When Ning Jiwei finally met jianhaixi, the change began in Xiangcheng.

Mo family.

Gu Chenyi fidgeted his hair and said, "how can these people find trouble?"

"Brother Chen Yi, what should we do?" Mo Xiuyu, disguised as Ning Jiwei, is also anxious.

Gu Chenyi sighed and walked back and forth. After smoking several cigarettes, he waved to Mo Xiuyu and said, "don't worry. Don't worry. Let me think about it. Let me think about it."

Having said that, Gu Chenyi first rushed to the bathroom and washed his face. The tingling feeling of ice water on his face made others a little sober.

After coming out of the bathroom, Mo Xiuyu looked at Gu Chenyi: "brother Chenyi, you Just go to the bathroom and calm down? "

Gu Chenyi gave him a white look and said, "I'm going to wash my face, OK."

“…… Oh

Always feel that these two sentences are linked together, it is easy to make people have other reverie space.

Gu Chenyi about also feel out just now words have ambiguity, so dry cough two voice way: "that what, I come up with a way."

With his words, Mo Xiuyu was successfully distracted and asked, "what can I do?"

"The way is..." Gu Chenyi suddenly raised a bad smile, reached out and patted Mo Xiuyu on the shoulder and said, "the way is that you go to see Tong Si."

"Ah? Why should I go to see her? " Mo Xiuyu listens to Gu Chenyi's words, immediately a frown, eldest brother's unwillingness.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or too bad. Since Ning Jiwei left, Mo Sheng has been making small moves.

Other things are good to say. Recently, Mo Sheng didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong. He had a crush on Tong Jia and wanted to use Tong Si to be a demon again.

Mo Xiuyu thought of it and said, "that half dead child family is really annoying. It's this time. They don't know what they are still making?"

Gu Chenyi said: "it's because it's almost dead, so I want to fight again. After all, it has been brilliant. No one wants a family to be defeated like this."

"Then they also want to have some reliable methods. What's the matter with letting Tong think about a woman to hook up with my brother?"

"Ha ha." Gu Chenyi laughed and thought, "maybe they think Tong Si is matchless? Maybe you think your brother is good at it? "

"Pull it down." Mo Xiuyu turned his eyes in disgust: "don't compare Tong Si with my sister-in-law. In front of my sister-in-law, she doesn't even deserve to carry shoes."

Gu Chenyi nodded and said: "I agree with that, but now, the woman who is not worthy of carrying shoes for your sister-in-law is going to pester you again. She has dealt with it several times before, but it's not easy to deal with it this time."

"Oh, how annoying!" Mo Xiuyu grabbed his hair and said: "when I think of Tong Si, I think of my brother. When he just came back, my father even wanted to attract Tong's family and introduce Tong Si to my brother. I really Ouch Make complaints about

, let down his smile and shake his head. He sat down on the side, and his fingers knocked on his back and thought, "we can't make complaints about Tucao, but we can't take it lightly."

"I know." Mo Xiuyu pursed his lips.

Because he has been reluctant to meet with Tong Si, Tong Si has suspected that there are other movements on his side.

If he doesn't see Tong Si this time, I'm afraid Mo Sheng will be suspicious.

Now Ning Jiwei doesn't know what happened. They have to hold Mo Sheng here. They can't let him find out that Ning Jiwei is not in Xiangcheng.

After thinking about it, Mo Xiuyu still couldn't think of a better way. He and Gu Chenyi looked at each other and sighed: "really, I can only see her?"

Gu Chenyi nodded and said, "anyway, I don't have a better way."

"Then..." Chen Yu asked: "is that Gu Yi's protection very suspicious?"

"Ah?" Gu Chen Yi Leng next, doubt oneself to hear wrong.

In his impression, Mo Xiuyu is not so afraid of death, and the other party is just a woman. What's to be afraid of?

"I, that Tong thinks about her... " Mo Xiuyu hesitated and blushed for a long time.

Gu Chenyi was worried and asked, "what are you doing?"

Mo Xiuyu took a deep breath, simply closed his eyes and said: "I'm afraid that Tong Si will attack me."

What to do?

Gu Chenyi blinked, Leng for a long time to reflect the meaning of Mo Xiuyu.

After reaction, Gu Chenyi couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha Mo Xiuyu, are you really Why didn't I find you so pure before? " Gu Chenyi burst into laughter and tears came out.

Mo Xiuyu's face was reddened by his jokes. He hummed and twisted his head and said, "what's pure? I am I don't like to be told by her... "

"Then what?" Gu Chenyi deliberately teases him to ask a way."It is..." Mo Xiuyu stares at Gu Chenyi and says: "brother Chenyi, you know that you have to laugh at me. I'll tell you the truth!"

