Changed The Queen's Script At The Beginning, Taking Away The Protagonist's Chance

Chapter 126 Dual Cultivation Achieves The Body Of Saint

Chapter 126 Dual cultivation achieves the body of Saint

Mo Shengge was also quite confused about the improvement of his Realm.

She obviously didn't know that the increase in own's strength was caused by the demon blood in her body.

And Li Changan did not go into details.

"It's a good thing that your strength has improved. In this case, the probability of us leaving this place will be greatly increased."


Mo Shengge nodded slightly, and then suddenly showed a guilty expression.

"Chang'an, I'm the one who dragged you down."

she knows.

At that time, Zhang Zheng and Li Changan fought fiercely. Although Li Changan was at a disadvantage, he was not defeated.

But I was careless for a while, and became the target of Zhang Zheng's sneak attack.

And Li Changan was defeated because of saving her.

Therefore, Mo Shengge was naturally extremely guilty.

It was the first time she felt the feeling of dragging others down.

"What's the drag? I, Li Changan, have never been afraid of being dragged since I was born."

Li Changan smiled lightly, showing that he didn't care.

And Mo Shengge's heart warmed when he heard Li Changan's words.

This man is really gentle.

"Now we are trapped here, and it is very difficult to get out."

Li Changan changed the subject and began to think about the current situation.

To be honest, having that white-clothed man stationed in the depths of the mist really made it difficult for him to move an inch.

However, the man in white seemed to resonate with him when he used the ten thousand knives to kill the gods in the second style.

This shows that they are expected to go out.

"Then what should we do now?" Mo Shengge asked.

"There is only one way now, you can upgrade to the Promise Realm as soon as possible, and leave the rest to me."

Li Changan cast Mo Shengge a reassuring look.


Mo Shengge nodded, and then, with the help of Li Changan, began to improve the strength of the Cultivation Base.


The place of Killing intent.

A place of light to the east.

Here, there are flowers, trees and butterflies everywhere, which is incompatible with the gloomy and cold atmosphere of the place of Killing intent.

Qin Mingyue came here with Liu Heng Genichi up.

"Princess, what is this place?"

Liu Heng Genichi asked with a blank face.

He has stayed in the place of Killing intent for a long time, and now he sees the light again, which makes him feel that this place is simply a paradise.

"This is where I have lived for many years."

Qin Mingyue said lightly.

After saying that, he walked forward on his own, and came to the bookshelf.

On it, there are various ancient books on Cultivation Technique obtained by Qin Mingyue when he traveled around the world, as well as some secret techniques brought out from the royal family.

"You can read the books above as you like, and how much you can comprehend depends on your own good fortune."

Qin Mingyue pointed to the bookshelf and said to Liu Hengyuan.

Hearing this, Liu Hengyuan's eyes flickered with brilliance.

The ancient books on the bookshelf do not look simple, because from a distance, Liu Hengyuan can feel the bursts of Sacred breath emanating from them.

"Xiao Yuanzi, it's really a great opportunity for you to meet this woman, big good fortune."

At this time, Ji Wuyue's voice echoed in Liu Hengyuan's mind.

"Teacher, why did you say that?"

"Let's not say that this woman can help you improve your Saint's body, just the bookshelves she allows you to browse at will, among which there are many heaven-level Cultivation Techniques."

There was a hint of excitement in Ji Wuyue's voice: "Also, I feel that in these ancient books, there is a way to help me recast my physical body."

Thinking of being able to recast her body, Ji Wuyue was naturally full of joy.

Because she has not avenged her vengeance, she needs to have a physical body to avenge her.

"That's great, teacher, if you can recast your body, you and I, master and apprentice, will not be afraid of any difficulties together."

Liu Hengyuan grinned.

Although Li Changan is dead now, that guy is only the first obstacle on his way to becoming a strong man.

In the future, if he wants to prove the Tao and become a saint on the way of cultivating immortals, he will have to go through countless hardships and obstacles.

But if the own Master can recast his body, then he will be more relaxed when facing difficulties.

"Well, I look forward to such a day."

Ji Wuyue smiled knowingly.

Then, he continued: "You can stay here for a while."

"Here, Spiritual Qi is extremely abundant, and practicing here can get twice the result with half the effort."

Hearing Ji Wuyue's suggestion, Li Changan nodded, and then looked at Qin Mingyue.

"Princess, I am very grateful for allowing the junior to read the ancient books on the bookshelf."

Liu Hengyuan bowed to Qin Mingyue's cupped hands.

Although he didn't know that the other party wanted to help him, he really wanted to thank the other party.

"It's okay, anyway, you need to help me later."

Qin Mingyue said something that made Liu Hengyuan puzzled.

"By the way, princess, my friend...?"

"Don't worry, he has been placed in another place by me."

The friend Liu Hengyuan was talking about was naturally Zhang Zheng.

Although he and Zhang Zheng are just an alliance.

However, after all, the other party helped him solve Li Changan's serious problem.

Therefore, Liu Hengyuan is still very grateful to the other party, and naturally he does not want him to die in this place of Killing intent.

And if he becomes stronger in the future, then the National Teacher's Mansion will be his best helper against the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Now, your matter is settled."

"Now let's talk about the deity."

"It can also be said that you and I have accomplished each other's Saint's body."

Qin Mingyue sat on the stone chair and looked at Liu Hengyuan lazily.

"Eldest Princess, forgive me for being ignorant, I don't know how I can help you, Eldest Princess?"

Liu Heng Genichi looked at Qin Mingyue blankly.

The other party supported Own's head with one hand, and looked him up and down seriously.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Do you know... dual cultivation?"

"Dual cultivation? The juniors naturally know about it, but... wait, dual cultivation!?"

Liu Hengyuan reacted suddenly, and then looked at the other party in shock.

Is the dual cultivation he understands the same as Qin Mingyue?

The other party wants to have dual cultivation with him?

For a while, Liu Hengyuan was flattered and hesitated.

"That's right, the Saint's body of the deity has reached its limit by itself, and can only be improved with the help of external forces."

"And this place of killing intent is extremely dark, and there is no external force that can help the deity to cultivate. Therefore, the best way now is to find a man who is also the body of Saint, and perform dual cultivation with the deity."

"I don't know, would you like to?"

Hearing Qin Mingyue's words, Liu Hengyuan was shocked.

And Ji Wuyue's voice suddenly sounded: "Promise her, Xiao Yuanzi, this is your good fortune."

Hearing Ji Wuyue's words, Liu Hengyuan no longer hesitated and nodded.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Qin Mingyue's mouth flashed an indifferent smile.

Then, in the entire canyon, there were bursts of female voices and charming breaths.

The physiques of the two are also subtly changing.

(end of this chapter)

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