The sky is full of smoke, and the sky is full of smoke.

Tokyo, Shibuya.

A black shadow rapidly enlarged. Before the passers-by could see the other person's appearance clearly, the pupils were filled with bullets as thick as arms, and the head was blown up on the spot.

The gun demon descended on Japan for 10 seconds, and the cumulative death toll exceeded 900.

The gun demon descended on Shibuya for 1 minute, and the cumulative death toll exceeded 6,000.

It is like a killing machine with unlimited firepower. It is sweeping away humans and quickly absorbing the emotions of fear to strengthen itself.

The moment the gun demon landed in Japan, the entire public security hunter headquarters exploded.

"Master Machima! Go and ask Master Machima to help!" Except for the Demon Exorcist Class 4 and the Demon Subduing Class 6, all the hunter teams were very self-aware and did not choose to rush to help the Gun Demon to gain more achievements.

And the Machima that everyone was looking forward to was not that she did not want to go to Shibuya, but that the Gun Demon did not give her a chance at all.

There were crows flying in the sky, and they all wanted to quickly form a human form to realize a certain summoning ritual.

But how terrifying was the movement speed of the Gun Demon? That monster completed the cross-border, cross-sea, and cross-state journey from the United States to Japan in less than 5 minutes. No one would question that its speed was not much worse than that of the Flash.

Whenever there were any animals within a radius of 10 kilometers, whether they were mice, crows, or even cockroaches, as long as they wanted to form a human form to summon Machima, the Gun Demon would ruthlessly and calmly sweep over with a calf-thick bullet and bomb them into nothingness.

The contract signed by the gun demon is to kill Fu Guang as the top priority, so it has no reason to fight Machima.

After killing the five Fu Guangs and removing the restrictions of the contract, it can fight or escape. At that time, the sky is high and the birds fly freely, the sea is wide and the fish jump freely, and it can do whatever it wants.

But ideals are beautiful, but reality will always be like a basin of cold water poured on your head to shatter your daydreamer-like illusory dreams.

Fu Guang's cell phone, which was lying dead at home, suddenly started to ring. He frowned. He was supposed to rest today, but now it was not a private phone that rang, but a satellite phone that would only be used in an emergency.

After only a moment of delay, Fu Guang jumped up from the bed and pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call was connected, Machima on the other end immediately said: "The gun demon appeared in Shibuya. It is preventing me from approaching, but it is attracting you to come closer."

"It is very careless and arrogant. Now you are the only one who can show off its fighting power..."

Before Machima finished speaking, Fu Guang, who had changed his clothes within 60 seconds, took over and said: "Don't worry, Miss Machima. I understand. I will go there now."


Listening to the sound of window glass breaking from the receiver of the mobile phone, a satisfied smile flashed across Machima's face.

Thinking that Fu Guang could ignore his own windows in order to save people just to reach the battlefield faster, Machima liked Fu Guang more and more.

You know, the closer the body shape of a demon is to humans, the friendlier it is to humans, especially for a demon like Machima who is no different from a mature woman.

Even her great ambition in her heart is to seek the welfare of mankind, so the more positive Fu Guang's attitude to save people is, the more Machima likes him.

Shibuya, almost 5 minutes have passed since the Gun Demon landed, and the total number of humans killed by the Gun Demon has exceeded 10,000.

If Machima hadn't been using insects and various birds and beasts to distract the Gun Demon, the death in the entire Shibuya would definitely be more tragic than it is now.

At the end of Shibuya Pedestrian Street, a family of three just wanted to escape with their child in their arms, but just when the child's father's head just popped out of the coffee shop door, a huge bullet like a missile crossed time and space and landed steadily on his head.

The child in his mother's arms, looking at his father's back, suddenly turned from fear to pain, watching his father who loved him the most, who would buy him ice cream or a doll without hesitation, explode in front of him like a watermelon, but with more white brain liquid than a watermelon.

"Kinda!" The mother holding the girl cried out the name of the child's father in grief. Because she was afraid of the danger outside and wanted to protect the child in her arms, she could only kneel down in the store and watch her husband's headless body fall.

However, all means of escape were in vain. The gun demon confirmed that there were still

When the living person was alive, a gun barrel immediately stretched out from his chest, and a cannonball thicker than his thigh shot out from the barrel, flying straight towards the survivors in the coffee shop.


Ordinary people facing this situation had no other way except to have gods to save them.

Just when more than 30 people in the coffee shop were desperate, a figure flashed before their eyes in an instant;

People with sharp eyes seemed to see a figure intercepting the missile in the air with a kick and smashing it to the ground, and then the cannonball flying towards them in the sky exploded less than 20 meters away from the window of the store.

In an instant, a surging heat wave rushed towards the coffee shop like a beast.

People only felt a scorching breath coming towards them, as if to burn their skin, bones and internal organs.

The powerful impact shattered the door of the coffee shop and many glasses, and sharp fragments flew everywhere like bullets.

Some people didn't have time to dodge, and the fragments scratched their cheeks, blood gushed out instantly, and many people were even disfigured on the spot, but this could not hide their joy after surviving a deadly situation.

In this chaos, a figure walked out of the flames of the explosion.

The figure used his body to intercept the fatal explosion, but it seemed as if nothing had happened.

He was like a king who controlled the flames. The flames danced around him, but not even a corner of his clothes was ignited. It was as if his servants were in awe of him.

His face was illuminated by the flames, and his blue eyes were like a lighthouse in the dark.

The difference is that the lighthouse points the right way for lost sailors, while the floating light pulls their lives back from the claws of the devil in danger.

Compared with the static and peaceful lighthouse, the five floating lights are more dynamic... violent!

At that moment, everyone was stunned. They looked at this young man who seemed to have returned from hell, and their hearts were filled with shock and awe.

At this moment, everyone had a thought in their mind: even if there were no gods in the world, this boy must be the one closest to gods.

"Sorry, I'm late."

PS: (Good night, my dears)

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