Jian Haixi drives to Jian Chenran's house to pick up her two children. As soon as she opens the door, she sees Lin Xiaodou wearing an apron to serve food on the table.


Did not expect to see Lin Xiaodou here, but also see her so virtuous side, jianhaixi some surprised.

Lin Xiaodou also Leng next, red face some embarrassed way: "Haixi, how do you come back so early?"

Jian Haixi blinked, "early?"

Just then, jianchenran came out of the kitchen. Jianhaixi found that jianchenran's apron and Lin Xiaodou's are from the same family, and she couldn't help laughing.

Jane saw Jane as like as two peas in the morning. "How did you get back so early?"

Jian Haixi looked at them jokingly: "of course we will come back after eating our food stalls, but it's you Come from the facts

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiaodou stares at her with a red face, turns around and runs into the kitchen to serve food.

Jian Haixi came over and looked at Jian Chenran with a smile and asked, "brother, don't you say it quickly?"

"Well, I..."

Jane Chenran was a little shy and stammered: "I Xiaodou and I... "

"It's the starter!"

Lin Xiaodou comes out of the kitchen with a red face and vegetables. He interrupts Jane Chenran's words and stares at Jane Haixi by the way. "Dead girl, don't ask."

"Why not?"

Jian Haixi grinned and pinched her face. "I see, I haven't become my sister-in-law yet, so I began to teach her a lesson."

"Oh, you're so tired of jianhaixi. You itch, don't you dare to tease me?" Lin Xiaodou put down his plate and turned around to quarrel with jianhaixi.

Jian Haixi smiles and says to Jian Chenran, "brother, you just look at it?"

"I..." Jian Chenran looked at Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou. No one dared to help, so she simply hid in the kitchen: "I'll go and serve."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jian Haixi laughs and pulls him back. She pulls Lin Xiaodou and says, "no one is allowed to leave. Please tell me everything quickly."

Jane Chenran and Lin Xiaodou are entangled by her. They look at each other. They blush and don't talk.

The atmosphere between the three people was strange and ambiguous. Suddenly Jianrui ran out with cheers: "little aunt, is the delicious food ready? Ruirui is hungry ~ "

the little girl ran to the living room and saw jianhaixi coming. She quickly covered her mouth and said," I didn't say anything ~ "

jianhaixi shook her head with a smile and waved to her," come here. "

Jianrui jumped into jianhaixi's arms with a smile, hugged her neck and said, "Mommy, you've come to pick us up."

"Yes." Jianhaixi pinched her face and asked with a smile, "Ruirui, what's your name just now?"


Jianrui looks at Lin Xiaodou and Jian Chenran with big eyes and shakes her head to jianhaixi with a smile: "no, Ruirui doesn't say anything ~"

Lin Xiaodou is speechless, "little girl, your eyes are so obvious, is there any difference between saying and not saying?"

Jane Chen Ran is also laughing, they think it's very good to hide, but they didn't expect that everything had been seen through by this little girl.

Jianhaixi laughs and kisses Jianrui, praises: "Ruirui baby, it's a good job this time!"

"Really?" Jianrui also kisses jianhaixi, raises her little hand and says, "Mommy, Ruirui has seen my uncle holding my little aunt. Am I better and more rewarding?"

"When did you see..." Lin Xiaodou blushed and nodded Jianrui's head.

Jane Chen Ran coughed awkwardly twice and changed the topic abruptly: "cough Well, Haixi, let's eat... "


Jian Haixi laughs, hugs Jian Rui and says: "Ruirui, you can't peep next time when your uncle hugs your little aunt, or you won't have a little brother and little sister ~"

Jian Rui opens her eyes and suddenly realizes: "Oh, my uncle and little aunt are pinching her little brother, so Rui Rui won't peep next time."


Lin Xiaodou angrily chopped his feet: "you see what you teach."

Jianhaixi smiles and puts Jianrui in her arms: "I'm not good at teaching, sister-in-law, you come!"

"Oh, I'm so tired of you!" Lin Xiaodou was joking red face hiding behind Jane Chenran.

Jane Haixi laughs.

Jian Yi came out of the room, looked at several people in the living room and said, "what's the matter?"

it's obvious that there's nothing wrong with Jane and her mother.

People will put the food on the table, jianchenran this just told him and linxiaodou things.

In fact, for so many years, Jian Chenran and Lin Xiaodou were originally the kind that the two sides intended but did not get close to each other.Since Bai Yiyi makes trouble, Lin Xiaodou and Jian Chenran are getting closer and closer, and their relationship is getting closer and closer.

