Fang Yue was secretly wary, but on the surface he continued to drink tea calmly.

He knew that the old man must have a plot, but at this time he was not eager to expose it, but wanted to see what the old man wanted to do.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the old man began to ask tentatively: "Sir, looking at the way you are dressed, you must not be a local, right? I wonder what you are doing here?"

Fang Yue smiled slightly and made up a reason casually: "I am a businessman from out of town. I encountered some troubles on the way, so I wanted to stay here for a night."

A trace of greed flashed in the old man's eyes when he heard the words, but he did not show it. Instead, he said enthusiastically: "It turns out that you are a businessman. Please sit down quickly. Please sit down. Although our place is remote, the people are simple and honest. Don't worry, sir." Stay.”

As he said that, the old man turned around and took out a quilt from the cabinet and spread it on the kang. "Young Master, please feel aggrieved tonight and just stay here for one night."

Fang Yue looked at the old man's actions, and became more and more sure that there was something wrong with the old man.

He pretended to be grateful and said: "Thank you very much, my father-in-law, for taking me in."

After a while, Fang Yue yawned again and again, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights, and finally fell directly on the bed.

"Humph, your hair has grown all the way, and you still learn how to do business! I really don't know how to write the word "death"!"

The kindness on the old man's face suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a look full of evil and greed.

He was convinced that Fang Yue was unconscious, so he walked quietly to the bed and began to search Fang Yue's body carefully.

However, the old man did not find the property he was expecting, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed and confused.

He couldn't help but frown and thought to himself: "Am I wrong? Is there really nothing valuable about this kid?"

"Unfortunately, he is actually a poor man. If he is still pretending, he will be sold to Butcher Zhang in the village and killed as a sacrificial meat!"

The old man snorted coldly, and immediately carried the unconscious Fang Yue to the house, opened the cellar's seal, and immediately threw Fang Yue in.

Fang Yue was not actually unconscious, he just pretended to be unconscious to explore the old man's true intention.

The moment he was thrown into the cellar, he quickly adjusted his body and landed firmly on the ground. At the same time, he remained unconscious to continue to observe the old man's movements.

After throwing Fang Yue into the cellar, the old man sealed the entrance of the cellar and turned around to leave.

Fang Yue heard the old man's footsteps gradually disappearing, then he opened his eyes and began to look at the cellar.

It was pitch dark in the cellar and nothing could be seen clearly. Fang Yue touched his body. Fortunately, he had the fire seal with him.

He lit the huozhezi, and with the faint light of the fire, he found that the cellar was full of debris, and the air was filled with an unpleasant musty smell.

"Well, there are actually two women? It seems that they are also the prey of this old guy!"

Under the dim light of Huozhezi, Fang Yue found two women huddled in the corner of the cellar. Their hands were tied and their mouths were stuffed with cloth strips, making them unable to make any sound.

These two people were Lin Waner and her maid who had run away from home.

"It's her!"

Seeing the woman's appearance, Fang Yue was stunned. She was actually the Lin family woman he had seen in Liangzhou City.

From what those servants said, this girl was betrothed to a black robe.

Then the girl escaped from the marriage, and the Fang Yue family took the opportunity to leave the city. Unexpectedly, they saw the girl here.

And I still met this woman under such circumstances!

Fang Yue immediately stepped forward and tore off the cloth from the two women's mouths.

"Don't come over. If you dare to hurt us, my father will not let you go!"

Seeing Fang Yue approaching, Lin Waner shouted in horror, thinking that Fang Yue was also an accomplice of the old man.

"Don't say anything. Do you two want to lure the people outside down?" Fang Yue was naturally not afraid. He was just playful and wanted to see what the old man wanted.

Therefore, although the words intimidated the master and servant, they were actually not afraid of attracting the old man outside.

Upon hearing Fang Yue's threats, Lin Wan'er and her maid suddenly fell silent.

After all, the eldest lady, who had never experienced external hardships and was raised in a noble family, was threatened at this moment and did not dare to speak out anymore.

They huddled in the corner, their bodies trembling, their eyes full of fear and helplessness.

Fang Yue couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Well, for daring to run away from marriage, I thought she was a strange woman with a strong temper.

Unexpectedly, he is also an ordinary person!

He walked gently to the two of them and comforted them in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, I am not that old man's accomplice. I was also imprisoned here by him, but I will find a way to rescue you."

Hearing Fang Yue's words, a glimmer of hope flashed in the eyes of Lin Wan'er and her maid.

They looked up at Fang Yue. Although they were still a little scared, they were no longer as desperate as before.

Fang Yue continued: "You guys wait here while I go out to check the situation. If we can find a chance, we will escape together."

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave the cellar.

"Don't leave, we're scared!" Lin Wan'er immediately called Fang Yue, looking so pitiful that I felt pity for her.

Seeing that Fang Yue didn't move, Lin Wan'er suddenly had a painful expression on her face:

"Ouch, my foot seems to have been bitten by something!"

When Fang Yue heard this, he immediately walked over.

However, when Fang Yue approached, the pained look on Lin Wan'er's face immediately disappeared.

Hearing a snap, Lin Wan'er broke away from the rope, and then kicked Fang Yue with a pair of legs.

"Hmph, you little thief, you still want to lie to me!"

Fang Yue didn't expect Lin Wan'er to have such a skill, and couldn't help but secretly praise her "good skills"!

He turned his body slightly to avoid Lin Wan'er's attack.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed Lin Wan'er's ankle, pulling her whole body over.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Lin Wan'er was pulled by Fang Yue and staggered, falling into his arms.

