Changed The Queen's Script At The Beginning, Taking Away The Protagonist's Chance

Chapter 134 Speak With The Strength Of Cultivation Base

Chapter 134 Speak with the strength of Cultivation Base

The reason why Li Changan wanted to subdue this group of people was to help Commander Li fulfill his last wish.

In addition, I want to find some reliable subordinates, not slaves like Walker and Gu Yaoyan.

After all, if there is a major event in the future, it is impossible to discuss it with these slaves.

"Hmph! Follow you! You are too self-righteous!"

Wu Lan snorted coldly.

"We only follow Commander Li!"

"Never betray!"

Everyone shouted again and again, showing their loyalty.


Li Changan smiled lazily and said, "You are indeed very loyal, and I admire you too!"

"But I want to ask you! Do you want to avenge Commander Li?"


Everyone roared instinctively, full of murderous intent and fighting spirit.

Even after so many years, their desire to avenge Deva for Commander Li has not diminished in the slightest.

"Want? I know you want to, but without me, you might be stuck here forever."

"Although you people are loyal, you are ignorant! If you don't want to follow me, then don't say it's revenge! You will even die here!"

Li Changan said coldly.

"Hmph! Even if you die here! We will never follow you!"

"That's right! We are only loyal to Commander Li!"

"Except Commander Li! No one wants to subdue us!"

Everyone shouted, loyal.

This is the voice of everyone.

"Commander Li is dead!"

Li Changan pondered.

"Even if we die! We will follow Commander Li's will!"

Wuhe said seriously.

"Will? What if I say that I have been approved by Commander Li?"

Li Changan looked at the crowd playfully and said.

"Approved? What do you mean?"

Wu He frowned slightly and asked.


Li Changan said: "I was once trapped in the abyss, and was even almost killed by Commander Li."

"But today, I finally got the approval of Commander Li! I saw the phantom in Commander Li's resentment! I also saw everything that happened to you in the Xie Sha Pavilion!"

"And I have inherited Commander Li's will."

Li Changan paused, and continued: "If there are still people in your Xiesha Pavilion alive! I will take Commander Li's will to stay! Lead you out of here! Avenge Commander Li!"

"Of course, you can doubt my words! We will leave here too! Then you will stay here forever! This revenge! I will avenge it!"

"Blood debts are paid in blood! This is a matter of our Xie Sha Pavilion!"

Wu He said harshly.

"It's also my business!" Li Changan said coldly.

"And, you may not know, I am also from the Li family."

"The Li family?"

Wu He frowned slightly, and looked Li Changan up and down.

"That's right, I am the legitimate son of the Li family and the next successor of the Li family."

Li Changan slowly revealed a news that surprised everyone.

"At the beginning, Li Heavenly Dao was expelled from the Li family. This matter made me sad."

"So, in order to make up for the mistakes the Li family made, I will take you with me to avenge my hatred."

Li Changan said domineeringly.

These incredible words seemed to become a wish that could come true when they came out of his mouth.

Wu He looked at Li Changan, as if making a difficult decision.

Finally, he chose to submit, and raised his head and said, "Our Xie Sha Pavilion can follow you! But you must be recognized by all of us!"


Li Changan said proudly: "Your Xie Sha Pavilion claims to be the light of the human race, it is true."

"Although your strength is far inferior to the group of people who have died, you are not weak."

"Then I will use Cultivation Base to get your approval! If you choose War Practitioner! Please take a step forward!"

"Me!" A person stepped out.

"And I!"



One after another stepped forward, there were more than ten people in total, and they were all cultivators with a higher level of True Origin Realm.

The back beam is straight, the head is held high, and the face is full of fighting spirit.

Li Changan looked at the dozen or so members of the Xie Sha Pavilion and said, "Okay! Come with as many of you as you like!"

This sound fully inspired the fighting spirit of those people.


Li Changan released monstrous evil power and stood proudly.

The whole person stood there, like an ancient Devil Emperor, proud and inviolable.

Then, Li Changan said: "Let's get started!"

As they said that, those people seemed to hesitate and looked at Wuhe one after another.

With his hands behind his back, Wu He said to the crowd: "Our Xie Sha Pavilion must not show weakness! Fight!"

war! war! war!

The fighting spirit is high and the fighting spirit is high.

Wu Changkong looked at Li Changan with admiration.

Unexpectedly, this brother was so domineering.

Mo Shengge sat on Walker's big back with a smile on his face.

She naturally knew how terrifying Li Changan was.


Someone suddenly roared, and more than a dozen cultivators of the True Yuan Realm rushed towards Li Changan angrily.

Li Changan clenched his fists tightly and grunted loudly.

He didn't even pull out the Samsara knife, it was all fist and kick!


Li Changan turned into a purple streamer, and instantly flew in front of one of the cultivators, punching him with a wave of his hand.


The powerful fist directly knocked that cultivator back.



Several Practitioners rushed over together, with fist shadows all over the sky, carrying huge force, and blasted at Li Changan mercilessly.

Li Changan's feet were on the ground like a rock, standing there proudly.



Punch after punch, hit Li Changan heavily.

Li Changan is unshakable, like an iron tower, no matter how the external force impacts and hits.

Li Changan is like a green bamboo, unable to be overwhelmed, standing still.

Such a powerful combat body is truly terrifying.

Gives a feeling of terror.


There were bursts of roars.

Those cultivators waved their fists angrily, each punch was harder than the next, but they still couldn't knock Li Changan down.

"Hehe, it seems that I overestimated you."

Li Changan smiled coldly.

This made Wu He, who had been watching with nothing, extremely shocked.

Looking at the standing Li Changan in the battle circle, I even had the illusion that the Li Changan in front of me was just like Commander Li back then, with the potential of a general.

Not only that, but the young man in front of him had an aura that Commander Li didn't have at the beginning.

The posture of an emperor!

Dominant gesture!

"Commander Li, could it be... is this really God's will?"

Thinking of this, Wu He couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

Li Changan withstood the attacks of those fighters with his powerful body.

With a lazy smile on his face all the time, he said calmly: "The fists of the people in Xie Sha Pavilion! Are they only as fragile as girls!"

This sentence, like a fuse, directly angered this group of soldiers who had made countless contributions to the human race.



Crazy fists, as dense as rain, fists like steel, bombarded Li Changan endlessly.

(end of this chapter)

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