With the contact down, at the beginning just to play for Bai Yiyi to see, later two people feel inexplicable co-ordination, on the fake. It's just that they haven't been together for long and don't decide to tell others.

But what they didn't expect was that the two children had already seen through everything.

Jianhaixi understand the whole story, it is not laughing and crying, raised his hand to give Lin Xiaodou a bag burst chestnut, "smelly girl also want to hide from me, I tell you ha, into my door can not want to escape."

Lin Xiaodou blushed and looked at Jian Chenran. She didn't want to escape.

Jian Haixi turned his head and looked at Jian Chenran again, and simply gave him a thumbs up: "good job, brother, you have finally realized my wish for many years!"

Jane Chen Ran Leng next, smiling and shaking her head, "silly girl, what nonsense? Even if it is my wish for many years, how can it be yours? "

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "I'm right. I've been looking forward to Xiaodou being my sister-in-law for many years."

Lin Xiaodou was flushed by the fact that they were alive. He was angry with Jian Haixi and said, "what nonsense?"

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "Xiaodou, I'm so happy! My best friend is going to be my sister-in-law. That's great

Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Haixi laughing, also embarrassed to laugh.

Jian Haixi was full of food at the big food stall, but in such a happy atmosphere, she took chopsticks to accompany us for a while.

Jian Yi takes a pig's hoof made by Lin Xiaodou, takes two mouthfuls, nods and says, "it's really a woman who makes herself happy. Aunt Xiaodou's cooking skills are getting better and better every day since she was with her uncle."

Lin Xiaodou looked at Jian Haixi with tears and smiles: "your two babies are really too precocious. Take a look at this story. It's the same about me and Chen Ran. I thought I'd tell you in a few days, but they found out first. "

Jian Haixi agreed: "I didn't teach them anything. Maybe their talent is in this aspect? Anyway, it's hard for me to keep a secret in our house. "

Jianrui curiously asked Jianyi, "brother, what does it mean for a woman to please herself?"

Jian Yi explained: "it means that a girl works hard to be beautiful and excellent for the people she likes. It's just like aunt Xiaodou, who works hard to learn cooking skills for her uncle. Look how delicious her meal is."

Jianrui suddenly nodded, "that is to fall in love."

After a pause, Jianrui asked again, "brother, Mommy is becoming more and more excellent and beautiful. Does Mommy also have a" self pleasing person "? Is Mommy in love? "

Jianhaixi is sandwiching vegetables, but Jianrui suddenly mentions herself. With a shake of her hand, the vegetables fall back to the plate.

Looking up again, she found that all the people at the table were watching her, which made her feel embarrassed and guilty.

Jianrui pesters jianhaixi and asks, "mummy, mummy? Are you in love? "

"No Nothing... " Jianhaixi embarrassed way: "little girl don't talk nonsense."

"Is it?"

Lin Xiaodou laughs meaningfully, "but Haixi, how do I think your reaction is not quite right?"

Jian Haixi blushed and glared at her: "what's wrong, maybe Maybe I'm busy with my work recently. "

"Oh ~" Lin Xiaodou made a long tail sound, and exchanged a look with Jane Chenran, "is it just so simple?"

"That is It's that simple. " Jian Haixi, blushing and stammering, explained: "and although it's said that women are the ones who please themselves, it's not that women can only be the ones who please themselves. I work hard to make myself better. What's the problem? I've been working hard. "

"But Mommy, although you used to work hard, you didn't have so much enthusiasm and love to be beautiful recently." as soon as she finished her words, she was torn down by her daughter.

Lin Xiaodou chuckled, looked at Jian Haixi and said with a smile, "it's not that I won't let you go, it's that your little princess Ruirui won't let you go."

Jianrui looks at Jianyi in a confused way, "brother, what's wrong with me?"

Jian Yi rubbed her head and said with a smile, "it's nothing. You've become smart."

"Is it?" Jianrui turns her head and looks at jianhaixi.

Jian Haixi hugged her daughter and said, "Mommy can also work harder for Yiyi and Ruirui. My two little babies are so lovely and excellent. I can't be a mommy all the time, can I?"

"Oh, so it is." Jianrui seems to understand, but the remaining three people smile but don't speak, just look at jianhaixi eyes meaningful.

Jian Haixi knew that all the people present were not stupid. She could not hide it in a few words, so she buried her head in embarrassment to save more words and mistakes.

