Chapter 135: Violent Killing Established

Li Changan was shaken all over, and a powerful force forcibly shook them away.

Following that, Li Changan's figure moved.

Dodging to the front of that cultivator, both fists were struck out without interruption.

Punch after punch came out wildly, with ferocious force.



One after another, the figures were sent flying by Li Changan.

Li Changan stood proudly, looked down at everyone present, and said loudly: "Who wants to challenge!"


Another wave of crowd rushed over with murderous intent.

"Hmph, the spirit of the gnats shaking the big tree is also rare and precious from another perspective."

Li Changan clenched his fists and rushed over forcefully.

Watching everyone's attacks, he frantically waved his fists, and everyone who came into contact was sent flying.


Obviously Li Changan only has the Cultivation Base of the Fifth Stage of Wuji Realm, but this strength is abnormally strong.

Hundreds of True Yuan Realm cultivators, mixed with several Wuji Realm cultivators, rushed past one after another, but were knocked down by Li Changan with physical power.

You know, the weakest part of Li Changan is the body cultivator.

But he relied on his physical ability to contend with so many cultivators.

Soon, no one dared to fight again.

The knocked down people looked at Li Changan with admiration.

Involuntarily, Li Changan looked at Wuhe, and said indifferently: "So, what about you?"

Hearing the sound, Wu He just woke up.

Shaking his head, he said, "You have been approved by the Xiesha Pavilion! Naturally, you have also been approved by me! And I don't think you will have a backhand to deal with me!"


Li Changan nodded heavily, looked at the crowd, and said, "Although I am far from being able to compare with Commander Li! I will never be able to replace Commander Li..."

"But I am Li Changan! I swear here! I will never disappoint Commander Li's will to stay!"

"But! Since you all submit to me, you will no longer belong to the Xie Sha Pavilion!"

"You guys from now on! Don't belong to any force, including the Li family. Only belong to me, Li Changan."

Li Changan said majesticly, and the blood that had been silent for many years was instantly ignited in everyone's heart.

"You will be formed by me into a guard team that will make the mainland tremble! It's called Violent Killing."

"In the future, you will be the most terrifying killing gods in the world! And the will of the Xie Sha Pavilion! It will never be wiped away!"



The Grim Reaper dedicated to killing Li Changan!

Everyone was full of enthusiasm when they heard it, and they knelt down on one leg.

Wu He froze for a moment, with a gratified smile on his face.

As a Ninth Stage powerhouse, Wu He also knelt down on one leg.

Putting one hand on his chest, he said in a loud voice: "From now on, our Xie Sha Pavilion will be loyal to Commander Li's will! We will pledge our allegiance to Lord Li Changan to the death!"

"Swear allegiance to the death!"

"Swear allegiance to the death!"

"Swear allegiance to the death!"


Wave after wave, the voice became louder and louder, almost breaking through the sky and echoing between heaven and earth.

Wu Changkong was so excited and his blood boiled, he fell to his knees.

Mo Shengge looked at the majestic Li Changan in a daze. Is this really the son of the prime minister's mansion who is said to be doing all kinds of evil?

【Ding! Add ten to Mo Shengge's love value, and get 10,000 chance points]

The voice of the system sounded in Li Changan's mind. Seeing that the chance value changed to 240,000, and Mo Shengge's love value changed to 50, Li Changan smiled.

This is simply double happiness.


At this time, somewhere in the stone house.

Wu He sat and talked with Li Changan and Mo Shengge.

Now that the guards have been subdued, the next thing to consider is leaving here

"Wuhe, you have been entrenched here for a long time, do you know where the seal is?"

Li Changan asked.

To form a team, there must be a clear hierarchy.

And Wuhe is the captain of this guard.

"Young Master, it's just behind Xie Sha Village." Wu He replied with a respectful attitude.

Now that he has chosen to be loyal, Wuhe will naturally not put on an air of condescension.

"Do you know what the seal is?" Li Changan asked again.

"It seems to be something from the demon clan."

Wu He frowned slightly and said: "The people we survived are actually some of the lowest level people in the Xie Sha Pavilion back then, and they don't know much."

"But we can clearly feel that there are monsters nearby."

"Since the monster was activated, the entire abyss has been completely sealed off from the outside world."

Wu He said.

"Hmm." Li Changan nodded slightly.

He said again: "But I'm really curious, why did you come to this place of Killing intent, and why did you come to this abyss?"

"It's for some demons." Wu He said.

"Demon race?"

Li Changan looked at Mo Shengge, and they were slightly startled at the same time.

After all, Mo Shengge is one of the demon clan.

And in the future script, she will be the woman who will lead the entire demon clan.

"Yes, to be precise, it is a conspiracy constructed by various forces."

Wu He said with great hatred: "At the beginning, the wife of our grand commander learned that the relatives of Own were captured here by the demons. She was anxious for a while, so she went alone to save her relatives from the fire and water."

"And after the commander learned about this, he led the entire Xie Sha Pavilion here because he was worried about his wife."

"Unexpectedly, when we arrived, we didn't meet the demons, but several Devas teamed up to kill the commander's wife."

Wu He gritted his teeth and said, the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

"Why? I found in the phantom that the commander's lover is not weak."

"How could the group of Deva kill it so easily?"

Li Changan asked doubtfully.

"That's right, our Grand Commander's wife is super strong, even stronger than the Grand Commander."

"It's just that the commander's wife, Long Xin'er, was regarded as a witch by the famous sects, and the arrest of the commander's wife and relatives was nothing but a conspiracy."

"A conspiracy against the entire Xie Sha Pavilion."

"So, when the Xie Sha Pavilion arrived, the commander's wife had already been killed by several Devas, and the Xie Sha Pavilion was also ambushed."

"Long Family?"

Li Changan frowned.

Could this Long family be the Long family of the first family in the Sky Empire?

"Chang'an, this incident is too coincidental. Could it be that this group of Devas and the demons have some secret dealings?"

Mo Shengge expressed his own conjecture.

"Well, it is indeed very possible." Li Changan nodded and said

"You are right." Wu He said, "We have suspected for a long time that there is something between those Devas and the demons."

"And the Long family may not be a good bird."

"After all, the Long Family wants to control the Sky Empire, the Devas want to kill the leader's wife, and the Demons want to reduce the strength of the Human Race."

"Therefore, it is very possible that the three parties jointly set up a conspiracy for the Xie Sha Pavilion."

Wu He said firmly.

"The Long family... huh, since that's the case, let's start with the Long family first."

Li Changan smiled coldly.

"En!" Wu He nodded at her, and then asked: "My lord, do you really have a way to break the seal?"

"Take me there first," Li Changan said.

"Okay." Wu He nodded slightly

(end of this chapter)

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