Ten minutes after Dou Ge and Dou Ming left lepingju, Nan Yan and Dou Canghai also came out of the backyard.

Yes, they went over the wall.

And after crossing the wall and meeting Dou's guards, Nan Yan put on the posture of being the mother of the family and asked in a cold voice, "do you see who went out from here?"

The guard looked at Dou Canghai and Nan Yan in embarrassment. His face turned blue. He didn't know whether he had seen them or not.

"Cough..." Dou Canghai coughed and said: "we're just joking with the little master. There's no need to report this."

“…… Yes The guard answered.

After sending off the guard, dou Canghai turned to look at Nan Yan and said, "wife, they dare not report us. Let's go."

"Well, I'm afraid he'll sue me?" Nanyanjiao snorts, shakes her hair, turns around and goes out swaggeringly, but she has just walked without two steps. When she sees other guards, she hides in an instant.

Dou Canghai Wife, didn't you say you were not afraid?

After ten minutes of hard work to avoid all the guards, Nan Yan and Dou Canghai sneak into Dou GE's courtyard.

Nanyan side cat in the corner, while whispering: "you see your son, but also the girl hidden in his yard, this is afraid that our family can not take care of her?"

Dou Canghai said with a smile: "wife, I think you think too much. You haven't seen other people's girls yet. Don't draw so many subjective conclusions first."

South wild goose pie mouth way: "I am to eat taste, I raised nearly 30 years of silly son, how suddenly meet a woman to open up?"? But also careful care everywhere, which makes me this when the mother is not face, OK

Dou Canghai touched his nose and said, "isn't that a good thing? You used to be a little bit pessimistic about the boss and Dou min, but now the boss has found something he likes. Shouldn't you support him more? "

"What do you know?" The south wild goose stares at him one eye way: "our eldest brother is the same as you, all so silly, who knows can be cheated?"

Dou Canghai aggrieved way: "wife, you scold the eldest brother to scold well, how to still take on me?"

South wild goose cold hum a, looked at the guard outside, stretched out a hand to hit Dou Canghai a way: "hurry up, they left, quickly follow."

"Oh." Dou Canghai answered and quickly followed.

Just two people just steal into the house, but make trouble again.

The difficulty is not that they can't find jianhaixi's residence, but that they see Qiao Zheng guarding jianhaixi's gate.

Two people look at each other, south wild goose decisive Chong Dou Canghai made a wink.

Dou Canghai's mouth twitched and whispered: "wife, is it me again? No more... "

Nan Yan a fly eye stares at past, clench his ear way: "do you go?"

"Go, go." Dou Canghai said bitterly: "don't drag my wife, can't I go?"

South wild goose this just loosen to open a hand, a foot kick in his buttock, he kicked to go out a way: "hurry to, be discovered by the eldest brother for a while is over."

"Ouch, hello ~" dou Canghai ran out with his buttocks covered and immediately attracted Qiao Zheng's attention.

Qiao Zheng looked at him one eye, eyebrow tiny Cu didn't speak.

The people who can appear in this house should all be the trusted members of the Dou family. Although he has never met Dou Canghai, he does not doubt each other's purpose for the first time.

At most, Qiao Zheng just thinks the old man is a little strange.

"Cough, that..." Dou Canghai saw that Qiao Zheng didn't respond and secretly looked behind him. Seeing that Nan Yan kept winking at him, he walked over and said to Qiao Zheng, "young man, are you new here?"

Qiao Zheng narrowed his eyes and stared at Dou Canghai. Instead of answering, he asked, "are you?"

"Well, I'm..." Dou Canghai had an idea. He patted his brain and said, "I'm the chef here. Isn't Miss Jane here? Our young master asked me to ask you about her tastes and preferences."

Qiao Zheng doubts to ask a way: "Dou Ge young Lord is not to say banquet already prepared?"

"Well Yes, it is Dou Canghai scratched his hair and could only continue to say, "the banquet is ready, but it's still the taste of the Dou family. I'm afraid miss jane won't get used to it, so the young master asked me to ask, so as to open a small kitchen for Miss Jane?"

"Oh." Seeing that Dou Canghai was right, Qiao Zheng didn't doubt it. He just thought about it seriously and said, "my lady has nothing to pick, just..."

"Just a moment." Dou Canghai raised his hand and interrupted him. He pointed to the closed door behind him and said, "is Miss Jane resting in it? Let's go to the side and talk quietly. Don't wake her up

Qiao Zheng nodded and thought Dou Canghai was very careful.

He didn't go far, just moved two steps to the side, dou Canghai also wanted to let him go far, but he refused, just said: "just say it here."

Dou Canghai nodded and said, "OK, you say, I'll write it down."

