Gu Chenyi arrives at Qiao's house. As soon as he enters the door, he sees Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian rushing towards him.


"Uncle gu!"

Gu Chenyi really hasn't seen the two children for a long time. Looking at their smiling faces, he squats down with a smile and catches the two people running towards him one by one.

"Dad, why did you come to see me?" Gu Xiaomian's tonnage is full, and he bumps into Gu Chenyi and almost sits on the ground.

Looking at his chubby son in front of him, Gu Chenyi reached out and pinched his face and said, "silly son, how many good things have you eaten? It's all grown fat, isn't it

"No way." Gu Xiaomian didn't like it. When he came, he said he was fat. He said with his lips: "I've lost half a Jin."

"Is it?" Gu Chenyi raises eyebrows and expresses great doubt about this.

Gu Xiaomian snorted, took Jianrui's hand and said, "Ruirui, tell Dad."

Jianrui looked at Gu Chenyi, then looked at Gu Xiaomian with a guilty heart and said, "Gu Ruan, actually..."

"Actually what?" Gu Xiaomian blinked and asked.

"Cough..." Jianrui coughed twice and said with a guilty heart: "in fact, the family name Bad, that day you don't want to eat, in order to cheat you to eat well, we deliberately changed the number

Gu Xiaomian suddenly stiff, as if the top of his head cut a thunder like, a time silly in there, do not know how to react.

"Poof Ha ha ha ha Listening to Jianrui's words, Gu Chenyi smiles mercilessly, reaches out and rubs Gu Xiaomian's head and says: "son, how can you Why is it so funny? "

Hum, Xiao Mian turned his head.

Gu Chenyi had enough of a smile, so he took Gu Xiaomian in his arms and said, "it's really heavy, but it's OK. Now I'm a little fat, and I'll grow strong in the future."

Listening to him, Gu Xiaomian's face was a little better.

Gu Xiaomian looked at Gu Chenyi and asked, "Dad, you haven't come to see me for a long time."

"Well, dad is a little busy, and it's not safe for you to come here to see you all the time." Gu Chenyi lovingly looked at Gu Xiaomian, reached out and rubbed his head and said, "how, do you want to be a big dad?"

Gu Chenyi asked, thought Gu Xiaomian would like to say "don't want" or other words.

But unexpectedly, Gu Xiaomian nodded decisively this time and said, "well, I miss my father very much."

Gu Chenyi Leng next, I do not know how there is a trace of sour heart and emotion.

Before, Gu Xiaomian didn't know why he was missing. Although he always said things he disliked, he was also glad that his son didn't lack anything, so he didn't know how to miss.

But now Gu Xiaomian said "Miss" to him, but it made Gu Chenyi feel uncomfortable.

After all, he let his son go through something he shouldn't have.

Although it is only a very small thing, it makes Gu Chenyi understand his feelings of being a parent.

Only such a small matter, he will be sad, so we can see how Ning Ji and Jian Haixi Miss Jian Yi and Jian Rui, and how sad they are when they learn that the children are not doing well?

Thinking of this, Gu Chenyi put down Gu Xiaomian, reached for Jian Rui and said, "Xiao Mian has missed me. Does Ruirui Rui miss Uncle Gu?"

"Yes." Jianrui nodded, hugged Gu Chenyi's neck and said, "but both Ruirui and Gu Ruanruan know that uncle Gu is very busy, so we are all good. Uncle Gu doesn't have to worry about us. We all have a good life, right, Gu Ruanruan?"

In the last sentence, Jianrui looks down at Gu Ruan.

"Well, don't worry, Dad. I've had a good time here." Like in response to what he said, Gu Xiaomian did not forget to pat his belly.

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "OK, I know you have a good life. Don't pat your belly. If you pat your belly again, it will be broken."

After talking to Gu Xiaomian Jianrui, Gu Chenyi looks at Mo Xiuqian who has been standing on one side, smiles, touches her hair and says, "where's Xiuqian? Are you still used to it here? "

Mo Xiuqian didn't expect that Gu Chenyi would care about herself. After all, her identity is more embarrassing. Even if Gu Chenyi didn't completely believe her, they can be excused.

But now not only everyone in Qiao's family is very kind to her, but Gu Chenyi doesn't take her as an enemy, which makes Mo Xiuqian feel warm.

She blushed and nodded, "good. Here, everyone is very kind to me."

"that's OK."

Gu Chenyi nodded and talked to some children for a while before George came down from the upstairs.

Seeing Gu Chenyi, George said, "come on, go upstairs with me."

Gu Chenyi nodded and followed George upstairs.

But he thought he would go to the study, after all, such things, even in Qiao's home, should not be publicized, everyone knows.

But unexpectedly, George showed him to Qiao Qinghe's room.

"George, this..." Gu Chenyi hesitates. He doesn't want to disturb Qiao Qinghe."It's OK. Come in." Said George, raising his feet and going in first.

Gu Chen Yi Leng next, also had to follow behind him to walk in.

After entering the room, Gu Chenyi saw Qiao Qinghe with a needle in his hand, and his brow was wrinkled.

Qiao Qinghe saw two people coming in, pointed to the chair beside him, and said to Gu Chenyi, "sit down, Gu family boy, what's the trouble with your coming to Mo family today?"

Gu Chenyi was stunned and turned to see George.

George sighed and said, "it's OK. The old man knows everything. We don't have to hide anything from him."

"This..." Gu Chenyi is still hesitant, even before, but now Qiao Qinghe is obviously in poor health. It's not bad for him to talk about these things with him now?

Qiao Qinghe sees Gu Chenyi hesitant and guesses what he is thinking. He can't help humming: "you are a man with a lot of thoughts. You want to keep it from me, don't you?"

"Well What, old man, you misunderstood... " Gu Chenyi said.

Qiao Qinghe ignored him after humming.

One side of George said with a wry smile: "it's OK, you say it, my old man was born to worry about life, you don't let him worry, he is not willing to."

"Ah?" Gu Chenyi doubts.

George sighed: "the day before yesterday, the old man walked in the gate of hell again. If Haixi hadn't cried and said how wronged she was, the old man couldn't let her go when he heard Haixi's voice."

Gu Chenyi listened to George's words, then turned to look at Qiao Qinghe, frowned and said: "what happened?"

"So." Qiao Qinghe stares at Gu Chenyi and says, "you don't want to hide anything from me. Anyway, even if you don't say it now, I'll ask George and Haixi later, and you can always find out."

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