Ning Jiwei came out of the hospital late at night. When he got out of the hospital, he had time to take out his mobile phone. When he saw that Jian Haixi had already sent her a message, he was more concerned about her. He took out the car key, drove full power and ran to Jian Haixi's home.

But when Ning Jiwei arrived at jianhaixi's house, it was still too late. The light on the floor had gone out, so jianhaixi and the children had gone to bed.

Ning Jiwei got out of the car, leaned against the door, took out a cigarette and lit it. He smoked slowly, and sometimes looked at the floor of Jian Haixi's house.

Just standing here, he can feel his inner irritability being gradually calmed down, and the whole person slowly calmed down from the ups and downs of this evening.

Ning Jiwei looks up at jianhaixi's window and spits out a smoke ring. From the smoke ring, it seems that jianhaixi is also in the circle he can reach.

Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei seems to be addicted, spitting out a cigarette ring like a child, and then looking for jianhaixi's window from the cigarette ring.

He didn't go up to disturb the sleep of jianhaixi and the children, just playing downstairs, expressing his inner attachment to her in this almost childish way.

Just think of the two lovely children Jian Yi and Jian Rui, and the man Jian Haixi used to be, Ning Jiwei has to admit that he was crazy jealous in his heart.

Such a perfect wife, such a perfect child, is the happiness that everyone will want to have all his life. But that scum hurt their mother and son.

After jealousy, Ning Jiwei tells himself that the misfortunes of jianhaixi's mother and son come to an end. From now on, it's up to him to give them a brand new and stable home, a harbor where no one will bully them.

I don't know how long I stood, but the mobile phone in Ning Jiwei's pocket suddenly vibrated. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a message from Li Fu, telling him that all the things for Switzerland were ready, and that he also sent photos.

Ning Jiwei directly ignored the text version he sent. He opened the photos one by one and looked at them carefully. When he saw the diamond ring, he stopped.

This is the diamond ring he is going to propose to jianhaixi.

Ning Jiwei frowned at the photo and looked at it in detail, then sent his opinion to Li Fu.

Li Fu had just finished his work. After he sent a message to Ning Jiwei, he was so sleepy that his eyes couldn't open. However, when he heard wechat ring, he forced his eyes to open wechat.

When Ning Jiwei said that the diamond ring was not big enough and the color was not transparent enough, Li Fu sat up while yawning, rubbed his eyes, and immediately began to practice the design institute.

Ning Jiwei put down his mobile phone only after he and Li Fu had ordered all the details and formation. Thinking of his trip to Switzerland with jianhaixi, ningjiwei is full of endless expectations.

Looking at jianhaixi's window again, Ning Jiwei exhaled happily and drove away.


the next morning, Jian Haixi woke up early.

The first thing she wakes up is to open wechat. Because she didn't receive any news from Ning Jiwei last night, Jian Haixi has been thinking that if there is no news at this time, she will call to ask, and can't ask Li Fu again.

When Jian Haixi turned on her mobile phone, she saw that Ning Jiwei had left a message for her as early as last night, and attached a picture of her floor under the street lamp, with the following words: I used a cigarette ring to send you and your child a beautiful dream, did you receive it?

Jian Haixi was a little surprised and looked at the picture again, only to find that there was a ring of white smoke around the picture, which was taken by Ning Jiwei.

This guy smokes again ~

although he thinks so, Jian Haixi's heart is still warm. He holds his mobile phone and looks at the photo for a long time. Until Jian Rui comes in from the door with her little head sticking out, Jian Haixi still lies on the bed and giggles.

"Mommy, what are you laughing at in the morning?" Jianrui stretched her small arms and legs to climb up to jianhaixi's bed, hugged jianhaixi's neck and said, "Mommy is lazy. Ruirui and her brother have already got up, and their brother is still sitting down for breakfast ~"

"is that right? Sorry, Mommy went to bed late last night. How about getting up now, little Gongju Jian Haixi kisses her daughter on the face and gets up to dress and wash.

Jianrui looks down at her mobile phone and sees the message from Ning Jiwei. The whole person jumps up and says, "Mommy, Mommy, is it from Daddy?"

"Well, yes." Jian Haixi brushes her teeth and nods with a smile.

“oh my god!” Jianrui jumped out of bed with her mobile phone in her arms, excited: "Daddy really came last night! And it's downstairs! "

Looking at her daughter's excited English, Jian Haixi couldn't help laughing and shaking her head, quickly washed and pulled her out.

"Mommy, Mommy, why didn't Daddy come up? No one would think that he would disturb. How could he disturb? Even if he interferes with Ruirui's sleep, Ruirui will be happy to do it! " Jianrui holding a mobile phone in one hand, I don't know tired of looking at the picture sent by Ning Jiwei, holding the sleeve of jianhaixi in one hand, coquetry way."Are you going to be a nag?" Jianhaixi helpless, his daughter is completely in ningjiwei's curse, every time as long as there is his news, excited not like.

