Although she didn't admit it, her expression had told everyone that what Jian Haixi said was true.

Jian Haixi sneered: "originally, I don't care what you've done. I don't care whether you are developing project resources or men in the development department. But if you always trouble me, I don't mind telling these news to those who care, such as those gossip lovers in the tea room, or Board of directors, what do you think? "

"Don't talk nonsense here!" He Yan pointed pointedly at Jian Haixi and said, "I tell you, if you don't have evidence, you can't talk nonsense. This is slander. I can go to the board of directors to sue you..."

"That sounds familiar."

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "isn't that what I said when you scolded me two days ago? But what did you tell me then? "

With that, Jane Haixi said, "Oh, I remember. You said I dare not do it, right? Now I'll give it back to you intact, but unlike you, since I dare to say it now, it means that I can find evidence in my hand. If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you. I promise that it will spread to the company in less than half an hour. Maiteng is an enterprise with thousands of people, which has far exceeded the standard of 500 people who make rumors. If you think I'm bullshit, you can also sue yourself for making rumors and slander. I'm waiting for your court summons. "

With that, Jian Haixi pulls Xie Nuan to leave. She pauses and finally says to Heyan with a smile: "but I guess you don't dare to gamble, because even if you win the lawsuit, your reputation will be ruined."

With these words, jianhaixi pulls Xie Nuan into the elevator. As the door of the elevator slowly closes, jianhaixi looks at Heyan, who is in a state of rage. A provocative smile slowly rises from the corner of her mouth.


a little.

Jane Yi is sitting glumly beside the flower bed holding her cell phone.

Ning Jiwei hasn't replied to his message for several days, and he can't get any information about Ning Jiwei from jianhaixi.

"Brother, brother, you come to judge and see if Gu Ruan bullies me!"

Jianrui runs over with a black face and holds Jianyi's arm.

Gu Xiaomian followed him and gasped: "Ruirui, if you ask Jian Yi, isn't it equivalent to asking in vain? He's your brother. Of course he's protecting you! Usually, even if I don't do anything, he says I bully you. "

"Hum, I don't care. Who let you make me angry?" Jianrui crossed her waist and refused to let go.

Gu Xiaomian scratched his head in confusion, "Ruirui, where did I make you angry? Don't I always do what you say? "

Jianrui turns her head and ignores him. She just hugs Jianyi and says, "brother, Gu Ruan bullies me ~"

Jianyi looks up at her and says, "can he bully you? Why don't I believe it so much? "

"Oh, he bullied me!"

Jian Rui saw that Jian Yi didn't believe it and said, "Mommy said you can't watch Boys' birds. The boys who told girls to watch birds are all hooligans. Gu Ruanruan just showed me his birds!"


Hearing this, Jian Yi stood up, picked up Gu Xiaomian's collar and asked, "did you just do that?"


Gu Xiaomian's legs and stomach are shaking when Jian Yi stares at her black face.

"Brother, listen to me..."

"Who is your brother?" Jian Yi roars.

"No, not Mr. Jian Yi, you have heard of the explanation... " Gu Xiaomian was about to cry. "It's not what I want to show Ruirui. It's Ruirui who wants to see something different from her. That's why I..."


Jian Yi is about to hit Gu Xiaomian with one fist. When she hits Gu Xiaomian, she stops again. Because he thinks of what Jian Rui said, he can't hit his classmates casually.

"Wow Brother, you believe me Gu Xiaomian was completely frightened to cry. Seeing that Jian Yi stopped, he immediately hugged her arm and wept, "brother, I really didn't bully Ruirui. How can I bully her when I like her so much? My little dad said that men can't bully their daughter-in-law, so I will never bully Ruirui Ah

At first, Jian Yi didn't do it, but when she heard the second half of his sentence, she finally kicked him out.

Gu Xiaomian squatted on the ground and looked at Jianrui wrongly, "Ruirui, don't you believe my sincerity to you? I... "

"Shut up Jian Yi roars.

Gu Xiaomian was so scared that he didn't dare to speak.

Jianrui looked at him pitifully, frowned and asked, "are you really a hooligan to me?"

Gu Xiaomian glanced at Jian Yi and said, "I have to dare. Jian Yi is your brother. How dare I!"

