The old man was in trouble.

Floating light can stop countless wars caused by the gun demon, but he can't stop the first war.


In the United States, the president stood quietly in front of the French window of the White House, looking into the distance with a serious look.

Outside the window, the afterglow of the setting sun gave the whole city a layer of golden red light, but this light could not cover up the coming haze of war.

On the streets in the distance, vehicles flowed continuously.

On the wide roadside, people hurried to the church without knowing the dangers that would happen in the future.

The wind blew quietly, stirring the documents on the president's desk.

Dark clouds began to gather slowly in the sky, gradually swallowing up the last glimmer of light.

The trees around the White House swayed in the wind, and the branches and leaves rustled, as if whispering about uneasiness.

The noise of the city seemed particularly heavy at this moment, and the president's eyes revealed a resolute look: "If we don't kill Machima and Gojo Fuguang now, our country's economy and strength, which are firmly in the first place, will be shaken by those two monsters."

"Other countries probably gave up resistance, or chose to accept it under the power of those monsters."

"However, concessions cannot solve the problem, but will only make Machima more terrifying in the fear of the world."

"At this moment, it is my free country and only my free country that can stand up for the welfare of mankind."

"Citizens, for the sake of justice, please forgive my impulsive and foolish decision."

"Gun Demon, I am willing to pay the price of one year of life of all citizens, please kill Machima, no, please kill the Dominator Demon!"

A war against the Dominator Demon is about to begin in a cathedral in New York, USA.

Today is Sunday, and more than 1,000 elderly people gathered in the church to pray.

The sun shines through the stained glass windows in the church, casting colorful light and shadows.

Many elderly people gathered together, and the air was filled with tranquility and peace.

Most of them had the marks of time deeply engraved on their faces.

Their skin was like wrinkled parchment, hanging loosely on their bones; their eyes were cloudy and deep, as if hiding the story of their life;

Their white hair was sparse, shining with a silvery luster in the weak light.

Some of them were hunched over and staggered, and every step seemed so difficult, as if the candle of life was swaying in the wind and could go out at any time.

But even so, they still did not miss the prayers and greetings to God.

At this moment, they knelt devoutly in front of the bench, clasped their hands together, and pressed them against their chests.

They whispered prayers: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."

Some old people closed their eyes tightly, frowned slightly, and every wrinkle on their faces was filled with awe and prayer. They murmured to themselves: "Lord, I don't know how long my life, which is about to end, can stay in this world."

Some people swayed their bodies gently, as if they were having a spiritual dialogue with the gods, and sighed: "Time flies, most of my life has passed, I only hope that the rest of my life can be spent peacefully under your protection."

Others had crystal tears in their eyes, which were a confession of the past years and expectations for the future. They whispered: "Life is so fragile, Lord, please give me strength to let me face this unknown final chapter."

Their voices echoed in the church, one after another, interweaving into a hymn to life and a hymn to the gods.

In this sacred atmosphere, time seems to stand still, leaving only the blending of soul and faith, harmonious and comfortable.

The most eye-catching thing in the church is an old soldier with countless medals on his chest. The traces of time are engraved on the old soldier's face, and the wrinkles seem to tell the past years.

But his eyes are full of gentleness and love, because next to the old soldier is a little girl about 7 or 8 years old, estimated to be the age of the old soldier's granddaughter.

The little granddaughter jumped and followed her grandfather, mumbling: "Grandpa, I want to eat hamburgers after praying."

The old soldier smiled, gently touched his granddaughter's head, and said lovingly: "Okay, little baby, after praying, grandpa will take you to buy hamburgers and fries."

They knelt in front of the bench together, put their hands together, and began to pray devoutly.

The church was filled with a sacred atmosphere, and the old people

's whispers intertwined. However, just when the prayer was halfway through, the old soldier's body suddenly tilted and fell to the ground without any warning.

When the old soldier walked into the church earlier, his body was actually a little trembling, and he even needed the little girl to support him. I guess his life is coming to an end.

Just now, the president in the White House signed a contract with the gun demon, and the price of the contract was one year of life for American citizens.

This soldier who had fought countless battles for his country in his life also dedicated his last life to the war and the country.

Looking at the grandfather who suddenly fell forward headfirst, the little girl was stunned at first, her eyes were full of confusion and helplessness, and she seemed to not understand what happened.

Then, she realized that something was wrong with her grandfather and rushed to him.

Her small hands kept shaking her grandfather's arm, and she shouted anxiously: "Grandpa, Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

After shaking for a long time and crying for a long time, the grandfather who had just promised to take her to buy hamburgers never replied to his granddaughter again.

Tears instantly flowed out of her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

She lay on her grandfather, her voice hoarse because of crying: "Grandpa, don't leave me, I don't want hamburgers, Grandpa..."

The little girl's body kept shaking, she tried to use her own strength to lift her grandfather up, but she couldn't do it.

In this case, everyone should have gathered around to visit the old man immediately, but after almost 120 seconds, no one around the little girl came to check on the old man.

It's not that the people around her are cold-blooded, but because there are more than 1,000 people, and everyone defaults to the gathering place for elderly people to pray.

In this church where the number of elderly people accounts for more than 95%, at the moment when the old soldier fell, more than 200 people also collapsed and could not get up.

The church was in chaos in an instant, and the buzzing sound of ambulances soon sounded outside.

Weird! Too weird!

If it's not God's appearance, then it must be Satan coming to the world.

This situation is still happening to the elderly in various parts of the United States.

Young people may not feel much when they lose a year of life, but for the elderly, losing a year of life means that they will be separated from the living in a matter of minutes.

And at the cost of causing such chaos, the strongest single-soldier combat power in the United States has indeed been gained!

Above the Potomac River, about 5km away from the White House, a huge shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.

Passersby looked up, and then their mouths suddenly opened so wide that they could fit a fist, and their soles seemed to be pierced by nails and nailed to the instep, and they dared not move, as if they had seen a monster that shattered their worldview.

This is indeed the case. Following the gaze of passers-by, a terrifying monster with a height of more than 50 meters stood in the sky.

The size alone is terrifying, not to mention its extremely terrifying body structure.

The body of this demon is completely made up of guns and ammunition, as if it is a steel fortress made of death and destruction.

Its huge body was densely inlaid with various guns, and the barrels were crisscrossed like ferocious fangs.

Ordinary bullets were only the size of a finger joint, but the bullets of this gun demon were exaggerated to be as thick as an arm.

Huge bullets were hung under its chest, as if they had turned into its intestines.

It carried two huge rocket launchers on its shoulders, and the barrels were as thick as the trunks of ancient giant trees.

On the demon's chest, there were rows of closely arranged submachine guns, and the muzzles flashed with cold light, as if countless evil eyes were peeping at the world.

Its arms were like huge machine guns, and the bullet chains were wrapped around them, like deadly venomous snakes.

"It is really a body that can only be created by a great work like the creation of the world." The president praised and gestured: "I'll leave Japan to you."

The gun demon did not reply, but disappeared in the sky above this sea area in an instant.

When the strong winds and huge waves caused by the rapid departure of the Gun Demon had not yet subsided, the great terror that caused all this had already crossed half of North America and reached Japan.

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