Jian Haixi and Qin Tian didn't talk for long. They have a clear purpose and don't need to waste too much time to confirm their cooperation intention.

After seeing off Qin Tian, Jian Haixi goes upstairs with deep thoughts, and her heart is still immersed in the great shock Qin Tian brings her.

She was surprised at Qin Tian's happy personality of daring to love and hate, and admired her bravery of not caring about the world's comments and letting everything be for her own love.

If you change to yourself, Jian Haixi thinks that she probably can't do it. Qin Tian loves Qin Zhixu.

Back home, Jianrui trotted over, holding her cell phone and happily said to her, "Mommy, Mommy, daddy sent you a message. Oh, he said he would come soon!"

"When did it come out?" Jian Haixi asked and took the mobile phone. As a result, it was sent half an hour ago.

Half an hour It's time to arrive.

Jian Haixi frowns slightly, holding Jianrui on the sofa in one hand, and sending a message to Ning Jiwei with a mobile phone in the other hand, asking where he is now.

After the message was sent, Jian Haixi waited for a while, but never saw Ning Jiwei's reply, which made her feel uneasy.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" Jianrui asked, holding jianhaixi's neck.

Jian Haixi shook her head and started a video call. "Mommy doesn't know. Wait for mommy to call and ask."

Just when Jian Haixi wanted to press the video call, Qin Zhixu's wechat came in.

Jian Haixi was stunned, so she had to stop trying to contact Ning Jiwei and look at Qin Zhixu's wechat content.

Qin Zhixu is explaining for today's dinner, and tells Jian Haixi that no matter what Qin Tian says, she doesn't have to believe it. He will help with Ning Jiwei's affairs, so that she doesn't think too much.

Jian Haixi looks at Qin Zhixu's wechat and thinks about him and Qin Tian. He just wants to explore Qin Zhixu's mind again. Before the words are sent out, Qin Zhixu sends another wechat in.

"Haixi, don't blame Qin Tian. She and Ning Jiwei probably haven't even met before. Today, it's just a joke to say that. If she really makes you feel offended, I'd like to apologize for her. She's just a child with a playful personality. In fact, she doesn't have any bad ideas. "

Looking at the content sent by Qin Zhixu, Jian Haixi picks up her eyebrows and can't help but hook up her lips.

Looking at the words, Qin would not know what she was thinking. Qin Zhixu's heart, in fact, has all been revealed in these words.

Jian Haixi smiles, takes a screenshot of Qin Zhixu's words, opens a new wechat friend, and sends it to the other party.

Soon, Qin Tian went back to wechat and said that she knew that Qin Zhixu had a heart for her and that she was a counsellor.

Looking at Qin Tian's reply, Jian Haixi smiles. She can feel Qin Tian's happiness just from the words. I think their relationship is just a window paper away.

Jian Haixi thinks about it and gives Qin Tian a message, because she thinks that she can play too little role in the things Qin Tian and Qin Zhixu can do, and what she can do is trivial things.

Soon, Qin Tian answered Jian Haixi's wechat, but she was very impolite to agree with her words, and said frankly: "your role is really small, but for me, I don't want to miss any help that may be helpful. But in fact, you don't have to have pressure, because I can't do much about you and Ning Jiwei. But you can rest assured that as long as I can do, I will do it, and I will never pit you. "

It's as if Qin Tianxi, a young woman in the world, dares to talk about her wechat content.

After chatting with Qin Tian, Jian Haixi doesn't feel relaxed. As Qin Tian said, in her affairs with Ning Jiwei, Qin Tian can't do much.

Because the one between her and Ning Jiwei is not Qin Tian at all.

As Gu Chenyi said, at first it seems that the mulberry family is separated between jianhaixi and ningjiwei. But the Sang family is gone, and the obstacles are not reduced. Instead, a Qin Tian comes out, and the two elders of the Ning family have already targeted Jian Yi and Jian Rui.

