged the fat woman around him.

Mo Ting comfortable in Su Daqiang's arms to find a position, and then nestle up to him to sleep again.

And Suo Qiang, but opened his eyes looking at Mo Ting's face, couldn't sleep for a long time.


"help, help me..."

In the hotel room, song Lu cried in despair: "who can help me?"

David looked at her with a sneer. Without hesitation, he opened her clothes and said, "help you? You die of this heart, no one will come to save you

Song Lu's eyes stare at the ceiling, leaving David to toss on her.

Is that the end of her life?

"Bang bang!"

Just when song Lu thought that everything was going to end, the door of the hotel was suddenly knocked open, and then a man in a suit appeared in front of them.

"What are you doing? You are... "

David got up from Song Lu for the first time. He yelled at the people at the door angrily. Before he finished, he saw a familiar figure at the door.


"Mike, is that you?" David gritted his teeth, pointed to Mike and said, "what do you want to do with so many people?"

But Mike didn't look at him. He just walked quickly to the bed, reached out and took off his coat to cover song Lu, and asked in a low voice, "are you ok?"

Song Lu was stunned and looked up at Mike.

She knew him. She met him at the Davis' dinner.

When Mike saw that she didn't speak, he thought she was scared, so he frowned, reached for her and said, "don't be afraid. We've come to save you. We won't let him bully you any more...""Wu Wu Wu..."

As soon as Mike finishes this sentence, he is suddenly hugged by song Lu.

Song Lu holds Mike, as if holding the last driftwood of life, "you really come, Tong Si didn't cheat me, Ning Jiwei didn't cheat me, you really come..."

Mike was stunned. He opened his mouth and didn't speak.

How can he tell song Lu? In fact, Tong Si cheated her. In fact, they didn't want to save her.

If it wasn't for Jian Haixi's insistence, maybe they wouldn't be here now.

At least not so early.

Song Lu doesn't know about these things. She just thinks that it's her own help. It's Tong Si who keeps his promise and helps her.

"I called Tong Si and she turned off the phone. I thought she was lying to me. I hate you all..." Song Lu cried: "sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you I thought I was finished. I thought everything was finished... "

Mike listened to her incoherent words, sighed, reached out and patted her on the back and said, "it's OK, it's OK."

After hearing song Lu's words, David gritted his teeth and said, "it turns out that there's something about Tong Si in it. It's a real bitch. I don't want to deal with her in the future."

With that, David put on his trousers and walked out the door.

Just walked two steps to be stopped by Qiao Zheng, Qiao Zheng sneered and asked: "where do you want to go?"

"Get out of the way." David looked at Qiao Zheng. Qiao Zheng sneered and didn't move.

David looked back at Mike and said in a deep voice, "Mike, are you going to deal with me here? Don't forget we're all Davies

"It's because it's the Davis family that I don't allow you to exist in my family," Mike said

"What did you say?" David roared, "who do you say is rubbish?"

Mike pulled the corner of his lip, looked at David contemptuously and said, "I'm wrong. You're not just garbage, you're harmful garbage."

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