Chapter 127 The tragic past of the man in white

In the abyss.

A man and a woman sat on a huge werewolf and walked towards the depths.

And this man and woman are exactly Li Changan and Mo Shengge.

As for the werewolf under him, it was Walker whose blood had been strengthened and turned into an orc.

"Chang'an, after such a long time, Liu Hengyuan and Zhang Zhenghui have already left the place of Killing intent."

At this moment, Mo Shengge asked Li Changan beside him.

For Liu Hengyuan, she didn't have much emotion, but Zhang Zheng was different.

It was because of him that the two fell to this place.

It would be a lie to say that Mo Shengge didn't want revenge.

She is not Saint, why should Zhang Zheng live?

"No matter where the two of them are, killing them is easy for me."

Li Changan said with a smile, his eyes were full of disdain for Zhang Zheng and others.

In fact, this sentence is true.

Now, no matter in terms of strength or status, Liu Hengyuan and Zhang Zheng are like playthings in his palm.

If these two guys were not the son of destiny, I believe they would have died tens of thousands of times.


Walker suddenly stopped and let out a soft roar towards the front, as if he felt that he was approaching a dangerous zone, and he was vigilant.

"Master, the destination has arrived."

Walker said, eyes reveal fierce light.


"Walker, you stay here first, if there is any situation, don't worry about me, you leave immediately with Shengge."

Li Changan looked into the abyss and said.

Walker nodded, entrenched in place with a worried face.

"Changan..." Mo Shengge looked at Li Changan and called softly.

Concern was written all over his face.

These days, Mo Shengge listened to Li Changan talk a lot about the abyss in the process of improving the Cultivation Base.

He also knew the horror of the man in white.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. When you were unconscious, I tried countless times."

"If it's really dangerous, I can get away."

Li Changan still had a lazy smile on his face.

But in his heart he was extremely alert and secretly worried.

In fact, the truth is true, but there is one missing point, that is, every time Li Changan escapes, he is half dead.

And every time if it wasn't for Gu Yaoyan's narrow escape and rescued himself, he might have died here long ago.


"It's okay, Shengge, don't you understand my current strength?"

Li Changan said confidently.

Promise Fifth Stage, plus five Realm abilities, indeed has the capital to make him arrogant.

"Then you still have to be careful."

Mo Shengge reminded, blushing.

Especially when Li Changan called himself "Sheng Ge", his face was full of tenderness.


Li Changan smiled and flew down.

Then he turned back to Walker and said, "Walker, if there is no problem, you can come here with Shuang'er."

"Yes, master, please be extremely careful."

Walker replied respectfully.

In my heart, I still have some fear of the area where the man in white is.

Then, Li Changan walked slowly, holding the Samsara knife.

Mo Shengge looked at Li Changan with worry on his face.

Soon, Li Changan saw that familiar prestige in the white mist.

The man in white still stood there quietly. Although his arm was broken, he was like a rock, majestic and inviolable.

"Senior, I've stayed here long enough, I have a reason to leave."

"So, I hope you can let the kid go this time..."

Li Changan said secretly in his heart.

Tightening the long knife in his hand, a murderous look gradually appeared in his eyes.

During Mo Shengge's coma, Li Changan tried to leave this place countless times, but all failed.

He knew that there was a huge gap between own and the man in white, but even so, he had to hurry up and leave.

He was originally a character who must die in the script, but the script system made it possible for him to survive.

He didn't want to waste time in this abyss without hindering Liu Hengyuan's development.

So this time Li Changan wants to take a gamble, betting that this time he can walk over safely.

Even if it fails, Li Changan will try again.

Unable to help, Li Changan quietly closed his eyes and released the God Killing Stance.

Suddenly, a series of evil and overbearing Killing intents came from all directions, carrying a lonely and desolate negative emotion.

It even carried waves of evil murderous intent, which spread throughout the entire canyon in an instant.

As the Killing intent spread, the white mist in the air began to melt strangely.


It can be seen that the bone horse sitting on the white man's body shone with a strange light, which seemed to contain a kind of sadness and anger, quietly listening to the heart-pounding sound of the flute.

At this time, Li Changan seemed to have entered a wonderful state of ecstasy.

Strong Killing intent, with thousands of thoughts, swept all directions, wandering in the canyon sadly.

At this moment, dozens of black dragons transformed from Killing intent condensed in the sky.


The man in white sat down on the bone rider and raised his head, roaring in an extremely sad voice.


The billowing white mist suddenly turned into a dark force, which rushed into Li Changan's mind invisibly.

Li Changan was taken aback.

Then I felt an extremely dark force occupying my own consciousness.

Impressively, in Li Changan's mind, the illusion was born.

In the illusion, I saw a middle-aged man with a slender body and a jade-like face, holding a woman who couldn't see clearly in his left hand.

The right hand bears a long knife, with a murderous look.

Leading only a thousand subordinates, they frantically fought against a group of Deva in the canyon.

The battle was especially fierce.

Although all the soldiers fought desperately, but Deva is Deva after all, and everyone is in the state of ecstasy.

Therefore, the strength is much stronger than them.

All the soldiers retreated steadily and were blocked in the canyon.

Then a Daoist figure fell down in a brave fight.

One after another, the blood corpses fell in all directions, which was too horrible to look at.

It gradually piled up into a hill.

"Commander, hurry up, or the brothers will all die in vain!"

At this moment, a man in golden armor roared.

Judging from the armor he was wearing, this person's status was not low.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was strangled by dozens of Devas.

And the man watched the brother who accompanied him through life and death fall, and felt infinitely desolate in his heart.

However, he didn't have time to worry about spring and autumn.

In order to protect the woman in his arms, he could only continue to fight Deva in front of him.

"Li Heavenly Dao, don't be obsessed with your obsession, let go of the witch in your arms, otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

At this moment, a leader-level figure in the sky spoke.

That leader-level figure seemed to have reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, and was only one step away from reaching the top of the true god.

The sound was like a bell, echoing in the canyon.

(end of this chapter)

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