The two of them were so close, and the two of them were so close.

Looking at Machima's back as she left, Fu Guang still felt the faint fragrance of the other person floating on his nose.

"The hug feels so warm."

After sighing, Fu Guang raised his hand and tightened the brim of his hat. The technique of Shun Zhuan·Cang was activated, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

In less than 1 minute, Fu Guang appeared in front of his own door.

Although it was only three days, he went to hell and so many companions died, which made Fu Guang feel as if he was in another world.

Pava, who had been sitting on the sofa in the living room with a gloomy face and dead eyes like a depressed patient for three days, moved his nose, regained some spirit in his eyes and whispered:

"The boss is back."

Denci, who was playing games with Reese on the sofa, quickly put down the controller, jumped and kicked Bim at the door, cursing: "Are you worthy of opening the door for the boss?"


The door was opened from the inside, and Denci's surprised expression came into view.

Before Fu Guang opened his arms, Denci fell to the ground and hugged Fu Guang's thighs and started howling.

"Boss, I miss you so much, I... I thought you would never come back."

"Boss! Wuuuu! Remember that I don't want you to die the most."

The happy smile on Fu Guang's face suddenly froze, because he knew that Denci, who was not in a normal mental state on weekdays, would never be so moved by the meeting of brothers that he would kneel down and hug his thighs.

"Get out of here! Have you done something evil again?!" Fu Guang tried hard to get rid of Denci who was sticking to him like a dog-skin plaster while moving into the room.

"Ahhhh, boss! I know you miss us, but I beg you on my knees to prepare a queue and ceremony for us to welcome you back, okay!" Denci was still pestering him.

But Fu Guang didn't want to take advantage of the lunatic. The more Denci tried to cover up, the more he had done to let Fu Guang down.

Denci's strength was not as great as Fu Guang's after all. When he dragged the dead dog on his legs to the living room, Fu Guang suddenly opened his mouth in a daze, and a blush appeared on his face.

Fu Guang's reaction was as if he had done something shameful and was discovered by others, and that was indeed the case.

On the sofa, Pava was sleeping with a Machima custom pillow in his arms. The walls around the living room were covered with all kinds of sexy Machima wallpapers. These were all the sexy poses and sexy spring pictures that Fuguang imagined after learning to paint with the amazing learning ability of the six eyes, using his imagination of Machima.

These were all the paintings that he hid under the bed and dared to take out quietly to appreciate at 3 o'clock in the morning! Now these shameful wallpapers appeared in the living room. How can he, the boss, establish a majestic and cold image in front of his younger brothers in the future? ! ! !

Seeing that the boss's face changed 7 colors in a second, the arms holding his thighs began to tremble. He stammered and explained:

"I, no... Everyone thought you were dead, and we had no money to eat, so Bim sneaked into your room, opened the door and started to distribute your inheritance."

"Boss... you will forgive me, right?" Denci's tone was a little uncertain.

Fu Guang did not directly answer Denci's question, but sighed heavily and said: "It's come to this..."

Before he finished speaking, Denci excitedly said: "That's great, boss. I knew you couldn't bear to beat us. Don't worry, we will never tell anyone about your painting of Machima's springtime picture..."

Before Denci finished speaking, he was suddenly frightened by the despair in Fu Guang's eyes and closed his mouth.

Only then did Fu Guang continue to say with great sorrow: "It's come to this, I can only destroy the body and cover up the traces."

"What?" Denci thought he was hallucinating, but the curse uttered by Fu Guang immediately brought him back to the cruel reality.

"Spell forward · Cang!"

"Spell reverse · He!"

"Hypothesis ·..."

"Boss ah ah ah ah ah! Don't be impulsive ah ah ah! Impulsiveness is the devil!" Denci blinked desperately with a sad look in his eyes, trying to squeeze out two tears but failed.

"Boss, Lord Denci often praises you behind your back for being kind-hearted, caring about the world and being compassionate. Boss, please don't do anything to kill." Shark Bim shouted in horror.

At first, everyone thought that Fu Guang was reluctant to hit them, but now they have realized the reality. Fu Guang is reluctant to hit them, but he is willing to kill them!!!

Fu Guang is about to use his ultimate move to destroy this building full of

When he was looking at the house with a dark history and the people who knew about it, he caught a glimpse of Pava, who was lying on the sofa with a pitiful look in his eyes.


The bright purple light disappeared from the room, and Fu Guang finally chose to spare their lives out of pity.

He originally thought that after experiencing the Dark Demon incident, the nerveless guys like Denci would not be afraid.

But now, judging from Pava's mental state, he probably has a psychological shadow.

Pava is the kind of person who bullies the weak. In the past, if she encountered a low-level demon during a mission, she would definitely be the first hero to bravely rush up and ride on the demon's neck to beat the bad guy.

But as long as she encountered a slightly stronger demon, Pava would quietly retreat behind everyone and become a cowardly bear.

This time, she directly encountered the Dark Demon, an ancestor-level demon that even Fu Guang almost suffered. Pava actually had a psychological shadow and has not come out for 3 days.

Putting away his attacking posture, Fu Guang walked to Pava, squatted down, gently rubbed her head and said softly: "It will be fine... Believe me."

Fu Guang did not tell Pava about his idea of ​​tearing the Dark Demon into pieces, because he was afraid that the name would make Pava have a stress reaction.

After Fu Guang said that it would be fine, Pava's numb eyes turned and finally locked on Lesai who was standing quietly beside him.

Lesai's personality is very gentle, so her performance outside of battle is not very noticeable, but since Pava has clearly set her sights on Lesai, Fu Guang had to focus on her.

In fact, there is another reason why Pava is now lying on the sofa like a vegetable and ignoring the world every day, that is, she wants to use this method to attract Denci's attention, because since the woman Lesai appeared, Denci who was sticking to Pava every day has disappeared.

Maybe it's because they live together and are familiar with each other, or maybe it's because the six eyes have extraordinary insight, Fu Guang understands that Pava wants Denci to accompany her.

He looked at the quiet Lei Sai, and after meeting his eyes, she actually took the initiative to leave the living room. Soon, the sound of a kitchen knife hitting a cutting board came from the kitchen.

Fu Guang looked at Dian Ci helplessly. He didn't expect that he had found a girlfriend who was good at both housework and cooking. "It's really a blessing for a crazy person."

However, even if he had a high opinion of Lei Sai, Fu Guang couldn't just leave Pava alone. He picked up Dian Ci from the ground like a chicken, and then strode out of the house.

"Boss... Boss! You don't want to drag me out to vent your anger alone, do you?!"

"You can't do that. Bim opened the top anti-theft door. Even if he has to die, he has to die first." Dian Ci defended himself very quickly.

Fu Guang's face darkened as he listened, and he slapped Dian Ci on the forehead and warned him, "Now I'm giving you a chance to live, do you want it or not?"

Dian Ci nodded and flattered, "Yes, yes, yes, boss, you are the best to me."

Fu Guang got angry for no reason when he saw the other party's slutty look, "How can such a fool find a girlfriend before me?"

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