Jian Yi and Shazhi walk hand in hand in front, Dou Dou and Qiao Zheng follow each other.

Looking at Jian Yi's back, Dou touched Qiao Zheng with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "how about less?"

Qiao Zheng shook his head and said silently, "I'm leaving."

Dou Douwei pauses and looks at Jian Yi as if nothing had happened. He can't help sighing.

Jian Yi probably knows. After all, he only saw Qiao Zheng and Shazhi from the surveillance. He didn't ask again after seeing them all the way.

For a moment, Dou Dou didn't know whether he should sigh about Jian Yi's intelligence or love his intelligence.

When they arrive at the residence, Qiao Zheng goes to put things. Jian Yi first leads Shazhi to Jian Haixi.

Jianhaixi sitting there, Dou Ge is painstakingly advised her not to mess, no, is scratching the ear to write.

Jianyi leads Shazhi in and says to the two people, "Mommy, uncle Dou, Shazhi is here."

Dou Ge looked at Shazhi. They had already met him, and Shazhi was no stranger to him.

Dou Ge nodded faintly. He was never in a good mood. Facing a little girl who only knew her name and had seen both sides, he naturally couldn't get warm.

Shazhi nodded to him and said, "Hello uncle Dou."

She called after Jian Yi. Dou Ge nodded again and said nothing. She turned around and wrote "yarn weaving" in the palm of Jian Haixi's hand.

Jianhaixi just slightly pause, facing the direction of the door, said with a smile: "is yarn weaving coming?"

Although she looked towards the door, she just looked around. Her eyes without focal length let people know that she was blind.

Yarn weaving Leng next, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Jian Haixi.

It's not that she hasn't seen the photo of jianhaixi, and the one in front of her is no different from the one in the video.

It's just

In the past, the photos were static, but the Jianhai River in front of us was dynamic.

The static Jianhai river is already extremely beautiful, but now the dynamic Jianhai river is even more beautiful.

Can be in such a beautiful, and then look at her pair of godless eyes, it is more uncomfortable.

Shazhi looks at jianhaixi in a complicated mood, the "enemy" she once tried to deal with.

Jian Yi smiles at Shazhi and says, "don't think too much."

Then he released Shazhi's hand, went to jianhaixi, reached for jianhaixi, and wrote in her palm, "Mommy, Shazhi is a little shy."

Jian Haixi smiles, reaches out and rubs Jian Yi's head and says, "it doesn't matter. It's normal for Shazhi to come here and not adapt. Take her down to play. But don't play too late. Today's yarn weaving is exhausted. Let's have a rest and talk about it tomorrow. "

"Well, good." Jian Yi nodded and said to Jian Haixi, "then I'll go down with Shazhi. Good night, Mommy."

After recognizing Jian Yi's characters one by one, Jian Haixi nodded and said, "good night."

Jian Yi turned to Shazhi and said with a smile, "let's go."

Yarn weaves a Leng, doubt asks a way: "this is good?"

"What else?" With a smile, Jian Yi took her hand and led her out, saying, "I'll take you to your room and have a good sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day."

Shazhi was stunned. She turned to Jianyi and said, "Dong, do you accept me like this? No need for me to swear, no need for me to pay any price? "

Jian Yi raised her eyebrows and said, "what do you think? Don't you think you've been following talinna for a long time and you've lost your head

"But isn't that normal?" Shazhi said anxiously, "I am your enemy. You should guard against me, or Or lock me up... "

"Stop." Jian Yi raised her hand and knocked her on the head. She said in silence, "even if we want to shut you up, there is no spare room for you to be a cell, and we have no spare people to watch you."

"Dong..." Yarn weaving Du lips, she does not understand why Jianyi they want to be so good to themselves, so good, let her some uneasy, deep in the heart, there are also a little bit of guilt, and doubt about their past.

Jian Yi said with a smile, "don't think about it. In my mom's words, we just did a normal thing."

"Nothing more normal?" Yarn weaving Leng, since childhood with talilina, she can't understand, how can this kindness to the enemy be "more normal" thing.

Jian Yi nodded and said, "Mommy often says that if she can help others, she can help them, because for us, it may be just a matter of reaching out, and for each other, it may be a matter of saving lives."

"But what if I betray you?" Asked Shazhi.

"Then betray." Jian Yi shrugs. It doesn't matter.

"What?" Shazhi was even more surprised. She even felt that Jian Yi was perfunctory again, so she grabbed his sleeve and said, "don't be kidding, Dong. I'm serious with you."Jian Yi said with a smile, "I'm serious. Mommy said that we can't control other people's decisions, and we can't doubt the people around us just because of that. No doubt, no doubt. What we can do is to strengthen ourselves, so that even if someone betrays us, we will be able to cope with such betrayal. "

After a pause, Jian Yi looked at Shazhi and said, "so do you understand? Even if you betray, we are confident that we will not be hurt by your betrayal. But... "

"But What? " Yarn weaves Zheng Zheng to ask a way.

But Shazhi, we saved you and trusted you. If one day you betray us, we will no longer be friends, and I will never forgive you. "

Yarn weaving a stiff, busy way: "I don't think so."

Jian Yi grinned at the corner of her lower lip and said, "I know, so let's go. Don't think about it so much."

"Yes, yes." Shazhi nods and follows Jianyi to her room.


after Jianyi and Shazhi leave, jianhaixi says to Dou Ge, "brother Dou, please call mikai."

Knowing that she had made up her mind, Doug sighed and asked someone to call Mikey.

Qiaozheng will yarn woven luggage put, and Dou Dou just came out to see mikai, and he went to jianhaixi's residence.

"What's the matter with calling me here so late?" asked Mikey

As he asked, he went to jianhaixi, grabbed her hand and said, "is Haixi uncomfortable?"

Dou Ge shook his head and said, "Haixi I have something to ask you

"What's the matter?" Mikai looks at jianhaixi and asks.

When jianhaixi knew that mikai was coming, she said with a smile, "I want to put on the earphone again."


Jian Haixi's voice just fell, not only mikai, Dou Dou and Qiao Zheng were also surprised.

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