After a week of rest, Fu Guang and Hayakawa Qiu recovered from their injuries under extraordinary medical conditions.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Fu Guang was still sleeping soundly in his single dormitory when a rapid alarm woke him up.

This was the signal for an emergency assembly. Fu Guang quickly put on his clothes and rushed out, grabbing the melee weapon he chose yesterday.

On ordinary days, he would go to work at 9 o'clock. Today, he must have discovered the traces of the devil.

Although his work content from 9 to 5 can be very casual, as long as there is no problem in the area he is responsible for, he can even find a cafe to sleep until the end of get off work.

But the casualness in normal times must be exchanged for the enthusiasm of emergency gathering, and Fu Guang responded to the call and took his place;

Hayakawa Aki and Ji Ye were less than ten seconds faster than him, and the three of them stood in Machima's office with somewhat messy clothes.

The incident happened suddenly, and Machima didn't know whether she was too anxious or intentional. Two buttons of the white shirt on Machima's chest were not fastened, and Fu Guang's six eyes under the sunglasses were wide open.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and Fu Guang saw the white that he wanted to see on Machima's chest.

"Sin, sin." Fu Guang muttered his native language alone. Although Hayakawa Aki didn't understand, he always felt that Fu Guang looked very much like he deserved a beating at the moment.

After everyone arrived, Machima finally spoke.

"Someone reported that they saw a car demon in the back street of Yingluoting. You go over and deal with it."

"Yes!" Fu Guang and Hayakawa Aki responded with full energy.

Ji Ye rolled her eyes, but she couldn't say much in front of her boss.

The three of them left the building quickly. As soon as they got out of the door, someone was waiting next to a black business car. Seeing Fu Guang's surprised expression, Ji Ye explained:

"He is a logistics staff. They are responsible for driving, cleaning up, evacuating the crowd, etc. You can use them as you like, little brother~"

Fu Guang's mouth twitched. The last time Ji Ye shook his injured arm, he had some psychological trauma. He always felt that this woman had bad intentions and ignored her.

The three of them got in the car, Ji Ye was the co-pilot, Hayakawa Aki and Fu Guang were in the back seat. The driver was very skilled. Fu Guang calculated that their average speed to the back street of Yingluoting was >80km per hour.

The driver is a rare talent who can provide logistics for hunters like them who deal with demons.


The black commercial vehicle left a long black mark on the road, and the driver turned back and said:

"The target is about 50 meters ahead, please."

It is obvious that ordinary people like drivers are still very afraid of demons. Fu Guang pushed open the car door and rushed towards the direction where the demon appeared with his sword. Hayakawa Qiu followed closely behind, and Ji Ye was not in a hurry.

Since the two men had the idea of ​​showing off and competing in front of Machima, it seems that fighting against demons, which is a matter of life and death, has become a hot achievement.

The driver looked at the back seat, where Fu Guang's sunglasses were left.

A battle is about to take place, and Fu Guang will not be stingy with his brain cells.

Although there is still a wall between him and the back street of Yingluoting, the figure of the car demon has been reflected in his six eyes.

After having six eyes, it seems that the whole sky has become his eyeliner.

The form of the car demon is 70% similar to the Autobots in Transformers, except that Optimus Prime and the others are 100% mechanical bodies, while the demons still have at least 50% flesh and blood connecting the various parts of the car.

"Hey! Do you want to die by rushing so fast?" Hayakawa Qiu shouted angrily from behind.

Although he and Fu Guang were at odds with each other in their feelings for Makima, he was even more unwilling to see a novice hunter die in the hands of a demon.


Fu Guang drew his sword and jumped over the wall separating the car demons in three or two steps.

He said proudly to Hayakawa Qiu who also jumped over the wall:

"I will kill the demons, and I will also protect Miss Makima."

What a second-year sentence, but the extremely confident tone of Shuaibi and Fu Guang made Hayakawa Qiu unable to catch his breath, and he almost choked himself to death.

