Ning Jiwei measures the fighting capacity of both sides, but no matter how he calculates, he can't guarantee to save Jian Yi from a Zhuo mosquito and others.

There is a big gap between the two sides. Let alone fighting, if he shows his head a little, he will wring Jian Yi's neck.

Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and crawled in the grass without moving.

For today's plan, only one step can count as one step.

Now that he can't save Jian Yi, he can only follow her.

Ning Jiwei has understood it for a while.

He can see that Jian Yi has been with a Zhuo all the time, and he can see that a Zhuo takes care of Jian Yi.

As long as he does not appear, Jian Yi will not be further exposed, and he will not be in danger for the time being.

After a moment's repair, ah Zhuo and others will take Jian Yi back on the road.

After having a lunch box, Jian Yi cleverly puts the rest away.

When he took back his eyes, he glanced at the grass at random, but it surprised him.

In the grass, a grasshopper flashed by.

As soon as Jian Yi's body is stiff, she doesn't dare to look at the direction of the grass. She quickly takes back her sight as if nothing happened.

Ah Zhuo came over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "let's go."

Jian Yi looks up and looks at a Zhuo. She moves down into the woods.

Ah Zhuo said with a smile: "do you want to go to relieve me? OK, go and come back

Jian Yi sees him nod his head and is about to turn around and run to the woods. However, he sees the mosquito coming over, grabs his wrist in one hand and says to a Zhuo, "just in time, I want to help him too. I'll go with a Dong to take care of him."

He grabs Jianyi's hand a little hard, and Jianyi frowns slightly in pain.

Ah Zhuo didn't say anything. Although there was a bit of a gap between mosquito and Jian Yi before, he was still here and didn't dare to do anything to Jian Yi.

After getting a Zhuo's nod, the mosquito takes Jian Yi and thinks about the woods not far away.

Naturally, Jian Yi is not willing to fight with mosquitoes, but does he have the right to say no?

There is no such thing.

After walking away, the mosquito released Jian Yi's wrist and sneered, "boy, there's no one else here. You can put away your mask."

Jian Yi lowers her head and walks forward with the idea that she can't hear or speak. She doesn't pay any attention to mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes cold hum, and so on into the woods, to avoid the line of sight of a Zhuo, he suddenly took advantage of Jian Yi did not notice when a kick in his back.

"Well," she snorted in pain and fell to the ground.

Ning Jiwei, hiding in the dark, wants to rush out as soon as he sees this.

He's not sure he can deal with a group of them, but he can deal with mosquitoes alone.

As long as the mosquito is controlled and Jian Yi is rescued from him, he can take her to find another way to leave.

But as soon as Ning Jiwei's feet took a step, he heard other voices coming out of the woods.

"Mosquito, what are you doing? Don't you bully his brother behind his back? "

"Dong, are you ok?"

"Mosquito, you've gone too far."


Several people in a row came together, not only Ning Jiwei's face turned black, but also the mosquito's face turned black. He asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

"Let's put the water in." A man yawned and said, "I didn't feel it. Looking at you and Dong walking this way, I suddenly felt that my tap should be loose."

The mosquito snorted angrily. Knowing that she could no longer torture Jian Yi in front of so many people, she stood aside with a black face.

The others helped Jian Yi up. Seeing that he was ok, they relaxed and said, "Dong, you just fell by yourself. We didn't recruit you, remember?"

"What nonsense did you tell him? As if he could hear it. " The mosquito sneered.

"Can't you just say a little less?" The man who is talking to Jian Yi turns to stare at the mosquito and says, "I'm helping you."

"I don't need your help." The mosquito sneered and squinted. Jian Yi said, "if they dare, he doesn't dare tell me."

See mosquito so stubborn, other people can only sigh, also no longer persuade.

Jian Yi bends down, reaches out her little hand and pats the dust on her legs, then pushes away the people in front of her and goes deep into the woods.

"Well, what are you doing?" The mosquito roared.

Of course, Jian Yi couldn't hear, but he didn't go far either. He just separated two trees, untied his pants and squatted down.

Other people see this, laugh and say: "you see Dong, pee, even squat."

Ignoring the jokes, Jian Yi squats down and buries a small note on the ground.

Other people also help, but they don't know whether it's a coincidence or intentional. They are all around Jian Yi.

The mosquito even came up to Jian Yi. He was tall, so he stood in front of her and even spilled some liquid.Jian Yi frowns in disgust and hides quickly.

After the release, the crowd left together.

After they all left, Ning Jiwei came down from the tree and dug out the note left by Jian Yi from the soil.

"Well, don't read it. Leave quickly."

Jian Yi thinks it's Mo Jue. He's worried about Mo Jue's injury, so he uses this method to make Mo Jue leave quickly.

Ning Jiwei took the note, his hands were shaking slightly.