"Haha ~" Jianrui tilted her head and laughed, holding jianhaixi's thigh and said, "Mommy, Mommy, will daddy come tonight? If he comes, Ruirui will wait for him without sleep ~ "

in the kitchen, Jian Yi is frying a sandwich. When she hears her words, she looks back at her and says," even if daddy comes here tonight, you can't see him. "

"Why?" Jianrui cuts her feet with her mouth full of discontent.

"Because it's not a good time to see daddy." Jane Yi came out of the kitchen with her sandwich, looked at her and said, "we've been watched by the Ning family. Now we have to be careful in everything we do. Did you forget the last time two old people of Ning family tried to steal our specimens? If it's exposed at this time, what should we do if the two elderly people of Ning family want to separate us and Mommy? "

After listening to Jian Yi's words, Jian Rui lowered her head and muttered, "well, it's just that Rui Rui doesn't see her father ~"

the little girl's drooping head and sullen look made Jian Haixi feel distressed. She can't help but sigh and take her to the dining table.

Jane Rui Du small mouth chagrin way: "why can't a family well together?"? It's really annoying ~ "

looking at Jianrui, jianhaixi thought," grandfather Fu has talked to me before, and Mommy thinks what he said is especially right. This afternoon, Mommy will go to Switzerland with Daddy, and when she arrives in Switzerland, Mommy will find a chance to tell your Daddy about it, and when she comes back, you can meet daddy, OK? "

"Really?" Jianrui was overjoyed. She held jianhaixi's arm and asked, "is Mommy real? When you come back from Switzerland, Ruirui will be able to see daddy. Can our family be together? "

"Well." Jianhaixi nodded and rubbed Jianrui's head with a smile.

"Can we have a good meal now?" Jian Yi helplessly sandwiched her a sandwich and said, "don't waste my hard work in the morning. Finish it for me. You can see daddy in seven days."

Jianrui took a bite of the sandwich and pouted after hearing the words: "it's still seven days..."

As soon as she thought that it would be seven days before she could meet her father, Jianrui thought it would be a long time. She turned to jianhaixi and said, "Mommy, ruiruirui really wants to go to Switzerland with mommy. She can see daddy and ski The key is not to take an exam, let alone wait for the exam results

Jian Haixi listened to the second half of the little girl's words and was reminded of the exam. She couldn't help looking at Jian Rui with a smile and said, "if you don't tell me, I've forgotten. Is the result of the last exam released today? Mommy has to get your grades before she gets on the plane, OK? "

"Ah?" Jianrui cried out with a sad face: "Mommy, no ~"

jianhaixi said with a wry smile, "it's just a result. Anyway, sooner or later I will know."

"Don't want to, Ruirui don't know ~" Jianrui rushed to jianhaixi's arms, holding jianhaixi's exaggerated howl, just like the big sad thing: "my God, how can Ruirui Rui be so poor? Why can there be such a terrible thing as exam results in the world?"

Looking at her daughter, Jian Haixi can't laugh or cry.

Jian Yi glanced at her sister and said calmly, "what are you afraid of? Anyway, you are either the last to the last or the second to the last. There is no suspense. What's so terrible about things?"

"Brother, shut up

Jian Yi's words immediately distracted her attention. She flew over and squeezed her face and said, "you're a bully. You're not allowed to talk. There's a big difference between the penultimate and the penultimate. Do you know? How can one and two have no suspense? On the contrary, you will never be in suspense. "

Jian Yi's face is distorted by her, and she can't help but shake off her hand. "Who makes you not study hard at ordinary times?"

"Smelly brother, you still say!" Jianrui cut off her feet, turned her head and complained to jianhaixi, "Mommy, look at smelly brother ~"

"er..." Jian Haixi scratched his nose and quickly got up to escape from the war zone, "Mommy, go to clean up the Bento for you."

"Mommy, you're a deserter!" Jianyi and Jianrui look at jianhaixi road.


on the other hand, Fu zuoan finds an opportunity to meet the second elder of the Ning family.

The three old people haven't seen each other for many years, so it's a good time for them to meet.

Mr. Ning looked at Fu zuoan's yard and said, "old friend, you are living a comfortable life now."

"Ha ha, it's OK!" Fu zuoan touched his chin and said, "anyway, I'm quite satisfied. I walk my dog every day, listen to the opera, water the flowers and pull up the weeds, but I don't need to do anything."

Mrs. Ning looked at Fu zuoan and said, "you were very busy when you were young. Now it's better to be idle. These ordinary little things have become a blessing for you."

"It's not." Fu zuoan nodded contentedly and said, "I've only been a little more idle in my whole life. I don't think they're in trouble if they want to find something for me on weekdays."With that, Fu zuoan poured a cup of tea for the two elders of the Ning family, and said with a smile, "in fact, I like to drink two mouthfuls of wine on weekdays, but we'd better have tea if you come. If you go back, the younger generation will blame me."

"They dare!" Mr. Ning snorted coldly, took a sip of the cup and put it on the table with a frown. "The tea doesn't taste. It's better to drink."

"You dare!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mrs. Ning glared at her. Mr. Ning said, "I don't want to see how old you are. I still drink. I don't think I have a long life, do I?"

"Er..." Mr. Ning choked and looked at Mrs. Ning in a low voice: "give me some face, give me some face."

