"No, no, I can't implicate Mr. Zhang. This matter must be made clear to the county magistrate."

Fang Yue sneered, this person tried to stop him, saying he was trying to cover something up for him.

But what he really wanted to do was probably to stop him from getting the martial arts certificate and secret medicine.

In this case, the share that belonged to him should have been taken by Zhang Jiu or someone else.

Otherwise, why would this person behave like this?

Just follow the rules and do official business.

Doing this doesn't prove that there is something wrong in your heart.

As expected, Fang Yue persisted.

Zhang Jiu immediately became even more panicked and pulled Fang Yue's leg: "Don't, you can't tell Mr. Liu about this, otherwise I will be doomed."

"Tell me, have you stolen all my prescription money and the secret medicine I should have received? It seems that I really need to go to County Master Liu about this matter." Fang Yue's voice was cold.

Zhang Jiu saw that he could no longer hide the matter, so he immediately said:

"Fang Wuju, wait a minute. How can a villain have such courage? Treasurer Huang forced me to do so. I was obsessed for a moment. I was wrong about Fang Wuju. I know I was wrong, and I am willing to make up for it."

Zhang Jiu immediately told what happened.

It turned out that after Fang Yue was injured, Treasurer Huang from the chief's warehouse saw that Fang Yue was disabled, so he would definitely not come to collect the regular silver and secret medicine.

He took the initiative and gave Fang Yue's regular silver and secret medicine to Tan Mo.

As one of the insiders, Zhang Jiu also received some money.

Now, Fang Yue came to collect the regular silver and secret medicine.

Where could he get it?

And this matter is not visible to the public. Behind Treasurer Huang is the Huang family of the county town, and he is a martial artist in the Bone Forging Pass.

His status and status are not comparable to that of Zhang Jiu.

At that time, if he really stabbed him out, I'm afraid the county magistrate would just stab him.

Always pick a soft persimmon.

"Secretary Huang? A member of the Huang family? So that's the case, no wonder."

He is a master of forging bones and is also the county treasurer, Zhang Jiu's immediate boss.

Thinking of this, the image of a middle-aged man appeared in Fang Yue's mind, Huang Yuangui, the treasurer of the Yamen Treasury.

This person was born in the Huang family in the county town. He must be almost fifty this year. His status in the yamen is second only to the county magistrate, county magistrate, bookkeeper, and head catcher. He belongs to the third level of power in the yamen.

In the yamen, it is a very embarrassing situation to be in a position where you cannot achieve anything high or low.

Moreover, this person is a descendant of the Huang family in Xiahe County. In addition, the White Tiger Boxing Gym and the Huang family have conflicts over the tea frying business.

Moreover, Huang Ziyou, the eldest son of the Huang family, challenged him during the martial arts examination and was seriously injured by him.

Now, taking advantage of his injury, this person instructs Zhang Jiu to claim all of his military benefits, and it is not impossible for him to avenge his personal vengeance.

"Hey, isn't this Fang Wuju? Fang Wuju's injury has healed? It's really gratifying."

At this moment, a hearty voice sounded.

Then a slightly stout middle-aged man wearing official uniform came to the warehouse.

Looking at Fang Yue, he looked very kind with a smile on his face.

However, if you look carefully, you can see a trace of anger and disgust deep in the eyes.

This person is none other than Treasurer Huang Yuangui of the county government warehouse.

He also heard someone report that Fang Yue had come to the county government office, so he hurried over from home.

"Haha, Treasurer Huang came just in time. Look at this Master Zhang. If I don't just receive the silver and secret medicine, he will try to obstruct me in every possible way. If Master Huang hadn't come, I would have gone to Mr. Liu County to give it to him. I make the decision."

Fang Yue looked at Huang Yuangui with a smile, but did not mention what Zhang Jiu had just said.

I just mentioned Mr. Liu County, but it was to let Huang Yuangui know that if this matter cannot be resolved today.

Then he can only let Liu Xianzun handle it.

When Huang Yuangui heard this, his face immediately twitched, then his expression became stiff, and he squeezed out a smile and said:

"Oh, it turns out that's what happened. It's easy to handle."

"Zhang Jiu, hurry up and bring the silver and secret medicine from the treasury to Fang Wuju."

Huang Yuangui's heart was bleeding. If he gave the silver and secret medicine to Fang Yue now, he would have to pay for it himself to fill the hole later.

Otherwise, when the yamen finds out, he won't be able to eat and walk around.

Forget about the money, he can buy one of those secret medicines at a high price and fill it in.