Seeing that her younger sister was bullied like this and didn't confess, Jane Chen Ran shook her head with a smile and said with a kind heart, "OK, OK, we believe it. No matter how low your head is, it will be buried in the bowl."One sentence made everyone laugh again. Jane looked at her mother's smile and said, "Mommy really works hard, so I need more awesome for my mom's happiness."

Jane Haixi pauses to help her forehead and sighs. Her son's smart eyes always make her feel that this little guy has something to say.

Fortunately, Jian Yi digs off the topic, and everyone finally begins to eat. Jian Haixi is also relieved.

Finally put this matter down, otherwise I would not know how to say it if I was questioned again.

But in the next time, Jian Haixi found that he could not calm down in any case, and Ning Jiwei always appeared in his mind involuntarily.

She absently picked a few mouthfuls of rice, in the end or can't sit, "I'm full."

With that, Jian Haixi put down her chopsticks and ran to the bathroom to call Ning Jiwei. But she called several times in a row. All of them were mechanical female voice prompts: "the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

"Is something wrong?"

Jian Haixi said to himself, thinking that Ning Jiwei didn't go to the company these two days, she couldn't help worrying.

Jian Yi looks at Jian Haixi, who has gone to the bathroom. Her eyebrows show her aunt's smile.

"What's your brother laughing at?" Jane Rui tilts her head and asks curiously.

"Nothing." Jian Yi said perfunctorily.

Jianrui saw her brother's smile for no reason. She couldn't help knocking on his forehead: "my brother is so strange recently. He laughs when he is sleeping in bed. Now he can laugh when he sees Mommy going to the toilet. It's so strange."

Jian Yi is stabbed by her sister. She stares at him awkwardly and immediately lowers her head to eat seriously.

Lin Xiaodou looked at the two children amusing each other, and thought of the embarrassed appearance of jianhaixi just now. He turned to jianchenran and said, "there must be something wrong with Haixi!"

With a smile, Jane Chen Ran patted the back of her hand and said, "if she doesn't want to say it, we don't want to ask. Give her some time."

Lin Xiaodou frowned and said, "but is that good? I don't know who the other party is. Haixi is really worried about her even though she's hiding it from me. "

"Don't worry." Jian Chenran said with a soft smile: "it's no use for others to worry about emotional things. On the contrary, it's easy to make things self defeating. Be patient. Just like us, time will make love blossom and bear fruit. One day, the fruit will be ripe. "


After dinner, Jian Haixi drove home with the children. On the way, the two babies had already fallen asleep in the car.

Jianhaixi helpless, she can't hold two at a time, a child left and not at ease, can only wake up two people.

Jian Yi wakes up first, yawns, sees the familiar environment through the window, rubs it and calls Jianrui.

"Well Mommy, hold it Jian Rui opens her eyes vaguely and stretches out her arm toward Jian Haixi.

"Good girl, shall we go home and sleep?"

Jianhaixi hugs Jianrui to coax him.

Jianrui didn't open her eyes completely. Listening to jianhaixi's words, she nodded casually. She held her brother's sleeve with her little hand and followed her mother and brother upstairs.

Back home, Jian Haixi didn't have time to wash the children. The two babies were already sleeping in the quilt.

Looking at the two little guys, Jian Haixi felt warm and distressed. She went to the bathroom to get water, wiped the children's faces and let them sleep.

After settling down her two children, Jian Haixi was just about to take a bath in a tank of water, but she heard her cell phone ring.

Jianhaixi picked up the phone, looking at the phone number Leng for a while, unexpectedly is "missing" for a long time Ning Jiwei.

The hand holding the mobile phone tightened tightly, and Jian Haixi took a deep breath to get through the phone: "hello?"

Ning Jiwei didn't make a sound on the other end of the phone, only his heavy breath came through the handset.

After waiting for a while, Jian Haixi didn't see him speak and asked, "Ji Wei Is that you? "

“…… Well Ning Jiwei hoarse voice should way.

Obviously suppressed voice line let jianhaixi before the worry emerged again, she took the mobile phone anxiously asked: "Jiwei, what's the matter with you? Is something wrong? "

Ning Jiwei didn't speak for a long time. If he didn't listen to his breathing, Jian Haixi thought he was no longer there.

Jianhaixi more anxious, such Ning Jiwei she has not seen, also more worried, asked the voice of the export with a choking: "Ning Jiwei, what's the matter with you?"

Half a day, Ning Jiwei just repressed voice way: "I am in your downstairs."


Jianhaixi a listen, immediately ran out of the bathroom, casually wrapped in a coat, with a mobile phone ran downstairs.

