There are several simple bungalows in the mountains. Although they are simple, they can shelter from the wind and rain.

Qiao Qiao cleans a room first, holds Jian Haixi to sit down and says, "Miss, you should have a rest first."

She said this, but Jian Haixi couldn't hear it. So while speaking skillfully, he reached out to write in the palm of Jian Haixi's hand.

But did not expect jianhaixi micro frown to avoid, light voice way: "don't clean up, Qiao Qiao you are tired today, first rest."

Qiao Qiao Leng next, turn a head to see to Dou Ge, don't know Jian Hai Xi this is how.

Dou GE's eyes sank slightly and waved his hand to let Qiao Qiao go down.

Qiao Qiao retreats, Dou Ge goes to Jian Haixi, knocks twice on the back of her hand and asks her what's wrong.

Jian Haixi shook his head and said, "brother Dou, I can't wait any longer. It's too hard to see and hear. I can't wait any longer."

Dou Ge knew that she was worried because of the recent events. After thinking about it, he drew three pictures in her palm.

There are three days left, Mikey said, and the antidote will work in three days.

At that time, although Jian Haixi is not yet cured, he should be able to see more or less. As for hearing But it will take longer.

This is mainly because since this period of time, Jian Haixi's protection of her eyes has been in place, and mikai has prepared all kinds of drugs for her for the first time.

But her hearing, because of wearing headphones and suffered some degree of damage, want to recover, still need more time of treatment.

Jian Haixi knows what Dou Ge means. No one remembers her treatment more clearly than she.

With a bitter smile, Jian Haixi sighed and said, "brother Dou, do you really think these three days don't matter? Talina will give us three days? "

"This..." Douge hesitated and did not answer.

Jian Haixi groped for the corner of the table and stood up. Dou Ge quickly got up to help her.

Jian Haixi stands firmly with Dou GE's hand and follows him to the door.

The night wind in the mountains is sharp and cool, blowing to the face, with a sobering cold smell.

Dou Ge slightly side body, for jianhaixi block most of the wind.

He did it in silence, almost imperceptible.

When Jane saw Hagrid, he didn't know how much he paid for these little things.

He never wanted to see and remember.

He loved her and did everything for her good out of his heart and out of courtesy.

If the person he loves is not Jian Haixi, and if it is not for Jian Haixi's extraordinary acumen, Dou GE's deep feeling will be betrayed more thoroughly.

But he loves jianhaixi. A good jianhaixi who can easily detect others.

I don't know whether this is fortunate or unfortunate.

Almost at the moment when Dou Ge blocked the night wind, Jian Haixi noticed it. She slightly tilted her head, slightly pulled a curve at the corner of her lips and said, "brother Dou, you don't have to wind for me. I just want to blow the wind and wake up."

Dou Ge frowned tightly and made way a little, but he still blocked part of it.

Jane Haixi smiles and reaches out to him.

The white finger touched Dou GE's shoulder, which made Dou Ge stiff in an instant.

Jian Haixi touched his shoulder and pushed him away with a little force.

Dou Ge can't resist, just rigidly with her little strength to one side.

Without Dou GE's tall body, the night wind blows towards Jian Haixi, letting her long hair blow away.

The long black hair drifts with the wind, wanton and charming.

Dou Ge only took a look, then he looked away in a hurry.

"Brother Dou..." Jian Haixi opens her mouth and reaches out to the dark front, feeling the cold outside.

"That's the reality. I know you are trying to protect me from injury and worry." Jian Haixi said with a bitter smile: "although you didn't tell me the current situation, I guess Maybe it's the last minute. Xiangcheng side covetous, talilina and closely behind. Brother Dou, we have come to the time when we have to face life and death. At this time, what is my injury

"But..." Dou Ge unconsciously grasped Jian Haixi's hand, but he could not say anything.

There is no doubt that Jian Haixi is right. But how can they make up the antidote at this time?

And if the antidote is stopped, who knows if there will be any other unpredictable risks when it is used next time?

Ning Jiwei has done so much, transferred places and made mojue stay. Isn't it to gain more time for jianhaixi?

"Only when you are alive, you are qualified to struggle with the problem of whether the injury is serious or not." Jian Haixi pulled the corner of his lower lip and said, "brother Dou, I don't want to regret when I die. I regret that I didn't fight with all my strength. That way, I won't be reconciled."Dou Ge looked down at Jian Haixi's eyes. Although there was no focus in his eyes, he was as firm and stubborn as before.

