Seeing that Tong Si didn't speak, Gu Chenyi only sneered and said, "it seems that I was meddling in my own business, which hindered Miss Tong's future."

Tong Si's face changed, and he said with an embarrassed smile, "of course not. I'm very grateful for Gu Shao's help."

"Oh, thank you, but don't let me into the private room, just said to see Ji Wei, but can't see me?" Gu Chenyi asked.

"This..." Tong Si Dun, eyes swept Ning Jiwei, see he never speak, know today if she does not let Gu Chenyi into the room, Ning Jiwei said nothing will stay.

So Tong Si hesitated and said, "I'm sorry, Gu Shao. I didn't expect you to come with Mr. Ning just now. It's my honor to see you both at the same time. I dare not stop you. Please don't mind

Gu Chenyi listens to her words, eyebrows pick pick pick, look to "Ning Jiwei" ask a way: "Jiwei, how do you say?"

On the back seat, Mo Xiuyu disguised as Ning Jiwei couldn't help barking.

What can he say?

Of course, he wanted to leave directly. Just now, he managed to find an excuse to run away, but he didn't expect that Tong Si would catch up with him.

She said so. If he still leaves, doesn't it seem that something is wrong?

At this moment, Mo Xiuyu almost scolded Tong Si to death in his heart, but no matter how angry he was, Mo Xiuyu didn't show anything on his face. He just glanced coldly, and Tong Si said: "Miss Tong, you'd better confirm your principles and understand my principles. Otherwise, even if I don't care about it and go into this box with you, we will just end up in a bad mood. "

To put it bluntly, he just didn't want to come in and talk.

"This..." Tong Si is very anxious. He has a big task today. He can't fail without even entering the door.

In desperation, Tong Si looked at Gu Chenyi and said, "Gu Shao, your adult forgive me a lot and help me talk."

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "it seems that in Miss Tong's eyes, I am really a good man."

Tong Si's face is stiff, but Gu Chenyi doesn't care about her. Instead, he turns to "Ning Jiwei" and says, "Jiwei, since we're here, we can't help but go in and have a look. Let's see what tea Miss Tong plans to drink for us on Mo Erye's site."

Hear Gu Chenyi so straightforward will the owner behind the teahouse to say out, Tong Si heart is a thump.

However, Ning Jiwei finally nodded and walked down from the car.

Tong Si was relieved and led them into the box.

Jiweining sat down in the opposite box before entering.

Gu Chenyi looked left and right, his eyes changed slightly, and then he sat down between them.

Because I didn't expect Gu Chenyi to come before, so I didn't think so much about the location of the camera.

At the moment, Gu Chenyi just sits with his back to the camera, and he can't see the whole picture of Ning Jiwei.

In the apartment, Lisa and Song Wei's faces changed slightly.

"Sister Lisa, why do you think Gu Chenyi came here?" Song Wei asked.

Of course, they know that Gu Chenyi is Ning Jiwei's greatest help, but it's just a child thinking. Why does Ning Jiwei come with Gu Chenyi?

Lisa frowned, shook her head and said, "according to our guess, Gu Chenyi should have been sitting in the Mo family at this time. He and Ning Jiwei came together. Did they know that we had set an ambush here?"

"It shouldn't be." Song Wei doubts a way: "this time of action but only two ye and you and I three people know, even Tong si all don't know."

Lisa sank her face and said in a cold voice, "anyway, I have to tell the second master about this first."

Song Wei also nodded, took out his mobile phone and said, "then I'll call the second master."

Lisa nodded.

Song Wei took his cell phone to make a phone call, but unexpectedly, the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Seeing this, Lisa asked, "what's the matter?"

"The second master didn't answer the phone." "Song Lu asked the number of the second courtyard, I think I still didn't dial it."

But Song Wei did not expect that this time the phone rang for a long time before someone answered.


"Hello, what's the matter?"

Listening to this voice, Song Wei was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue. He couldn't believe it and asked, "second, second master?"

"Well." Don't be lazy.

Lisa hears Song Wei's surprised voice behind her. She can't help but ask, "what's the matter?"

Song Wei felt tight in his heart and said in a hurry: "no, it's OK."

Then he quickly changed the topic and said to Mo Sheng, "second master, the situation here has changed. Gu Chenyi is coming with Ning Jiwei."

"Gu Chenyi?" Mo Sheng frowned and said, "I said that when I went to the east courtyard just now, none of them was there. It turned out that they guessed that I would start in the teahouse."

Song Wei asked, "second master, what should we do next?""What to do, what to do." Mo Sheng sneered: "since he Gu Chenyi also died with Ning Jiwei, let them die together."