If you go back and forth like this, you will lose at least several hundred taels of silver.

How can I not feel pain in my heart?

With the order from his supervisor, Zhang Jiu dared to withdraw money and secret medicine from the warehouse.

"Wait a minute, I've already changed my marrow. Get me the secret medicine for the marrow change stage."

Before Zhang Jiu left, Fang Yue's words rang out again.

Easy marrow!

Just two words immediately stunned Zhang Jiu and Huang Yuangui in the room.

They looked at Fang Yue in unison.

Has the marrow changed? Want the secret medicine for easy marrow stage?

Suddenly, Huang Yuangui couldn't help but swallowed.

Fang Yue changed his marrow, which meant that the treatment given by the Yamen had to be improved.

The silver was increased to one hundred taels per month, and the secret medicine was replaced with the more expensive Yi Marrow Secret Medicine.

In other words, he did not lose a few hundred taels of silver, but more than a thousand taels of silver.

The loss was doubled.

He only earns a few hundred taels a year now, which is almost equivalent to two or three years of work for nothing.

Huang Yuangui felt dizzy and almost fainted.

"Huang, Treasurer Huang, do you want to take this?" Zhang Jiu's voice was trembling, but he did not doubt that Fang Yue would lie to him.

After all, things like realm can be known by just checking.

Moreover, in the final analysis, even if Fang Yue dared to deceive him, pretending to be a martial artist from Yizui Pass, he would receive excessive benefits as a military examiner.

If this is found out, not only will the honor be revoked, but the person will also be sent to the army.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about someone pretending to be a high-ranking martial artist and defrauding martial arts practitioners of their benefits.

"Take it, why don't you take it? Go quickly and don't keep Fang Wuju waiting."

Huang Yuangui was almost crying, his heart was bleeding, and he had to treat Fang Yue politely.

At this time, any family that had conflicts with Fang Yue or any family that was at odds with the White Tiger Boxing Gym were all forgotten by him.

Now all he can think about is losing money and losing a lot of money.


A quarter of an hour later, Fang Yue left the Yamen.

Of course, before leaving, he re-registered his martial arts realm, changing it from Bone Forging to Marrow Yielding.

As for the county magistrate, it is said that he went out, but he was not seen.

However, Fang Yue's appearance really shocked the officials in charge of the military hierarchy management in the yamen.

After all, Fang Yue was injured and caused quite a stir.

Unexpectedly, not only does he look better now, but his cultivation level has also improved to a higher level.

Nature is surprising.

But Fang Yue naturally didn't know about this. After he left the Yamen, he first found a restaurant and booked a room.

Then I ordered a table of dishes and enjoyed a delicious meal.

The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Yue came to the breakfast stall he often visited, familiar with donkey meat soup, fire roast, leopard, and fried dough sticks.

"It still smells familiar, which is really good."

Even though I haven't been here for more than a year, the taste has not changed and it is still very authentic.

However, there were not many customers at the stall and it seemed a bit deserted.

"My guest, I haven't seen you for a while. I would like to give you two tea eggs. Try it and see how I do this time." At this time, the boss came to Fang Yue and served two tea eggs. Egg.

Although the boss only gave me two tea eggs, in this situation, eggs are not cheap, and tea eggs are considered high-end ingredients.

It's much more expensive than a few noodles, fried dough sticks and the like.

"Haha, I haven't been here for a while. I didn't expect that I would still remember you. How is your business lately?"

Fang Yue didn't refuse. He taught the stall owner how to boil tea eggs.

After all, Fang Yue had never come to this stall for breakfast before.

Where are the tea eggs? Eggs are so expensive that ordinary people are reluctant to eat them, so naturally there aren’t that many ways to make them.

Fang Yue taught the stall owner how to make tea eggs, and he tried making some. Unexpectedly, the effect was good, and he was able to sell some in a day.

This time when he saw Fang Yue coming, he took out the tea eggs that he had saved and planned to take back to eat and gave them to Fang Yue.

"Hey, it's good to be able to barely maintain the business these days. If it weren't for a few regular customers, my stall would have been closed down long ago." The owner of the early stall said with a sigh.

"If this natural disaster doesn't stop, my place will have to close sooner or later."

Fang Yue tapped the eggshell lightly, held the egg with two fingers, and with just a slight turn, he saw the eggshell peel off automatically.

Then, he took a bite and it tasted authentic and very good.

"Haha, don't worry, brother, I see, this famine will be over soon." Fang Yue said with a slight smile.

There are only a few days until the end of the month, and we will naturally see the results then.

