"How is this possible? How could it be without me? The money has obviously been sent over."

Gao Shide only felt that the world was spinning, but he still managed to hold on to himself.

At first, he thought it was because the higher-ups wanted to put in a few truly meritorious warriors, so Fang Hu got lucky and chose them.

He has lost connections, used money, and is still a martial arts scholar. There is no reason why he cannot be selected.

After all, there were several people with inferior family backgrounds who were awarded official positions.

So, his name must be at the back.

But I didn't expect that until the end, his name was not there.

Now that Wang Sili has left, the red list has been posted.

Gao Shide still didn't believe it, so he went to see it again.

However, in the end there was still no name for him.

"Isn't this Young Master Gao Shide? Why are you still looking at the list? Aren't you sure to be chosen?"

"It's just that you still looked down on me, but I didn't expect that it would be the same in the end."

Gao Shide was already quite arrogant, especially his arrogance from Fang Hu just now, which made many people dislike him.

At this time, when he saw that the other party had lost the election, he naturally couldn't help but ridicule him.

Gao Shide took a deep breath, but unusually did not argue with these people.

He kept his face as calm as possible, forced himself to smile, and actually came to Fang Hu.

"Congratulations, Team Fang is right. I didn't expect Team Fang to be really secretive. If I had known that Team Fang had this trick, brother, I wouldn't be embarrassed."

Gao Shide had already adjusted at this time. The children of the aristocratic family could achieve success and be able to endure the temper and practice martial arts.

It can be seen that they are not all flamboyant and domineering, and they do not know the heights of the world.

"Thank you."

Fang Hu also returned the favor with his hand. He was honest and stubborn, and he would not make enemies because of the other person's words.

"I have something to do today, so I won't get together with Brother Fang Hu. Brother will definitely come to visit me in the future."

Gao Shide cupped his hands, then turned and left.

Sure enough, no one around him continued to mock him after such a performance, and his impression of Gao Shide became much better.

This is what warriors are like, there are many who are straight-tempered.

"Haha, Brother Fang, Brother Fang, I really didn't expect that. I don't think Brother Fang is going to Xiahe County to take up a post. I heard that the local guards are very difficult to control. Brother Fang doesn't have any of his own people around him. This is not easy to handle. ah."

Zhang Youde also joined in at this time, and immediately began to tell Fang Hu some details about the local guards.

What he said was that he wanted to follow Fang Hu to his appointment.

"Thank you very much, Brother Zhang. I have to accept Wang Sili's appointment, so I will take my leave first."

Of course Fang Hu knew what this man was thinking, but if it had been a quarter of an hour ago, these things would have been easier to talk about.

But now, although he has no harsh words, he will no longer have a close relationship with Zhang Youde.

This kind of person is inconsistent and should not be deeply acquainted with.

He dismissed Zhang Youde in his heart, then turned around and left.

"It should, it should."

Zhang Youde watched Fang Hu leave with a dry smile, but the expression on his face was stiff, his fingers made a clicking sound, and his veins were clearly visible.

Obviously, he hated Fang Hu very much in his heart.


Daliu Shu Village, in front of the Fang Family Courtyard.

"What did you say? Mr. Liu County asked me to go to the Yamen?"

Fang Yue looked at the visiting government servant and took the invitation from him with some surprise.

The exquisite red invitation card is decorated with golden lines and looks very luxurious.

This is a double-fold invitation, perhaps because Fang Yue is only a martial arts official, while Liu is the county magistrate, so there is a huge difference in status between the two.

In Liu Zheng's invitation, he did not follow the general invitation principle of respecting guests and restraining oneself. He simply wrote the time and place.

"That's right." The officer replied respectfully.

In front of ordinary villagers, he showed off his power, but in front of a martial artist, he was extremely respectful.

"Well, I understand. Tell Mr. Liu that I will go to the appointment on time."

After Fang Yue pondered for a moment, the invitation only said that he would meet at the Yingbin Building in the county town in five days.

Then there is nothing else.

Although he didn’t know what Liu Zheng wanted to do with him.

But since the other party has issued the invitation, there shouldn't be anything bad going on.

Of course, even if it's not a good thing, it's hard for him to refuse.

After all, he still has to live here.

He also has his parents, brothers and sisters, so he can't just ignore them.

If he offends the honorable person of the county, it will be enough for him to have to wear small shoes.


The next day, just as Fang Yue was about to say goodbye to his parents and head to Xiahe County, an unexpected person came to visit.

At this time, Mrs. Chen was preparing food for Fang Yue on the road.

The courtyard door of his house was shaken by the crackling sound of knocking: "Brother Fang, open the door quickly, Brother Fang, open the door quickly."