Jianrui nodded and said, "yes, I can't do it with your IQ."

After that, Chao Jianyi smiles, hugs him by the arm and says, "brother, forget it. I'll forgive him."

Jian Yi stares at her, "do you forgive him? But I haven't forgiven you. Stand upJianrui blinked and asked, "what's wrong with me?"

She's a victim.

If it wasn't for her, Gu Xiaomian wouldn't dare to do it even if she had the courage.

"Come on, what's going on?"

"Ah This... " Jianrui's big eyes are turning straight. She's trying to find an excuse to fool her. She gets a stare from Jianyi and is honest again.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I can only tell mommy." Jian Yi threatens.

"All right, all right." "It's just But I told him there was more ribs on the boy than on the comic book. I don't believe it. Brother, you think, Gu Ruan brings a bird to school every day. How can the teacher not know? How can I not know, right? So let me see him... "

The corner of Jian Yi's mouth jerked, and she slapped her hand on her head: "can't you save snacks all day, my sister?"

Jianrui covers her head pitifully. Gu Xiaomian jumps out to block her and says with dignity: "brother, if you want to beat me, I'm thick skinned and not afraid of pain. Don't beat my daughter-in-law!"

Jian Yi I don't think you deserve to be beaten!



At noon, after several hours of rescue, the door of the operating room finally opened.

Seeing the doctor come out, Ning Jiwei and Li Fu quickly step forward to inquire about the situation.

The doctor sighed: "at present, the operation is still smooth, and then how to see his own recovery."

This operation also made him exhausted, not external pressure, but too much mental pressure.

After all, if Ning Jiwei let go, if Ning Fubang had an accident, their whole hospital would not be able to run away.

Ning Jiwei looked at the doctor and asked in a cold voice, "have you found out? What is the cause of this? "

The doctor already knew that he would ask this question, so he was not surprised. He said truthfully, "it's because of organ failure, which is the most serious in the liver. This time the operation is also mainly to do a liver transplantation, as well as part of the large intestine transplantation

Ji Weining, who is also a witness to high blood pressure, frowned

The doctor's face was in a state of embarrassment.

Ning Jiwei's eyes narrowed and said in a cold voice, "say."

The doctor nodded and sighed. He was about to say something to Ning Jiwei, but Xu Hui, who was standing on the other side, suddenly screamed and fainted.

The doctors and nurses helped her to the ambulance. Ning Jiwei looked at Xu Hui on the ambulance. His eyes were cold twice. Instead of going forward, he turned his head and looked at the doctor and said, "go on."

"Yes." The doctor nodded and whispered in Ning Jiwei's ear: "there are many reasons for organ failure, and the specific reasons need to be confirmed after detailed investigation. At this moment, I dare not make any guarantee with you, but..."

After a pause, the doctor looked up at Yanning Jiwei's face, and then said: "according to my clinical observation, this time the patient's organ failure should be caused by sepsis. The cause of sepsis may be a small wound in the patient's foot


Ning Jiwei frowned deeply, "where is the source of infection?"

The doctor said: "the source of infection should not come from our hospital, especially the VIP ward is checked and cleaned every day. It is impossible to make such low-level mistakes."

Ning Jiwei is silent, and he doesn't believe that the hospital can have the courage. After all, no one can take the responsibility for medical accidents.

"Li Fu."

"Yes, president."

Ning Jiwei's eyes are like the dark clouds before the storm, frightening, "go to check the monitoring for me, everyone involved should not let go, be sure to find out."

"Yes." Li Fu nodded and left quickly.

On the other side, Xu Hui wakes up slowly after being carried into the ambulance. She says to Ning Jiwei, reaches out her hand and calls softly: "Jiwei Son... "

Ning Jiwei looked at her and said nothing. Seeing that the doctor who reported the situation with Ning Jiwei did not stop, he nodded and turned to leave.

After all, it's better for them to participate less in the affairs of such rich families. What he didn't say is that this kind of external infection source is most likely brought by people who often contact patients

"Ji Wei..." Xu Hui looks at Ning Jiwei. Her voice is so soft and kind for the first time, but she doesn't feel warm at all. Instead, she feels chilly.

"Ji Wei, don't..."

