David didn't expect that Mike would call himself "harmful garbage". He was so angry that he blushed and said, "Mike, don't think I dare not do anything to you!"

"I don't think so." Mark shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just really thought you were a piece of harmful rubbish."

"You You want to die! " David was so angry that he waved his fist and rushed to Mike.

"Ah Song Lu, sitting at the head of the bed, saw David rushing fiercely. She was so scared that she wrapped up the quilt and walked away.

Mike glanced at her, stepped forward to hold David's fist, and at the same time, kicked him two meters away.

"Mike, you son of a bitch, you wait for me!" David fell to the ground and gritted his teeth.

Mike, please don't wait for me

He pointed to David's counterattack so that he could make a lot of money.

David looked at Mike. The more calm and confident he was, the more he hated him.

Mike sneered and said to Qiao Zheng: "you send him to the place he should go, and give me the things I gave you as evidence."

"Yes." Qiao Zheng nodded, took his brothers to set up David and went out.

Mike turned and looked at Song Lu, who was hiding on the bed and didn't dare to move. A touch of sympathy flashed in his eyes. He lowered his voice and said, "can you go?"

Song Lu nodded and got out of bed shivering.

Her clothes are almost torn by David. Fortunately, Mike's coat can cover her up.


Song Lu asked in a low voice, "where are you going to send him?"

Mike was stunned. He didn't expect that song Lu would care about David's whereabouts.

He looked at Song Lu with an eyebrow and asked, "why, don't you still want to plead for him?"

"No Song Lu shook her head, turned around, took out the recorder from under her pillow and said, "in this There may be something useful for you. "

Mcveighton, I didn't expect song Lu to keep this.

Seeing his surprise, song Lu said with a bitter smile, "Tong Si told me that if you want to get your protection, you have to come up with evidence that can help you, but I'm useless. I only recorded a little bit, and I don't know if I can help you."

At the end, song Lu's voice was getting lower and lower, as if she was afraid that Mike would leave her now.

When Mike thought of Tong Si, who had cheated all of them, he was very angry. He looked at Song Lu and said, "wait a minute."

Song Lu is puzzled. Before he can make a sound, he sees that Mike has turned around and walked out of the room quickly. He calls Qiao Zheng, who is escorting David to leave.

Qiao Zheng asks his men to escort Mike. He turns back and asks, "is there anything else?"

"This one." Mike handed the recorder to Qiao Zheng and said, "take it and hand it in at the same time."

Qiao Zheng pauses. In fact, they have checked David for a long time. The evidence in their hands is enough for David to eat a pot. They can't use the recorder at all.

When Mike saw Qiao Zheng in a daze, he put the recorder in his pocket and said, "let's go now."

Qiao Zheng did not ask much, nodded and turned to leave.

Mike looked back at Song Lu and said, "let's go, too."

Song Lu nodded and trotted to Mike.

Mike watched her frown.

At the moment, song Lu's whole body was wrapped in his coat, and a lot of scratches could be seen on his neck, arms and legs. It can be seen how rude and ferocious David was to her just now.


Mike's eyes are fixed on Song Lu's feet.

Her ankles were obviously swollen, and she didn't know where her high-heeled shoes had been thrown by David for a long time. Now she was wearing disposable slippers from the hotel.

"What, what?" Song Lu asked in a trembling voice.

Mike pointed to her foot and asked, "hurt?"

Song Lu was stunned. She shook her head and said, "I'm ok. I can go."

Mike didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, he came forward and picked her up.

"Ah Song Lu didn't expect that Mike would suddenly pick himself up and tightly clasped his neck.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like you very much, but it's just a good education for every gentleman to treat a lady well in this situation," Mike said coldly as he walked out with her in his arms

Song Lu bit her lip and nodded tearfully, "I know. Thank you."

Mike stopped talking, took her out of the hotel and drove straight to the hospital.

Song Lu's injury needs treatment, and he can't take song Lu back to the villa directly.

After all, their rescue of song Lu was just a hand stretch, and they didn't accept her as their own.

In essence, they don't believe song Lu, and they don't want to accept her.