He stood in the forest, looking at the direction of Jianyi's departure, and didn't move for a long time.

After Jian Yi and the others returned to the army, the dust on his legs naturally attracted a Zhuo's attention.

Ah Zhuo frowned, squatted down in front of Jian Yi, carefully patted the dust off his body, and asked, "how did it happen?"

Jian Yi didn't speak.

Ah Zhuo sighed, reached for Jian Yi's knee and said, "what's the matter?"

Jian Yi shakes her head to indicate that she is OK.

Ah Zhuo turned to look at the mosquito and asked, "did you do something to ah Dong?"

Mosquito pick eyebrow, smile a way: "a Zhuo elder brother, this you can't wrong me, you didn't see a Dong all said to be all right?"

Ah Zhuo pursed his lips and stared at the mosquito, warning: "mosquito, I know you suspect him, but before you have no definite evidence, he is only ah Dong, my brother. Anyone who does something to him will have a hard time with me

Ah Zhuo said this seriously, and everyone's faces changed slightly.

Mosquito cold hum went to the front of the line, did not talk with Zhuo.

See mosquito and a Zhuo two people quarrel, people look at each other, some people go to persuade mosquito, some people come to persuade a Zhuo way: "a Zhuo elder brother, you calm down, mosquito he actually no bad heart, this section bone eye son, everything vigilance is always good."

ARJO pursed his lips and did not speak.

Jian Yi stood aside and couldn't help looking back at the woods in the distance. Thought: Mo Jue uncle, should see his note.

They've solved it. They don't have any excuse to stay.

Jian Yi follows a Zhuo to get into the car, and other people get into the car one after another.

Several cars started slowly. Just as they were preparing to start, they suddenly heard a melodious music coming from the direction of the forest.

"What kind of music is this?"

"Over in the woods? Is there anyone over there? "

The crowd was stunned, and the mosquito didn't care about the cold war with a Zhuo. He turned around and asked, "do you want to have a look?"

Ah Zhuo thought about it, shook his head and said, "forget it, maybe it's a passer-by who played the mobile music."

"But..." Mosquito also want to say, ah Zhuo is a way: "be careful, be careful to cheat."

If it's the enemy, then the music is weird.

If several of them go there, it's hard to guarantee that they won't be attacked by each other.

Understand the meaning of a Zhuo, mosquitoes did not insist, nodded to the public: "speed up to leave."


No one noticed Jian Yi's stiff body.

The music

It is the light music that Ning Ji and Jian Haixi often use to coax him and Ruirui to sleep.

Jian Haixi is poisoned. Now she can't come.

So the man in the woods just now is not Mo Jue, but His father, ninjivi!

Jian Yi lowers her head and doesn't let people see her sour red eyes.

His hands hidden in his sleeve tightly clenched into fists, only then managed to control his emotions, did not let people see the difference.

He did not dare to turn his head to look at the woods.

He is deaf and should not "hear" music at all.

The motorcade gradually disappeared. Ning Jiwei put away his mobile phone and walked out of the woods coldly.

He can't find a chance to save Jian Yi here, and he won't have a chance after that.

Now, he and Mo Jue will go to find Jian Haixi, and then plan to go to the base to save Jian Yi.


at the same time, Xiangcheng, Qiao family.

"Pa" a crisp ring, the glass from Jianrui's hands fell to the ground, the juice inside all splashed on the ground.

Yan Mei was surprised. She couldn't take care of the glass residue on the ground. She hugged Jianrui and asked, "what's the matter with you, darling? Did you hurt yourself? "

Jian Rui shook her head and said in a dull voice, "No

Yan Mei frowned. She wanted to ask Jianrui what happened. As soon as she looked up, she saw that Jianrui's face was covered with tears.

See the little girl cry, this can frighten the whole family.

Qiao Lei first ran over and asked, "Ruirui, why are you crying? Are you scared? Don't worry. It's just a glass. It's OK. "

"Ruirui, what's wrong with you?" Qiao Jing and Qiao Zhen also came.

Gu Xiaomian and Mo Xiuqian are also around Jianrui, frowning and confused.

Yang Yaru came over, looked at Gu Xiaomian and Mo Xiuqian and asked, "Xiaomian, Xiuqian, haven't you been with Ruirui all the time? What happened? ""I don't know." Gu Xiaomian scratched his head anxiously and said, "it was all right. We had to change the juice to drink. As a result, Ruirui suddenly said that she was uncomfortable, and then the cup fell to the ground."

"Uncomfortable?" Yang Yaru's heart a Deng, reach for a paper towel to help Jian Rui wipe away tears, soft voice asked: "Rui Rui, if you are not comfortable, aunt take you to the hospital? Or let's go to see your uncle mikai. Wan Yisheng is not well

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