The world will soon be in chaos, but the world will soon be in chaos.

After this battle, the global hunt for Denji will come to an end, but... the hunt for Machima and Gojo Fuguang, the two super monsters, may have just begun.

However, considering the huge number of deaths among the Japanese people, foreign countries will not touch the bad luck of Japan's suppressed anger for the time being.

The demon police once again ushered in a brief calm before the storm. It was 72 hours later when Fuguang woke up.

As soon as his eyes opened a crack, Fuguang's vision was shrouded by a dark yellow light.

Consciousness gradually returned from the chaos, and when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, his heart sank.

He struggled with his arms but there was no response. He found himself tied up on a cold stool. The hemp ropes that bound him were covered with countless mysterious runes, flashing dark light.

He tried to mobilize the magic power in his body, but found that the magic power seemed to be sealed by an invisible shackle.

It was not that the magic power was fully mobilized, but it took some time to prepare.

His wrists kept twisting, rubbing against the rough hemp rope, and his skin was rubbed red, swollen and damaged, but he ignored it and used the reversal technique to repair it, still pulling desperately.

Anyone who wakes up and finds himself trapped in a closed space will not be able to remain calm, and Fu Guang is not a professionally trained agent.

He kicked his legs hard, causing the stool to make a "creaking" sound.

However, the stool and the rope both have the breath of the devil's contract, and it is not easy for Fu Guang, who has just woken up, to break free.

"Damn it?! Didn't I go to heaven?"

"This environment now looks like a criminal in hell about to be tried!"

Fu Guang complained in his heart. He looked around. In this prison-like secret room, the walls were covered with various yellow talismans. Under the weak candlelight, the patterns of the talismans seemed to come alive, exuding a strange atmosphere.

"It's over. Could it be that I killed too many puppets and was judged to have killed too many people, so I was sentenced to hell instead of heaven?!"

While Fu Guang was thinking wildly, countless rats heard the noise and rushed into the small holes in the four corners of the secret room.

They stepped on their companions and piled up. After rising to human form, the rats suddenly collapsed, and then Machima walked out.

"Ms. Machima?! Why did you go to hell too?!" Fu Guang's subconscious exclamation was accompanied by a hint of surprise. After all, who would have thought that he could still see the people he cared about after death?

Machima did not reply immediately, but slowly walked to Fu Guang, bent down and put her face in front of him. She spoke only when their eyelashes were about to touch.

"Mr. Fu Guang, I have a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Of course the good news." Fu Guang replied happily.

Machima straightened up after hearing this, put her hands behind her back and looked at the ceiling and said.

"The good news is that this is not hell, and you, Mr. Fu Guang, are still alive and well."

"Eh...? Then why am I here? Miss Machima, can you untie me first? I feel a little uncomfortable." Fu Guang asked with some doubts and began to ask for untying.

Machima slowly walked around behind Fu Guang and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I still have bad news to tell you." Machima breathed into Fu Guang's ear.

When he was anxious, Machima spoke.

"The bad news is... Fu Guangjun has been sentenced to death by many people in the cabinet and will be executed immediately."

"What?! I didn't do anything, and I almost lost my life to save people. Why did you sentence me to death?!" Fu Guang's voice was a little angry.

Anyone would be angry about this. You work on the edge of life and death every day for them. You solved the world's top demon hunter Santa Claus. Not only did you not get a few hundred million rewards, but you were also given a death penalty. Even a living Buddha would be furious, right?

Machima waited quietly for Fu Guang's emotions to gradually stabilize before slowly telling him the whole story.

"Because too many families of puppets you killed have accused the cabinet of killing their families, and the death penalty was also sentenced to you to appease the public."

"After a few days, when the national media and news find ways to whitewash you, and when the public's hatred of you is led to respect by public opinion, your death penalty will naturally be cancelled."

After Machima finished speaking, the three layers of hemp ropes on Fu Guang's body that wrapped him like a dumpling were also untied.

He stretched his limbs, and then he rubbed his neck twice, back and forth, and his neck felt bone-bone-like.

After the sound of bones crackling, Fu Guang uttered a comfortable groan and looked at Machima expectantly:

"So I've been granted another special leave?"

In Fu Guang's expectant eyes, Machima stretched out her hand to him and whispered, "Shall we go on a date together?"

" But...but I haven't defeated the gun demon yet." Fu Guang replied in a weak and expectant tone.

Seeing that he didn't agree immediately, Machima's expression turned from gentle to cold.

She tilted her head slightly, looked at Fu Guang's eyes indifferently, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile.

She opened her red lips slightly, her voice cold and magnetic:

"So...what if this is an order?"

She walked to Fu Guang with a leisurely pace, and the soles of her shoes made a clacking sound on the ground.

Walking in front of Fu Guang, Machima stopped, raised her head slightly, and looked down at him with a condescending look. There was no expectation or nervousness in her eyes, only the usual calmness and composure.

One hand casually fiddled with the hair beside her ear, the movement was smooth but elegant.

Would Fu Guang refuse the order to date? Of course not.

"Obeying orders is the hunter's duty!" Fu Guang pretended to put his fist against his heart to show his loyalty to Machima.

"That's right, subordinates have to be obedient to please their superiors." Machima raised her hand and stroked Fu Guang's white hair.

After confirming that they would go on a date together in three days, the secret room under Fu Guang's feet rumbled upwards, which was like an oversized elevator.

"Try to go out less these days. If the old men in the cabinet know that I released you early, they will inevitably gossip about you."

While explaining, Machima took out a black knitted hat and a pair of sunglasses with a large black frame that could cover half of her face from the secret compartment in the secret room.

Walking out of the secret room, this is a relatively remote suburb with few people on the road.

The autumn wind is getting cooler and the fallen leaves are flying, as if foreshadowing the approach of winter.

Fu Guang lowered his head slightly and presented his handsome face to Machima. Machima held the black knitted hat in his hand, tiptoed slightly, raised his hands gently, and unfolded the hat.

Her fingers gently brushed his hair, and then she slowly put the hat on Fu Guang's head, carefully adjusting the position so that the hat could cover the iconic white hair as much as possible.

Fu Guang looked at her intently and seriously, with a faint smile on his lips. He embraced Machima in front of him for no reason.

Perhaps it was because the autumn wind was so cold that he felt a little cold, and he wanted to bring some warmth to Machima, so he hugged her naturally.

Machima did not resist, but raised his head from Fu Guang's arms and stretched out his hand to put on his sunglasses.

After making these disguises, Machima said softly:

"Winter is coming soon, keep warm and don't catch a cold." After saying that, she did not forget to gently pull the brim of the hat to make it fit more.

If the current state of the two was seen by passers-by, they would definitely say "showing affection will die soon".

But if they were seen by hunters, they would definitely shout "What the hell! Lord Machima is actually in love?!"

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