The two of them searched the room from floor to floor.

"Hmm?" Fu Guang and the other two searched up one floor at a time. There was nothing unusual in front of them. When they stepped into the 8th floor, Fu Guang exclaimed.

"Eh? Boss, why aren't you moving?" Denci pushed him from behind and also stepped into the 8th floor.

Fu Guang's six eyes captured the location of Ji Ye and the others. He walked quickly to room 801 and pushed the door open.

Ji Ye, who was sitting on the bed with his hands behind his back and looking up at the ceiling, reacted, and his out-of-focus pupils gradually shrank.

She tilted her head in surprise and looked at Fu Guang who appeared in front of her. She blinked, and Pava and Denci also appeared in her eyes.

Jiye finally stopped believing that this was an illusion. She wanted to exclaim, but her body was so weak that she could only say one sentence weakly.

"You are finally here." There was no joy of reunion in her tone, only exhaustion.

"Huh! Did you encounter a vampire? How come you are sucked like a mummy?"

Fuguang was a nervous person. Seeing Jiye and the others like this, he was not sad, but teased them with some bad taste.

"Eh? Where are the vampires? I am their ancestor." Pava looked around in surprise.

"Wow, are you playing role-playing?" Denci exclaimed at Arai, whose eye sockets were sunken like a starving ghost.

Jiye's mouth twitched, and her guilt for Fuguang and the other two coming to rescue and falling into a dangerous situation completely disappeared. She said weakly:

"Go and stop Qiu, he wants to kill the devil with his life."

"You must stop him from drawing his sword." Jiye said this while staggering and preparing to go out and lead the way.

Fu Guang glanced at Arai who was lying on the ground and Xiao Hong who was lying on the bed, and finally put away his joking thoughts and said:

"Don't move, I know where he is." After entering the eternal but narrow space on the 8th floor, Fu Guang had a panoramic view of every corner here.

Fu Guang walked to the end of the corridor on the right side of the door, and stopped at the door of Room 840, and opened the door;

Hayakawa Qiu inside was alert and was about to draw his sword, Fu Guang held down his powerful right hand, and was a little surprised.

Hayakawa Qiu's condition seemed to be the best among the four. Maybe they distributed food according to their strength, hoping that Hayakawa Qiu would use his trump card to take them away.

"Why did you come just now?" Hayakawa Qiu was surprised at first, and then asked with some relief.

"Am I late? I also want to ask how you starved yourself to skin and bones in just three days?"

After hearing three days, Hayakawa Qiu suddenly looked up and stared at Fu Guang, his eyes full of disbelief.

"How could it be only three days? We have been here for at least six days!"

But after seeing Fu Guang's eyes that didn't seem to be joking, Hayakawa Qiu was completely desperate.

Originally, the demon in the speculation had at least A-level strength, and now the other party was related to time, so the danger level had to be raised to S-level.

Hayakawa Qiu seemed to be deflated suddenly. He looked at Fu Guang apologetically and said:

"I'm sorry, I got you into trouble." Fu Guang was a little at a loss. He didn't understand why this strong man who usually competed for his favor in front of Machima apologized to him.

However, Fu Guang just frowned, but he quickly figured out the problem.

That is, Hayakawa Qiu felt that he couldn't kill the demons here, but he was very confident in himself.

"You don't think you can stay here?" Hayakawa Qiu looked up at him in surprise, and seemed to not believe it.

But Fu Guang's next words immediately gave him a shot of confidence.

"The reason you are so desperate must be because you are almost dead and you haven't even seen the shadow of the enemy. After all, not even giving you a chance to fight is really despairing."

At this point, Hayakawa Qiu has begun to look forward to it. He looked at Fu Guang hopefully and said, "Keep talking."

Fu Guang raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, and then pulled out his horizontal sword with a bang.

He did not answer, but started to stab the walls on both sides of the corridor randomly.

At first, there was indeed nothing unusual, but Fu Guang ran away while stabbing until he was almost at the end of the corridor.

Before Hayakawa Qiu questioned, the whole hotel suddenly screamed.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

At this moment, everyone just felt that the demon who made such a miserable cry was too painful. Hayakawa Qiu was stunned at first, and then a light of hope burst out in his eyes.

I am not afraid of how powerful the enemy is, but I am afraid of not seeing the enemy.

Fu Guang's

Although Liuyan couldn't accurately sense the enemy's specific location, he knew that the enemy was in this building.

So he just had to stab all the buildings here, and wherever there was an abnormal enemy, there it was.

But he didn't expect that the demon body was only stabbed a few times, and it screamed as if it had suffered the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

After the screaming noise just now, Xiaohong lying on the bed and Arai lying on the ground were awakened.

When he opened his eyes, what came into view were two blood-red devil horns. Dongshan Xiaohong quickly pulled on the bed with both hands to quickly distance himself.

Pava looked at the other party's fear of him. Instead of feeling disgusted, he showed a look of disgust on his face.

"What a coward, I hate cowards the most. I'm not afraid of demons."

Denci turned his head and looked at Pava angrily.

"Can you please stop holding my hand! I'm going to help the boss kill monsters, and I'm counting on him to treat me to bread with jam."

"No, I want you to accompany me! The boss can deal with the demons alone."

Pava still didn't let go. He just said that he was not a coward, but now he was holding Denci because he was afraid of the demons outside.

As a demon man, Pava has a keen intuition about danger.

But Denci is different. He is a freak fused with the black saw. There are probably not many people who are not afraid of the eternal demon, and he is one of them.

Denci didn't care whether Pava was afraid or not. He suddenly broke free from his restraints and rushed outside, shouting that he would kill the demons who opposed the boss.

After Denci left, Arai looked at Pava in a trance and trembled:

"You came to save us! You really came! Senior Jiye really didn't lie to me."

At this time, Jiye had forced himself to come to the corridor. He saw Fuguang holding a horizontal sword and Denci holding a kitchen knife.

The two of them were slashing the wall like crazy, and Jiye felt surprised and headache.

The surprise was that Fuguang really found the devil, and the headache was that they, the normal-minded people, couldn't find the devil after staying here for 6 days.

"Teacher Kishibe is right, only psychopaths can deal with the devil."

Demons are like people. They can't guess the thoughts of Denci and others, so they will naturally fear the unknown.

However, the devil seemed to be forced into a corner and finally showed its ferocious fangs.

There are 60 rooms on the whole floor. Fuguang and his friends were originally in room 850, stabbing the flesh and blood of the devil parasitizing on the wall.

But something strange happened. From room 860, which is the end of the corridor on the right, every room gradually became filled with horrifying flesh and blood.

The demon's physique was growing at a terrifying speed, and the pits between the flesh and blood were full of green thick liquid.

The liquid felt very dangerous to Fu Guang, because it was gastric juice that could melt even steel.

"You have no moral integrity, and you are playing dirty." Fu Guang, Hayakawa Qiu, and Denci were all running back. They didn't want to be stuck by the disgusting gastric juice.

But the demon's flesh and blood grew too fast. After all, this was their home court.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, Hayakawa Qiu suddenly grasped the handle of the knife with his right hand and was about to draw the knife.

"Don't!" Ji Ye shouted hurriedly.

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