As soon as Ji lankang's meeting, he sent a message to the place where he left.

Two people are full of money, the number of times to meet a hand to count over.

Of course, the only hotels that can be regarded as old places are those that they have been in close contact with.

Looking at the text message content, Ning Jikang's eyes look different.

Even if Ning Jikang lacks the ability to be romantic again, he naturally knows that Sang Lan is not a simple woman after he has been rolling among women for so many years.

Just like Wen Qingnuan who climbed into his bed, Sang Lan must have his own purpose to find him.

But even so, think of Sang Lan graceful concave convex body, Ning Jikang or unbearable swallow mouth water.

If we say who he cares most about from childhood, it's not Xu Hui or Wen Qingnuan, but his younger brother Ning Jiwei.

Just because he has been pressed by Ning Jiwei for a long time, so as long as he is a woman of Ning Jiwei, he feels that he has a unique taste and is not tired of playing.

Think about it, after all, or desire to occupy the rational. Ningjikang mouth hook out a evil smile, drove the car to the hotel he and Sang Lan intimate contact.

By the time he arrived, Sang Lan had been waiting there.

Ning Jikang just knocked on the door, Sang Lan's voice came out from inside, with a strong charm.

"The door is not locked, come in ~"

in the room, Sang Lan is taking a bath in the bathroom, and her clothes are thrown on the bed and sofa.

Listening to the clattering sound of water in the bathroom, Ning Jikang's reason had basically been thrown aside, and he walked towards the bathroom with his feet raised.

The bathroom door didn't close and Ning Jikang pushed it open.

Sang Lan heard the door being pushed open and screamed.

"You, why did you come in? I hate it ~"

Sang Lan hid behind the shower curtain, only showed a little red face and looked at Ning Jikang.

"Hey, hey It's not like I haven't seen it before

Ning Jikang rubbed his hands: "come on, baby, don't you just want me to come in with the door open? At the same time, we wash together ~ "

" we don't want it ~ "

Sang Lan laughs mischievously, takes the shower to Chongning Jikang, sprays his whole body of water," you go out quickly, and I'll change you after I wash it. "

Ning Jikang is sprayed by water, immediately frowned, "why so troublesome? Why don't you just come directly? "

"No, they don't want to be here..."

Sang Lan stamped her foot and glared at Ning Jikang angrily. Ning Jikang said, "you go out quickly ~"

"OK, OK, I'll go out."

Beauty is in front, Ning Jikang's patience is much better, and he goes out obediently. Anyway, it's his sooner or later. What's the difference between earlier and later? Before the same purpose, Ning Jikang doesn't mind conniving more.

Soon, Sang Lan came out with a bath towel.

Beauty bath always makes people itch, not to mention the romantic Ning Jikang. He couldn't help throwing himself at Sang Lan. He held her in his arms and ran to the destination with his hands up and down.

"Oh, what's your hurry ~"

looking at Ning Jikang, Sang Lan's eyes flashed with pride and struggled to get out of his arms.

Ning Jikang swallowed his saliva, staring greedily at Sang Lan and said: "beauty, don't tease me, come and eat for me..."

"No, you go to take a bath first"

Sang Lan smiles sweetly, points to the bathroom and gives an order.

"Well, well, I wash, I wash." Ning Jikang a listen to this words, quickly took off clothes pants rushed into the bathroom.

Sang Lan looks at the bathroom door, smiles coldly, turns around and starts to dress.

Ning Jikang quickly took a shower, saw Sang Lan put on sexy pajamas, is sitting on the sofa drinking red wine, next to Ning Jikang also prepared a cup.

Seeing him coming out, Sang Lan pointed to the red wine on one side, laughed and waved to him, "dear, come here ~"

"OK!" Ning Jikang walks over with a smile, but he doesn't sit beside Sang Lan. Instead, he walks up to her and holds her waist in both hands. He sits on the sofa and lets Sang Lan sit on his lap.

Sang lanshun held his neck and handed the red wine cup to his mouth, "come on, drink ~"

Ning Jikang took a big sip of red wine with sang lanshun's cup, then licked his tongue and said: "honey, I want to drink something else more..."

"Don't worry ~"

Sang Lan is good at drawing circles on his chin, which is not as good as his idea.

Ning Jiwei grabbed her hand and put it in his excited place. He said in a dumb voice, "I'm in a hurry. How can I not be in a hurry? Can't you feel it, baby? "

"You I hate it ~ "Sang Lan quickly pulled out her hand and blushed.

"Hey, I'll make you love it in a moment." Ning Jikang pecked at the corner of Sang Lan's mouth and said with a smile.

"Wait a minute. If you want people to follow you, you can't always let them be so secretive." Sang Lan Du lips way, "people don't want to be caught by your family's yellow face woman, too humiliating.""Afraid of what?" Ning Jiwei rubbed her tenderness vaguely, and said: "with me, she dares to move you to have a try!"

Sang Lan in the heart disdains, the heart way you have a fart to use, last time is hit me in front of your face.