The sound is loud, loud and distinctive.

Fang Yue knew who it was as soon as he heard it.

There is a fat white man outside the door. Why is this guy here?

Isn't his home in Fucheng? It's thousands of miles away from here.

"Brother Fang, open the door quickly. If you don't open the door, these people in the village will let their dogs bite me."

Fatty Bai's voice continued to sound, and as expected, several dog barks were heard following his voice.

But, would a warrior be afraid of being bitten by a dog?

Are you kidding? Fang Yue shook his head, came to the gate, reached out and opened the courtyard door.

Sure enough, it was Fatty Bai standing outside.

This man was also driving a carriage, and immediately there were several large boxes.

"What's wrong with your face? Could it be that you were beaten?" Fang Yue asked.

However, at this time, Fang Yue discovered that the bruises on Fat Bai's face had begun to fade, as if he had been beaten for a while.

In fact, Fatty Bai seemed to have gained weight.

It’s not the one who gained weight, it’s the one who was beaten to gain weight.

Hearing this, Fatty Bai's face immediately froze.

"How is it possible? Who can bully Fatty? I was chased by the dog in your village just now. I accidentally fell and fell."

Fatty Bai was obviously in a good mood, he was laughing and joking, and said with a proud look on his face:

"I'm here to see the tea garden, and take the first batch of tea back home. I have to do it in person, and I don't feel comfortable leaving it to others."

If there's anything to worry about, it's because he has a sworn enemy in his family.

The opponent always used him as a sparring partner, but the opponent was stronger than him. He was no match at all, so he was beaten like this.

Fortunately, he was not allowed to run around at home so that he could entertain guests.

Fatty Bai is already fat enough, and he doesn't want to gain weight again.

No, I finally got an excuse to visit the tea garden and escort the tea leaves before I was released.

Moreover, after coming out this time, he was not going to go back in a short time.

That girl comes to him as a sparring partner every day, and her tactics are so shady that she will definitely not be able to get married in the future.

"Okay, okay, I believe you fell to the head office." Fang Yue laughed. This fat white man is a nice person and can always make people feel better.

Smile and you will be less than ten years old.

If you have such a person as a friend, you will be able to live a lot longer.

"Hey, hey, how can you treat guests like this? Why don't you invite me in?" Bai Xingqiu said, but he didn't wait for Fang Yue to speak, and drove the carriage to the yard without waiting for Fang Yue to speak.

"Your home is still comfortable, and there is an air of ease everywhere."

Fatty Bai didn't see anyone else. He found a stone stool and sat down. He took out a bag of snacks from somewhere and started eating.

"It's a humble house, please take care of Brother Bai." Fang Yue knew that this fat white man must come from a wealthy family, and his speech and behavior were definitely not ordinary.

His yard looks very wealthy to the villagers, but compared with those of truly wealthy families, it may not even be as good as their woodshed.

"Haha, I'm serious, your place is really better than my home." Fatty Bai chuckled.

"Xie'er, are there guests at home? Then I'll cook more food for lunch."

At this time, Ms. Chen came out of the kitchen and saw Fatty Bai. She touched her apron with her hands and said enthusiastically: "You are She'er's friend. Sit in the room and I will pour you a cup of tea."

"Aunt, don't be busy, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Fatty Bai was very casual around Fang Yue, but he was very polite when facing Chen. It was obvious that he really treated Chen as an elder.

"This is a gift for my aunt and uncle. See if you like it."

Fatty Bai immediately opened the box on the carriage and displayed the gifts inside like a treasure.

Silks, various foods, and even some medicinal supplements.

All kinds of things that even Fang Yue has never seen before.

This cart of gifts is probably worth a few hundred taels of silver, not to mention that the other party brought it from Fucheng.

This is even more touching.

"How can this be so embarrassing? You are She'er's friend. You treat me like your own home. Why do you bring gifts?"

When Chen saw so many things, he was obviously shocked and at a loss.

"These are too valuable, too expensive, I can't accept them."

Fat Bai is used to being rich and generous, and he is a person who doesn't even know what money is.

"Since I called you aunt, you are really my aunt. I didn't bring all these things. This and these were all bought by Brother She."

Fatty Bai climbed up the pole as soon as he saw it. He didn't say it was a gift from him, he only said that Fang Yue asked him to buy it and bring it.

Although Chen didn't believe it, she still looked at Fang Yue at this time, obviously asking if this was the case.

"Mom, just accept it." Fang Yue looked at the fat white man who kept winking at him, smiled and nodded to Mrs. Chen.

Anyway, he is now cooperating with Fatty Bai, so he will just return some gifts when the time comes.

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