"What! One thousand taels of silver? Why don't you just go and rob them!"

When Chen Liang heard what the other party said, how much silver did he borrow?

It seems that it is less than 500 taels. It has only been a few days and he owes the other party 1,000 taels!

How can he be so wicked!

"Haha, Mr. Chen, we have already discounted the interest by half for the sake of your cousin, otherwise it would be 1,300 taels now. What, Mr. Chen is going to default on the debt?"

The tone of the gambling house clerk gradually became colder. In Xiahe City, no one dared to owe money to their Sifang gambling house.

Even if there is, the women will be sold to brothels and the men will be sold to turtle houses.

They will have to pay off their debts for the rest of their lives.

"How can you talk like that? Who, who would default on a debt? When I pass the military examination, I will pay you back this little money with interest."

Chen Liang stiffened his neck and said with a bit of a cowardice.

In a few days, the Wu Xiucai exam will be held. He will definitely pass it. After all, he has been smarter than his cousin since he was a child.

If Fang Yue can pass it, he will definitely pass it too.

After he passes it, his aunt's family will still have to rely on him, and the property will be his sooner or later.

So, he will definitely be able to pay back the silver, the 1,000 taels of silver.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, don't forget that the deadline is at the end of this month. Oh, no, it will be Chen Xiucai by then."

The clerk laughed, but there was a hint of contempt in his words.

Chen Liang couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left in a huff.

"Boss, why don't we ask him for the silver now?" At this time, on the second floor of the gambling house.

In the room of Shopkeeper Qi, the men around him asked in confusion.

"Haha, wait a few more days. If this kid is lucky enough to pass the Wu Xiucai exam, we can't force him like this." Shopkeeper Qi smiled slightly.

Although Chen Liang doesn't look like he can pass the exam to become a martial arts scholar, what if he is really lucky or has some backdoor and passes the exam?

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Wait a few more days, the cooked duck can't fly away anyway.

"The shopkeeper is smart and far-sighted, I can't catch up with him even if I flatter him!" The subordinate hurriedly complimented him.

Shopkeeper Qi just smiled slightly after hearing this, with an indifferent look.


"Boss, what's the matter with the higher-ups that are so urgent that they asked us to hurry back. There are still several families' gifted silvers to be confiscated."

At the gate of Xiahe County, a team of yamen runners escorted more than a dozen carriages.

They naturally didn't have to line up and went all the way to the gate.

"Who knows, it's a pity, otherwise the Fang family in Daliushu Village and the Zhou family in Zhoujiazhuang, just these two families, can squeeze a lot of money out of them."

The leading yamen runner, Zhou Fangwu, was the one who led people to collect the tax silver from the Fang family in Daliushu Village a while ago.

At that time, he did not intend to offend the Fang family too much.

So, he gave Fang Yue's family a few days' grace.

But he did not expect that the county government would be promoted and recruit them back later.

Not only could he rush back in a hurry, but he could not go back to collect the silver from those families.

Calculated, each family had several hundred taels, and now there was at least one thousand taels.

Thinking of this, his heart was bleeding.

"Forget it, let's go back to the government office first and hand in the task. After this is done, we will go to take the Fang family, anyway, they can't run away."

Zhou Fangwu sighed and said regretfully.

Then he took his men and escorted the convoy into the city.

After they entered Xiahe County, they went directly to the government office's treasury.

Grain had to be handed in, and the extra silver had been divided long ago. They only needed to hand in a copy to the superiors. This trip was considered a good harvest, and everyone could get dozens of taels of silver.


Came to Xiahe County again.

Fang Yue went to the White Tiger Boxing Gym first.

Chen Tong and other martial arts students were not in the gym, only Master Zheng was in the gym.

"Huh? Fang Yue, are you okay? And your cultivation has improved, you have already changed your marrow!" Master Zheng was shocked when he saw Fang Yue.

Then he found that Fang Yue had actually changed his marrow.

The blood and qi in his body were derived, exuding a faint aura, which was the characteristic of changing his marrow.

Unexpectedly, he could not have imagined that Fang Yue, who was diagnosed as disabled and had problems whether he could stand up, was not only completely well now, but also improved in martial arts.

This was simply unbelievable.

But the facts were right in front of him, even he could only sigh: "It seems that Yue'er has another opportunity."

Master Zheng couldn't help sighing.

At that time, Fang Yue was diagnosed as disabled and it would be difficult for him to recover for the rest of his life.

But in fact, this kind of injury still has a chance to be cured.

But it either requires a strong person above the level of Qi Sensing to take action, or it requires extremely precious medicinal materials. No matter which one, Fang Yue, or the White Tiger Boxing Gym, could not afford it at that time.

Therefore, everyone was not optimistic about Fang Yue.

They could only give Fang Yue some silver and stop the secret medicine and treatment promised to Fang Yue before.

"Lucky, just lucky." Fang Yue couldn't say how he got better.

After all, this involved his biggest secret, so he naturally couldn't say it.