When the two looked at each other, the car demons that were rushing recklessly on the street also found their traces.

Beep beep beep!

The demon Autobot ran towards them while honking the horn like a road rage. The Autobots over three meters tall were really impressive when running.

Fu Guang jumped off the wall first. He didn't want to take the lead after the demon arrived.

As soon as Hayakawa Aki jumped off the wall, he saw Fu Guang rushing towards the demon with a knife. He shouted in panic.

"Be careful!"

The demon's huge fist, like a steel helmet, smashed towards Fu Guang's face, but he was an agile S-class monster.

Fu Guang stepped lightly on the ground with his left foot, and dodged the fist that brushed against his hair at an angle that was a hair's breadth away.

However, Hayakawa Qiu always felt that Fu Guang's head was within the attack range of the demon's fist, but when it was about to hit Fu Guang, it seemed to be blocked by something and slashed to the side.

Before Hayakawa Qiu could figure out the doorway of the unlimited technique, Fu Guang dodged sideways and suddenly slashed horizontally.

The curse power was poured into the horizontal sword, and the sharpness increased exponentially.

As if it had been practiced thousands of times, the blade accurately cut through the muscle tissue connecting the demon's thighs.

Black blood sprayed, and the demon's left leg ran away on the spot, and its body fell to the ground because it could not maintain balance.

Fu Guang's figure flashed to the side again, and the horizontal sword in his hand stabbed directly into the demon's heart, and the demon's body stagnated.

At this time, Hayakawa Aki finally arrived, and it was obvious that he had nothing to do here.

"It's over? Just a few cuts to chop a demon?!"

A demon who almost destroyed a street over 300 meters long by himself was easily solved.

Hayakawa Aki, who was next to him, looked at the demon corpse lying on the ground, and the words he wanted to blame Fu Guang were stuck in his throat.

He never expected that the strength shown by this newcomer was so exaggerated, even Ji Ye who came behind was surprised and opened his mouth slightly.

Although Fu Guang got excellent results in the test, the newcomer can't say that he is so scared that he can't walk when he first contacts the demon, at least he can't show 100% of his usual strength.

This is like a mock exam and a formal college entrance examination. Some people can even be so nervous that they can't even perform at half their usual level.

But Fu Guang can't be said to be qualified in the first battle of the public security, but can only be said to be amazing!

"I made a mistake. I'm curious about what demon you signed a contract with?" Ji Ye looked at Fu Guang with some doubt.

"Invincible demon!" Fu Guang casually brushed off the question.

Ji Ye did not ask any more questions. After all, some demons' names are closely related to their abilities. It would be terrible if the opponent knew about it and took preventive measures in advance.

Ji Ye stepped over Fu Guang and came to Hayakawa Aki who was squatting in front of the demon's body to check and asked: "Did you find anything?"

Hayakawa Aki shook his head and sighed: "It's just a low-level demon, the rating is at most C-level, and no fragments of the gun demon were found.

Speaking of the gun demon, in fact, Fu Guang's skills just now did not have too much extraordinary force. If the civilian public security personnel could be equipped with guns, then this seemingly bluffing car demon would also be shot into a sieve.

However, it is precisely because the power of guns is too terrifying and too many people are afraid of hot weapons, so the demon that can make humans despair was born, "the gun demon! "

In order to reduce its power, countries have to reach a convention to seal up guns and ammunition.

So demons can only be dealt with by cold weapons. Of course, if you don't care about the physical loss, you can use magic to defeat magic, that is, use the power of demons to kill demons.

When Fu Guang was thinking about the information revealed to him by Machima yesterday, the system prompt sounded.

[Defeat the car demon, reward vertical and horizontal points x10]

"Only 10 points? This demon is really weak." Fu Guang pouted.

"Call it a day, I'm going to find Miss Machima to take credit~"

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