Changed The Queen's Script At The Beginning, Taking Away The Protagonist's Chance

Chapter 137 Artifact Spirit Recognizes The Master And Transforms The Body

Chapter 137 Artifact spirit recognizes the master and transforms the body

Approaching Qi Ling, Li Changan held the Samsara knife heavily.

"Hey, it's time to take your breath away."

Li Changan stared at the spirit and said, "In the end, I am also your future master, so you have to follow me."

It seems that the tool spirit can perceive Li Changan's consciousness.


A terrifying Devilish Qi vibrated, directly covering Li Changan.


Li Changan shouted, and immediately blocked with a knife.

There was a "bang"!

Li Changan spurted blood, and was sent flying directly, falling heavily on the ground more than ten meters away.

"Damn, this is too ruthless, don't spare any sympathy!"

"It's worthy of being the same guy as Wan Ling He Qi Ling."

Li Changan felt that the bones of his whole body were about to break at that moment, and his whole body was in severe pain.

Afterwards, a wave of anger broke out, and he cursed at the weapon spirit: "I said that this strong man left such a thing, so he didn't want to kill the heir!"

Li Changan's frown deepened.

"It seems that if you want to subdue this weapon spirit, you must rely on the Samsara knife."

Involuntarily, Li Changan clenched the Samsara knife in his hand, closed his eyes, and launched Wan Dao to the second move, killing the gods.


The sad dragon chant came from the voice.

The voice is a little low and a little heavy.

But this is the feeling in Li Changan's heart.

In the sound of the dragon's chant, there was a sense of loneliness and sadness.

And this spirit has been trapped for many years, why is it not lonely?


Involuntarily, amidst the dragon's chant, it seemed that the weapon spirit was slightly affected.

The initial rejection and riot against Li Changan gradually subsided.

Like a loyal audience, listening carefully.

Listening to Li Changan's heart, venting the emotions in his heart.

The dragon chant became deeper and heavier.

An evil and dark breath permeated the sound of the dragon's roar one by one.

Like invisible tentacles, touching the spirit and comforting it.

The round spirit trembled slightly.

Circles of black light streaks rippled out, but the airflow was very gentle, following the tune around Li Changan's body, as if trying to get close to Li Changan.


In the spirit of the weapon, there were also bursts of mourning.

At this time, Li Changan had already forgotten everything about the outside world and was immersed in the dragon chant.

He even forgot about the spirit of the weapon, and was completely intoxicated in it. A lonely and sad dragon chant came continuously.

It seemed that he was somehow affected by the sound of the dragon's chant.

Between Qi Ling and Li Changan's heart, there was a feeling of pity and harmony.

"call out--"

Qi Ling began to approach Li Changan gradually.

Li Changan couldn't feel the approach of Qi Ling at all.

It's just that when he launched the ten thousand knives to attack, he faintly felt a burst of dark breath rushing into his mind.

Constantly stimulating Li Changan, making Li Changan more excited and passionate.


Several streams of dark aura condensed into dozens of black dragons with a distance of nearly a kilometer, surrounding hundreds of miles in radius.

The sound of the dragon's roar also began to undergo some changes.

In the midst of loneliness and sadness, a strong heart is revealed.

A violent.

One serving to rule.

A thought for the future.

At this moment, Qi Ling is like a dancing elf, swimming happily on Li Changan's body.

It seems that Li Changan has been fully accepted.

Suddenly, the spirit of the weapon merged into Li Changan's body.


Li Changan was taken aback, and the dragon chant stopped.


Li Changan felt in horror that an extremely powerful and evil force poured into Li Changan's body like a river embankment.

It was as if there were billions of ants eating Li Changan's flesh and blood.


It was this painful feeling again, Li Changan couldn't see it.

Now he wanted to howl in pain, but he couldn't make any sound.

The body is also completely unable to move, and the whole body of flesh and blood, bones and muscles of the whole body are all suffering from painful torture.

But Li Changan's consciousness is clear.

Knowing that the spirit of the weapon entered Own's body, it seemed to be transforming Li Changan's flesh and blood.

After all, the Qi Ling did not make a contract with the weapon, but with Li Changan himself.

A huge negative force stirred up in Li Changan's acupuncture points all over his body.

Streaks of Devilish Qi rushed to the blood vessels, drilling into the blood.

Where Devilish Qi passed, it seemed as if all the veins in his body were torn apart.

Devilish Qi was flowing swiftly and divided into countless strands, crazily impacting the acupoints all over Li Changan's body.

The Meridians seemed suddenly stretched countless times.

Sometimes it's extremely hot, and sometimes it's freezing cold, making it unspeakably uncomfortable.

Streaks of blood-like bright red liquid flowed out from the spirit.

These liquids are everywhere in Li Changan's body, as if countless Spirit Power vortexes are condensed.

The weird liquid was injected into those vortexes, quickly digested, and merged into a part of the vortex.

And the Spirit Power is constantly getting bigger and bigger, hitting the bones and tendons, and countless strands of current seem to be flowing in Li Changan's body.

But the pain of tearing the flesh and breaking the bones is almost unbearable for human beings.

If it weren't for Li Changan's firm will and persistence, he might have died already.

But my mind was occupied by a powerful negative force, and the stinging pain became more and more serious.

In a trance.

I don't know if it's because the pain is beyond his ability to bear, but in a dazed state, Li Changan feels like his own body has become a huge container.

Those strange liquids seemed to be transforming his body in a way he couldn't understand, and the flesh and blood all over his body were undergoing strange transformations.

Li Changan's face was pale, his lips were trembling violently, without the slightest trace of blood.

The body sitting in the Lotus Position was shaking, as if it would fall down at any moment.

I don't know how long it has been!


Between Li Changan's eyebrows, there seemed to be an object similar to an eye.

The strange light flickered.

In that ghostly strange light, the powerful Spirit Power formed a storm, setting off a violent storm in his mind.

"Damn! Ah!"

Li Changan howled.

His eyes were wide open, full of scarlet color.

Two strange rays of light, one black and one red, refracted like a sword coming out of its sheath.

And around him, Li Changan's whole body was enveloped by that intense black light.




Sen Leng!


It makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

All kinds of powerful negative forces filled Li Changan's body and occupied Li Changan's mind consciousness.

In Dantian.

The four attributes Spiritual Qi are spinning crazily around Devilish Qi.

During the rotation, the four attributes of Spirit Power seem to absorb a powerful Devilish Qi at the same time, continuously condensing and strengthening.

Constantly strengthening and growing, I feel that Li Changan's whole body is an evil body.

It's heart-wrenching.

(end of this chapter)

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