"What is face? I don't have it here Ning old lady a stare way: "today drink tea."

"Ha ha!" Fu zuoan laughed, patted his legs, nodded and agreed: "Cheng, drink tea, drink tea, listen to the lady."

Rather old master Shen ran a smile, had to be honest to keep the cup, don't mention drinking things.

When the old friends met, the three first told each other about their life over the years. For a while, Fu zuoan mentioned the purpose of this time.

"I said, old man, we're no one else, so I'll tell you the truth." Fu zuoan touched the teacup and said, "actually, I can understand your painstaking efforts for Ning family, but your children and grandchildren have their own happiness. If you are so busy, you may complain if you don't get well."

Mr. Ning and Mrs. Ning look at each other, and they both know what Fu zuoan is doing today.

Mrs. Ning looked at Fu zuoan and said with a smile, "Mr. Fu, you don't know that those bear children in my family can't compare with those in your family. Your family can take care of themselves, and those in my family, no matter they don't work."

Fu zuoan also added a cup of tea to Mrs. Ning with a smile and said, "isn't this tea good? I specially asked the people's Congress to bring it all the way to me, but that's all."

Mrs. Ning took another sip, nodded and said with appreciation, "it's good. It's clear but not bitter. It's mellow after rhyme. It's good tea."

Fu zuoan also nodded and said, "do you know how the tea came from?"

Mrs. Ning shook her head. "I'm afraid it's necessary to have a special person to take care of it every day. Otherwise, how could there be such excellent tea?"

"No, No."

Fu zuoan waved his hand and said, "this tea is not planted by hand. It can only be found in nature. Man can't grow it."

"Grow naturally?" Mr. Ning was also surprised: "how is this possible?"

"Don't you believe it?" Fu zuoan said with a smile, "I didn't believe it until the person who gave me the tea told me the story of the tea."

"What story?" Mr. Ning asked curiously.

Fu zuoan said with a smile, "ah, people tried every means to provide the best nutrients for this tea. They were afraid of freezing in winter, drying in summer, airtight, and catching cold when it was windy. He cultivated the iron leaves in the mountains into the flowers in the greenhouse. After planting, he lost his original taste completely

Old master Ning narrowed his eyes. He had heard something else from Fu zuoan's words.

Fu zuoan continued: "so, this man is similar to tea. What you try to do for him may not be the way he wants to go. And those who are truly outstanding come out on their own. "

Mrs. Ning said with a smile: "old Fu's words are bad. How can people compare with tea? Tea is dead, but people are living. We live in such a complex society. How can we do without much planning? "

Fu zuoan sighed. He knew that the person in front of him was not something he could say, but he didn't want to give up. He just said, "why don't you let go? Jiwei is not a child again. You can see his ability. Isn't it good for him to find the happiness he wants? You can also enjoy your life now. Wouldn't it be better to enjoy your old age? "

"That's your choice, not ours." Mr. Ning said directly: "the situation of our two families is different. I won't tell you more about it. In a word, we must take care of the affairs of Ji Wei to the end."

Mrs. Ning also nodded and said, "that is, if Mr. Fu only came to us to talk about this matter, it would be unnecessary to talk about it and save us a few."

Looking at the two elders of Ning family who refused to give in, Fu zuoan had no choice but to sigh.


under the planning of Xu Hui, Ning Jikang makes an appointment with Sang Lan at the hotel.

Sang Lan thought that he and Wen Qingnuan had divorced. She dressed up happily and went to the appointment.

Ningjikang is holding her first a lingering, and then satisfied lying in the head of the bed smoking.

Sang Lan smiles and lies on his chest and asks, "Ji Kang, you don't come here just to talk to someone else, do you?"

Ning Jikang held her little hand and said with a smile, "how can it be? I've come to you to tell you about my divorce. I've already thought about it. I'm divorced from the one who hears the warmth of love. "

"Really?" Sang Lan was very happy, "then you...""No hurry." Ning Jikang said with a smile: "there are some things you don't know. At the beginning, in Japan, the bitch who smelled the warmth of love embezzled a lot of money from me by virtue of my love and trust, and almost half of my wealth was in her pocket. Don't you think it's very uneconomic for me to say that she has so much money and leave like this? "

Sang Lan's eyes turned. Although she had promised to give her two-thirds, she would not mind if she could get another sum of money from Ning Jikang.

Thinking about this, Sang Lan nodded and said, "yes, it's really a loss ~"

"it's not true." Ning Jikang sneered: "so ah, marriage can be divorced, but I also want money."

Sang Lan blinked and asked curiously, "how do you plan to do it?"

She didn't think it would be so easy to fool around.

Ning Jikang hugs Sang Lan and coaxes: "then you need your help, baby. As soon as you get the money, it's all ours."

Sang Lan was coaxed by him, as if he saw his wife lying in the money pile counting money, and asked: "no problem, how do you want me to help?"

Ning Jikang looked at her completely hooked appearance, in her invisible angle, the corner of her mouth raised a cold and cruel smile, but his hand reached out to her body, kneaded and said: "it depends on how strong your mind to want money, baby..."

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