Her future not only did not see the bright light because of the exit of the Sang family, but also went through a simple hurdle and ushered in a more difficult one.

Jian Haixi sighed, tired and uneasy.

This is also the reason why she will cooperate with Qin Tian. She doesn't want to wait for death any more. It's not the way to wait for such a long time. Whether for herself or for the children, she wants to try her best.

Seeing jianhaixi's troubles, Jianyi came up to her and sat down beside her, took her hand and comforted her: "Mommy, don't worry, you still have Yiyi. Yiyi will help you and protect you."

"That's to say, Mommy, don't be afraid. Nothing is difficult for my brother. He will have a way to solve all the difficulties." Jianrui is just like a little fan.

Jian Yi rolled her eyes, glanced at her and said, "what do you want to do?"

"Me?" Jianrui pointed to her nose, tilted her head with a smile, and jumped into jianhaixi's arms in a coquettish way. "Of course, I'm a good mother's little cotton padded jacket ~"Jianhaixi holds Jianyi's hand, another arm holds Jianrui, looking at the two children's smile, the heart of the trouble was quietly dispelled a lot.

She kept telling herself, just try her best, it doesn't matter if she can't. As long as there are children around, nothing is lost.



The wound on my arm needs to be disinfected and bandaged.

Although Ji Weining had no intention to send her back to the hospital after leaving.

Seeing the meaning of Ning Jiwei's leaving, Wen Qingnuan quickly grabbed him and said with tears in his eyes: "Jiwei, are you going to leave now? How about later? Please... "

Ning Jiwei impatiently want to get rid of her hand, but a look back, but inadvertently saw Wen Qingnuan neck scar.

Because of the pull on the road, Wen Qingnuan's clothes are a little scattered. It's also because Ning Jiwei saw many red marks on her neck, shoulders and arms.

Seeing those old and new wounds, Ning Jiwei couldn't help looking more and frowned and asked, "are these all made by Ning Jikang?"

Wen Qingnuan was stunned. He quickly wrapped his clothes tightly. He didn't dare to look at Ning Jiwei and didn't answer. He just shrank carefully and looked very pitiful and weak.

Ning Jiwei pursed her lips, then pulled a nurse and said: "you accompany her in the whole process, and then do the examination after handling the wound. You should be hospitalized and treated. All the expenses are deducted from here."

With that, Ning Jiwei took out a card from his wallet and handed it to the nurse.

"Here, I..." The nurse hasn't responded yet. Ning Jiwei handed the card and was ready to leave.

"Jiwei, will you stay?" Seeing that Ning Jiwei didn't leave any meaning after seeing the wound on her body, she held the bed and cried: "Jiwei, I regret it. I really regret it. Can't you forgive me?"

Ning Jiwei sighed and looked back at her, "let it go. Since you married my elder brother, you should have a good life with him."

"Have a good time?"

Wen Qingnuan said with a bitter smile, "if Ning Jikang doesn't become a demon, I want to continue to live with him. But do you think he and I can live in peace? "

Wen Qingnuan said, tearing open his neckline and exposing all his old wounds to Ning Jiwei, "he always beats me. He gets angry and beats me. When he's not happy outside, he beats me when he comes back. He's beaten by..."

After a pause, hearing the warmth of love, Ning Jiwei looked up carefully and said, "if you are suppressed by your ability, you will also beat me. If you are jealous, or if you just want to vent, you will beat me Jiwei, you look at these injuries on me. Do you think I can still live with him? "

Ning Jiwei frowned and said nothing for a moment.

Wen Qingnuan then said: "Ji Wei, I don't want to go back to the past with you. I just want to stay where I can watch you, as long as I can see you..."

Ning Jiwei still didn't speak. If he heard that love was as unreasonable as before, he would ignore it strongly. But in the face of this as a weak Wen Qingnuan, Ning Jiwei can't say too heartless words.

After all, even if he doesn't want to admit it, Ning Jikang is also his elder brother. After all, hearing of Qingnuan's injuries is what their Ning family is sorry for her.

