She looks down at the water.

He knew that he had to find a way to please the girl about his age, but he was angry with her, especially when Shazhi pulled his hair just now.

This air is blocked in Jian Yi's heart, which makes him just ignore the yarn weaving in front of him.

Even to please

Let's wait for him to calm down.

Jane weaves, but she can't see herself.

The whole base, except for talina, who doesn't treat her well?

But in front of this new guy, not only dare to stare at her, hit her on the back of the hand, but also dare to ignore her!

This makes Shazhi even more angry with Jianyi. She angrily says to Jianyi, "Hey, come here."

Jian Yi doesn't move. Anyway, he is "deaf mute" and can't understand.

Shazhi stomps her feet and angrily steps forward. She pulls Jianyi's collar and forces him to look at himself.

Jian Yi's collar was pulled by her and her neck was pulled open. The scar on her body was exposed from her collar.

Jian Yi frowns. He hates people's hands and feet without permission. What's more, he hates scars exposed to outsiders.

So he raised his hand impolitely, pulled off the hand of yarn weaving, turned and walked out.

He doesn't want to care who this aunt is, who likes to wait on who to wait on!

Anyway, even if the identity is exposed, talina will not kill him, so why should he abuse himself here?

Having figured this out, Jian Yi left without nostalgia at all.

Shazhi was shocked by the scar she had just seen. She didn't react until Jianyi came to the door. She quickly pulled Jianyi's sleeve and said, "where are you going?"

Jian Yi is forced to stop and turns back to stare at Shazhi.


Shazhi pauses and wants to take Joe, but looking at Jianyi as if she is really angry, she hesitates and says, "I just Not on purpose. "

Jian Yi shakes off her hand and goes on.

What if it's not intentional? Anyway, he just hates her!

"Hey, you're not going!" Cried Shazhi.

Jian Yi turned her back to her and couldn't hear her!

Shazhi finds that her steady character has disappeared since she met Jian Yi.

He doesn't have to talk at all, and her temper will be completely aroused by him.

Seeing that Jianyi is about to go out, Shazhi runs directly to stop between Jianyi and the door.

Jianyi looks at Shazhi, frowning. She doesn't know why she has to stop him.

Are you afraid that he won't be able to run?

If he could run away, he would have run away long ago. How could he wait until now?

"You, don't go yet." As she says this, she pulls Jianyi back.

Jian Yi shakes her hand, frowns and doesn't struggle any more.

He hated Shazhi, but he didn't want to make a real quarrel with her. He just didn't want to please her for the time being.

Shazhi pulls Jian Yi back to the table, takes a pen and paper, and says, "I hear you can write. I'll show you."

She wrote two words on the weaving paper.

"That's my name." As she talks, Shazhi hands the pen to Jianyi. Although she has known Jianyi's name for a long time, she still thinks that it is necessary for her to introduce herself to her.

Jian Yi looks at her and reluctantly takes the pen and writes "Dong".

Seeing that he was willing to write, Shazhi felt a little happy. She reached out and patted the chair beside her and said, "sit down."

Jian Yi doesn't know why she is so happy, but as long as she doesn't pull his collar and hair, he doesn't mind staying longer.

Shazhi held white paper in one hand, bit his nose in his mouth, turned his big eyes around, and suddenly said, "I think of it!"

Jian Yi didn't know what she thought, but soon he saw Shazhi writing on the white paper with her head down.

After a while, Shazhi handed a piece of paper full of words to Jian Yi and said with a smile, "please answer the questions quickly."

Looking at the "101 questions" written on the white paper, Jian Yi frowns.

Is that too much?

But Shazhi didn't feel it. She handed the pen to Jianyi and said with a smile, "answer quickly."

Jian Yi sighs helplessly. She feels that the yarn in front of her looks like her naughty sister.

Xu's idea makes Jian Yi not care about Shazhi, but take over the pen and answer the question.

Favorite color - none.

Where have you been - more.

Who's in the family - forget it.

Is it a bad guy? You think so.


It took Jian Yi less than three minutes to answer all 101 questions.Just yarn weaving looking at his answer, not satisfied with the frown way: "you this calculate what, didn't answer well at all."

Jian Yi doesn't respond. She just raises her hand and pours herself a glass of water.

