The two of them were in a state of panic, but the situation was very complicated.

As a support group, Denci's team slowly walked behind and watched Yoshida's team going down the mountain.

"Hey, Denci, let's go back to the dormitory and play games." Pava suggested.

Denci suddenly turned his head and looked at Pava and said with great sorrow: "What a fool!"

"Ah? Are you really going to be the nanny of those two groups?" Pava was still wondering, but what Denci said next made her feel completely relieved. Denci was still the same Denci.

"You are so stupid. If Hayakawa Aki catches you playing games in the dormitory and tells the boss, you will definitely be ruined. Why don't we just go down the mountain and find an Internet cafe to play all night?"

"I see, Denci you really have a brain."

"What are you talking about! I'm super smart, okay?"

Looking at the two people's suicidal posture, Leisa tugged at the corner of Denci's clothes. "Denci-kun, is this really okay? What if Gojo-senpai gets angry?"

After listening to Leisa's advice, Denci raised his hand, pinched his chin, looked at the dusk in the sky and said wisely: "Of course I have considered the consequences of the boss's anger..."

Lesa felt that Denci realized the seriousness of the problem and just breathed a sigh of relief, Denci continued: "If he finds out, the worst case scenario is that we will be beaten half to death. Anyway, we are demons and can't die at all."

Lesa: "··········"

"It's hopeless." Leisa sighed, and finally followed Denci to the Internet cafe. After all, she couldn't let the two of them be alone.

Down the mountain, in Yoshida's group, Mitaka, who was walking forward, took the initiative to chat with Yuko in order to divert attention from Yoshida's shyness.

"Thank you for what happened in the gym last time."

Yuko smiled at Mitaka and said, "Don't be too polite. I resist all unjust behavior. No matter who is treated unfairly, I will stand up to help her."

Hearing Yuko say this, Mitaka felt a little relieved.

For a socially anxious person like her, it is better to take it slow to make a new friend.

If Yuko emphasized that he went to save her on purpose, or emphasized that he risked his life to save her;

Then, Mitaka would feel embarrassed again for such a strong feeling of saving her life. She would only continue to close herself off, but would repay Yuko with actions.

After stealing a glance at Yoshida from the corner of his eye and finding that he was not looking at this side, Mitaka continued to chat with Yuko.

"What do you think of the team leader?"

Yuko's eyes flashed with gossip, and she looked at Mitaka in surprise and said, "Hey! You don't like Yoshida, do you?"

Mitaka waved his hands repeatedly and explained very quickly, "I'm not talking about that aspect, I'm talking about what do you think of Yoshida's strength?"

Looking at Mitaka's anxious explanation and his gradually flushed face, Yuko said seriously, "I think Yoshida's strength is just so-so, and he often asks for leave to go out, and he doesn't even attend class well. I don't know if he really wants to become a demon hunter."

Listening to the two women's whispered discussions behind him, Yoshida's mouth curled up slightly.

The reason why he can skip class without being held accountable is because he has to be a thug for that white-haired guy.

Yoshida was too lazy to explain the two novices' discussion about him, a veteran demon hunter.

Mitaka in the back didn't respond to Yuko's question about whether Yoshida could become a demon hunter, because Ye once told her that if Yoshida became her own and then made into a weapon, it would be more than 10 times stronger than Tanaka's spinal sword!

"Um... Yuko, why do you want to be a demon hunter?" Mitaka asked.


After a short silence, Yuko replied frankly: "Because all my family members were killed by demons, I think my mission to survive should be to become a demon hunter and take revenge on demons."

"Besides, even if you only have a high school education, you can still earn more than more than 80% of the people in this country as a demon hunter."

Miying ignored Yuko's last sentence, and she said a little dejectedly: "My parents were also killed by demons..."

Yuko didn't seem to be shocked, but was a little surprised:


"Although I always feel that it's not appropriate to say this, don't you think that the two of us are like the protagonists in the comics? We are carrying hatred, and our life goal is to take revenge..."

Yuko became happier and happier as she spoke, and finally looked at Miying with a firm look and said: "Let's team up, let's move towards the strongest demon hunter together, and we want to become the revenge sisters praised by everyone."

Mitaka was silent as she watched Yuko happy. She was not angry with Yuko. She had let go of the fact that others mentioned her dead family 10 years ago. She just felt that Yuko really took this friendship seriously.

Mitaka, who had always longed to make friends, was silent for a while, then smiled at Yuko and said, "Okay, let's be revenge sisters together and hunt the damn demons together."

"Eat together, get out of school together, go shopping together, go to the toilet together..."

The latter words were all said by Mitaka in her heart. Although they were very ordinary and normal for ordinary students, they were experiences that Mitaka had never experienced in her life.

"Great! We will definitely become the best sisters in the world." Yuko said happily while holding Mitaka's arm with great interest.

Mitaka also smiled, but the smile did not last for 3 seconds, and Mitaka's expression suddenly stagnated, because the night appeared again.

Ye: "Kill her!"

Chao: "Who? Why."

Ye said coldly: "Kill Yuko! When she dies, her body will become yours."

Sanying said in panic: "What are you talking about? She is the first friend I made."

Looking at Yuko who looked panicked, Ye gave a cold explanation:

"It is because you have a sincere feeling for her that I will let you kill her. Then your good friend Yuko will become my invincible weapon."

Sanying couldn't accept it. "What a joke! I can't do anything to my friends."

Ye's face flashed with indifference, and the devil's cold-bloodedness was fully reflected in her.

"If you want to find the chainsaw man and take back your body, you have to join the Devil Police."

"If you join the Devil Police, you have to hunt demons. You can't fight demons with your delicate hands because that would be suicide."

"At this time, you need a weapon, and the weapon I make will determine the strength of your guilt."

"You like Yuko very much, she will definitely become a good weapon." Ye's voice is really a demon whispering, and she really wants to take Yuko's life.

"She trusts you very much now. As long as you propose to patrol in a remote town, you won't be discovered by others if you kill her."

"Don't worry, I know you can't do it, so I'll kill Yuko then."

"I think about you everywhere in this place. I'm really a kind demon..." Ye praised himself seriously.

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