However, she didn't show anything on her face. Instead, she was wrongly lying in Ning Jikang's arms and blowing like a orchid, "but It's the first time that people talk to you. You always have to be responsible for them... "

Listen to her words, Ning Jikang eyebrows a pick, greedy look on the face instant convergence, sneer will Sang Lan push away from himself, "Sang Lan, we are all people in the circle, people do not do secret things, but you can be boring."

"I What's wrong with me? "

Did not expect Ning Jikang suddenly changed face, Sang Lan a Zheng asked.

Ning Jikang snorted coldly and stared at Sang Lan coolly. He said, "that day at Ning's house, I've seen the video of you making out with others. Now I'm pretending to you for the first time. Do you look down on my memory, or are you stupid and don't even want my face?"

"You..." Sang Lan's face changed. Looking at Ning Jikang, she said, "last time..."

The last time she was also here, she deliberately made blood drop on the bed and cheated Ning Jikang that it was the first time. Hou Ning Jikang didn't say anything at that time. She thought she had cheated him.

"Last time?" Ning Jikang sneered, "anyway, I've slept and tasted it. It's good. Why do you care about your little tricks?"

Sang Lan opened her mouth, but she didn't expect that her plan didn't work here.

See tonight interest is destroyed, Ning Jikang also lazy to waste time here, stand up and want to leave, but was Sang Lan held the arm.

"Anything else?" Ning Jikang looked back at Sang Lan, and honestly said that the meat on his mouth was gone, and he was really reluctant to part with it.

Sang Lan bit her lower lip, thought for a moment, looked at Ning Jikang and said, "you know, Ning Jiwei and I have been in love for six years. Although we didn't get together in the end, I have been around him for so many years. I know his business model and his way of working.

Listen to her mention Ning Jiwei, Ning Jikang eyes suddenly a tight, anti taut Sang Lan's hand asked: "you mean it?"

"Of course."

Ning Jikang looked at Sang Lan several times, and knew that since she said that it was impossible to have no purpose, she asked coldly, "what do you want?"

Sang Lan raised his chin, looked at Ning Jikang with pride, and said his purpose frankly: "I want you to marry me, the sooner the better."

Ning Jikang squinted, thought for a moment and nodded: "I think about it, but now..."


Jian Haixi is very depressed because of Qin Tian's words, and has never spoken since he left JOJO's house.

Gu Chenyi advised a few words, but jianhaixi shook his head: "Chenyi, you don't say, I'm very confused now."

Gu Chenyi sighed. Seeing that Jian Haixi was so sad, he wanted to beat Ning Jiwei up. "This guy is too much. Haixi, how about I stop him and educate him for you?"

Jianhaixi hasn't spoken yet, but Jianrui on one side has already said angrily: "no, no one can beat daddy, neither can uncle gu!"

Seeing that the little girl is defending Ning Jiwei, Gu Chenyi is stunned and shakes her head with a smile. "I don't know how many blessings this guy has made in his last life. It's so easy to have such good women and children."

Gu Xiaomian, who didn't speak all the time, pulled the arm of lajianrui and whispered: "ruiruirui, why do you speak for your father? If he refuses to marry your mother, it means that he is not a good father. "

"No, daddy is a good daddy. You can't say that about him..." See Gu Xiao cotton so say Ning Jiwei, Jian Rui gas almost cry.

Jian Haixi was stunned, then shook his head with a bitter smile, "what a simple problem, even Xiao Mian can see clearly, but I can't see clearly all the time."

"Mommy, don't be sad." Hold Mommy. I promise I will protect her

Jian Haixi pulls a smile from the corner of her mouth, rubs Jian Yi's head and doesn't speak.

Gu Chenyi's family sent Jian Haixi and others to their home before turning back. Because Jian Haixi was in a bad mood, they didn't say much.

By the way, Jane went down to Haixi and took the children home alone.

But I didn't expect to see Qin Tian downstairs again.

Qin Tian is leaning on the roadside smoking, see jianhaixi down, hand her a way: "I want to talk to you."

"What do we have to talk about?" Jian Haixi didn't answer the cigarette, but asked coldly.

"Of course." Qin Tian said with a smile, "if you want to marry Ning Jiwei, you have to do me a favor."

Qin Tian said, taking a deep breath and looking directly at Jian Haixi, he said, "I like Qin Zhixu for many years. If you want me to help you, you have to help me to get Qin Zhixu's love. "

"You..." Jian Haixi looks at Qin Tian in surprise. Although she has seen something in JOJO's house, it's hard to accept that she says it so frankly, "Qin Zhixu is your brother.""I know." Qin Tian spat out a cigarette ring and said with a smile: "you don't need to remind me of this. Do you think if I didn't have this relationship, I would not be able to take Qin Zhixu?"

That's right.

Jian Haixi nodded and didn't speak for a long time.

Qin Tian finished smoking a cigarette and looked at Jian Haixi, who was always silent, and asked, "how about it? Do you think about it? Do it or not? "

Jian Haixi looked up and said to Qin Tian, "this is not right, but..."

After a pause, Jian Haixi said firmly, "but I'll do it."

She didn't want to make any effort, just pass by her own happiness.

