The scalding of the building was a big mistake.

Fortunately, Fu Guang acted in time. He raised his hand to stop Hayakawa Qiu from drawing his sword, and gave him a look that said, "I'm pretending, no, I'm doing the job, don't worry about it."

While holding Hayakawa Qiu with his right hand, he used the left hand to directly perform the technique of "Shun Zhuan·Cang" on the rapidly derived flesh and blood.

The violent suction swept through the corridor. Although the hotel was made of good reinforced concrete, it was destroyed like a shoddy project under Cang's suction.

The load-bearing walls were destroyed, and the demon's body was redundant.

Uh, roar! ! !

The sound of the demon's screams echoed throughout the building, and ordinary people would cry out in pain if they twisted their skin lightly.

Now the skin, flesh, internal organs, bones and other tissues of the Eternal Demon were being wantonly ravaged and twisted by Cang.

You can tell how painful it is just by listening to the sound.

But even though he was in so much pain, he still tried to swallow Fu Guang and others into his stomach.

The distance of the corridor was about 100 meters. Now the demon had forced Fu Guang and others to the end of only 10 meters while bearing the pain of Cang tearing his flesh and blood.

At 9 meters, the demon was howling: "I am the Eternal Demon, and I can only kill Denci."

8 meters. "Don't resist, this whole hotel is my body."

7 meters. "Wait to die, ah ah ah ah ah ah it hurts!"

Fu Guang saw that the distance was being rapidly shortened, and his curse power was also rapidly consumed. At this moment, there was less than 30 left out of the 120 reserves.

If he continued to consume like this, the tough one would definitely be the demon who could be reborn continuously.

He was anxious, and Fu Guang was quickly thinking about how to deal with this unprecedented demon.

It is definitely impossible to do it with brute force. Unless he increases his blue curse power output by 1000%, it is impossible to destroy such a huge hotel.

Then we can only analyze the weakness of this demon. It just said three sentences.

The first sentence is to show its own strength, which means that it wants him to give up voluntarily, that is, someone like him can still threaten him.

The second sentence is to kill Denji, so Denji is actually the person that Hayakawa Qiu just said the demon wants to wait for.

The third sentence is that it is too painful to bear and scream.

Fu Guang has to try to find a solution in these three sentences, his brain is working rapidly.

At this moment, the distance between the demon and them has reached 5 meters, and Hayakawa Qiu put his palm on the handle behind him again.

In fact, it is not that he does not have the courage to fight, but he has been stopped by Ji Ye again and again.

Now the situation has reached the most critical moment. If Fu Guang cannot come up with a solution, then he has no reason not to use the knife.

The distance is only 4 meters, and Hayakawa Qiu's fingers clenched the handle of the knife.

Finally, when Hayakawa Aki was about to draw his sword with his forearm muscles, Fu Guang shouted at Denci.

"Saw it!"

At the same time, Fu Guang's cursed power column, which was originally 20, suddenly shrank to 2.

The effect of this was to tear the body of the Eternal Demon back two meters, at least not forcing Fu Guang and the others to jump off the building.

When Denci heard the order, he had no fear or hesitation. He pulled the ring on his chest with his right hand and rushed in with excitement.

"You die!"

The buzzing sound of the chainsaw sounded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Chi Chi Chi~!

When the chainsaw just touched the flesh and blood inside the Eternal Demon, it was torn by Cang and the chainsaw.

Or maybe it remembered the fear of being dominated by the chainsaw, and it collapsed.

"Ugh, ahhhhhhhhh!"

"Chainsaw man, don't come over here!"

Fuguang's Cang was actually tearing off a lot of the demon's flesh and blood before it howled, but Denci just stood there and scared the Eternal Demon like a killer.

That was the fear from the depths of the soul. In short, it was a psychological shadow that could never be erased in a lifetime.

What was unexpected was that it was the Eternal Demon who took the initiative to crush his heart and died. It seemed to be preventing Denci from approaching.

[Defeat the Eternal Demon and reward vertical and horizontal points x500]

Fuguang cheered in his heart. He was a little worried that the demon suicide system would not judge him as a reward. Now it seems that it should be judged by whether there is any damage.

Finally, Denci, covered in blood, returned to the crowd with a bullet in his hand.

"Boss, look at the trophy I found in the pile of meat." Denci waved his hand at Fuguang heartlessly.

Chuanqiu's body froze when he saw the bullet. Fuguang could feel the muscles and spirit of the other party.

The nerves were tense.

Isn't it just the meat of the Gun Demon? What's the big deal? Fu Guang thought to himself.

Fu Guang had not experienced the pain of Hayakawa Aki's family being killed by the Gun Demon, and he didn't know about this, so he didn't understand why Hayakawa Aki was so... excited? Or hateful? Look.

But since he cared about that thing, Fu Guang simply gave it to him, but he had to treat Denci to a bowl of ramen in the evening, otherwise the child would make a fuss.

Hayakawa Aki didn't seem to expect Fu Guang to give him the meat of the Gun Demon so easily, and he thanked him sincerely.

Not only thanking Fu Guang for saving him and giving him the shrapnel, but more importantly, thanking Fu Guang for saving his companions.

Although Ji Ye, Xiao Hong, and Arai are a little weak now, they are not fatally injured at all.

From the fact that he can draw his sword without hesitation and fight for his companions with his life, it can be seen how much he values ​​his companions.

Fu Guang shrugged and said indifferently: "It's useless for me to have this thing, and it's easy for the devil to miss it. I don't even want it."

Hayakawa Aki smiled and said nothing more, but just remembered Fu Guang's favor in his heart.

It's definitely a lie to say that the gun devil meat slice is useless. Whether it is sold to the country or the black market, the price of this thing is extremely high.

The shrapnel can not only be used to track the devil, but also to set up a trap to make the devil take the bait.

As long as you are willing to spend time and manpower to set up a trap, you can catch a high-level demon and sell it, and you will get at least tens of millions of dollars.

Fu Guang didn't think too much, now he just wanted to hear Machima praise himself.

Back to the Tokyo headquarters, Fu Guang saw Machima waiting at the door of the office as soon as he got out of the elevator.

"Ms. Machima, I brought everyone back, and by the way, I killed a demon with a domain field with Denci, it should be S-level." Fu Guang did not hide his pride at all.

The people in the entire office area paused, and it was obvious that they knew what it meant to kill an S-class demon.

After a brief silence, there was an incredible noise.

"What's the difference between this and a mortal body competing with a god?!"

"How many years has it been since an S-class demon was killed?"

"It seems that no one in Japan has killed an S-class demon since Captain Anbian retired behind the scenes?"

The sound of everyone bargaining like an auntie in the vegetable market sounded to Fu Guang, and he didn't feel annoyed at all.

What else could he say? "It's like the sound of a fairy~"

Machima seemed to know that he enjoyed the discussion and didn't urge him to enter the office.

When Fu Guang satisfied his vanity outside, Machima would immediately give him a bigger surprise.

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