Mike takes song Lu to the hospital, and sends two bodyguards to guard her door. Then he plans to leave.Seeing that he was leaving, song Lu asked in a panic: "that Will you come again tomorrow? "

Mike was stunned and looked back at her suspiciously. "I'm not a doctor. What are you doing here?"

"But..." Song Lu twisted her finger and asked anxiously, "what should I do? Where am I going? "

"Whatever you want." Mike said, "if you have a place to go, you can go anytime. If not, you can stay here until your foot is healed

Song Lu was stunned, pointed to the two people at the door and asked, "then they..."

"They will stay here until you leave the hospital." McDowell.

In other words, as long as song Lu is in this hospital, she is safe.

Song Lu stares at Mike, not knowing what to say.

She couldn't seem to ask for more, but a canary was suddenly released from its cage, and she didn't know where to go for a moment.

When Mike saw her in a daze, he frowned and asked, "anything else?"

Song Lu opened her mouth and hesitated: "can you I want a cell phone... "

When she said this, her whole face was red.

As Song Wei's tool, all her pocket money has been stopped. After all, she has nothing to buy.

As for the mobile phone, it was left in the bath by David.

If she wants to tie up with the Soviet Union, she has to have another mobile phone.

Mike didn't feel much about it. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll have someone bring it to you tomorrow."

Song Lu didn't expect that Mike would agree to his request so easily. She quickly said, "thank you."

Mike waved his hand, turned and strode away.

After Mike left, song Lu was lying on the bed, staring at the incandescent lamp on her head without blinking.

It seemed that she was afraid that the scene would be disillusioned in the blink of an eye, and she would return to the desperate hotel room again.

For a long time, when song Lu's eyes burst into tears, she suddenly covered her head and hid in the quilt to cry.

It's not fake. She really escaped from the control of Songwei and David.

She's really free.

Sue, I can finally stand in front of you as a free man!

it was only in the morning that David was taken away from the hotel and all the news broke out.

Song Wei has song Lu. David will be very satisfied with yesterday's service.

As long as David is satisfied, he will have no worries about his next business.

With this mentality, Song Wei rarely had a good sleep until he was dragged up from the bed by song mu.

"What are you doing, dad?" Song Wei was suddenly lifted the quilt from his sleep, and the whole person's rising spirit burst out.

If it wasn't for song Mu's father's sake, he would have done it long ago.

Song Mu looked at him with a black face and said angrily, "what are you doing? Song Wei, you have done a good job

"What did I do?" Song Wei roared back impolitely, "if you have nothing to do, just go out for me. I still need to sleep!"

"Who are you to answer Laozi?" Song Mu pulled him down from the bed and yelled, "open your eyes and have a look. That's what you did yesterday."

Song Wei is so tossed by song Mu that he wakes up completely.

He rubbed his bleary eyes. As soon as he opened them, he saw song Mu's mobile phone in front of him.

I saw David's name on the hot search headlines.

Seeing David's name, Song Wei suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and a strong sense of uncertainty suddenly rose.

"Why did David go on a hot search? What happened? " Song Wei asked quickly, "isn't he with song Lu?"

Song Mu snorted coldly, threw his mobile phone to him and said, "you're so funny. You can have a look for yourself."

Song Wei grabs the mobile phone and starts a hot search with trembling hands. He sees that the news has already disclosed something about a woman at David's hotel night party yesterday. What's more, there's also David's economic dispute.

Song Mu gritted his teeth and said, "I told you to be more careful, but what about you? Why didn't you watch closely when you went to see song Lu off yesterday

Out of such a big thing, song Lu did not go home and did not tell them, plus the news did not point out song Lu's name.

With so many details put together, it is self-evident which link has gone wrong.

Song Mu complains. He doesn't worry about song Lu's life, and even blames him.

Why do you want to do such a thing? Why do you want the whole song family to die with her.

At this time, song Lu was no longer his daughter to song mu. No, perhaps earlier, when Song Wei proposed to use song Lu to pull more business, song Lu was no longer the eldest daughter of the Song family, but just a tool, a tool to consolidate their song family.Now this tool suddenly disobeys, and gives them the trouble, which of course makes song Mu and Song Wei very angry.

Hu Jing stood at the door and didn't go in.

Listening to the conversation between father and son, she suddenly felt that the place in front of her could not be called "home".

At best, it's just a cannibal cage.

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