Hearing that Ning Jiwei didn't speak all the time, he bit his lip and cried, "Ji Wei, I know you blame me. I just want to tell you that when Ning Jikang and I were together, we were really forced. My father and brother needed treatment. At that time, I really had no choice..."

Ning Jiwei's steps stopped after hearing Wen Qingnuan's words. He looked back at her, then turned his head and scanned the stunned nurse beside him. He said to Wen Qingnuan, "the money in that card, except for the medical expenses, you can take the rest to get a divorce lawyer."

With these words, Ning Jiwei turned and left without stopping.

Hearing Ning Jiwei's words, the whole person was excited. The next hand held the nurse's hand, and her eyes glowed and asked, "do you hear me? He asked me to hire a divorce lawyer, but he still cares about me. Otherwise, how could he agree to divorce his brother and me? "

"Er..." The nurse just came over from Ning Jiwei's words. She was caught by the smell of love. She didn't know what to do.

"You see, he still loves me, right? is it? He must love me, otherwise why would he send me to the hospital? Still so concerned about my wound, Ji Wei loves me, must be! You see that, right? "

The nurse was shaken by her and was at a loss. She could only hold her and said, "let's go and bandage the wound first."

"Well, bandage the wound..." Hearing Qingnuan, she wept with joy. Although Ning Jiwei had left, what he did to her tonight filled her with hope. "I want to get better quickly and come back to him as soon as possible..."


Ning Jia.

Ning Jikang saw the divorce agreement that Wen Qingnuan left on the table as soon as he got home.Thinking of what Sang Lan said to himself, Ning Jikang didn't think much about it. He just found a pen and signed it.

Anyway, he is tired of playing with Wen Qingnuan. It's OK to change Sang Lan, and Sang Lan can tell him that Ning Jiwei's business model is more cost-effective.

Thinking about this, Ning Jikang showed a proud smile and bent down to sign.

"Ji Kang?" Just at this time, Xu Hui, who learned that baby's son was coming back, came in and asked: "baby, how can you run to the room as soon as you come back? What are you doing? "

"Oh, I want to divorce Wen Qingnuan. I'm going to sign a divorce agreement." Ning Jikang writes while talking.


Xu Hui a listen to, facial expression ascends time again, go forward two steps to snatch Ning Ji Kang's pen in the hand in a hurry, "sign what divorce agreement?"

"Ma, what are you doing?" Ning Jikang impatiently said: "it's the divorce agreement with Wen Qingnuan. Anyway, this woman is not rare to me. It's just right to leave."

Xu Hui looked at her son, who had no dim sum eyes at all, and sighed: "son, mom doesn't want you to divorce, but it's too sudden. You haven't discussed it with me."

"What to discuss?" Ning Jikang disapproved and said, "it's my own business. Anyway, I'm tired of playing with this woman. Just leave."

"But..." Xu Hui looked at Ning Jikang in doubt and asked, "but you didn't want to leave before. Why did you suddenly want to leave again?"

"Oh, Sang Lan convinced me."

Thinking of Sang Lan, Ning Jikang smiles and complacently says to Xu Hui: "Mom, you don't have to worry. If you don't hear the warmth of love, your son will marry you a good daughter-in-law. Sang Lan also says that as long as I marry her, she will tell me the secret of Ning Jiwei's business."

"That's it?" Xu huimu stared at her son, "then you come back to see the divorce agreement?"

"Yes." Ning Jikang is very proud of the hum a way: "also calculate that bitch has a look, unexpectedly know my mind ahead of time prepared divorce agreement."

"Well What about the warmth of love? " Xu Hui asked.

"How do I know?" Ning Jikang impatiently stretched out his hand and said: "Mom, you quickly give me the agreement, don't delay my time, let me quickly sign."

"Sign what?"

Xu Hui said angrily, "this is just nonsense! This agreement is not to be signed! "

"Why, Ma?" Ning Jikang doesn't understand why Xu Hui is suddenly so angry. He asks in wonder.

