Chapter 133 Follow Me

Li Changan glanced at everyone indifferently.

"That's right, my senior sister and I really didn't have any malicious intentions. If there was any malicious intentions, I guarantee that all of you are lying down now."

"Don't say I'm crazy, I have this ability."

Li Changan said firmly.

Like dealing with these guys, you must maintain a tough attitude.

In the final analysis, Li Changan also wanted to subdue the remaining people in Xie Sha Pavilion.

Although the remaining group of people are not strong, their growth limit is very high. After all, they are all fighters who came from the battlefield.

How could the existence that was once hailed as the light of the human race be so bad?

But when Li Changan said this, those people became even more angry.

"What did you say? Just because you dare to speak wild words?"

Wu Lan said angrily.

"It's over."

Seeing Li Changan's appearance and the furious Wu Lan, Wu Changkong lowered his head weakly.


Wu He's face twitched with anger, and he muttered: "You really don't want to put our Xiesha Pavilion To put in one's eyes."

"Hehe, that's right, I didn't To put you in one's eyes at all."

"Then I want to ask you, are you really loyal to Commander Li?" Li Changan asked indifferently.

"Hmph, we Xie Sha Pavilion's loyalty to Commander Li can be learned from heaven and earth!"

Wu He straightened his body.

This sentence is from the heart.

They are all from the same village.

At first, the people in the village were doing nothing, but later Commander Li and his lover fled to the village and were taken in by the people in the village.

Later, with the amazing Talent Cultivation Base, Commander Li led most people in the village to resist the aliens and formed the Xiesha Pavilion.

Although the people in the village were kind to Commander Li, Commander Li also led them, a group of people who should have been doing nothing all their lives, to the top of the human race.

"A lesson from heaven and earth?"

Li Changan shook his head and asked, "Then let me ask you, since you are so loyal to Commander Li, why don't you avenge Commander Li?"

"Oh, you think we don't want to? It's just that we can't get out, and this place is sealed."

Wuhe replied.

"Seal? Oh, didn't you guys try to break through the seal?"

Li Changan asked again with a faint smile on his face.


"Is that once or twice? Or did you try once and give up?"

Li Changan sent out a soul-like question, making everyone at a loss as to what to answer.

"With such great loyalty, but without such great perseverance, is this the character of your Xie Sha Pavilion?"

"You just blindly hide here, and even disbelieve everything from the outside world. This is the way of hospitality in your Xie Sha Pavilion!"

"Also, relying on your numbers, you can do whatever you want here! Is this the style of your Xie Sha Pavilion?"

"In my opinion, you Xie Sha Pavilion can only have this ability if you hide here!"

Li Changan said aggressively.

Wu He was speechless, his face flushed red.

Li Changan continued: "So I didn't To put you in one's eyes at all. To me, you are a bunch of trash now!"

"Even after Commander Li dies, he still has to protect you trash!"


Hearing these two words, everyone bit their lips tightly.

He even almost bit his lip.

His face twitched, although his heart was full of anger, but suddenly he couldn't find any excuse to refute Li Changan.

Every sentence, every word, Li Changan said it unforgettable, Wu He only hated and was angry, but it was hard to say it back.

Mo Shengge looked at the high-spirited Li Changan, whose mature atmosphere did not match his age, as if he had an illusion.

The current Li Changan is like an emperor himself, majestic and proud on the battlefield.

Waving your hands is like a thousand troops, and raising your feet is like shaking mountains and rivers.

I couldn't help being shocked, is this really my future man?

And I have to say that Li Changan is indeed very capable of leadership.

After all, as the son of the prime minister's mansion, he still has this quality.

At this time, Li Changan coldly glanced at the crowd, and said indifferently, "What? Are you speechless?"

"I really want to know what you mean when Commander Li is protecting us even after he dies?"

Wu He stared at Li Changan and asked, clenching his fists fiercely.

"Oh, you don't know?"

Li Changan smiled faintly, turned around and pointed to the outside of the canyon, and said, "Have you ever gone in there?"

"We wanted to go in, but we were restricted by a powerful force." Wu He said.

"Do you know what's inside?" Li Changan asked.

"What?" Wu He frowned.

"Li Heavenly Dao, Commander Li!"

Li Changan said word by word, his voice was sonorous and powerful, hitting everyone's heart directly.

"Great Commander?!"

Wu He was taken aback for a moment, and everyone was also shocked.

Li Changan's face was deep, and he said in a firm tone: "That's right! It's Commander Li!"

"He died for love, but in order to protect you, even if he died, he still persisted in his obsession."

"I saw with my own eyes that he was there, guarding you. Anyone who broke into this place died at the hands of Commander Li!"

"But you guys are hiding here and doing nothing! Don't you even admit that you're useless!"

Hearing this, everyone trembled, and suddenly everyone's eyes turned red.

"The Great Commander..."

Wu He let out a long cry, and wept bitterly.

Wu Lan and the others also lowered their heads in shame, and couldn't help crying.

Plop plop!

One after another, they fell to their knees heavily.

Even Lian Wuhe knelt down heavily, calling out "Great Commander" in grief.

He beat his chest and stamped his feet, and burst into tears.

In that appearance, it looked no different from a child.

"Crying? Is crying useful? You should go out!"

"You should take revenge! You shouldn't hide here and suffer humiliation!"

Li Changan said word by word.

Wu He raised his head tremblingly, his eyes were red, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Get out! Why didn't we want to go out, why didn't we want to avenge the great commander?"

"But how do we get out? How do we get out!"

As he spoke, Wu He almost roared out.

"What if! I can take you out?"

Li Changan jumped off Walker, rubbed the knuckles of own index finger and said.

Hearing the sound, everyone was taken aback.

His eyes instantly focused on Li Changan.

Wu Changkong's eyes were even brighter, and he was very excited.

"Are you really capable of taking us out of here?"

Wu He asked.

"Well! Although I can't be absolutely sure! But I will have a certain degree of certainty!"

Li Changan nodded heavily, and said, "However, I have a condition! This is not only for you, but also for myself!"

"What conditions?" Wu He couldn't help asking.

"I hope you will follow me!" Li Changan said.

(end of this chapter)

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