Listening to Jian Haixi's answer, Qin Tian showed a smile of approval and satisfaction, and said to Jian Haixi's charming: "I like you very much as soon as I see you. Now it seems that I really don't like the wrong person."

Jian Haixi laughs bitterly. There is a price to be liked. Isn't she paying the price.


after having a romantic relationship with Ning Jikang, Sang Lan said something soft and seductive, and finally coaxed Ning Jikang into agreeing to divorce.

After sending Ning Jikang away, Sang Lan lies on the bed and calls Wen Qingnuan lazily.

I heard that Qingnuan was waiting for Sang Lan's news at home. Seeing the phone call coming in, I immediately picked it up: "how about it?"

"I don't have to worry about it." "LAN and you should be ready to divorce in advance

"That's good." Wen Qingnuan was relieved, hung up the phone, and suddenly felt that he had put down a big stone in his heart.

She looked up at the mirror in front of her, in which the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously.

Finally can get rid of Ning Jikang, finally can be worthy of Ning Jiwei!

She used the fastest speed to prepare the divorce agreement, and signed her name in advance to leave Ning Jikang on the table, and then left Ning's home with the car key.

She can't wait for a moment, in the first time to get free, she incomparably want to see Ning Jiwei. I want to share my joy with him and tell him that I can come back to him.

Ning Jiwei settles Ning Fubang in the hospital. After confirming that Ning Fubang is out of danger, he gives it to the nurse. He drives out of the hospital.

He wants to meet Jian Haixi, Jian Yi and Jian Rui.

But the car just got caught up with him on the way.

Wen Qingnuan shouts to Ning Jiwei: "Jiwei, wait for me, I have something to tell you."

Ning Jiwei looks at her impatiently. Instead of stopping, he speeds up and drives forward.

He didn't have time to be here to smell the warmth and recall the past.

"Jiwei, stop!" Ning Jiwei speeds up, so does Wen Qingnuan. The two cars are chasing each other.

See behind him smell love not to spare, Ning Jiwei tired of frowning, taking advantage of the green light fast to the intersection of time, quickly flash past.


Seeing that Ning Jiwei didn't stop, Wen Qingnuan was furious. He ran through the red light and stopped in front of Ning Jiwei's car, forcing him to stop by the side of the road.

"Are you crazy?"

Ning Jiwei was forced to stop the car, opened the car door and said coldly, "is it over?"

"Jiwei, give me two minutes. I have something to tell you."

"I have nothing to say to you." Ning Jiwei bypasses her and walks to the side of the road. If he is not allowed to drive, he is not unable to take a taxi.

See Ning Jiwei so, smell warm heart a pain, bite teeth ran forward, pulled his arm pull way: "Jiwei, you really so cruel? I've been chasing you for so long... "

"I want you to drive after me?"

Ning Ji Wei can't bear to shake off her hand, but unexpectedly there is a car coming this way.


Wen Qingnuan retreated two steps and fell toward the middle of the road screaming.

Seeing this, Ning Jiwei's face changed and he quickly came forward to hold her.

But still a step late, Wen Qingnuan although not seriously injured, but the arm on the ground, or left blood.

Ning Jiwei looked at the bloodstain on her arm, frowned and pulled her to the side of the road. He said in a cold voice, "if you want to die, you can take a taxi to the hospital."

With that, Ning Jiwei turned to leave.

"Ning Jiwei!"

Seeing that Ning Jiwei was so cruel, Wen Qingnuan sat on the side of the road and cried, "do you really forget our sweetness then? Well, even if you forget, do you also forget my brother? At the beginning, when you were always bullied because of your weak body in school, my brother stood in front of you again and again to stand for you. It was also because of my brother that we knew each other and had all kinds of things later. Have you forgotten all these? "

Ning Jiwei was going to leave, but he stopped after hearing the warm words.

"Ji Wei, things have changed over the years, but I can't erase the past, neither can you!" Wen Qingnuan looked at Ning Jiwei's back and said in a choked voice: "I know I failed you, but why did you ask me? Who asked me about my grievances over the years? Jiwei, even if you care a little about my pressure, you will not be so indifferent to me. "Ning Jiwei stood in the same place, did not leave, but did not look back, as if struggling with their own decisions.

Wen Qingnuan cried: "Ji Wei, we used to have so many beautiful things. Even if you abandon all of them, have you forgotten all my brother's protection for you? You can't be so ungrateful. You can't be Ning Jiwei... "

Ning Jiwei closed his eyes, and Jian Haixi's figure flashed in front of him. He wanted to find Jian Haixi, but he was caught by the warm and crying voice behind him.

If Wen Qingnuan just remembers the past with him, Ning Jiwei can leave ruthlessly. But she moved out of her brother, which made Ning Jiwei unable to leave her by the side of the road.

Struggling for a moment, Ning Jiwei bit his teeth and folded back.

"Ji Wei..."

See Ning Jiwei back, smell love warm eyes a bright, holding the injured arm looked up at him.

Walking to Wen Qingnuan, Ning Jiwei bent down with a cold face, picked her up and went to the hospital.

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