Mo Xiuqian also worried to pull Jianrui's hand, advised: "that is, Ruirui, if you are not comfortable, quickly say, don't hold it."

All the people are anxiously around Jianrui, asking carefully, quietly pacifying.

But no matter what they said, Jianrui kept her head down.

Big eyes blink, tears with no money like a string down.


Yan Mei and Yang Yaru look at each other, helpless and distressed.

Yan Mei hugged Jian Rui and coaxed: "Rui Rui, my careful liver, what's the matter with you? What's wrong, you say

Yang Yaru thought about it and said to George, "ah Zhi, otherwise Shall we send Ruirui to have a look? "

She said send Ruirui "past", naturally refers to go to mikai villa to find mikai.

Not only can I help Jianrui see a doctor, but also I can see Jianyi, Qin Zhixu and others. If I say hello in advance, I can let Ning Jiwei go there too.

Listening to Yang Yaru's words, George shook his head and didn't say much.

Yang Yaru doesn't know, but he knows something.

Now mikai is not in Xiangcheng at all, but according to what Qin Zhixu tells him Ning Jiwei is not in Xiangcheng.

"Can't you?"

Yang Ya Ru frowned and sighed. She looked at Jian Rui painfully and said, "what about Rui Rui?"

George pursed his lips, went forward to Yan Mei and said, "Mom, I'll come."

Yan Mei Leng next, loosen the Jian Rui.

George went over and touched Jianrui's head and said, "Ruirui, talk to my uncle?"

With that, he didn't mean to wait for Jianrui to talk to him. Instead, he bent down and grabbed Jianrui and said, "don't worry, I'll talk to her."

Seeing George's assurance, the crowd had to nod.

Now Qiao family is not safe, so many children are here, they need to be careful at all times.

And the last two days Qiao Qinghe's not well again. Now he's lying in his room and can't get out of bed.

Otherwise, if Qiao Qinghe is well, just now Jianrui cried, he would have rushed over and coaxed Jianrui with his "heart, liver and flesh". What's the matter with them.

George took Jianrui back to her room. After closing the door, he put Jianrui by the bed and sat on the chair opposite her.

"Ruirui, tell Uncle what you feel?" George reached for Jianrui's head and asked softly.

Listening to his words, Jianrui raised her head abruptly, looked at George with hazy tears, and asked chokingly, "uncle, do you know?"

George nodded, pulled the corner of his lower lip and said, "I guess what's going on. Do you feel anything?"

He has heard of the telepathy between Jianrui and Jianyi for a long time. When Jianyi had an accident before, Jianrui was the same.

Just like some time ago, George didn't say anything, but Jianrui secretly asked him one day if Jianyi had left Xiangcheng.

At first, George thought that Jianrui had overheard the news from other places, but Jianrui said that she felt it vaguely.

"From childhood to adulthood, my brother and I, as long as anyone is sick or sad, another person will be uncomfortable." Jianrui said: "some time ago, I felt that my brother's mood fluctuated greatly. I sent him a message. Although he behaved normally, I could see that he was cheating me."

As soon as she thought of the perfunctory way she had been chatting with Jianyi before, Jianrui pouted her mouth and said, "I'm the same age. My brother always treats me like a child. It's like I don't know anything. "

George nodded with a smile and said, "I can prove that we are not children anymore. We are not only smart, but also powerful."

It can be concluded from Jian Yi's words that he is not in Xiangcheng, which is not guaranteed by George himself.

If Jane doesn't have a good understanding of GUI Yi, how can she see her?

And although Jianrui can see through, she doesn't say anything and doesn't even ask Jianyi.

She has always been honest to stay in Qiao's house, playing the role of their own good girl.

George sighed, some distressed will Jianrui embrace sitting on his lap.

They often pay too much attention to Jian Yi because of her talent and ability, but ignore her existence.

And Jianrui, she knows her ability is limited, and with such a dangerous brother, she can't be rebellious.

So she guessed a lot of things, but she didn't say anything and didn't ask. At a young age, she knew how to bury all her emotions and questions in her heart, and then she listened to the adults around her wisely.

Sometimes, those who stay need more courage than those who leave.

After understanding all of Jianrui's thoughts, who can say that her forbearance is not greater than Jianyi's sacrifice?

George felt sorry for Jianrui. He helped her dry her tears and asked, "now you feel Is Yi Yi in danger? ""No Jane shook her head and said, "brother His head hurts, but his heart hurts more My brother is sad. "

Later, Jianrui's voice choked again. She looked up at George and said, "uncle, something must have happened to my brother, otherwise why would he be so sad?"

George was stunned and frowned: "don't worry. I'll call you right away to ask. Your brother and mojue are together. Nothing will happen."

Jianrui bit her lip and knew that it was useless to be worried, so she wiped away her tears, took a deep breath and nodded.

George laughed, pinched her face and said, "uncle, help you find your brother. Then you promise uncle that you can't cry any more, you know?"

"Well, don't cry." Jianrui nodded and said seriously: "ruiruirui has to accompany my grandfather. I can't cry. My grandfather will be sad."

George micro Zheng, did not expect Jianrui to this time still think of Qiao Qinghe.

When he thought of running away from Xiangcheng to help Jian Yi in jianhaixi, he couldn't help asking her, "Ruirui, you Do you want to go to your mommy? "

Even Jian Yi wants to be with Jian Haixi, no matter it's dangerous or not.

Jianrui, I think so?

George thought that he would see Jianrui nodding.

But unexpectedly, Jianrui listened to his words and shook her head with a smile and said, "it's very dangerous around Mommy."

"Well?" George didn't understand. He didn't think Jianrui was a dangerous child.

Jianrui raised a bright smile and said something sensible and heartbreaking: "if Ruirui goes to find mummy, mummy will be distracted because of me, then Mummy will be more dangerous. Ruirui doesn't want to work so hard for mummy, so she just stays here and waits for mummy to come back. Besides, when Mommy is not at home, Ruirui has to take good care of her grandfather instead of Mommy, so that mommy won't have worries. "

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