Chapter 136: Artifact Spirit

Shortly thereafter.

Li Changan and the others followed Wuhe to Houcun.

When we got here, there was more than just white mist.

Visible to the naked eye in front of the place, filled with a strong atmosphere of darkness.

It was like the massive mouth of a giant beast, ready to devour the falling prey at any time.

"Hey, this place doesn't look like a good place."

Li Changan said with a frown.

From a long distance away, one could feel the overwhelming dark aura pressing over.

Cold and evil.

There were bursts of screams like howling ghosts and wolves, which made people feel frightened.

But for some reason, facing this powerful and terrifying Devilish Qi, the consciousness in Li Changan's mind actually felt very excited.

"This place seems to resonate with my Samsara knife."

Getting closer, Li Changan could feel the Samsara knife trembling slightly at his waist.

"It's here."

Wu He said: "I have tried to get over it before, but every time I ended in failure."

"With my Cultivation Base, I can't even pass through this Devilish Qi barrier."

"Oh, what kind of barrier, I want to try it."

Li Changan said with a smile, obviously he didn't put that Devilish Qi To put in one's eyes.

Mo Shengge was taken aback.

He asked with a worried face: "Chang'an, do you really want to go there?"

"rest assured."

Li Changan held Mo Shengge's hands, and said with a smile, "If I'm not sure about something, I will never act recklessly."

"Sister, just stay here and wait for me to come back."

"Well, then you must be careful and don't try to be brave."

"Because... I don't want to lose you..."

Mo Shengge said with a blushing face, her voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"Senior sister, senior sister, why do I feel that your words seem to be saying goodbye to me, so you won't say something nice?"

Li Changan reached out and touched the tip of Mo Shengge's nose.

Mo Shengge was taken aback, and said angrily, "Do you think I'm a child?"

"It's not a child. It's the future wife."

Li Changan said with a smile.

"Li Changan!"

Mo Shengge yelled angrily.

However, Li Changan had already slipped into Devilish Qi.

Mo Shengge stomped his feet angrily: "Li Changan, I will never forgive you when you come out later."

But Wuhe was extremely shocked that Li Changan entered the magic barrier so easily.

Seeing this, Wu He felt a little more hopeful.

Maybe they can really get out of here

At this time, Li Changan has already entered the Devilish Qi.

Devilish Qi is particularly strong, containing all kinds of negative power.

Like an ant, it forced its way into Li Changan's body.

This seemed to dilate the pores of Li Changan's body, and the evil and dark power eroded into Li Changan's mind.

Suddenly, the four attributes Spirit Power in Dantian began to rotate strongly.


A burst of creepy screams flooded into Li Changan's ears.

A gloomy and icy chill suddenly escaped into Li Changan's body unknowingly.

Constantly infiltrating into his body.

"Hiss, the Devilish Qi's tyranny is a bit big."

The blood in Li Changan's body flowed crazily, and all kinds of negative emotions occupied his heart.

But here, Li Changan has a feeling of extreme excitement

If the guess is correct, there should be an extremely evil weapon spirit sealed inside. "

Thinking of Qi Ling, Li Changan felt a little stunned.

Qi Ling retains some faint consciousness.

If a weapon does not have the spirit of the weapon, it will not be able to exert 100% of its strength.

Like Li Changan's Samsara knife, I just didn't find a suitable tool spirit.

"It seems that this tool spirit should be left behind by a powerful cultivator."

"And this Power is very likely to be the creator of Wan Dao Lai Chao!"

Li Changan inferred inwardly.

Although it was a ghost Power who created Wan Dao Lai Chao, this does not prevent him from creating a spirit with Devilish Qi.

"Even if Zhang Zheng died, he would never have thought that entering the abyss this time would actually be an opportunity for me."

Due to the particularity of Li Changan's body, as well as the dark and evil attributes Spirit Power.

The Devilish Qi here will not only not harm Li Changan, but will benefit Li Changan in many ways.

For example, here, Li Changan's Spiritual Qi is running very fast, and the Cultivation Base in Dantian is improving every moment.

About 100 meters away.

Impressively, it can be seen that there is a dark hole in the heavy devil Qi.

Li Changan didn't hesitate, just a little more vigilant, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave.

Entering the cave, it was dark inside.

The Devilish Qi was extremely strong, attacking in bursts, and even produced a fierce wind, as if it was about to tear Li Changan's fur.

Li Changan's heart trembled suddenly.

The Devilish Qi inside is really too heavy, so heavy that Li Changan, who is accompanied by evil Qi, can hardly breathe.

Let alone an ordinary cultivator.

Li Changan cautiously approached the depths of the tunnel.

It's been a long time!

Li Changan suddenly saw, in that dark place, a group of black pellets hanging there.

Like a will-o'-the-wisp, enchanting ghosts, emitting a powerful and terrifying Devilish Qi.

"Is that a tool spirit?"

Li Changan said in surprise, before he was completely close, Li Changan felt as if his whole body was being suppressed by some powerful force.

Like a weighted stone, dripping with cold sweat.

"This weapon spirit is no worse than the weapon spirit of Wanling River."

Li Changan frowned slightly.

My father Li Shenfeng's top Magic Treasures Wanling River is the most peak treasure of the human race, not even one of them.

As for the spirit of Wanlinghe, no one else has the chance to see it, but Li Changan, as the eldest son, has seen it no less than a hundred times.

He could clearly feel that the artifact spirits in Wanling River and the artifact spirits in Immortal Cave were almost at the same level.

Because the Devilish Qi emitted by the weapon spirit inside is too strong, Li Changan has a big problem approaching.

But Li Changan is not someone who gives up so easily.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped heavily, and slowly approached the weapon spirit.


two steps...

Every step is extremely heavy.

It's like being stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

And every time he took a step, Li Changan still had to bear the impact of that powerful Devilish Qi.

Although it is difficult, Li Changan's Spiritual Qi turns faster and faster, and the four attributes of Spirit Power become more active.

The blood in the body also burned like a raging fire, and the whole body was scorching hot.

Li Changan gasped for breath.

Beads of sweat continued to roll down his forehead, and his face looked a little pale.

And the whole body seemed to be swollen, almost torn apart by that Devilish Qi.

"Damn, this weapon spirit really doesn't have a Giving face, it's trying to put me to death."

At this moment, even Li Changan's powerful body can feel the pain from his body.

It is enough to see how powerful this weapon spirit is.

Finally, it was getting close.

(end of this chapter)

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