Lisa, who has no idea that her head is already green, is now with Tong Si, teaching her how to deal with it before "Ning Jiwei" arrives.

"Sister Lisa, are you going back?" Tong Si asked.

In fact, she hopes Lisa can avoid some, so that she can have other room to play.

Lisa looked at her as if she knew what she was thinking. She asked with a smile: "why, I'm afraid I'll hear what you're talking to Ning Jiwei?"

"No, No." Tong Si quickly restrained all kinds of looks on his face, shook his head cleverly and assured, "sister Lisa, you think too much. What can I be afraid of?"

Lisa laughed but said nothing. She patted Tong Si's hand with deep meaning and said, "Si Si, you know, in order to help you get this chance, I said a lot of good things about you in front of the second master, and the second master reluctantly agreed. If this matter is messed up, or if there is any other accident, I can't protect you if the second master really wants to investigate. "

After a pause, Lisa looked at Tong Si and said, "as for Song Wei Do you think he is more loyal to the second master, or will he choose you? "

Tong Si's body was slightly stiff, and he swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

She knew Lisa was smiling at her, but it wasn't to scare her.

If she messed up today, Mo Sheng would never let her go.

In Tong Si's heart, those careful thoughts are suddenly put away. Although she has some ideas, all of them are based on the premise that she can live well.

Thinking of this, Tong Si took a deep breath, looked at Lisa and said, "sister Lisa, don't worry, I will try my best to finish the task."

"That's right." "Lisa and I will not be satisfied as long as you are well treated," she said with a smile

Tong Si reluctantly hooks his lower lip, but he only feels that the place where Lisa has photographed is full of cool air.

There is no moment like this moment so clearly aware that she has been on the boat.

There is no choice but to work hard.

After hitting Tong Si, Lisa didn't stay in the box for a long time. Instead, she led people to the suite on the roof.

This is mo Sheng's site. It's not easy to arrange something.

Back in the suite, Lisa sits on the sofa with a glass of red wine.

The picture projected on her wall happened to be Tong Si's room.

The camera on the side can see Tong Si and Ning Jiwei clearly, in case any of them has his back to the camera.

Lisa is resting when Songwei knocks at the door.

Lisa just sat down in front of my house and said, "if you don't think about it, you'll go to the door."

"Why, are you in love?" Lisa squinted at him and asked.

Song Wei's eyes swept over Lisa's red lips and rolled down her throat. His eyes were deep and he said, "do you think I will love her? I love you, too, sister Lisa. "

As he spoke, Song Wei's big hand quietly rubbed Lisa's elbow and rubbed it.

Lisa stopped, glared at him, raised her hand, patted off the back of his hand, and said, "smelly boy, it's no big or small. It's the same nonsense with me here."

"Hey, that's because I know you are the best to me." Song Wei saw that although she was angry, she didn't really get angry, so he became more daring. He laughed and touched Lisa and said, "sister Lisa loves me the most, and I love sister Lisa the same."

Lisa's eyebrows were slightly raised, her red lips curved, she turned her head to look at Song Wei, put her index finger on his forehead and said, "come on, follow me. Be careful, I'll tell you later and let him cure you."

"Not at all." Song Wei pretended to be frightened, waved his hand to kneel and said, "sister Lisa, please don't tell the second master, or I will be miserable."

"Do you know how miserable it is?" Lisa put her high heels on his leg and said, "I thought you were not afraid of anything."

"Hey hey, elder sister, you hurt me. Don't tell the second master." Song Wei touched Lisa's upper and said with a smile.

"Hum." Lisa Jiao snorted and pulled her foot out of his hand, but she didn't pursue it.

She was really loyal to morsen.

But After a long time, who can stay away?

Song Wei looks at Lisa and his eyes turn slightly. He has an idea in his heart.

It doesn't matter. There's a long way to go. As long as he can take Lisa, it's equivalent to more layers of life protection.

In the future, even if he makes some mistakes, as long as Lisa is willing to help him speak in front of Mo Sheng, he will be OK.

At the moment, Song Wei doesn't know that his good sister song Lu has got on the ship of Mo Sheng one step ahead of time.

But after another storm, he knew.

Let's not talk about the future, let's talk about the meeting at the teahouse.

Not long after Tong Si arrived at the teahouse, Gu Chenyi and Mo Xiuyu arrived.They entered the door together, but they were stopped at the door of the box.

Gu Chenyi looked at the hand stretched out in front of him and asked coldly, "what does that mean?"