Shazhi was a little angry, but looking at Jianyi pouring water, she laughed angrily, "you don't have any life. How dare you drink without my permission? Aren't you afraid I'll be beaten? "

Jian Yi saw that she had said so many words. With a pick of her brow, she pointed to the pen and paper, which means that he can't hear something when she writes it down.

The yarn weaves the corner of the mouth to draw down, once took the pen to want to write, but felt again laborious, then sighed the mouth air way: "forget it, this young lady does not care with you."

After that, Shazhi turned to get more white paper.

Looking at Jian Yi's eyes, she smiles.

It seems that talilina's daughter is not as bad as he thought at first. Maybe they can get along well.

In the morning, Shazhi and Jianyi sat around the table, each holding a pen and paper.

Basically, it's all about yarn weaving. Jian Yi answers.

She asked seriously, but he answered carelessly.

Later, Shazhi said something about herself.

For example, she likes computers, misses talina, and hates the computer expert who has won her.

Jian Yi pauses a little when she mentions these things, but she doesn't have much reaction. She just has to deal with her words.

"That's right." Shazhi thought of something and suddenly wrote on the paper, "have you met my mother? Is she all right? "

Thinking of talina, Jian Yi nods and doesn't even move her pen.

Shazhi frowned discontentedly, reached for his pen and said, "you write a little more, what is nodding?"

Jian Yi curled her lips and wrote "good".

It means talina is fine.

Shazhi glared at him, but then sighed: "I heard about you. Mom has punished you. You must blame her in your heart, right? But mom didn't mean to. She is really the best mom in the world. Don't be angry with her, OK

Jian Yi rolled her eyes and scribbled, "she's not the best mother."

Apart from that, the best word in the world is "mamma River".

What's more, talilina's intention to make use of the yarn weaving book is not so good.

Shazhi was angry when she saw what Jian Yi had written. She grabbed his paper and kneaded it into a ball and said, "don't speak ill of my mother, or I'll ignore you."

Jian Yi looks at her, gets up and leaves.

If you don't pay attention, he's tired after writing all morning.

Watching Jianyi leave, this time Shazhi doesn't catch up with her. She just stands there and pouts.

She wants to tell her mother that she doesn't like this playmate, not at all!


After leaving Shazhi's room, Jian Yi goes back to her room.

ARJO left, and he continued to live here.

Jian Yi pushes the door in and lies on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

It's hard for one person to live in the base, which makes Jian Yi not expect.

He thought that as long as he pretended to be a "deaf mute", he could spend a few days in the base, until he found a chance to leave, or until Ningji weimojue came to save him.

But it was only one morning, and he was already a little fidgety.

There is no one around to trust. Keep calm and alert anytime and anywhere.

On such a day, even an adult will feel tired and overwhelmed, not to mention a child like Jian Yi.

In addition, the existence of Shazhi reminds Jianyi that jianhaixi may be in danger at any time, and reminds him of Jianrui from time to time.

He not only sympathizes with yarn weaving as a tool used by talilina, but also gets angry because she has helped talilina do so many things.

These two kinds of contradictions always make Jian Yi feel dispassionate when she faces yarn weaving.

Or angry, or relaxed

No matter what mood, it is very dangerous for Jian Yi today, because it will make him relax his vigilance.

Jane Yi sighed and turned over to face the inside.

He didn't know when Ning Jiwei and mojue would come to save him, but before that, he always had to find a way to survive by himself.

Jian Yi closes her eyes and is just about to take a nap when a rustle comes to her ear.

Jian Yi opens her eyes and wants to sit up, but then she hears what's going on outside the door.

There's someone at the door!

Jian Yi frowns.

ARJO has reminded him that some people in the base are likely to attack him, but he never expected to come so soon.

The rustling sound behind her is creepy. Jian Yi can even feel the sound approaching her bed.And the eyes at the door were nailed to him like nails, which made him dare not act rashly.

Someone is watching him at the door. If he moves now, he will be caught by the other party.

As long as his "deaf mute" people are destroyed, he will have no good life here.

What should we do?

After thinking about it, Jian Yi finally clenched her teeth and closed her eyes.

At this time, we can only gamble.

"Shasha, Shasha..."

The sound keeps approaching. Jian Yi already knows what it is.


Because Jian Yi feels the cold breath of snake letter spitting at the back of her head and neck.

Could it be a viper?

Jian Yi doesn't know. He can only pray that he won't die here.

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