Xu Hui looks at Ning Jiwei. Her eyes are full of begging. Her fingers want to reach his sleeve, but Ning Jiwei mercilessly avoids them.

Ning Jiwei coldly looked at her, turned around and left with Ning Fubang's bed cart.

He didn't want to hear or know what she meant by "don't" and what it meant to stop pursuing.Looking at Ning Jiwei leaving without stopping, Xu Hui lay on the emergency bed and muttered in a low voice: "how can this happen, how can this happen..."


first, Jian Haixi called Jian Chenran and asked him to pick up the children after school. Then, he went to the snack street to eat at the food stall with them.

A few people just sit on the street and eat the hot pot. Although it's cool in late autumn, they are sweating.

And Xie Nuan is to drink a lot of wine, micro red cheek has clearly had drunk.

Jian Haixi pressed her hand when she was about to take the wine again and advised: "warm, don't drink. You have drunk a lot today."

"I want to drink it, Haixi. Let me drink it." Xie Nuan's smile is worse than crying. He grabs the bottle and pours it into his mouth.

Such Xie Nuan makes Jian Haixi frown. She holds Xie Nuan's hand and grabs her wine bottle. She frowns and asks, "what's the matter with you, Nuan Nuan? Is there something on your mind? "

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Xie Nuan can't help crying, holding Jian Haixi and asking, "Haixi Sobbing Haixi, do you dislike me

"Ah?" Why do I dislike you

"Because I'm stupid." Xie Nuan sobbed: "I know I'm not good enough and I don't work hard enough, and I know they all say behind my back that I want to flatter you, but Haixi, I really don't have You and I are just because I like you very much. I feel very comfortable with you. I want to be your friend very much. Of course, I also like your two little babies. I don't want to get anything from you. I really don't have any... "

Jianhaixi Leng next, think of today after work Heyan said, this just know Xie warm heart knot where.

She sighed in her heart and comforted Xie Nuan: "I never felt bad about you. When I was most helpless and isolated, you were the only one standing beside me. Nuan Nuan, you are my very important and important friend. You are never a person who doesn't matter, you know?"

"Really?" Xie Nuan's tearful eyes blurred, and when he heard Jian Haixi's words, he tilted his head and asked, "Wuwu Haixi, is that true? Don't you really dislike me? Because even I dislike myself, and my boyfriend dislikes me and doesn't want me Wu Wu... "

Jian Haixi is stunned. She has never heard of Xie Nuan talking about her and her boyfriend, and she doesn't know that they have broken up. Before, she laughed at Xie Nuan and said that she had less contact with her boyfriend recently. At that time, Xie Nuan just laughed and didn't speak. It seems that something had gone wrong at that time.

Jian Haixi felt guilty. She was busy all day and didn't touch the ground. As a friend, she really didn't care much about Xie Nuan.

"Woo woo I can go to work with him if I'm not busy But I am so busy, is not also for two people's common future in the struggle? Haixi, am I wrong? Wuwuwu... "

"You're right, it's those smelly men who don't know how to cherish it." Jianhaixi comforted her.

Xie wenzui's consciousness is confused. He holds Jian Haixi and cries for a while. His head leans against Zhang yuanlei beside him. He also vaguely holds Zhang yuanlei's name, which is Jian Haixi. "Haixi Sobbing I'm so sad... "

But she can't push Yuan Lei hard. She can only hold her face red.

"Woo woo There are so few good men in the world Wuwu, I'm so miserable... "

Zhang yuanlei looked at Xie Nuan, who was crying like a kitten in his arms. He felt pity and heartache in his heart. He reached out and patted her on the back and comforted her: "a lot of them, but you haven't met them yet."

"Why am I so unlucky?"

On hearing this, Xie Nan cried even louder, "others have met so early, but I'm going to step into the ranks of old women. I haven't met them yet, and I've met some scum men Why is my life so miserable Wow... "

Zhang yuanlei didn't expect that her words made her cry. She looked at jianhaixi at a loss. Jianhaixi shook her head with a smile.

Zhang yuanlei and Li Ding in the group are honest and honest, so Jian Haixi doesn't worry about what they do to Xie Nuan. Seeing Zhang yuanlei blush and worry because of Xie Nuan, she is happy to see such a change. Therefore, he did not stop Zhang yuanlei from taking care of Xie Nuan. Instead, he got up and walked away to pay the bill.

