The two of them were married, and the two of them were married.

Tokyo Public Security Hunter Headquarters, Machima's office.

Fu Guang looked at Machima sitting on the rotating office chair with hope, like a child eager to be praised by his parents.

"Fu Guang, how can I thank you?" Machima stood up and came to Fu Guang and said gently.

"I would be grateful if I could rub your breasts." This was of course just the voice that Fu Guang dared not say.

"You are too polite. It's all the result of Miss Machima's careful cultivation." He replied in a very humble manner.


Hayakawa Aki next to him looked at him with contempt. Fu Guang had been working here for less than a week and he said that he was carefully cultivated by Machima. Isn't this nonsense?

"Our genius is a polite person." Machima seemed to be very pleased with Fu Guang's sweet words and praised him back.

Hayakawa Aki beside him clenched his fists. If Machima was not still in front of him, Fu Guang had no doubt that this dog would hit his handsome face hard.

After an in-depth emotional exchange, Fu Guang received a reward of 100,000 yen and left Machima's office.

However, the news that a newcomer had killed a demon without injury in his first mission spread like wildfire, and a decadent person appeared in Machima's office.


"I have submitted Fu Guang's information to the cabinet. You'd better not have any ideas about him."

Sitting back in the office chair, Machima listened to Anbian's threatening words and said with a smile:

"Captain Anbian is overthinking. I also cherish talents~"

"I just didn't expect that you would snatch people from me."

Fu Guang naturally didn't know that there was a top hunter who had an argument with a top demon for him.

After warning the people on the shore, Machima looked at his back contentedly and said nothing more.

Both of them were keenly aware that the young man Fu Guang was very unusual. As hunters and demons who had been dealing with demons for many years, they had already noticed that Fu Guang did not have the aura of a demon after signing a contract.

Where did an ordinary person get his strength? Where did he get his abilities? These are the variables that broke the era of rampant demons.

However, Fu Guang, who was at the center of the invisible storm, was not aware of it at all.

Two weeks passed quickly, and Fu Guang killed 3 more demons in the area he was responsible for.

Just when he was bored, the system issued another task.

[Task content: Get the favor of the battery. ]

[Task reward: skill "Spell Forward · Cang"]

Fu Guang, who was not patrolling the area and lying on his back on a park bench, suddenly sat up with an excited look on his face.

"Finally, the task has come! But who is Denci? Where should I find him?"

When Fu Guang was at a loss, the satellite phone in his pocket rang.

"Yes! Another chance to show off."

Fu Guang quickly reported his location, and soon the female driver who was responsible for his logistics arrived in a black car.

Fu Guang has now been trained as a key figure, and the appointment of a personal female assistant and secretary is a means for the top management to please him.

As the old saying goes, the secretary does what's needed, and if there's nothing else...

This is of course a joke, Fu Guang is devoted to Miss Machima!

"Aren't Ji Ye and the others going together?" Fu Guang asked.

The female assistant turned the steering wheel sharply and replied: "This time, we received a report that the demon appeared in a small county town in the countryside. The distance is too far and the situation is urgent, so everyone should set off separately."

"Sou Ga~" Fu Guang couldn't hide the joy in his heart and urged:

"Hurry up! I want to kill the demon before Hayakawa Aki arrives, and then I can go to Miss Machima to ask for credit, hehehe"

Although the public security hunters at the Tokyo headquarters have set off, the demons will not wait quietly.

In Tochigi Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo, an abandoned factory stands on the edge of a slightly dilapidated small county town.

This factory was once a prosperous manufacturing base, but now it has been eroded by time. The rusty iron door is half-closed, as if telling of its past glory.

Inside the factory, there is a pungent smell of rottenness and chemical agents.

The huge machinery and equipment have long stopped running, and are covered with thick dust and cobwebs.

On the ground, oil and water stains are intertwined, flashing a strange luster in the dim light.

A blond boy walked carefully with a chainsaw in his hand, and there was a guide in front of him.

Suddenly, a group of hideous zombies emerged from the dark corner.

The leader was a huge zombie demon, its body twisted and deformed, its muscles rotten, and its white bones exposed.

The zombie's eyes were bloodshot.

Red and emitting a bloodthirsty light, with a trace of flesh hanging on its sharp fangs.

The zombies behind it are of different shapes, some with missing limbs, only one arm waving in the air;

Some with scalps peeling off, revealing white skulls;

Others have their stomachs torn open, with their internal organs hanging out, swinging as they move.

In front of this group of terrifying zombies, stood a 16-year-old boy.

There was no fear on his face, and he was even a little excited after seeing the zombies.

"Sgei! If you kill so many demons and exchange them for money, you will definitely be able to pay off the debt!"

"Uncle, thank you!" Denci said to the white-bearded old man leading the way.

Just then, the white-bearded old man took off the cap that covered most of his face, and when he turned around, Denci was surprised to see his face.

"Hey~ Uncle, when did you have plastic surgery?"

If there were normal people here, they would definitely say that Denci was either blind or a psychopath.

Because the face of the man he called uncle was obviously rotten. I have heard of people who had double eyelids for plastic surgery, but I have never heard of anyone who dug out their eyes for plastic surgery? !

At this moment, the white-bearded old man's two eyeballs left the eye sockets, with only a few strands of black and red flesh hanging on both sides of his nose.

That was as scary as it could be, and it was a good thing that Denci, a psychopath, thought he had plastic surgery.


The two eyeballs of the white-bearded old man could actually emit fierce light, and the goal of bringing Denci here was achieved, and the teeth were revealed.

The white-bearded old man bit Denci's neck with a ferocious face, but the latter quickly pulled the pull ring as if he had been prepared.


The chainsaw in Denci's hand made a low roar, and then sawed down the white-bearded old man's face without mercy.

Chi chi chi!

The zombie was split into two, and the bloody scene was so disgusting, but Denci did show a smile on his face and mocked the half of the old man:

"Playing dirty? I'm as smart as a monkey."

But before Denci could be happy, the zombies that emerged from the corner of the factory had already rushed to the front.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Zizi zizi!

The chainsaw was roaring, and the teeth made a sharp sound when cutting on the zombie bones.

At the beginning, Denci did have the upper hand, but under the siege of the zombies, the power of the chainsaw became weaker and weaker, and Denci also felt that the chainsaw in his hand was getting heavier.

Finally, Denci's physical strength was overdrawn. After all, he was just a malnourished child with incomplete internal organs.

But even though he was weak, there were still more than 20 zombie remains under his feet.

It was at this time that the zombie demon finally appeared.

Seven or eight huge sausages became legs and feet, and the main body was as disgusting as a deteriorating tumor.

However, this tumor had super ugly facial features of conflict and separation, and it was very large, with a radius of at least 3 meters.

Although Denci's body was weak, his eyes were still full of aggression and looked at the zombies with doubts:

"Do I know you?"

"No, but I know you are self-righteous demon hunters."

"Demon hunters should die. I didn't take the initiative to sign a contract with humans, but you still want to kill me. You all deserve to die."

"Everyone, cut it into pieces and throw it into the community trash can, just as a warning to those damn demon hunters."

As the zombie demon's ultimatum was issued, dozens of zombies holding various knives emerged from the corner again.

Denci didn't even have the strength to move a finger, so he stood there waiting to be cut.

"I can endure the pain of cutting and selling my own organs, but I can't bear to leave you, Pochita."

Denci looked at the chainsaw in his hand, and his thoughts went back to the first time the man and the demon met.

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