Listening to Qiao Qinghe's words, Gu Chenyi was stunned, and then sighed: "well, old man, I have to say that you are still tall."

A trip to the gate of hell directly scared everyone.

Qiao Qinghe complacently raised his chin and said, "that is."

Looking at Qiao Qinghe, George shook his head helplessly, turned to Gu Chenyi and asked, "what are you here for?"

"It's not about Tong Si." Gu Chenyi leans on the sofa and habitually wants to touch the cigarette. But he thinks that it's Qiao Qinghe's room, so he puts the cigarette back.

Listening to Gu Chenyi's words, George raised his eyebrows and said, "why, that woman is still pestering Ji Wei Oh, no, Xiuyu? "

"It's not broken." Gu Chenyi said: "I used to be perfunctory, but recently it seems that the other party is suspicious and has to propose to meet. I'm afraid that Ji Wei will not show up this time because of Mo Sheng's suspicion. "

George thought for a moment and nodded: "yes, after all, Ning Jiwei hasn't appeared in the Mo family for a long time, especially in Haixi where things happened one after another, but Jiwei's side is always calm, which is not normal. With Mo Sheng's suspicious nature, it is very likely that Tong Si's proposal to meet this time is a pretext for exploration. "

"I think so, too." Gu Chenyi said: "so I discussed with Xiuyu and decided to simply agree. Doesn't she want to meet Tongsi? Then let her see that it's a good thing if it's fooled. If it's not fooled, we can think of other ways as soon as possible. "

After listening to Gu Chenyi's words, George thought a little and understood, "so you're here today to discuss with me what happens if you can't fool me?"

"Not bad." Gu Chenyi nodded and said: "I don't think the probability of success of this move is very big, so we should make good plans after this step."

George frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said, "since you know that the probability of success is not high, why do you take this step? Why don't we just skip this step, or don't we get caught off guard. "

Gu Chen Yi Leng next, smile to shake head a way: "that doesn't work."

"Why?" George just asked the exit, his head was thrown by Qiao Qinghe roll of paper to hit a positive.

George rubbed his head and looked at Qiao Qinghe: "grandfather, why did you hit me?"

"I hit you lightly, you stupid fool. You can't understand such a thing and ask such idiotic questions. Shouldn't I wake you up?" QIAOQING River airway.

George was stunned. He didn't know why, so he said, "grandfather, do you mean you agree with a dangerous move?"

"Of course." Qiao Qinghe snorted: "we should not only take this step, but also walk cautiously, carefully and carefully."

George was in a daze. He turned to look at Qiao Qinghe and Gu Chenyi. He wrinkled his nose and said, "why do I suddenly feel that my IQ is crushed?"

Gu Chenyi smiles and says to Qiao Qinghe: "sure enough, Jiang is still very old. I've been thinking about the way for several days. You just listen to me and I'll understand."

George scratched his hair and said, "please, you understand. I don't understand. Tell me about it, two ginger?"

Qiao Qinghe glared at him, saying, "the most important thing for us at present is not to fight with Mo Sheng, but to delay time. We have to wait until Haixi is safe. We have to wait until Ning Jiwei comes back. Do you understand?"

George was stunned for a while and thought about it: "so now we have to let Xiuyu meet Tongsi. Even if Mo Sheng suspects us, as long as he's not sure, it's good for us to delay one more day. Does that mean?"

"Not bad." Gu Chenyi nodded and said, "but we must also be prepared for war. After all, we don't know how long this step can be delayed."

George frowned and said, "but in this case, we also have a lot of trouble here."

For example, what if Mo Sheng actually identifies their plan and knows that Ning Jiwei has left Xiangcheng, but pretends to find nothing on the surface, and then takes advantage of them not paying attention to it?

"It's a lot of trouble." Gu Chenyi sighed: "but at present, we can only take one step at a time. I hope we can wait until Ji Wei comes back."

"Well..." George touched his chin and said, "I have another way."

Gu Chenyi and Qiao Qinghe looked at him at the same time and asked, "what can you do?"

Qiao Qinghe grinned and said, "just do it according to your plan, but we can do some other small moves. Isn't Mike free now? Just let him do something to make trouble for Mo Sheng. Even if he wants to find us, it depends on whether he can spare time. "

Gu Chenyi and Qiao Qinghe look at each other and smile.

Qiao Qinghe said with a smile: "yes, your brain turns fast in this aspect."

George's mouth slightly puffed: "grandfather, I'm still not happy to hear you say that for Mao?"

