Chapter 151 Tongtian Rat

Cang Yan cultivates the fire attribute Spirit Power all the year round, and keeps improving his own Cultivation Base.

Since he majored in the attribute of Spirit Power, he almost didn't practice Martial Skill and various combat skills, and could only fight with the most basic Spiritual Qi.

This purely relies on Spirit Power, which has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it is more ferocious and makes people unable to parry, but the disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy.

However, against such a giant as the Tongtian mouse, there are almost only disadvantages and no advantages.

Therefore, Cang Yan consumes a lot of Spirit Power now, although he is not in any danger now, but he will not be sure in a while.

Tongtian Mouse approached Cang Yan who was lying on the ground step by step, his eyes glowed with a cold light.

Cang Yan had no choice but to stand up again, clenched his fists, and beat Tongtian mouse wildly.

"Hoo hoo."

Dust rose in the air, Cang Yan stepped aside after unleashing his punches and kicks, panting heavily.

Although consuming a lot of Spirit Power, Cang Yan discovered the Achilles' heel of Tongtian Rat.

This allowed Cang Yan to find the key to victory.

There was actually a huge crack in Tongtian Mouse's abdomen, which was leaking blood. This was not caused by Cang Yan, but from a creature more powerful than Tongtian Mouse.

As the dust dissipated, the Tongtian Mouse was unscathed, approaching Cang Yan step by step.

"Bastard, don't come here, if you dare to take a step closer, you will die without a whole body."

Cang Yan panted heavily, with doubts in his heart, he took two steps toward retreat.

Didn't he punch Tongtian Mouse in the stomach just now? Why is it so unscathed?

When thinking about it, what Cang Yan didn't expect was that the Tongtian Mouse stopped in its tracks.

But it wasn't because of his words, but because of the relapse of his old injury, it seemed that those two punches just now had an effect.


Tongtian Mouse lay down on the ground, writhing its own body in pain.

Seeing this, Cang Yan smiled treacherously.

If you don't do it now, when will you wait?

He summoned the Flame God Halberd, stepped forward slowly, and while Tongtian Mouse was twisting its body in pain, Cang Yan stabbed it fiercely.


With a loud roar, Tongtian Mouse's head was pierced with a bloody hole.


Tongtian Shu let out a scream, and kicked Cang Yan with a flying kick.


Cang Yan, who was kicked several meters away, spat out another mouthful of blood, but he knew that the Tongtian rat would definitely die.

At this time, Tongtian Mouse looked at Cang Yan with hatred. This human being took advantage of the recurrence of his old injury to inflict serious injuries on himself.

Humans are really despicable existences!

For a while, Tongtian Shu didn't care about his injuries, and wanted to make Cang Yan pay the price.

The lines on Tongtian Mouse's body gradually condensed, forming a huge red disc, and after gradually taking shape, it escaped from its body and rose into the sky.

"Could it be!"

Cang Yan frowned, and looked up at the red disc in the sky, and a blood-red light radiated out, shining on Cang Yan's body.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a blood curse!"

Cang Yan cursed angrily, but at this time the huge body of the Tongtian Mouse had already collapsed, it exhausted its own vitality, cast a blood curse, and drained Cang Yan's Spiritual Qi.

In this way, won't my nine years of hard work be in vain?

When he was flustered, Cang Yan suddenly remembered that this blood curse could only absorb his Spiritual Qi, but since he was born, he specialized in fire attribute Spiritual Qi, so how could he be blocked by this blood curse?

Wanting to understand this, Cang Yan closed his eyes.

Face the blood curse calmly.

I do not know how long it has been.

When Cang Yan opened his eyes again, sure enough, the bloody disc in the sky gradually disappeared.

The surroundings returned to normal.

"Huh, I'm scared to death!"

Cang Yan took a long breath and struggled to get up.

Due to the excessive consumption of Spirit Power just now, coupled with the attack of the Tongtian mouse, Cang Yan was already extremely weak.

Not far away, a crystal appeared on Tongtian Mouse's body, the Demon Core!

Cang Yan went up slowly, held the demon core in his hand, and immediately put it into the storage ring.

Then looked to another place.

Because behind Tongtian Mouse, on a circular stone platform, there was a blood-red object floating that attracted him.

"That's... Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!"

"Could it be that this is the treasure spot?"

Seeing this, Cang Yan stepped forward excitedly.

Just about to find out, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, but Cang Yan suddenly slipped and fell into the cave.

In a cave hundreds of meters deep, Cang Yan, who had been severely injured, fell into the ground and passed out immediately.


After a long time, when Cang Yan opened his eyes again, he was in a cave.

"Where is this? Why is there such a weird hole in the ground?"

Cang Yan glanced away.

Not only a little startled.

I saw countless blue crystals embedded in the ground, shining with strange light, adding a touch of mystery to the entire damp cave.

However, although these crystals look gorgeous and eye-catching, they exude an ominous atmosphere, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.


Cang Yan got up slowly, and patted the dust off his body.

Then, he looked up at the hole where he fell, to see if he could get out.

But after only one glance, Cang Yan sighed helplessly.

I saw a kind of gray plant crawling all over the top, forming a dense and dense net.

Unexpectedly, this kind of spider grass successfully trapped the Spirit Power and suffered a lot, leaving only Cang Yan with the fire attribute Spirit Power.

Helpless, since he couldn't go back the same way, Cang Yan had no choice but to find another way.

Grab a crystal-like blue stone, use it as lighting, and walk deep into the cave.

along the way.

Cang Yan found that the walls on both sides were engraved with glowing blue runes. Since he had been in contact with Mo Shengge for a long time, Cang Yan had already seen a lot.

He immediately concluded that this was an ancient text.

It is precisely because of these fonts that Cang Yan understands that this place should be an ancient site.

"this is……"

After walking for a while, Cang Yan found that two forks suddenly diverged in front of him.

One is as black as ink.

And the other one, although it was radiant, was covered with floating runes, which should have been blocked by the talisman master.

And in the middle of the two forked roads, there is a huge nest made of hay.

All kinds of bones are scattered in the nest, and a white animal egg is placed in the middle.

Cang Yan didn't care about the two forked roads, but took the lead in observing this white egg.

The egg was white all over and seemed very smooth.

Cang Yan stepped forward to pick up the egg, and after some observations, he came to a conclusion in his heart.

This place is probably the nest of Tongtian rats, so this egg is probably laid by Tongtian rats.

It is said that Tongtian mice are different from ordinary mice.

Ordinary mice are viviparous, with four or five pups per litter, while Tongtian mice are a hybrid species that are oviparous and lay only one egg at a time.

And extremely precious.

Because the Tongtian mouse is a creature that can be used for treasure hunting when it is raised well.

Cang Yan put the Tongtian mouse egg in his hand into the storage ring, anyway, he had killed the big one, so naturally he was not afraid of the small one.

(end of this chapter)

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