After reporting, Dou Ge and Dou Ming wait another five minutes to see Dou Canghai and Nan Yan come out of the room.

Although Dou Canghai is more than 50 years old, he can still see the spirit of killing in his early years.

Although Nanyan has some traces of age on her face, she is still like a little girl.

If I saw her for the first time, I would never have thought that she was such a little girl who was just over 1.6 meters old. She was also a powerful figure at that time.

Her frail and boneless subordinates did not know how many lives they had ended.

At this time, seeing Dou Ming and Dou Ge, Nan Yan opened a bright smile, stretched out her hands and hugged them.

"Oh, my sons, you are back."

Dou Ge said, "Mom, I've been at home all the time."

The south wild goose Leng next, immediately waved a hand way: "Oh, this kind of small matter don't care, eldest brother you still so boring, can't hear Mommy is joking with you?"

"I don't know." "You can just say that you forgot about me at home," dougo said solemnly

"Cough..." Nan Yan coughed awkwardly twice and decided to ignore the eldest son's words.

She smilingly took Dou Ming's hand and said, "second, have you met a beautiful girl this time? Do you have anything you like? "

Dou Ming was stunned. Thinking of Luo Er's appearance, his face turned red and said, "Mom, how can you ask this?"

Nan Yan's eyes narrowed and her smile suddenly folded. She reached out and pulled Dou Ming's ear and said, "look, you have a girl like this?"

"Er..." Dou Ming swallows his saliva. He doesn't know why Nan Yan is suddenly angry. Is it because he didn't bring Luo Er back?

Dou Ming thought about it and said honestly, "Mom, she and I are not in a hurry. We will bring her home when we are free."

"How anxious do you want to be?" South wild goose fork waist roar a way: "good you dou Ming, let you go out to experience, you went out to fall in love for me?"

"Mom, mom, I didn't..." Dou Ming hastily explained: "I have a good experience. I'm not lazy outside."

South wild goose cold hum a way: "you still want how lazy?"? What did you tell me before you left? What kind of cooperation is dangerous and troublesome? You'd rather go if you said you wouldn't go. As a result, you didn't give me a good job when you went. How dare you even get distracted and fall in love? I think you just think you have a long life. "

"Mom, I didn't..." Dou Ming covered his ears and said, "calm down. Don't pull my ears. My ears are falling off..."

Dou Canghai looked at the way his daughter-in-law taught his son, palpitating to touch his ear, turned his head and whispered to his eldest son: "your mother is worried about your brother, afraid that he will hurt himself because of his emotional mistakes."

"I know." Dou Ge said: "Dou Ming also knows."

Otherwise, with Dou Ming's temper, how can he coax Nan Yan without hiding?

"Dad, brother, please say something for me!" Dou Ming asked for help.

South wild goose hums a way: "I see who dares!"

"Cough..." Dou Canghai coughed awkwardly: "second son, your mother, this is the cut of love and responsibility. You can bear it."

After that, he turned his head and blinked at Dou Ge. He deliberately raised his voice and said, "boss, I heard that there was a girl coming back with Dou Ming?"

As soon as the word "girl" came out, it immediately attracted Nan Yan's attention.

She immediately threw away Dou Ming, strode over to stare at Dou Ge and said, "is that the girl who made you half dead?"

Now Dou Ge was embarrassed. He tried to explain: "Mom, she didn't make me half dead. The person who hurt me was..."

"I don't care so much. What about her?" Nanyan asked and went out.

Seeing this, Dou Ge hurriedly ran after her and stopped her and said, "Mom, she's been on her way for several days. Now she's resting. Can I bring her to see you later?"

"Rest?" Nan Yan raised her voice and hummed discontentedly: "she didn't come to our house to visit me first, but she still had a rest? I'll teach her a lesson for such a rude person! "

"Ma!" Dou Ge frowned and said, "can you stop making trouble for nothing? It's not her who hurt me. Besides, I'm willing to save her from those injuries. It has nothing to do with her. "

After a pause, Dou Ge looked at Dou Canghai and Nan Yan and said, "when Dou Ming and I were there, we were taken care of by her a lot. Now she comes to our house. I don't want Dou to cause any trouble to her."

Dou GE's words let Dou Canghai and Nan Yan have a moment's Zheng Leng.

Nan Yan looks at her eldest son inconceivably. She is used to being arrogant, and her husband and sons are willing to spoil her. However, Dou Ge unexpectedly contradicts her for the sake of Jian Haixi.

"Boss, do you dare to kill me for a woman?" South wild goose a pair of was broken heart of appearance, cover chest way: "think that year I was pregnant with you of time suffered how many sins?"? I almost couldn't come back before the end of my life, but now you are murdering me? Whimper, whimper I don't liveThe three men trembled at the same time.

Dou Canghai immediately slapped Dou Ge on the head and said, "how can I talk to your mother? Don't you admit it? "

Dou Ge honest way: "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

"Woo woo I'm so sad that my son even contradicted me for other people's sake... " Nan Yan continued to cry.

Dou Ge rubbed his temple and said, "Mom, what do you want?"

South wild goose cry suddenly a stop, looking at Dou Ge way: "take that girl to see me."

"Not now. She's resting." Dogo.

Nan Yan pauses, his mouth curls, and he lies in Dou Canghai's arms and says: "Wuwuwuwu Husband, they bully me... "

"Yaner doesn't cry. My husband teaches these two unfilial sons for you." Dou Canghai glared at Dou Ge and Dou Ming and said, "don't you see your mother crying because of you? What's in the way of pestle here? Get out of here

"Yes." Dou Ge and Dou Ming look at each other and slip away with oil on the soles of their feet.

When they disappeared, dou Canghai patted Nan Yan on the shoulder with a smile and said, "wife, the sons are gone."

Nan Yan pushed him away, wiped his little tears, and hummed, "I want to see how sacred she is if I can let these two silly sons defend such a woman."

Dou Canghai looked at Nan Yan and said, "wife, do you want to call the door?"

"Am I stupid?" South wild goose has no good way: "the eldest brother so defend her, if I call to come to, he still can't eat me?"

Dou Canghai asked, "what are you going to do? I'll see you later tonight? Didn't the boss say that he would bring her to see us? "

"I can't wait." South wild goose narrowed to squint, suddenly cunning ground a smile, rubbed to rub a hand way: "I want to see her now."

Dou Canghai looked at the smile on her face, subconsciously trembled, thinking whether to give his sons a tip off, in case jianhaixi really hurt, it's not good.

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