However, looking at the appearance of Master Zheng, this person was surprised that he could get better, but he was not so shocked.

It seems that there should be a way to treat his injuries in this world.

It's just that at that time, he might not be qualified, or he might not be able to access it for other reasons and couldn't use it.

This saves Fang Yue from making up excuses. Judging from the other party's appearance, he will definitely not ask further questions.

"Yue'er came at the right time this time. If he had come earlier, he would have been drafted, but now he is fine.

Yue'er also heard that the imperial court had won a great victory over the Moshan tribe. Is there any news that your master is coming back soon? "As expected, Hall Master Zheng didn't ask any further questions, because the levels involved were so high.

Regardless of whether Fang Yue was lucky enough to meet an expert or what kind of treasures he ate, it had nothing to do with him.

Sometimes, knowing less can be regarded as a kind of wisdom in life.

"Huh? Have you won already? My master is coming back too? It's great." Fang Yue said sincerely.

If we win against the Moshan tribe, then this disaster will really be over.

"So Yue'er doesn't know yet, so Yue'er is coming this time."

Fang Yue immediately stated the purpose of his visit.

"Well, planting tea trees now doesn't seem to be a good choice. We don't know when the disaster will be over. Tea trees can't survive."

Although Guanzheng Zheng knew that the Yamen had won against the Moshan tribe, he obviously didn't know that this disaster was about to end.

It seems that this news is only circulating in a small area.

At this time, Hall Master Zheng saw Fang Yue's expression and knew that Fang Yue was not acting on a whim, but was really planning to do this. Then he stopped persuading.

Now, the relationship between their boxing gym and Fang Yue.

Compared with the relationship with Fang Hu, it is a little more complicated. Some things are not suitable for asking too detailed or too deep questions.

Anyway, he didn't care what the outcome was of just helping out.

"Forget it, Yue'er has his own idea, so I won't ask any more questions. I will give instructions. It doesn't matter how many tea trees are needed."

Afterwards, Fang Yue had another conversation with Master Zheng and then left.

Although the owner Zheng said that he could get as many tea trees as he wanted without paying, but now, Fang Yue could not accept the other party's kindness.

Said, just follow the market price.

Although, he doesn't have any money yet.


Xiahe County government office, warehouse.

"Haha, we meet again." Fang Yue said with a smile to the official in charge.

It just so happened that the officials here this time were the same officials I met that time.

If I remember correctly, this middle-aged official is called Zhang Jiu.

"You, you, why are you, hell, why are you here!"

Zhang Jiu, who was dozing off, was woken up by someone and was about to scold him.

But soon he saw Fang Yue's face clearly.

This is, isn't this, that Fang Wuju! Isn't he disabled?

How did you come to the Yamen?

What are you doing in the Yamen?

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Jiu's tongue was a little tangled and he couldn't speak clearly.

He was really frightened, and he didn't realize it until he reacted.

This martial arts exercise is actually intact.

Is this person healed?

"Haha, why do you think I'm here? I haven't received the regular silver or secret medicine that I've been asking for for so long. I don't happen to have time to come to the city, so I just picked it up."

Fang Yue smiled slightly.

Anyway, he didn't have money to buy tea tree saplings now, so he just used the yamen's regular money.

After more than a year, I almost have one thousand taels of silver.

According to the current market conditions, this money is enough.

"Ah, but, but" Zhang Jiu was immediately stunned when he heard this. Fang Yue's silver and secret medicine had long been divided among them.

What to give to the other party now!

Could he still be allowed to vomit out the good things he had eaten?

Naturally impossible.

But looking at Fang Wuju's appearance, if he didn't give it, how would he pass this level today?

Zhang Jiu's eyes rolled.

Suddenly I had an idea.

The look of panic on Zhang Jiu's face immediately subsided.

"Haha, Fang Wuju, you are confused. If you evade the government recruitment, you will be revoked. If you leave now, I will pretend that I didn't see anything. Otherwise, someone will see you and report it to the county magistrate. You will not be able to bear the consequences. Walk."

Zhang Jiu immediately looked like he was thinking about Fang Yue.

He asked Fang Yue to leave quickly because he was afraid that Fang Yue would make the matter worse and he would be unable to end it.

Anyway, let’s kidnap Fang Yue away first.

As for Fang Yue's prescription silver and secret medicine, he can look back and think of a solution.

Maybe Fang Yue was so frightened that he dared to come to the city for a few years. Then, whatever happened, he would not care about his affairs.

"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so considerate of me. It's really touching. But if I leave like this, when the county magistrate finds out, wouldn't he want to punish Mr. Zhang! How can I feel at ease? "

Fang Yue said with a half-smile.

Since the other party wants to pretend, then he should also pretend to be confused.

"I'm going to find the county magistrate right away. I can't let Mr. Zhang suffer unjust injustice!"

Fang Yue immediately looked like he was about to leave, and Zhang Jiu immediately became anxious.

"Fang Wuju, my Grandpa Fang, please don't, don't go."

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