"Ha ha, that's right. Originally, I hurt you." Qiao Qinghe said with a smile.George turned his lips, looked at Gu Chenyi and said, "what do you think?"

"Yes, yes." Gu Chenyi touched his chin and said, "but we have to make a good plan for specific matters. If we do too much, I'm afraid it will cause adverse effects."

The next three discussed many things, including how to ensure Mo Xiuyu's safety, and how they would end up if Tong Si found the flaw.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that Gu Chenyi and George came down together.

Seeing them coming down, Yan Mei said enthusiastically, "Chen Yi is here. Let's stay for dinner in the evening."

"No, I'll go back first." Gu Chenyi said.

Hearing that he was about to leave, Gu Xiaomian immediately hugged his thigh and said, "Dad, are you going to leave now?"

"Well." Gu Chenyi reached out and touched his son's head and said, "Xiao Mian, you are here. Before long, dad will take you back, OK?"

Gu Xiaomian nodded, but he still held Gu Chenyi's leg tightly.

Jianrui looks at Gu Chenyi and Gu Xiaomian. She blinks and lowers her head.

She also wants to hold her parents' thighs like this, but her parents are not here. She hasn't seen them for a long time.

Gu Chenyi looked at his son and sighed helplessly.

Gu Xiaomian seldom plays coquetry with him, especially not so reluctant to part.

Gu Chenyi thought about it, picked Gu Xiaomian up and said, "go, son."

"Ah?" Gu Xiaomian was stunned and asked reflexively, "where are you going?"

Gu Chenyi patted him on the shoulder and said, "we need to have a man to man conversation."

Gu Xiaomian listened to this, immediately straightened his chest and nodded: "good."

The little boy also has the consciousness of "manly man". Even though he was coquettish before and didn't want Gu Chenyi to leave, now Gu Chenyi said that he would have a "man to man conversation" with him. Gu Xiaomian immediately felt that he had a burden on his shoulder and couldn't be willful any more.

Gu Chenyi took Gu Xiaomian to the yard. Jianrui watched their figure disappear and lowered her head again.

George took a look at her, went over and sat her on his lap, sighed: "Xiao Mian is also poor. He has been away from home for so long. I think he wants Yunling very much, and he has no relatives in Xiangcheng."

Jianrui was stunned and looked up at George.

George touched her head with a smile and said, "does Ruirui miss your mom and dad?"

"Yes." Jianrui nodded honestly, looked at George and said, "but after listening to your uncle, Ruirui will know that she is wrong."

"Well?" George raised his eyebrows.

Jianrui said with her lips: "Ruirui only saw that she didn't have daddy and mummy by her side, but she forgot that Gu Ruan was the same as Ruirui, and even he was more pitiful than Rui Rui, because Rui Rui had an uncle, but Gu Ruan didn't have an uncle."

George rubbed Jianrui's hair and said, "Ruirui is right. It's not wrong to envy a person. Just don't let this feeling of envy grow into jealousy. Don't just see your own sufferings and ignore the sadness of your companions. That's good."

Jianrui nodded and said seriously, "Uncle Zhi, Ruirui understands."

On the other side of the yard.

Gu Xiaomian stood there with his chest straight. His fat little face was very dignified. Looking at Gu Chenyi, he lowered his voice and said: "Dad, if you have anything, just say it. I can bear it."

Gu Chenyi was stunned and asked subconsciously, "what's the matter?"

Gu Xiaomian puzzled: "it's not Dad. Did you say you want to talk to me?"

"Oh, you don't have to be so serious to scare me." Gu Chenyi glanced at his son and said, "I don't know. I thought you Laozi had some incurable disease."

Gu Xiaomian said, "I was scared. Well, I thought you were going to tell me something."

Gu Chenyi smiles, rubs his son's hair and says, "silly son, do you know what your mission here is?"

"I know." Gu Xiaomian nodded without hesitation and said, "protect pistil, take care of pistil and accompany pistil."

After listening to Gu Xiaomian's words, Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "good, then the next big dad will have a heavy responsibility for you. The heavy responsibility is Continue to accompany Ruirui. "

Gu Xiaomian was stunned and said: "Dad, what kind of heavy responsibility is this? Even if you don't tell me, I'll do it. OK

Gu Chenyi laughed, suddenly lowered his voice and said, "well, there's another thing - monitoring Mo Xiuqian."

"Well?" Gu Xiaomian was stunned and blinked. His first reaction was not to ask Gu Chenyi why he wanted to monitor Mo Xiuqian, but to ask: "Dad, shouldn't you give such a big event to Ruirui? Give it to me, don't you worry? "

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