Chapter 150: Cang Yan Gained a New Opportunity

On Li Changan's side, after knocking down Liu Hengyuan, he did not take his life, but took away all the treasures on his body.

Then, start looking for a way out of the place of Killing intent.

And the other side of the land of the Killing intent.

A figure was groping alone in the black mist, with a look of vigilance on his face.

The man was ragged and looked like he had just been through a major battle.

And the only person who can appear here now is the dying Cang Yan who was beaten by Mo Shengge and Cang Yan some time ago.

However, Cang Yan's state didn't look like he was seriously injured at all.

On the contrary, the aura emanating from his body was several times stronger than before.

Most of the original wounds on the body have also recovered.

I don't know if Cang Yan is also affected by Li Changan's growth too fast.

As a result, as the son of destiny, after waking up, the Killing intent in his body disappeared inexplicably.

Cultivation Base also breakthrough to Gold Core Eighth Stage Realm.

"The location pointed by the treasure map should be not far ahead."

Cang Yan looked at the front, and said in a spirited voice.

In fact, after waking up, Cang Yan received far more surprises than this.

Not only the body healed, but also accidentally found a treasure left by the ancient Power.

Among them, there is a divine technique and a secret technique.

There is also a treasure map of the place of the Killing intent, which records the location of a treasure.

Cang Yan has no one to rely on now, and has lost Mo Shengge, so he is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

Knowing that the place where the treasure is hidden is dangerous, you still resolutely come to the place where the treasure is hidden

"Here, it feels so gloomy."

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Cang Yan suddenly exclaimed.

The sound was so loud that even a few scattered crows flew away.

Can't blame him for being surprised, it's because the surrounding environment makes Cang Yan feel uncomfortable.

The valleys on both sides were covered with a purple plant, and various forms of skeletons were scattered around.

Some, even with carrion, covered with maggots.

The surroundings are covered with purple mist, which adds a terrifying atmosphere to the place of Killing intent, which has no sunshine.

Cang Yan frowned.

The breeze blew, and a rotten breath came over, Cang Yan almost couldn't spit it out.

Fortunately, he hadn't eaten for several days, so his stomach was empty and he couldn't spit out anything.

"I don't know how many years have passed since this corpse, why is it still exuding such a disgusting corpse smell?"

Cang Yan took off the mask on his face smoothly, revealing a handsome face.

Since Li Changan used the runes on his face to summon the Shu Sheng, the runes on his face were lost.

He doesn't have to suffer from that rune anymore

"This place of Killing intent is really a dangerous place."

After taking off the mask, Cang Yan sniffed the air a few times.

It was found that the corpse smell was accumulated over the years, not emitted directly from the corpse.

After figuring out the reason.

He casually took out an oil lamp from the storage ring, lit it and continued to walk deep.

Along the way, there was no sound.

Only gusts of majesty brushed past Cang Yan's ears.

"Not quite right!"

As the wind became louder and louder, Cang Yan stopped in his tracks.

At this moment, he had already noticed that there were no living creatures around, and even the pungent smell disappeared without a trace.

Looking around, Cang Yan frowned more and more.

At this time, he was completely surrounded by purple mist.

Cang Yan couldn't see his fingers, if it wasn't for the oil lamp in his hand, Cang Yan would be no different from a blind man.

Of course, even with this oil lamp, he could only see a small distance.


When Cang Yan fell into deep thought, a low growl came from nowhere.


That voice was full of deterrence, and even shattered the oil lamp in Cang Yan's hand.

Seeing that the oil lamp was broken, Cang Yan cursed secretly.

Afterwards, he threw the discarded oil lamp aside, and started to run the Spiritual Qi all over his body, ready to respond to all changes with the same.

"not good!"

When the Spiritual Qi around his body was activated, Cang Yan's heart trembled suddenly, and his face turned pale with shock.

He couldn't sense the source of the sound with Spirit Power.

At this moment, he frowned.

A look of fear appeared on the masked face.

This kind of expression, except when facing Li Changan, has never appeared on Cang Yan's face.

But Cang Yan knew that this was not his own emotion, but the oppressive force brought by a creature whose strength far surpassed his.

This affected his mood and expression.

At the time when Cang Yan was "blind and confused", and was at a loss.

"Da da……"

The sound of dull footsteps was getting closer and closer to him, and low growls reached his ears.

It was like a hungry beast, pressing towards him step by step.

"Depend on!"

Feeling the aura approaching him, Cang Yan couldn't help cursing secretly.

"What, come out quickly, don't play tricks here."

Cang Yan pretended to be calm, and roared into the black mist.

However, there was no response to his yelling.

It's just that the footsteps are getting closer.

Helpless, Cang Yan's own life will be in danger if he doesn't use the trump card he got just a few days ago.

Immediately, he leaped up into the air, grasping the formula with both hands.

"The sky is full of flames!"

As the words fell, they were formed as the formula in Cang Yan's hand condensed.

Behind Cang Yan, an illusory red robe Venerable appeared, but it was faintly visible.


This divine soul can only be released by divine arts.

Divine arts are actually divided into the whole book and the residual book.

The fragments are made by the strong with Spirit Power, while the whole book is made by gathering vitality.

The "Fire Flame God Break" that Cang Yan obtained a few days ago is an entire book of divine art, which has been integrated with the original soul of the creator.

This red-robed Venerable is the creator of "Fire in the Sky".

I saw the red robe Venerable doing the same movements as Cang Yan, and with Cang Yan's big hand wave, tens of thousands of red flames sprang out.


With a low growl, the unknown creature should have been burned.

As the flame gradually disappeared, the surrounding purple mist also gradually dissipated.

In an instant, the surroundings became clear.

The blue flames floating in the air, following this strike, the red robe Venerable behind it slowly disappeared.

After landing, a huge monster appeared in front of Cang Yan.

It was a huge white mouse, about four meters high and six meters long, covered with colorful lines all over its body, and its eyes glowed with a fierce purple light.

True Yuan Realm Monster, Tongtian Rat!

The Cultivation Base is very high and the strength is also very strong.

After seeing the giant beast in front of him clearly, Cang Yan's pupils constricted.

Unexpectedly, the Cang Qiong Yan Shen Po that he had cultivated to the third stage had no effect on him.

After one blow, it was unscathed.


After the flames dissipated, the Tongtian Mouse let out an angry roar and rushed towards Cang Yan.

Unavoidable to avoid, Cang Yan could only bite the bullet and rushed forward, activated the Spirit Power all over his body, and punched Tongtian Mouse's head with a punch.


With a muffled sound, Cang Yan was knocked back several meters, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

(end of this chapter)

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