"Isn't this bad? There are so many gifts, they are too expensive."

Taking advantage of her free time, Mrs. Chen pulled Fang Yue aside and asked in a low voice.

In the past few years, the Fang family has become more and more prosperous, and Mrs. Chen has also seen many wealthy locals and martial arts people come to visit.

Those people only brought some gifts, such as a box of pastries, a box of tea, or some souvenirs.

This is the first time I have seen a person like Fatty Bai who is so 'heroic' when he makes a move.

This is no better than the gifts Liu Juren gave at that time. Not only were the gifts given by Fatty Bai, they were much larger than those given by Liu Juren, but they were also worth a lot just by looking at them, far more than the things Liu Juren had given several times.

"Mom, it's okay. I will return the gift next time I go to Fucheng." Fang Yue said softly, feeling relieved for Mrs. Chen.

At the same time, he also revealed the identity of Fatty Bai, the person who spent a lot of money to exchange woodshed with him.

I remember that at that time, Mrs. Chen didn't believe that there were such heartless people in the world, but now that she saw Fatty Bai, she realized that they really did exist.

Hearing what Fang Yue said, Mrs. Chen felt relieved, grabbed Fang Yue's hand and said, "Then don't forget, although we are country people, we must not lose our etiquette."

Mrs. Chen is not someone who likes to take advantage. After accepting Fatty Bai's gift, she was thinking about giving him a gift in return.

"Auntie, what are you making? It's so delicious. It's even better than what the chef at Deyun Building in Shanyang Mansion makes." Bai Xingqiu held two spring rolls in his hand and stuffed them in his mouth. one.

I have to say that Bai Xingqiu is fat and white, and he looks happy at first glance.

He speaks nicely and flatters me very smoothly.

Mrs. Chen naturally beamed after hearing this: "This is called spring rolls. I was told how to make it by Zhe'er."

Mrs. Chen was so happy that she started to tell Bai Xingqiu how to make spring rolls.

And Fatty Bai would echo, ask questions, or praise him from time to time. It was obvious that he was a very professional bastard.

Fang Yue looked at the fat white man who was clearly acting in his true colors. It seemed that the fat white man was like this all the time at home.

After that, Fang Yue naturally couldn't leave today.

However, the county magistrate's invitation had to go. He could only wait one more day and go the next day.

When Fatty Bai heard this, he beat his chest and said that he had come at the wrong time.

You can't eat much delicious food in just one day.

I regret not being able to taste Aunt Chen's good cooking.

This made Mrs. Chen very happy. She cooked a lot of dishes at noon today.

During the dinner, Fatty Bai also took advantage of his physical strength and ate haphazardly. Half of the food on the table went into his belly.

This kind of food intake made Fang Yue's family look at him with suspicion.

It is actually more edible than a pig.

That afternoon, Fang Yue took Bai Xingqiu to the village fields.

Now most of the tea trees in the field are alive and growing well. Spring tea will be collected next spring.

"Originally, we were worried that our business would be difficult to do, but I didn't expect Brother Fang's tea garden to be really good."

Looking at the continuous tea trees, Fatty Bai was very excited. When he arrived at a farmer's field, he saw that the farmer was weeding again, and he even shouted to go to the field to try it.

Fang Yue didn't stop him, and watched Fatty Bai excitedly enter the tea garden with his head in hand.

"This fat man is really serious."

Fang Yue shook his head. This fat white man was like this. He had a straightforward temperament and showed what he had.

It's probably because of this that the two became friends.

After taking Fatty Bai to see the tea garden, it was already evening when the two came back.

"Now, I have to show those people that I, the fat guy, can do things. If this business is successful, let's see who dares to laugh at me in the future. I will only eat for free!"

The fat white man walked in front with his head held high and his chest high, showing off as much as he wanted.

dinner time,

"Auntie, the lotus root soup you made is really amazing. It has all the color, flavor and flavor. The key is that it doesn't cover up the natural beauty of the lotus root."

Seeing Fatty Bai continue to develop his ability to flatter, Ms. Chen was made to smile.

Fang Cheng approached Fang Yue and said, "Brother Hu, who is this?"

Of course, Father Fang also put his ear close to listen.

The two of them went out to inspect the tea garden today, and when they came back in the evening, they found that there were guests at home.

She didn't know much about this fat white man, but Chen was so happy to see him coaxing him.

Fang Yue immediately explained the origin of Fatty Bai.

"Oh, it turns out it's his." Fang Cheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

This was the rich man who traded Shangfang and Fang Yue for the firewood shed. To thank Brother He, the other party even treated Brother He to meals several times.

I didn't expect it to look like this.

He looks very smart, how could he do such a stupid thing.

However, this is what Fang Cheng and others don't understand.

During the imperial examination, many people did many things, such as praying to gods and Buddhas, asking for fortune-telling, and so on, for the sake of illusory luck, not to mention changing their residence.

Isn't it right, since Fatty Bai passed the exam?

In addition, Fang Yue passed the exam only after living in the woodshed.

The restaurant's reputation spread immediately, and the woodshed that symbolized high school was sold at a sky-high price.

It is said that one day's stay costs two taels of silver.

Just like this, when it comes to the imperial examination, it is still very popular. If you want to live in it, you can't do it just by having money.

the next day.

Fang Yue took Fatty Bai away from home and headed to Xiahe County.