"Gu Shao, I'm sorry. Miss Tong said she only asked Mr. Ning for an appointment, so you can't go in." The waiter at the door.

Gu Chenyi sneered and looked at the two waiters in front of him who didn't seem to want to get out of the way. He just stood up with his chest in his arms and turned to "Ning Jiwei" and asked, "Jiwei, people won't let me in. What do you say to do?"

"Ning Jiwei" a cold eye flies past, the powerful gas field frightens those two service students to shake, subconsciously avoided the line of sight, dare not look at him.

"Miss Tong, don't you think I do charity? Can you bear her looking for trouble again and again? " "Ning Jiwei" opens his mouth, and his voice is as cold as ice.

While he was talking, he turned around and called Gu Chenyi and said, "since the other party will undoubtedly meet, then we don't have to bother to go back."

"Good." Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "anyway, I just feel that the tea here is not suitable for my appetite. Who would have wasted the time to meet her when I knew her so early? It's a waste of emotion."

"Ning Jiwei" did not speak, only walked out with a cold face, and did not mean to stop.

In the apartment, Lisa, looking at the scene, immediately changed her face, took the headset and said to Tong Si, "what the hell? Don't you get out of here

She let people guard at the door, originally just to give Ning Jiwei a downfall.

But how also didn't expect, Ning Jiwei will say to go to go, leave no back road at all.

It was only after Lisa got the order that she knew.

For fear of going out late, Ning Jiwei drives away. Tong Si doesn't care about the etiquette, so he gets up and runs after her.

At the moment, the two people at the door also know that they have made a mistake, so they dare not stop Tong Si.

Tong Si chases out and sees Ning Ji and Gu Chenyi getting ready to get on the bus.

"Ningjiwei! Wait a minute

"Ning Jiwei" certainly won't wait for her, pull open the door to prepare to sit in.

Joke, he would like to meet today. Since Tong Si dares to come with him, of course he can go.

Gu Chenyi also sneered, indifferent to the voice behind him.

"Wait, wait!" Tong Si ran too fast and accidentally tilted when he hit the corner of the table.

But she didn't care about her embarrassment at all. She just took off her high-heeled shoes and ran out barefoot.

In the apartment, Lisa, looking at the scene, turned to Song Wei and said, "Sisi is still working hard, isn't she?"

"Oh." Song Wei sneered: "she is afraid of death."

Lisa shrugged noncommittally and said, "so, man, there's nothing wrong with having some weaknesses. A man as snobbish and afraid of death as Sisi is really the best chess piece. "

Listening to Lisa comparing Tong Si to "chess piece", Song Wei is not angry at all.

Not only Lisa and Mo Sheng regard Tong Si as a chess piece, but also he never regards Tong Si as his own person.

He's just a smart fool. If it wasn't for his face and body, he didn't want to waste time with Tong Si.

Tong Sisi doesn't know what song Wei and Lisa think of her. She is standing in front of Ning Jiwei's car, grabbing the door and panting: "Ning Mr. Ning, let's talk about... "

"Ning Jiwei" looked up at Tong Si outside the window and said with a sneer, "Miss Tong seems to have misunderstood something. Today you asked me to come out to see you, not that I want to see you more."

"I..." Tong Si was sneered at, but she knew better that Ning Jiwei couldn't just leave. So she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that just now. I just hope I can have a chance to talk with you alone."

"Oh, so I don't deserve to show up, do I?" Gu Chenyi glanced at Tong Si, shook his head and sighed, "Miss Tong, being a man is not what you do. Today, do you still remember my life-saving kindness to you?"

On the street that day, if Gu Chenyi had not reached out for help, she would have been forced to follow David into the hotel. How could there have been so many things later?

Once upon a time, the favor should be as heavy as a mountain, but Tong Siben is not a person who remembers and repays the favor.

Now she thinks of it, and she is not grateful to Gu Chenyi. She even can't help thinking that if Gu Chenyi didn't have much to do at that time, maybe she would not be bad to follow David?

In that case, she won't offend Song Wei. Her children's family has long been on the rise. Where can there be such a mess now?

People like Tong Si will never reflect on themselves, but they will only bite the hand that feeds them.

Gu Chenyi looked at her face and guessed what she thought.

After all, who hasn't seen business for a long time?

Too many people are like this. If you give him a little help, he can still remember your kindness. But if you give more help, you can take it for granted.Sheng mien, dou mieu.

That's what human nature is.

It's incredible, but it hasn't changed since ancient times.

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