Under the street lamp at the gate of the community, Ning Jiwei is leaning against the pole. On a cold night in late autumn, he only wears a thin shirt and stands there, looking bleak and helpless.

When Jian Haixi approached, she saw cigarette butts on the ground beside his feet. She didn't know how long he had been standing here.

"Ji Wei..."

Jian Haixi came up to him and gave a gentle call.Ning Jiwei raised his head, his face was obviously tired, his chin also grew a blue stubble, and his eyes were full of red blood. He didn't know whether he stayed up late or cried where no one saw him.

"Jiwei, what's the matter with you?" Jian Haixi touched his cheek and asked.

Ning Jiwei looks at Jian Haixi and holds her tightly in his arms.

Jian Haixi listened to his breathing in his ear, felt his body tremble slightly, painfully encircled his back, gently comforted and said: "OK, OK, I'm here, it's ok..."


After a while, I'll hold her head and smell the fragrance of the sea

Jian Haixi nodded and didn't speak. She just put her hand around his waist and leaned on his arms. She let him hold her and supported him with her weak shoulders.

For a long time, when Jian Haixi's shoulders and legs were getting sore, Ning Jiwei slowly let her go.

Jian Haixi retreated from his arms and looked up at him.

"Haixi..." Ning Jiwei's eyes are clear now. He reaches out his hand to touch Jian Haixi's cheek and eyebrows and asks, "how are you recently?"

"Well." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

She didn't mention sang Qin's trip to her in the company. She just comforted him and said, "I'm all right. Take care of yourself. Don't worry about me."

Looking at such sensible and obedient Jian Haixi, Ning Jiwei couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her on the forehead. He helped her wrap her coat tightly and said softly, "darling, you go up, I want to go back."

Jian Haixi didn't move. She lowered her head and lips, blushed slightly, and asked, "you Would you like to go up and have a seat... "

Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and said, "if you say this, I will be overjoyed, but now I have something to leave, so I won't go up. I'll come back to you after I've dealt with it, OK?"

Jian Haixi asked anxiously, "what's the matter? What can I do for you? "

Ning Jiwei shook his head. "My father is still in intensive care unit. I have to go to the hospital to watch."

Jian Haixi was stunned. She didn't expect it to be such a serious thing. She asked, "is it serious? What disease is it? How could it be so sudden? "

Ning Jiwei touched her hair and said, "it's very serious, so I can't find time to come to you all the time. I'll tell you when I've finished dealing with it."

Jian Haixi nodded and said, "take good care of yourself. Even if you have to stay in the hospital, you should also pay attention to rest and remember to eat. If your body breaks down, no one will take care of your father."

"Well, I know. Don't worry." Ning Jiwei rubbed her head and said, "well behaved, go back quickly. It's cold at night. Don't freeze."

Jian Haixi nodded, Ning Jiwei laughed at her and turned to leave.

Jianhaixi looking at his back, several times want to turn upstairs, but eyes still can't leave from his back.

That kind of Ning Jiwei, it seems that she can't be relieved.

Biting his teeth, Jian Haixi yelled: "Ning Jiwei!"

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Ning Jiwei's steps stopped. Before turning his head, he felt the approaching of the footsteps, and then held his arms tightly through his waist in front of his chest.

In a flash, Ning Jiwei felt as if he was a lonely boat on a cold night and finally found a lighthouse. His helpless and restless heart finally calmed down.

Ning Jiwei stretched out his hand and clasped it on the back of Jian Haixi's hand, and the corner of his mouth slowly overflowed with a real smile, "didn't he let you go back? It's cold outside at night. Don't freeze. "

"I'm going back." Jian Haixi slowly raised his head on his back, took a deep breath, grasped Ning Jiwei's arm, let him turn around, firmly welcomed his eyes and said, "but, I still have one thing to do."

Ning Jiwei doubts, "what..."

"When Haijian's lips came up, his neck was not covered by the word" Haixi ".

No need to ask, no need to say, Jian Haixi with his own practical action to express his mind to him.

Toss, bite, go deep

Jian Haixi fiercely kisses Ning Jiwei's lips, sticks to his lips and says: "Jiwei, I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, you should remember that I am always here, always with you."

Ning Jiwei looked down at the sincere eyes of the person in his arms. The frost and snow in his eyes, which were frozen by other people and things, gradually split, and then turned into violent heat.

He buttoned the back of Jian Haixi's head, turned passive into active, and once again deeply kissed him.

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