Xu Hui glared at Ning Jikang, pointed her finger at his forehead and said, "Jikang, why are you so stupid? Can't you see what's going on here? "

"What way?" Ning Jiwei was more and more confused by Xu Hui. He pointed to the divorce agreement and said, "I've seen it. There's no problem in the agreement."

"Nonsense!" Xu Hui stares at him and tears the divorce agreement in anger.

"What's your mother doing? What's wrong with me? "

"Can't you see that it's a trick to smell love?" Xu Hui will tear up the agreement on the ground, airway.

"Smell the warmth of love? What does that have to do with her? " Ning Jikang asked with a frown.

Xu Hui sighed. Knowing that her son was not in the right mind, she had to patiently explain to him: "where is such a coincidence? Sang Lan has just finished talking with you. Hearing the warmth of love, she is ready for the divorce agreement. This is clearly what the woman has planned for a long time, but you are still foolishly jumping in. "

Ning Jikang was told, looking at Xu Hui puzzled and asked: "Mom, don't you always want me to divorce Wen Qingnuan? It's just right now. Why do you want to stop it? Whether she is scheming or not, she wants to leave anyway. What's the difference? "

"You..." Xu Hui was almost defeated by her son's innocence. She poked her finger at his head and said, "are you stupid or really stupid? Since Wen Qingnuan and Sang Lan work together to do this, the only person they want to calculate is you. Sang Lan that woman I know, is a small sparrow, partial appetite is not small, always want to swallow an elephant. She is willing to do this because she has spent a lot of money to bribe her. Wen Qingnuan, it's OK to think about divorce so hard, but it's impossible for her to think about such a simple divorce! "

Ning Jikang learned to be smart this time. Listening to Xu Hui's words, he immediately clapped his hands and said, "Mom, you're smart. Why didn't I think of that? Wen Qingnuan wants to get a divorce, so she has to pay me for it. She wants to get a divorce if she doesn't spend any money. There's no way! "

With that, Ning Jikang also stepped on the agreement torn up on the ground.

Xu Hui stares at Ning Jikang and says, "you're just stupid. In those years in Japan, my mother wanted you to do business with a small Treasury. As a result, you're doing well. After a few years, all the money has gone into the pocket of Wen Qingnuan. Now I'm not willing to vomit if I want to take it."

"Mom, why did you mention it again? Ning Jikang grumbled discontentedly. Xu Hui would talk about it in front of him from time to time. He was tired of listening to it.

Xu Hui sighed. Knowing that her son didn't like to listen, she stopped talking. He just glanced at the crumbs on the ground and gritted his teeth and said, "smelling the warmth of love, that Slut stole so many benefits from you at the beginning. Now that she has the money, she wants to divorce you. How can there be such a cheap thing. If she wants a divorce, she'll have to spit out all the money she's got from you all these years! ""Yes, she has to vomit!"

Ning Jikang rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "if that bitch gives me the money, I'll have a lot of money immediately. Mom, if I don't wait for her to come back, I'll ask her for money. If she wants to divorce me so much, maybe she will agree. "

Xu Hui glared at him, "can we not be so naive, baby? Do you think that woman will be so kind? If she would have taken out the money, she would have taken it out, and she would have used Sang Lan to pit you? "

Ning Jikang was right. He nodded and looked at Xu Hui and asked, "what can I do then? Mom, do something. You can't let her go so easily. "

"How? Ha ha... " Xu Hui stares at the agreement on the ground with a sneer, and her eyes are full of bitterness and bitterness: "there are many ways, but there is more than one person who hears the warmth of love in this matter. Don't forget that there is also Sang Lan. Anyone who wants to cheat my son, I won't let it go. "

Ning Jikang said, "Mom, you mean..."

"Since Sang Lan is willing to get involved, let's start with her first." Xu Hui said coldly.

The people of the Sang family die by themselves. No wonder she is cruel.

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