Qiao Zheng said seriously: "miss is not picky, but she prefers light food to meat and fishy food. Moreover, long-distance fatigue is not suitable for greasy food.""Yes, it should be." Dou Canghai nodded.

One side of the cat with the south wild goose see two people in serious discussion, squint, lips flash a bad smile, a flash disappeared in the corner.

In the room.

Jianhaixi is sleeping, the window was suddenly opened from the outside, and then a figure quickly and silently flashed in.

Nan Yan stood still, looked back at the sensor on the window frame, and said with a smile: "son, it's too tender to use this move to deal with other people. It's too tender to deal with your mother."

Having said that, Nanyan turned back and walked to jianhaixi.

On the bed, Jian Haixi sleeps soundlessly.

The south wild goose sees Jian Haixi's first eye to Leng for a while.

She thought that she would be a beauty if she could conquer her silly son's taste.

But Nanyan never thought jianhaixi would be so beautiful.

Nan Yan stood by the bed, looking at Jian Haixi's bright pink face and delicate facial features. She couldn't help smacking her head and said, "I didn't expect that my silly son's eyes were reliable. I thought I could only see such a face in that family... "

Nan Yan reaches out her hand and wants to lift a wisp of broken hair on Jian Haixi's cheek so that she can see her face more clearly.

But I didn't expect that when she reached for her hand, Jian Haixi suddenly frowned and opened her eyes.

South wild goose Leng next, didn't expect jianhaixi will suddenly open eyes, that is stretching to her hand also awkwardly stopped in mid air.

Jian Haixi squinted, looked at the south wild goose in front of him and asked in a cold voice, "who are you?"

Just at that moment, the pendant Jane Yi gave her on her neck suddenly trembled.

The pendant will vibrate when someone approaches to indicate danger.

After all, Jane Yi didn't know that the person who gave her the gift at that time was close to her.

But Jian Haixi never thought that on the first day when she arrived at Dou's house, this thing came into use.

The south wild goose this "gather flower thief" the tour was caught, immediately some embarrassed way: "that what, I say I am the cook here, do you believe?"

Jian Haixi picked up her eyebrows, sat up from the bed and looked at Nan Yan defensively, "what do you think?"

"Well Ha ha, it seems that it is not very credible Nan Yan said with an embarrassed smile.

Jian Haixi looks at her warily, one hand has already reached under the pillow.

Yannan said: "don't worry, I don't have her hand Curious, come and see what you look like and who you are

"Curious?" Jian Haixi squinted and looked at Nan Yan suspiciously twice. She asked sharply, "who are you from Dou Ge?"

South wild goose startled, didn't expect jianhaixi so quickly guess she and Dou Ge have a relationship, can't help but smile asked: "how can you think I and Dou Ge have a relationship?"

As soon as she said this, Jian Haixi could be sure that it was Seventy-eight percent. After confirming that Nanyan was not the enemy, she relaxed a little and said, "when I arrived just now, there was a large group of curious people at the door, but I didn't see you. And this house, without Dou GE's permission, even Dou's family, can't let anyone in. So... "

After a pause, Jian Haixi looked at the door and the half open window that had not been opened, then turned to Nanyan and said with a smile, "I heard elder brother Dou mention aunt's superb skills before. I didn't expect that I would be lucky to see her when I arrived at Dou's house today."

Looking at haiyanxi, you are surprised

Jian Haixi lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She said politely to Nanyan: "on the first day, Haixi should have taken the initiative to visit his uncle and aunt, but he was too anxious to go on the road. He felt sick. He planned to visit at the dinner party in the evening, but he didn't expect to make you come here. It's Haixi's not. Please forgive me."

"Well No, it's OK. " In the face of Jian Haixi's politeness, Nan Yan was a little at a loss for a moment and said, "well, there's nothing to forgive. I'm just idle, so I'll come to see you Is there anything else missing? "

Just finish saying this words, south wild goose in the heart is eager to give oneself a mouth son.

Why did he come to investigate jianhaixi, but he was in a mess?

Jian Haixi didn't know what Nan Yan thought. She just shook her head with a smile and said, "it's nothing. Brother Dou, everything is ready for me."

"Well, then." South wild goose has no choice but way.

Jianhaixi looked around, helped Nanyan move a chair, said: "aunt, you sit, no matter what questions you have, I will try to answer you."

Nan Yan is also not polite, sat down on the chair, looked at Jian Haixi and said: "you come here, really just to deal with talilina?"

"What else?" Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Auntie, you don't need to doubt the sincerity of my cooperation with the Dou family. Brother Dou and I are friends of life and death. Since the Dou family has done their best in this matter, I will try my best. "

South wild goose frowns a way: "who asked you this, I am to ask you, don't you come here have a little selfish?"

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