The two rode horses for just one day. Before dusk, Fang Yue and the fat white man arrived at Xiahe County.

It was getting dark today, so they had to find a place to stay first.

As they walked, they came to a familiar restaurant. The plaque showed that it was the restaurant where they had lived in the firewood room before.

Revisiting the old place gave people a different feeling.

"Please come in. Do you want to have a quick meal or stay overnight?" The waiter greeted them warmly when he saw them.

"Of course, stay overnight." Fang Yue replied.

Although he had a house in Xiahe City, no one had lived there for a long time. It was really impossible to live there without cleaning it.

"Hey? You two look familiar. Have you seen this before?" The waiter greeted and sent off so many people every day. Those who could leave an impression on him must be extraordinary people.

"Waiter, I heard that there is a high school pavilion in your restaurant. I wonder if it has been booked today."

At this time, a man who looked like a rich young man walked into the restaurant.

The first thing he asked was about the firewood room.

"Oh, it's better to come early than to come early. That room is just empty. Please come in, please come in."

The waiter immediately smiled, but just as he was about to move, he suddenly looked at Fang Yue and the others.

"Oh, it's you two. I was wondering why you look so familiar. Come on, come on, come in. I'll open two upper rooms for you."

The waiter seemed to have suddenly realized something, and immediately took Fang Yue and the others to the upper rooms.

But at this time, the rich young man who was just about to live in the firewood room was not happy.

He was going to live in the top room of the restaurant. Didn't the waiter of this restaurant know to receive him first?

Why did he run to lead the way for those two people?

He simply didn't take him seriously. He was going to take the military scholar exam this year, so he was going to book this high school room until the scholar exam started. By then, how could he fail?

"Where is your boss? How do you treat guests? Don't you know who will be served first if he spends more? You two poor fellows, why should you serve before me!" The young man snorted coldly and cursed arrogantly.

Who is he? The eldest son of the Wang family in Xiaowangzhuang.

He is from a wealthy family and very rich. Whoever sees him will not be polite.

He looks like a dandy when he goes out.

"Fusheng, take the two guests to the room. I will receive this young master." The shopkeeper heard the noise and came over. He came to the middle of the people and first instructed the waiter.

Then he quickly whispered a few words to the young master of the Wang family who was about to get angry.

The young master of the Wang family in Xiaowangzhuang, who was originally angry, immediately lost his anger on his face, turned to surprise, and finally turned into joy.

"There is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier, I missed the real god, oh, really, this is really."

The young master of the Wang family immediately regretted slapping his thigh, he didn't expect to meet the two legendary high school martial arts candidates here.

It is because these two people passed the exams one after another that this restaurant and even that room became famous.

Today, the real person almost had a conflict in person, which is really wrong!

It's a pity that the person is gone now, otherwise he would definitely make friends with him shamelessly.

"But it seems that I will definitely pass the exam this year!"

The eldest son of the Wang family is very confident.


Because it was not yet time for the invitation from the county lord Liu Zheng, Fang Yue took Bai Xingqiu to visit the tea garden and the tea-frying workshop in the tea garden.

In fact, there are no so many secrets in tea-frying technology now. In the past few years when tea-frying was popular, it has long been figured out by other merchants.

The most important thing in the tea market now is who has the goods. As long as there are goods, they can quickly seize the market.

After all, after the disaster, many tea gardens cut down tea trees and planted food at that time.

Even if tea trees are planted again now, Fang Yue cannot compete in time.

"Not bad, not bad, this place is really good. With this thousand acres of tea garden, we can take over the market of Shanyang Prefecture this year. Our business will definitely make money!"

Bai Xingqiu looked at the green mountains and the girls picking tea leaves, and said happily.

"Well, it's about the same."

Fang Yue nodded.

It was really a correct decision to buy this tea garden. Now relying on this tea garden, this thousand acres of tea garden can make him earn a lot this year.

And because of this year's market, it can be sold at a high price.

Next, Fang Yue took the fat white man to a pavilion halfway up the mountain.

Then he ordered the manager of the tea garden to get the tea sets and fetch the mountain spring water.

Drinking tea, brewing tea, the quality of tea leaves is one aspect, and the water for brewing tea is another aspect.

There happened to be a mountain spring with good quality in this tea garden.

After a while, Fang Yue and the others put the tea in front of them.

"Gudong gudong~"

The fat white man was not afraid of the hot water, and drank it directly,

"Refreshing, really thirst-quenching."

Well, Fang Yue originally wanted the fat white man to taste the tea this time and evaluate the quality.

But unexpectedly, this guy was chewing a peony with a cow, and he was not tasting tea at all, but just using tea as a tool to quench thirst.

At this time, a noisy voice came from the entrance of the tea garden.

"What are you doing? This is Mr. Fang's tea garden. You can't come in. Hey, why are you hitting people?"

"You bastard, I'm hitting you, don't you see who I am! Fang Wuju's tea garden? You bastards, don't you even know who the owner is!"

The noise was very loud and the commotion was quite loud. Even Fang Yue and the others who were halfway up the mountain could sense it.

"Humph, it looks like someone is here to cause trouble. I want to see who is so blind that dares to cause trouble here!"

The fat white man couldn't sit still. These tea leaves were the key to the success or failure of this business.

He would never allow anyone to come here to cause trouble.

"Let's go and take a look first."

Fang Yue and the others walked towards the entrance of the tea garden.

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