Dou Ge was helpless. He shook his head and wrote in Jian Haixi's palm: "you are bullying me. Why didn't you say that while Kiwi was there? He just left with his front foot. That's what you say with your back foot. "

Jian Haixi poked out her tongue playfully and said, "it's not bullying, because I know that you know me, brother Dou, and you will support me. And

After a pause, Jian Haixi continued: "I'm also sitting here, and I'm so strongly unwilling. Everyone is busy, but I have no vision and hearing, but the world is dark and silent. Only when the wind blows, can I feel a little bit. The wind here Let me ring talilina's steel wire, sharp and cruel. Brother Dou, I don't want to go through such a dangerous situation again, and I don't want people around me to face such a danger. "

"Hum." Dou Ge snorted angrily and wrote, "you can tell Jiwei when he comes back."

Jian Haixi recognized his writing and gasped deeply: "Ji Wei He may not come back

"Well?" Dou Ge was stunned and reflected what Jian Haixi said. He frowned and said, "no, he didn't go to pick up the yarn with Mo Jue..."

"He and mojue, probably won't come back." Jian Haixi said with a bitter smile.

Dou Ge Wei Dun, thinking of Ning Ji Wei's words repeatedly telling him to take good care of Jian Hai Xi before departure, can't help but sink his eyes.

After a while, Dou Ge asked, "what are you going to do?"

Jian Haixi looked down for a moment and said, "wait for someone to come back. When you have seen Shazhi, let's talk about something else."

Dou Ge nodded, hoping that Ning Jiwei would not leave. At least he would come back to see Jian Haixi.

Jian Yi has been working on the defense system. At about eleven o'clock, something finally happened.

Dou Dou ran in and said, "Qiao Zheng has come back with a little girl."

Dou Ge was stunned and frowned. "Only Qiao Zheng? What about Ning Jiwei? "

"I didn't see it." Doug shook his head.

Dou GE's breath is slightly heavy. He knows it's Jian Haixi who guessed it.

After a while, Jian Yi ran over and said excitedly, "Mommy, Shazhi is here. I saw her and uncle Qiao Zheng in the surveillance."

Jian Haixi has learned the news from Dou Ge. When she learns that Jian Yi is coming, she says with a smile, "since she is your friend, you can go and pick her up."

"Oh, good." Jian Yi nods, turns around and runs out.

Dou Ge gives Dou a wink. Dou nods and turns to follow Jian Yi.

People can't put their lives in danger for the sake of goodness. They don't doubt anyone, but they should also take precautions.

At the foot of the mountain, Shazhi follows Qiao Zheng. He is quiet and clever.

Qiao Zheng could see that she was a little afraid, but he was a dull person, and he never knew how to deal with people, especially a little girl.

"Cough..." Qiao Zheng cleared his throat, just wanted to say something, but saw that Shazhi was shaking all over and looked at him in horror.

Well, it scares the little girl.

"That Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. " Qiao Zheng scratched his head and said, "in a word, don't worry, just follow us."

Yarn weaving blinks, looks up at Qiao Zheng, vigilant way: "bad people all say so."

Qiao Zheng

After walking awkwardly for several hundred meters, they finally meet Jian Yi and Dou Dou.

"Yarn weaving!" Seeing Shazhi, Jian Yi said hello from a long distance.

As soon as Shazhi hears Jianyi's voice, her big eyes suddenly light up. When she sees Jianyi's figure, she even ignores Qiao Zheng and runs to Jianyi with her trouser legs.


Jianyi catches Shazhi with a smile. Before she says anything, she hugs her tightly.

"Er, yarn weaving..." Jian Yi is not moving or not standing there.

Qiao Zheng and Dou Dou all laughed.

"Woo woo Dong, I finally saw you. I was scared to death. " Shazhi sobbed. It was a thrilling night. She would have cried if she hadn't been brave.

At this moment, when I see Jian Yi, I don't care about being strong and brave. I'll hold her and cry for a while.

Jian Yi couldn't laugh or cry and said, "yarn weaving, loosen it first. I'm too strangled to breathe."

Shazhi shook her head and sobbed, "no, I'm still afraid. If you let me hold you for a while, I still want to cry."

Jian Yi is helpless. Dou Dou smiles and says, "OK, let's go back first. Don't let Miss worry."

Hearing other people's voices, Shazhi realizes that there are others. She releases Jianyi and looks at Doudou with a red face.

"He's brother Dou," Jian Yi said

"Brother Dou is good." Gauze weaves to call a way obediently.

Qiao Zheng corner of the mouth drew next, dissatisfaction way: "I?"At least he helped to carry all the luggage. How could he be a "bad guy"?

Shazhi blinks, tenses Jianyi's hand and doesn't speak.

Jian Yi said with a smile, "he's uncle Qiao Zheng."

"Hello, uncle Qiao Zheng." The yarn weaves obediently way.

Qiao Zheng and Dou looked at each other and understood.

This little girl only listens to Jian Yi.

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