When ah Zhuo said that, Jian Yi didn't quite understand why he was so sure that Shazhi would like him.

But when she saw Shazhi the next day, she would know about it.

The same age, simple.

This is Jian Yi's first impression of yarn weaving.

It's just different from what a Zhuo expected, yarn weaving not only didn't like him, but also showed 10% disgust.

This makes a Zhuo a little strange, so many years, even if yarn weaving hate who, that mood is also very dull. It's usually after we get along that we hate someone.

But now that she has just met Jian Yi, how can she hate him?

A Zhuo hasn't figured it out yet, but soon Shazhi answers his doubts about Jian Yi.

Shazhi stares at Jian Yi in front of her, frowns and says in a cold voice, "are you the little beggar who pretends to be deaf and dumb

A Zhuo and Jian Yi look at each other and instantly understand what's going on.

They must have told Shazhi some things first, and with exaggeration, otherwise Shazhi would have no reason to hate Jianyi so much.

Jian Yi looks at Shazhi and looks disgusted. She lowers her head and doesn't speak.

Miss azrao, he said busily

"You don't have to say much. I know everything." With a cold hum, Shazhi steps forward and grabs Jianyi's hair, forcing him to look at himself.

Jian Yi hates to be treated improperly. At this moment, Shazhi grabs her hair so rudely, which makes him angry.

In particular, Shazhi is talilina's daughter. She is the one who intercepted their information before.

Thinking of this, Jian Yi hates yarn weaving even more.

When Shazhi saw the anger in Jianyi's eyes, she raised her eyebrows and said, "eh? Are you still angry? You're very good at it, aren't you? It seems that brother mosquito said that sometimes your eyes are very frightening, but this may be true

Jian Yi is so angry that she claps the hand of yarn weaving impolitely.

"Ah He clapped hard, and the back of Shazhi's hand suddenly turned red. He covered the back of his hand and was startled by Jian Yi. He stepped back half a step.

"Dong, what are you doing?" A Zhuo is surprised. Unexpectedly, Jian Yi dares to attack Shazhi. He grabs his arm and tries to teach him a lesson.

Jian Yi has no antipathy to the action of a Zhuo grabbing himself. She doesn't even struggle. She just obediently lowers her head and restores the human image of the deaf mute.

Shazhi stands by and looks at Jianyi curiously and doubtfully.

"Who allowed you to do it to miss Shazhi? You don't want to live, do you? " A Zhuo scolded, while he was about to hit people.

Just at this time, the mosquito suddenly pushed the door in and said to a Zhuo, "brother a Zhuo, it's time for us to go."

A Zhuo is stunned, hesitates to put down Jian Yi, but does not leave immediately.

According to his plan, this morning he should just introduce Jianyi and Shazhi. After seeing that Jianyi and Shazhi get along well, he can leave at ease.

But now it seems that not only Shazhi is dissatisfied with Jianyi, but also Jianyi has a big opinion on Shazhi. Can these two children really get along well?

If we don't get along well, what about Jian Yi's safety?

Thinking of this, ah Zhuo can't leave at ease.

But the time has been fixed. Talina is waiting for him to go back. The mosquito is urging him

All this, he had to go.

For a moment, Rao was a Zhuo, also anxious and sweating.

Jian Yi seems to feel something. He looks up at a Zhuo and sees the worry and anxiety in his eyes. He purses his lips and pulls a Zhuo's finger.

Ah Zhuo dunked, squatted down in front of him, sighed and said, "or Are you still going with me? "

Even if it's not easy to take Jianyi back to talilina, it's better than leaving him alone in this strange and dangerous place.

Instead of speaking, Jian Yi lowers her head and takes out a folded grasshopper from her pocket to give it to a Zhuo. Then she takes out a piece of paper with words written on it.

He wrote it secretly last night.

A Zhuo Leng next, took the paper to unfold.

There are only a few words on it. Jian Yi wrote: "brother, don't worry. I will live well. You have to live well. See you later. We are still brothers. "

Looking at the two sentences written by Jian Yi, a Zhuo, with a sour nose, reached out to wipe the corners of his eyes and said hoarsely, "son of a bitch, you were doing this secretly yesterday?"

Jian Yi smiles. Without nodding or shaking her head, she just reaches out her hand and hugs ah Zhuo.

Ah Zhuo knew that Jian Yi meant to reassure him.

With a sigh, a Zhuo reached for Jian Yi's head and said, "I'll go."

This sentence is simple. Jian Yi "can understand it." he nods and waves to a Zhuo.

Ah Zhuo wanted to explain a few more words, but the mosquito and yarn weaving were beside him. He had a lot to say, so he could only sigh, turned around and left with the mosquito.Jian Yi has been standing at the door, watching a Zhuo and others leave, before he lowers his head and shifts his eyes.

He looks at ARJO, and Shazhi keeps looking at him.

In fact, she knew from talilina that she would have a playmate, but talilina also told her to be careful of Jian Yi and guard against her.

Jane Yi must have had her first impression when she was young.

Moreover, mosquito spoke a lot of bad words about Jian Yi to her this morning. As a result, she had a bad impression of Jian Yi.

But seeing Jian Yi and a Zhuo saying goodbye and watching him watch a Zhuo leave, Shazhi suddenly has some doubts.

Because she can see that the kindness and nostalgia for ah Zhuo in Jian Yi's eyes are real.

If Jane Yi is really a bad person, why is he so good to a Zhuo?


Shazhi quietly looks at Jianyi's face and purses her lips.

Neither talilina nor mosquitos told her that Jane Yi was so beautiful.

In addition to the scars on his face, his facial features and temperament are very clean.

Jane Yi is looking down to think about how to spend the next day, when she feels that her eyes are always on her.

Jian Yi suddenly raises her head, right in front of the sight of shangshazhi.

They look at each other. Jian Yi is puzzled, but Shazhi is embarrassed.

"Cough..." In order to cover up her embarrassment, Shazhi cleared her throat and pointed to one side of the tea channel: "you go to pour a cup of tea for Miss Ben first."

Jane Yi resists the impulse of rolling her eyes and pretends not to understand.

After Shazhi finished speaking, she remembered that Jian Yi couldn't hear her. She frowned at her and said, "if you can't hear or speak, what's the use of you? It's troublesome to have to write to say a word. "

Jian Yi blinks. I don't understand. I don't understand.

The yarn was so angry that she stamped her feet, but she had no choice but to run to pour water.

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