"That's it, I'd like to thank you for your kind words." The breakfast boss also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

He didn't believe what others said, but what Fang Yue said somehow made him believe it.

In this way, when there is hope, there is also motivation.

"Okay, brother, the money is on the table. You can take it. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Fang Yue immediately said goodbye and left. He had to buy some tea tree saplings today.

Baihu Martial Arts School promised to provide a batch before, but at that time, his budget was one thousand taels of silver. Now that the silver taels have doubled, he naturally has to take another look and buy more.

Just walking to the bank of Yudai River,

At this time, the Yudai River had already dried up, and the pebbles in the river were covered with a layer of soil.

"Haha, Brother Zhou, you are still open-minded. You just came back yesterday and led the brothers to be cool. In the future, the brothers will definitely follow Brother Zhou and do a good job."

Several government servants were swaying with their arms around each other, apparently just coming out of a brothel.

"They are all our brothers. As long as I am here, I will definitely not lose out to you brothers."

Zhou Fangwu patted his chest, still smelling of alcohol, blushing, and continued with a smile:

"Oh, by the way, what Treasurer Huang said last night, you guys are going to have some snacks and find someone to take advantage of and let him buy the tea gardens of Treasurer Huang."

"Don't worry, boss. We will definitely go find you a scapegoat."

Several government officials laughed loudly. Buying a tea plantation in this year would be like taking advantage of someone.

Treasurer Huang's tea garden is a mountainous area. Mountainous land is cheap, and in this kind of year, not much food can be grown.

Treasurer Huang did not shovel the tea tree, but just left it alone.

In this way, although his tea garden could no longer produce tea, the tea trees survived.

However, if there is no tea production, there will be no profit.

If anyone buys it, wouldn’t he become the victim of a big mistake?

It's not easy to find someone who takes advantage of you. Who would take it?

They can't afford to offend those who can afford to. Those who can afford to offend can't afford to buy.

Isn't it good to find a girl with money?

"What did you guys say just now? Who wants to sell the tea garden?" At this time, a voice came.

Zhou Fangwu looked at the person who spoke with his hazy eyes full of alcohol, huh?

A little familiar, where have I seen this person before?

He shook his head, and the blurry figure in front of him gradually cleared up.

"Fang, Fang, Fang Wuju!"

"You, why are you here? It's just right, it's just right, if I remember correctly, your family's tax has not been paid yet!"

When it comes to silver, Zhou Fangwu immediately sobered up, and he didn't need anyone to support him, and went straight to Fang Yue.

"A total of five hundred taels, I met you today, so I'll pay it."

But the next moment, Zhou Fangwu felt someone pulling him from behind.

"Boss, look, look at Fang Wuju, he's getting better!"

I don't know who said it, and Zhou Fangwu suddenly shuddered.

At this time, he seemed to finally remember it.

Then he looked at Fang Yue in disbelief.

Fang Yue was standing there intact, smiling at him.

"You, you, you're okay?!!"

Zhou Fangwu's tongue trembled, his voice trembled, and he rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that he was not seeing things. He was so scared that he squatted on the ground.

He went to Fang Yue's house to ask for money before, because Fang Yue was disabled, and the White Tiger Boxing Gym had almost severed its relationship with Fang Yue.

So, he dared to go.

But now, seeing Fang Yue standing here intact, there was no sign of injury.

Suddenly, he was scared.

"Fang Wuju, I said the wrong thing just now. I was still drunk just now, and I said drunken words. Please don't take it to heart." Zhou Fangwu said flatteringly after being shocked and scared.

He couldn't afford to offend the Wu Juren, so he had to admit his mistake quickly.

"Yeah, is that so? I remember you went to my house before and were very arrogant. Oh, didn't you just say that you wanted another 500 taels of silver?" Fang Yue looked at Zhou Fangwu with interest.

It made the latter feel uneasy.

"I said the wrong thing. Please forgive me for now." Zhou Fangwu immediately slapped his mouth.

He slapped it hard and it swelled up after a few slaps.

"Okay, stop it."

Fang Yue then continued, "Who did you say was going to sell the tea garden?"

Zhou Fangwu immediately told the story of meeting Huang Siku last night. The other party had 500 acres of tea garden and wanted to sell it. He didn't know what happened and was in a hurry to sell it.

Yeah, it turned out to be him!

Fang Yue nodded, then looked at Zhou Fangwu: "I want those tea gardens, but I don't have money now. You go and buy them for me first. When I sell the tea next year, I will definitely pay you back!"

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