Three days later,

Fang Yue returned to Daliushu Village with the tea saplings he had bought.

On the way, he naturally went to take a look at the tea garden he had just bought.

There were a total of 1,000 mu of tea garden. Because it was mountainous land, the actual cost was not much, only more than 1,000 taels.

If it were a few years ago, this 1,000 mu of tea garden would have cost 30,000 or 40,000 taels of silver.

But now, what is the situation.

The good land at the foot of the mountain is not valuable, let alone the mountainous land that cannot grow food. There is no output and it is not valuable at all.

So, Fang Yue bought it at a very low price now.

Oh, right.

In fact, he hadn't paid the silver yet, and Zhou Fangwu paid it for him first.

Who made Zhou Fangwu a kind-hearted person who was willing to help others?

Well, when he made money, he had to pay more interest.

The land deed had been transferred to the government office, and the land purchased from Mr. Liu's family had naturally been transferred as well.

"Zi'er, you're back. It's better to arrive early than to arrive early. I added peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, washed sesame seeds, and candied fruits to the freshly baked cakes."

"You said this kind of cake. Mother tried to make it several times and finally it was decent. Come and try it to see if it tastes good."

When Chen saw Fang Yue coming back, she quickly brought two round, oily yellow skin "moon cakes".

It was still warm to the touch, obviously freshly baked.

"Mother, it's delicious. You know it's delicious without tasting it."

Fang Yue smiled and took the moon cake. He just mentioned it to Chen before going to Xiahe County a few days ago.

Unexpectedly, Chen made it right away.

Except that there are not so many patterns on the surface of this moon cake, it is no different from the moon cakes in the memory of the previous life.

Fang Yue took a bite, and it was indeed sweet, soft and crispy, and there were also the fragrance of several kinds of nuts.

More importantly, there are no preservatives, pure natural, and pollution-free.

There won't be a situation where the hard ones hit people and haven't spoiled yet.

"I haven't eaten this cake yet, but it was all eaten by Zhu'er."

Fang's father had already put the tea seedlings away and sprinkled some water on them to keep them active.

At this time, seeing that this kind of cake called mooncake was eaten by Fang Yue, he immediately said sourly.

Chen tried many times at home and finally made two today.

Fang's father was actually jealous. With so many kinds of nuts and candied fruits, it must be delicious.

"Go away, go away, how old are you, and you still fight with Zhu'er for food." Chen pushed Fang's father in disdain.

"Dad, I'm full, this is for you." Fang Yue ate a piece and gave the rest to Fang's father.

"Don't give it to your father, your father just ate one whole piece, and it can't taste good. It's a waste to give it to your father." Chen laughed and scolded.

However, she didn't stop him.

Father Fang took it, broke it, gave half to Chen, and then said to Fang Yue:

"Zi'er, do we really have to plant all the tea trees? Can they really survive now?"

"Don't worry, Dad, we will see the result in a few days. This disaster will be over."

Fang Yue said calmly, his voice was not loud but there was a convincing feeling.

Today, of course, is another reunion dinner.

In this era, as long as the family has not split up, no matter how many people there are, they all eat together.

Today there is one more dish, that is, moon cakes.

Chen succeeded once, so she naturally learned it. In the evening, everyone in the family, except the little one, got one.

Unfortunately, even with Fang Yue's current family situation, it is not easy to eat moon cakes all the time.

After all, in the current situation, many nuts are very scarce.

By next year, it should be better.

It was night.

The bright moon rose, and the moon was very round and bright.


The next day, Fang Yue followed Fang's father and elder brother Fang Cheng to the square in front of the village.

Originally, this place was used to dry wheat and millet.

Now, of course, it is empty.

"Young master is confused. How can we grow tea trees now?"

"That's right. How can we grow tea trees without water?"

As soon as he stood still and hadn't spoken, the villagers around him rushed to speak.

When we gave these people food and asked them to plant tea trees, everyone agreed.

Now, when we really have to plant tea trees, these people start to find reasons to refuse.

This is the case in the countryside.

It's just like this.

"Everyone, we agreed before that we will plant tea trees from today. If anyone doesn't want to plant, that's fine. Just return the food they received before."

Fang Mu snorted and frowned.

His family didn't force these people, they just took the extra food from his family. If they said they didn't want to plant, or if the crops didn't survive, they wouldn't plant. It's not that simple.

No matter how dull and honest Fang Mu was, he knew how to do things.

Once he promised, he had to do it.

Going back on his word is too shameless.

"Master Fang, it's not that we don't want to plant, but in this weather, how can we plant without water? Aren't we afraid of wasting it for you!"

"Not bad, not bad. Uncle Fang, why don't we wait until the disaster is over before planting?"

The crowd was noisy again.

These people only remember to be beaten but not to eat. No wonder the landlords used to beat and scold them, whip them, and hit them with sticks.

Sure enough, who would listen to you if you talk nicely.

"Humph, my father just said that they are all from the village. If anyone regrets today, he will either give back the grain or the fields."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and looked at the people around him after he finished speaking.

Pulled up a stool and sat down.

He knew that there would be a lot of things going on today, so he deliberately brought tables, chairs, and field deeds in advance.

If anyone doesn't plant tea trees and doesn't withdraw grain, then I'm sorry to have to withdraw my land.

It’s still the same condition as before, three taels of silver per acre.

Seeing Fang Yuezhen, these people immediately fell silent. They looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

"I can't let Mr. Fang go crazy together. The tea tree will definitely not survive at this time." At this time, a man named Liu stood up, came to Fang Yue, and took out fifteen taels of silver.

Then Fang Yue found the person's field deed and handed it to him.

Seeing Fang Yue being so decisive, the man didn't dare to leave for a while while holding the land deed.

Originally, he just wanted to scare Fang Yue.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yue actually gave him the land deed.

However, in front of everyone, he didn't have the shame to go back on his words, so he immediately snorted, walked into the crowd and left.

After the first case, several more families followed suit and quit their fields.

However, most of them looked at the family named Liu, and they were originally close to Liu Juren.

Whether these people do it of their own free will or are instigated by others, Fang Yue has no control over.

Anyway, if these people don't listen to him, there is no use keeping them.

"Okay, since the rest of you are not willing to give back your fields or food, then let's start planting tea trees today."

After Fang Yue said something, he called Fang's father and Fang Cheng, took Tian Qi and left.


Afternoon, whether you like it or not.

Anyway, most of the villagers in Daliushu Village have begun to eradicate some of the immature crops in their fields and start planting tea trees.

However, due to lack of water.

If you keep planting like this, it looks very risky.

The tea tree saplings have just been planted. If they are not watered, they will not survive for a few days in the ground.

Although there is water in the deep wells, it is barely enough for food and drink.

Or you can water a small portion of your crops.

It is simply impossible to water these thousands of acres of tea trees.

For a while, every villager was farming in a daze.

They have no idea whether what they are doing is meaningful or useful.

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