Song Wei heart a Lin, should say: "yes, subordinates know."

"Well." Mo Sheng nodded lazily and said, "Lisa, be careful what you say."

"Yes." Song Wei swallows his saliva and doesn't dare to ask song Lu more. He just answers and hangs up.

After hanging up the phone, Song Wei phoned Mo Sheng falsely. Of course, he just hung up as soon as he dialed.

Seeing Song Wei's strange look, Lisa asked, "Ah Wei, what's the matter with you? Is the call over? What does the second master say? "

"The second master said let's act according to the plan." Song Wei put away his cell phone, turned to calm the expression on his face, and said to Lisa: "the second master said that since Gu Chenyi wants to die with Ning Jiwei, we don't have to pity him. Let them die together."

Lisa nodded and said, "I guess the second master won't miss this chance, but since you just finished, what are you doing with your cell phone all the time?"

"No Song Wei said innocently, "I just finished. I just hung up."

"That's all?" Lisa squints. Suddenly the alarm rings in her heart. She looks at Song Wei and says, "just now You said you were calling song Lu, right? How could the second master take it? "

Song Wei laughed, stepped forward, put his hand on Lisa's shoulder, pushed her back to the chair and sat down, "my sister, you are too thoughtful. I wanted to call Lulu, but I hung up after thinking twice, and then I dialed the number of the second master. "

"Is it?" Lisa looks at Song Wei suspiciously. She doesn't know why. She just feels strange.

Maybe this is a woman's terrible sixth sense.

Song Wei sighed, took out his mobile phone to call up the call record, and quickly flashed in front of Lisa: "look, is the first caller the second master?"

He only glanced. Lisa only had time to look at the recent phone call. Seeing that it was the number of Mosheng, there was no doubt.

As for the length of the call, she didn't have time to watch it, otherwise she would not be so calm now.

Seeing that Lisa didn't ask any more, Song Wei was relieved. After taking back the mobile phone, his palm was still in a cold sweat.

He didn't expect that song Lu was so strong. It was only how long ago that she won Mo Sheng!

But then he thought that his sister would be mo Sheng's woman, and he would be mo Sheng's relative.

After that, he and Mo Sheng will be more tightly bound, and his life will be more stable.

Thinking of this, Song Wei can't help but feel happy. He plans to have a good talk with song Lu when he goes back.

Lisa looks at Song Wei's back, and doubts flash in her eyes.

She still thinks something is wrong, but now is not the time to pursue it.

Even if there is any problem, she will check it after she goes back. After all, the nanny at home is very familiar with her, and she can ask anything.

When Lisa and Song Wei contact Mo Sheng, "Ning Jiwei" and Gu Chenyi also sit down in the box.

Tong Si looked at them, tightened his hand under the table, cleared his throat and said, "Ji Wei, I I want to cooperate with you this time... "

"Poof ~" as soon as she spoke, Gu Chenyi couldn't help laughing.

Tong Si stopped, turned his head and looked at Gu Chenyi unhappily, and asked, "Gu Shao, do you have any advice?"

"I dare not." Gu Chenyi waved his hand and said, "I don't dare to teach you. It's just Miss Tong, can you stop using this sentence every time you come to us? Cooperation? When is it good for us to cooperate with you? "

"I..." Tong Si's face was getting colder and he looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Jiwei, I know I didn't know much about it before, but at present, whether you want to cooperate with me or not is the best choice, isn't it? Do you want to see Tong Jia tied up with Mo Erye? At that time, you will be the only one left in Xiangcheng. Even if the Qiao family is willing to help you, they are used to being neutral and will never try their best to help you. What's your situation then? Do you want me to say? "

Ning Jiwei's index finger is buckled on the table and tapped gently, which is his usual little action, symbolizing that he is thinking.

Shaoqing, "Ning Jiwei" looked up at Tong Si and said in a deep voice: "it seems that Miss Tong has been thoughtful for a long time. Even the Qiao family has considered for me how much power they will play. "

Listening to his words, Tong Si thought that he had convinced him, so he was more confident and said with pride: "of course, because I came here with the attitude of cooperating with you, and I hope this is enough to show my sincerity."

"To tell the truth, Ji Weining said:" I really hope not to be with you. But miss Tong is a bit of a miss. Although I don't want Tong Jia to help Mo Sheng, I don't need Tong Jia's help either. "

"What?" Tong Si Leng next, did not expect that he is proud of the power of the Tong family will be abandoned by Ning Jiwei.Gu Chenyi sneered: "what's so surprising about this? After all, no one wants to be stabbed in the back by an ally one day. "

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