Zhang yuanlei comforts Xie Nuan clumsily. Every time when Xie Nuan is staggering, he carefully helps her to sit on the seat, and then uses ice water to wash her face and sober her.

Xie Nuan from the beginning of crying to sobbing later to gradually quiet down.

Zhang yuanlei was relieved, and slowly soothed her with a soft voice: "there are still many good men in the world. God didn't let you meet so soon. He just wanted to give you the best, so he made you wait a little longer..."

"Really?" Xie Nuan looked at Zhang yuanlei with cat like eyes, "does God really say that?"

Xie warm drunk smoked red cheek, in the light more charming, let Zhang yuanlei's heart beat suddenly fast several frequency. He nodded and said, "well.""What if he doesn't keep his word?" Xie Nuan asked with a sad face.

Zhang yuanlei looked into her eyes. The innocence and light inside almost made him cute. He blushed and said, "he always means what he says."

Between the two people's questions and answers, Xie Nuan was coaxed to be quiet like a child.

Looking at this scene, Jian Haixi and Li Ding look at each other and smile. They are very happy.

After the dinner, jianhaixi send Xie Nuan home, Zhang yuanlei also very uneasy charged several words.

"Jane, Miss Jane..."

When he arrived at Xie Nuan's house, he happened to meet Xie Jiahao. Jian Haixi let go and said, "come here and give me a hand."

Xie Jiahao was very surprised to see Jian Haixi. He invited her in and took Xie Nuan.

"Why drink so much?"

Looking at his sister's drunken face, Xie Jiahao frowned.

"Maybe she's in a bad mood," explains Jian Haixi

Because Xie Nuan is drunk and unconscious, Jian Haixi and Xie Jiahao help her into the room together, and then wipe her face again.

After putting Xie Nuan to sleep, Jian Haixi was relieved. Xie Jiahai rubbed his hands and said, "Miss Jane, thank you. My sister has given you trouble."

Jian Haixi shook her head with a smile and said, "don't say that. Xie Nuan is my good friend. I usually trouble her more."

After a pause, she said with a smile: "and you don't want miss jane to call me. It's weird. Just call me Haixi."

Xie Jiahao blushed and nodded: "Hey, Haixi."

Jian Haixi smiles and nods at him. Looking at her smile, Xie Jiahao even said, "I I'll get you some water to drink. Wait a minute... "

I turned to the kitchen and found it was the refrigerator.

Xie Jiahao frowned and said, "wennuan's lifestyle is too unhealthy. She usually says she doesn't listen."

Looking at him, jianhaixi seems to see jianchenran worrying about himself, and her heart is warm.

As Xie Jiahao nagged, he put away all the coke in Xie Nuan's refrigerator, and then said to Jian Haixi, "Haixi, please sit on the sofa and wait for me. I'll go downstairs and buy you mineral water."

But he almost forgot to go out of the door because he wanted to change his shoes.

Jian Haixi looked at his stupefied and cute appearance, could not laugh or cry, shook his head and said: "don't bother, I'm not thirsty."

"Ah?" Xie Jiahao scratched his head and said, "how can you do that? If you work so hard to send warmth back, if I don't entertain you well, you will blame me for tomorrow's warmth."

"It doesn't matter." Jian Haixi said with a smile, "just take care of wennuan. I'll go home first."

Seeing this, Xie Jiahao could not insist on retaining him. He could only nod his head and say, "OK, I'll send you down."

"No, really." Jian Haixi refused with a smile, but Xie Jiahao said: "I can't help it. It's very dark here at night. It's not safe for a girl's home. I'll follow you and rest assured."

Jianhaixi see his persistent appearance, also not good to refuse, can only nod.

Two people all the way to the parking lot, Jian Haixi waved to Xie Jiahao and said: "I'm leaving, you go up quickly, remember to take good care of wennuan."

"Well." Xie Jiahao nodded and sent a message to you on the way home Haixi. "

"Don't worry."

Jane Haixi waved and drove away.

Until she went far away, Xie Jiahao still stood there, watching the direction she left, with a simple and happy smile on her lips.


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