The money was wasted, but the money was wasted.

After a moment of silence from the other end of the line, Fu Guang could hear the other party's rapid breathing through the microphone.

According to the current exchange rate, 1 US dollar is equivalent to about 150 yen. Therefore, 100 million US dollars is equivalent to 100 million times 150, which is 15 billion yen!

"Wahahahahaha!! It's made!" Fu Guang shouted in his heart.

She promised solemnly on the phone: "Even if a meteorite suddenly falls from the sky and wipes the United States off the earth, I will definitely bring the Prime Minister back to Japan intact!"

Listening to Fu Guang's joyful promise on the other end of the phone, although Machima is not interested in money, she is interested in the happy Fu Guang. Hearing that the other party is so happy, she can't help but smile coldly.

"Then it's settled. We will leave in 3 days. Bye."

"Bye! Miss Machima, I love you so much!" After hanging up the phone, Fu Guang kissed the phone screen several times until he found that there was a deathly silence around him.

Mitaka and Yuko were stunned. "Is this something we can see?"

"It's ruined! I am tall, handsome, majestic, and cold in the students' minds!"

"It's ruined! It's all ruined!" Fu Guang lamented loudly in his heart, but still pretended to be calm and pointed at Lingzi and Minako who were unconscious on the ground and said to the dumbfounded Mitaka and Yuko: "Take them to the infirmary to rest, they should wake up soon."

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the gymnasium. Yuko and Mitaka stared at each other for 5 seconds, and then both laughed out loud.


After giving the students two days off, Fu Guang appeared in the classroom again. He glanced at the people in the audience and found that Lingzi and Minako were the ones sitting the most upright.

"Well... a young man can be taught~" Fu Guang nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Are you having fun recently?"

At this time, Denci in the audience began to complain: "Boss, you are finally here. Hayakawa Aki is not a human being. He really treats us like animals in his class!"

Pava also cried and scolded: "He is even more inhuman than me. He even said that you are sick and snatched the class you gave us for free activities."

"What?! When did I become a frail physical education teacher?"

"Forget it, after all, we are colleagues."

Fu Guang thought that he should find Hayakawa Aki privately to settle the score. On the surface, he still needed to maintain his image in front of the students.

Fu Guang coughed twice, and responded to the students' expectant eyes, saying, "The good news is that I have to go on a business trip for a few days."

"Aaaaa no, we are willing to take your class, please don't let Senior Hayakawa torture us."

As soon as Fu Guang finished the first sentence, the audience burst into a strong desire to resist, but as he raised his hand to suppress everyone and said the second sentence, everyone's despair finally saw the light.

"The bad news is that I will assign you a task to hunt demons, whether you use the power of demons or the power of the family."

"I will help you sign a contract with the demons at a small price according to the number and level of demons you hunt."

"Wuhu! Great!!! As long as I don't have to take Hayakawa Aki's class, it doesn't matter if I face the demons directly!"

After Fu Guang finished speaking, Denci and Pava in the audience burst into cheers, and Yuko and Lingzi were also full of expectations;

These four people are the only ones in this classroom who have not signed a contract with the demon, so naturally they are more looking forward to Fu Guang's task reward.

Only Yoshida's face flashed a trace of helplessness, he was going to be a part-time worker again...

Fu Guang raised his hand again and pressed it down to signal silence, and continued: "Denci, Pava and Reise are the support group, Lingzi and the other two are in one group, and Yoshida, Mitaka and Yuko are in one group."

"Okay! Come on, young people, I'm counting on you~"

Fu Guang hurried away after cheering them up. He was about to go out with the Prime Minister.

For the task of going down the mountain to hunt demons in major cities or towns, the faces of the three members of Denci's team did not show any tension, and they were all relaxed. They were all old hunters.

Lingzi, Minako, and Yukiko still had some tension on their faces, but Fu Guang said that he would not restrict them from using the power of the family to hunt, which made the three feel a little relieved.

"Leave violence to my men, after all, I'm professional." Yukiko, who was always indifferent, spoke up, and Minako and Lingzi had no objection, after all, both knew that the other was a black hunter.

=The atmosphere was a bit heavy at the foot of the Fumo High School at dusk.

A black extended Lincoln sedan was quietly parked on the side of the road, and the body of the car was shining with a dark luster in the afterglow of the sunset, showing its dignity and luxury.

Around the sedan, several black Mercedes-Benz sedans were neatly arranged, like a well-trained guard.

A group of men in black suits stood on both sides of the car. They were all burly and serious, and the outline of swords and guns could be vaguely seen on each of their waists.

In the middle of the crowd stood a kind white-haired old man.

He was wearing a well-cut black suit, and he looked more like a butler than a gangster boss at his age.

After a while, the school bell rang, and a trace of eagerness flashed in the white-haired old man's eyes.

Soon, Yukiko and the other two walked out of the school gate side by side, and the old man's face instantly piled up a flattering smile.

As Yukiko approached, the bodyguards bowed neatly.

The evening breeze blew her short hair back, and Yukiko calmly waved to get up, looking like a gangster boss.

The old man stepped forward and escorted the three people to the extended Lincoln sedan.

"Miss, the manpower you need is ready. These are the best in the gang, and they will definitely make you shine in front of Gojo Fuguang!"

Yukiko glanced at the butler and said coldly: "Stop the compliments, and if you dare to call my teacher by name again, you can pack up and leave."

The kind old man heard the words, and the smile on his face immediately turned into humble respect. "Okay, Miss, I will remember it."

Surrounded by the bodyguards, they slowly got into the car, and the motorcade started and disappeared at the end of the road.

Minako and Lingzi were amazed at this scene. They didn't expect Yukiko to be so cold even to her own people, and for some reason she seemed to have a good impression of Gojo Fukumitsu.

(Yukiko had the habit of jogging in the morning, so she happened to see Fukumitsu's body stiff from doing boxing exercises all night; influenced by the underworld culture that advocates force, Yukiko had a good impression of Gojo Fukumitsu.)

But even if she didn't like Gojo Fukumitsu, she would still be strict with her own people.

In the Japanese underworld culture, the younger brother usually calls the boss's daughter "お嬢様 (おじょうさま)", which means "big lady", and the housekeeper did call Yukiko that.

Influenced by the traditional Bushido spirit, family concepts and regional gang culture.

Japanese underworld organizations usually have a strict hierarchical structure, and the superiors have absolute authority over the subordinates.

That’s why the old butler called Gojo Fukumitsu by his real name, which made Yukiko angry.

The Yoshida team, who was a few steps behind, watched the many black cars leave in a mighty manner, and Yuko sighed from the bottom of her heart: "This country is the first!"

Yoshida didn’t react much, and Mitaka Chao was also a little shocked, but Mitaka Ye next to her looked very disdainful.

In the eyes of a demon of Ye’s level, the number of ordinary people can no longer be a criterion for judging strength.

Under her feet, there is no difference between stepping on an ant and stepping on a nest of ants.

"Country bumpkin!" Ye looked at Yuko with contempt.

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