Chapter 132 Evil Sha Pavilion

Facing such a formidable opponent, Wu Lan and the others trembled with anger and gritted their teeth fiercely.



A huge aura approached, aggressively pressing on Li Changan and Mo Shengge.

Li Changan's face changed slightly, but he was not afraid.

The power of evil spirits radiated, and he also forced to face that powerful aura.


Two invisible Spirit Powers collide with each other.

The airflow rioted, and there was a loud noise that sounded like an air burst.

The space twisted violently.

Li Changan looked at the place where the breath broke out, and laughed wildly: "Haha, another villain in the dark."

"Could it be someone from the Xie Sha Pavilion again?"

"It seems that Xiesha Pavilion's face has been completely lost by you guys."


A deep and cold voice echoed.


I saw a majestic figure, like a thunder and lightning across the sky, with incomparably powerful force, approaching Li Changan and the others in a menacing manner.


Li Changan snorted softly and rose into the air.

After fixing his eyes on the looming figure, he suddenly released a palm.

Cooperating with the power of evil spirit, this palm is enough to make Li Changan invincible in the void.


Fight with both palms!

Circles of huge light patterns oscillated.

Waves of huge waves rushed to the surroundings like huge waves, and the ground shook violently.


There was another loud bang.

Under the impact of the huge palm force, Li Changan in white robe was shaken back.

However, Li Changan fell to the ground safely and unharmed.

The powerful Thor's body and the domineering Spirit Power are two cards in hand.

Now against the top players in the Promise Realm, Li Changan would not be defeated so easily even if he didn't use his hole cards, and he could even counter-kill him.

"Hiss, how could this guy be so terrifying?"

"Wow, Brother Chang'an is so fierce!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Changkong and Wu Lan were extremely shocked.

Obviously Li Changan only had the Cultivation Base of the Everlasting Realm, and he was able to compete with the peak powerhouse of the Everlasting Realm.

This is so heaven-defying!

And the person in the dark seemed to be shocked by Li Changan's powerful strength.

Suddenly, a figure appeared, standing coldly in the air.

It was a middle-aged man with long purple hair, wearing a mighty purple robe.

The eyebrows are like swords, the eyes are like eagles, and the face is like a knife.

As if habitually exuding a strong and cold murderous aura, the cold eyes stared coldly at Li Changan.

At the same time, Li Changan was also looking at him.

【Name: Wuhe】

【identity:? ? ? 】

【Cultivation Base: Promise Ninth Stage】


At this moment, Wu Changkong shouted in awe.

And Li Changan narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that this guy should be the current leader of Xie Sha Pavilion, Wu Changkong's big brother.


Wu He nodded heavily, and glanced coldly at Li Changan and the others.

He asked coldly, "Who are you?"


Li Changan replied coldly, with a rather unkind tone.

"Nonsense, if you're not human, what are you?"

Wu Lan said angrily.

"Oh, I thought you couldn't see that we were human beings."

"But compared to you, we are human."

Li Changan said coldly

"Brother Chang'an, you're like this..."

Wu Changkong looked at Li Changan weakly, which meant to remind Li Changan not to provoke his Dage.

Obviously, Wu Changkong was very afraid of this Dage.

But it's a pity that Li Changan didn't follow this pattern, instead his face was full of arrogance.

Mo Shengge also had a cold face, quite domineering.

From top to bottom, there was an aura of the Frost Queen.

"Are you scolding us?"

Wu He's eyes were cold, and his surroundings suddenly fell into deathly silence.


Walker's ferocious eyes flashed coldly, as long as Li Changan was hurt, he would kill Li Changan without hesitation.


Wu He's eyes were fixed, and the atmosphere was silent for a long time.

Then he said lightly: "Yes, he is a man, but trespassing on Xie Sha Village and insulting Xie Sha Pavilion is absolutely unforgivable."

"Trespassing? Do you think we really want to come to this ghost place?"

At this moment, Mo Shengge's heart was also ignited with anger.

There was no hope of leaving, and now he was framed out of thin air, how could Mo Shengge not be angry?

"Captain Wu, don't talk nonsense with them."

"The identities of these two people are unknown, and they are insulting the reputation of our Xie Sha Pavilion in every possible way. Their lives must not be spared!"

Wu Lan said angrily.

While speaking, figures flashed out of the white mist, there were more than 400 people.

Their strengths are all above the True Yuan Realm, and there are also several Wuji Realm experts among them.

And those people were all wearing purple robes, with a cold and murderous look all over their bodies.

Holding weapons in each hand, they glared at Li Changan and the others with hostility.

"Ready to bully the few with more?"

Li Changan showed no fear. Although the strength of the Xie Sha Pavilion was strong, Li Changan could tell that this was just a small team of the Xie Sha Pavilion.

Besides, as long as Li Changan showed his hole cards, these people were not enough to watch.

Shen hummed: "What? Is this the prestige of your Xie Sha Pavilion?"

"Hehe, what a bold spirit! If Commander Li Da is alive, I wonder if he will be pissed off by you!"

"Commander Li..."

Everyone exclaimed, and Wu He was also shocked.

Li Changan, on the other hand, looked gloomy.

After getting the approval of the man in white, he already knew the identity of the man in white.

And these people in Xie Sha Village, needless to say, are the Xie Sha Pavilion who followed the man in white in the illusion.

Wu Changkong shrugged his head, perplexed.

Wu He pondered for a while, then slowly descended.

He said to Li Changan gloomyly: "Who are you guys! How did you manage to enter here alive?"

"If others treat me politely, I will naturally be polite. If others treat me politely, then I don't need to answer."

Li Changan looked around the crowd with a cold face, and said coldly: "Although you Xiesha Pavilion has a large number of people, but if I really want to kill you..., I can guarantee that you will definitely not leave a single piece!"

"What arrogance! Kill this rampant thing!"

Wu Lan roared angrily.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


Everyone booed at the sound, and each one was murderous.

These people have been hiding in the abyss all year round. Under the influence of Devilish Qi, they used to serve the human race but were betrayed by the human race.

That's why they harbor such strong hostility and distrust towards Li Changan.

Wu He's face was tight.

From the fight with Li Changan just now, Wu He could see that although the opponent's Cultivation Base was low, he didn't use his full strength at all.

If you can still compete against yourself without using all your strength, if you still have your hole cards, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Wait a moment."

Wu Changkong was so anxious that he rushed to Wu He and said hastily, "Dage, they are really my friends."

"They just broke into here accidentally, and there is absolutely no malice."

(end of this chapter)

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