Gu Chenyi reluctantly stopped laughing, waved his hand and said: "well, well, I don't laugh at you, just Xiuyu..."

Gu Chenyi took a deep breath. The old God looked at Mo Xiuyu and said, "you know, now you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. Sometimes The necessary sacrifice is also indispensable. "

Mo Xiuyu was in a hurry. He blushed and said, "I'm not afraid of death. I can sacrifice anything, but don't do it in this way."

Gu Chenyi picks eyebrow way: "all sacrificed, concrete way still by you choose?"

"I, this..." Mo Xiuyu was anxious and flustered.

They all know that Tong Si is not kind to him, no, Ning Jiwei. This time we meet, we don't need to know that Tong Si's little actions are indispensable.

At that time, if he is really in the move and is "used" by Tong Si, it will be a great shame.

Seeing that Mo Xiuyu was crying, Gu Chenyi finally let him go and said with a smile, "do you really believe that I will let you sacrifice in this way?"

"Ah?" Mo Xiuyu was stunned. He looked at Gu Chenyi and asked, "will you save me?"

"Of course." Gu Chenyi reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. If our victory is to be exchanged in this way, what's the difference between us and Mo Sheng?"

"Chen Yi elder brother ~" Mo Xiuyu hoarse voice calls a way, the voice already took the obvious cry meaning.

After all, he was still a half-year-old boy. He was really scared by the deception just now.

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "but since we are going to meet, we still have to make good preparations."

"What preparation?" Mo Xiuyu asked.

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "for example, what if Tong Si finds out that you are a fake? We'll have to find a way to hold her back then. "

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and worried.

Do you really want him to sell his beauty?

Seeing that his face turned white, Gu Chenyi raised his eyebrows and asked, "young man, what do you think?"

"I, I..." Mo Xiuyu lowered his head and muttered: "brother Chen Yi, don't worry. If you really get to that step, I'm also aware."

"You have an awareness of fart." Gu Chenyi speechless way: "I mean before you and Tong Si meet, I have to meet Qin Zhixu and Qiao's people, you don't be sentimental, OK?"

"Ah? So... " Mo Xiuyu scratched his head, a little chatty, and a little relieved. After discussing with Mo Xiuyu, Gu Chenyi went to Qiao's house.

On the way, he first called Qin Zhixu and said the basic situation.

After hearing this, Qin Zhixu nodded and said, "I agree with you, this time It really needs the strength of the Qiao family. "

"The shadow guard would have come back." Gu Chenyi sighed: "if Yingwei comes back, then I don't have to go this trip. But now the shadow guard doesn't come back, compared with Ji Wei's side.... "

Qin Zhixu also sank his face and said, "maybe something happened. I just hope they can go through it smoothly, otherwise Xiangcheng won't last long."

They don't know about Jian Yi, but as soon as Ning Jiwei left, there was no news. There was no news from Jian Haixi, as if everything was in the mire, revealing dangerous calm everywhere.

In this calm, I don't know when some strange bubbles will appear.

When the surface of the mire is uncovered, we can see whether it is Ningji and Jianhai Creek, or talilina's side.

That's why they have to be fully prepared, ready War is always on.

Qin Zhixu thought about it and said, "since you've been to Qiao's house this time, don't just talk about you, but also talk to George about other things."

"Well, I know that." Gu Chenyi said.

This time I went to Qiao's house not only to borrow people, but also to guard against Mo Sheng and Tong Si.

It is more important to discuss the next response.

Qin Zhixu didn't want to have such a heavy conversation. He said with a smile, "you should go to Qiao's house too. I haven't seen Gu Ruan in your house for such a long time. I think the child has long missed you."

"Miss me?" As soon as Gu Chenyi thought of his silly son, he sighed: "come on, as long as he has pistil and food, he won't think that he still has my father, white eyed wolf."

"Ha ha!" Qin Zhixu said with a smile, "shouldn't you reflect on it? Why is your status so low? If you can't compare with Ruirui, after all, Ruirui is so cute. She can hardly compare with her, but you can't compare with the influence of food on Gu Ruan. Then... "

Gu Chenyi snorted: "just what? Don't mind your own business. Also said me, I did not see your family that star younger brother cares about you this elder brother, we half weight eight Liang, who also does not laugh who

Qin Zhixu choked, thinking that he would never call brother, would not take the initiative to contact him, would not say that he missed JOJO, sighed: "we are both miserable people!"

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