She struggled to stand up, but found that her ankle was held tightly by Fang Yue and she could not move at all.

"Hmph, you still want to ask me what I want to do? I want to ask you what you want to do!"

Fang Yue looked at Lin Waner with a smile: "Why did you attack me? Is this how you repay your savior?"

Lin Wan'er felt a little guilty when Fang Yue saw her, but she still said firmly: "Who, who wants to hit you? I just want to stretch my muscles."

"You let me go, bad guy, please let me go!" The maid on the side was also struggling, but she didn't know martial arts, so she couldn't struggle at all.

"What a bad boy!"

Fang Yue smiled slightly and immediately began to shake.

"W-what are you going to do?"

Lin Wan'er was shaken by Fang Yue so much that she felt dizzy and frightened in her heart.

She had never encountered such a rogue person, and she didn't know how to deal with him for a moment.

"Hey, what do you think I want to do?"

Fang Yue showed a smirk on his face and continued to shake Lin Waner. The white and tender feet are really moist in my hands.

"Let me go quickly, or I'll call someone!"

Lin Wan'er was extremely panicked. She felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered and could be eaten by Fang Yue at any time.

"You can shout, no one here can hear you anyway."

Fang Yue said nonchalantly.

He knew that this cellar was very hidden, and the old man had already left, so no one would notice what was going on here in a short time.

"W-what do you want?"

Lin Wan'er knew that she could no longer escape Fang Yue's clutches, so she had no choice but to give up resistance.

Fang Yue looked at Lin Wan'er's helpless and horrified expression, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

In fact, he didn't really intend to do anything to Lin Wan'er, he just wanted to tease her.

So, he released his grip on Lin Wan'er's ankle and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I'm just joking with you."

Lin Wan'er didn't expect that Fang Yue would suddenly let go of his hand, and she didn't react for a moment.

She looked at Fang Yue blankly, a trace of doubt and confusion flashed in her eyes.

"Are you really just joking?" Lin Waner asked in disbelief.

Fang Yue nodded and said: "Of course, how could I do anything to you? You are so skinny, so skinny, so small, what's so good about you?"

Hearing what Fang Yue said, Lin Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that what she had just done was indeed impulsive. If Fang Yue was really the old man's accomplice, then her current end would probably be very miserable.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now." Lin Wan'er said apologetically.

Fang Yue waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

But then, Lin Wan'er looked at herself carefully and whispered: "Where have I lost weight? Where have I become smaller!"

Fang Yue looked at Lin Wan'er's cute appearance and couldn't help laughing.

He found that he seemed to have some affection for this eldest lady who had escaped from marriage, maybe because she was not as squeamish as other women from aristocratic families, but had a kind of resilience that refused to admit defeat.

"Why are you laughing?" Lin Wan'er asked with some confusion when she saw Fang Yue smiling.

Fang Yue shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just think you are interesting."

When Lin Wan'er heard this, a blush appeared on her face. She didn't know whether she was shy or angry.

She glared at Fang Yue and said, "Why are you so strange? Sometimes you are scary, and sometimes you are laughing. What do you mean?"

Fang Yue smiled and said, "I don't mean anything. I just think you are not like those pampered ladies from aristocratic families. Instead, you have a very special temperament."

Hearing Fang Yue praise herself so much, Lin Wan'er couldn't help feeling a little proud.

But she refused to admit it and said: "Who, who is spoiled? I have been learning martial arts since I was a child!"

Fang Yue nodded and said, "Oh? It turns out you can also do martial arts, which is quite powerful."

When Lin Wan'er heard Fang Yue praising her martial arts, she immediately became energetic and said, "Of course! I have learned martial arts from my master since I was a child. Although I am not a top expert, I am still more than enough to deal with ordinary people."

Fang Yue looked at Lin Wan'er's proud look and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He knew that Lin Wan'er's martial arts was not very good, at most she was just a little better than the average woman.

However, he did not expose Lin Wan'er's lie, but followed her words and said, "Oh? So you are a master. Then I will have to rely on you to protect me from now on."

Lin Wan'er felt even more proud when she heard Fang Yue say this.

She patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you!"

Fang Yue looked at Lin Wan'er's heroic look and couldn't help laughing.

He found that this young lady who escaped from marriage was really interesting. Not only was she stubborn, but she also had an innocent temperament.

"Okay, let's stop talking for now, so as not to be discovered." Fang Yue suppressed his smile and whispered.

Lin Wan'er also realized her own loss of composure and quickly shut her mouth.

Not enough, she changed her mind and said: "You are so powerful, why were you caught? Are we just waiting here, not just running away?"

Fang Yue was slightly stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Lin Wan'er to ask this question so directly.

He glanced at Lin Wan'er and found that she was looking at him expectantly with her clear eyes, obviously really wanting to know the answer.

Fang Yue pondered for a moment and decided to tell Lin Wan'er the truth.

"In fact, I was not caught, but came in on purpose." Fang Yue whispered.

Fang Yue was simply interested in this village hidden in the mountains.

After all, such villages should generally have simple folk customs.

But when he came in, he found that this village was not right.

Not only because of the greedy old man, but also because the whole village was filled with a weird atmosphere.

So he decided to stay and investigate to see what secrets this village was hiding.

Hearing Fang Yue say this, Lin Wan'er's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

"You, you came in on purpose? Why?" Lin Wan'er asked in surprise.

Fang Yue glanced at Lin Wan'er and did not answer her question directly, but asked back: "Why did you run away from marriage? Don't you know what running away from marriage means to a woman?"

Lin Wan'er didn't expect Fang Yue to suddenly ask this question, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

She ran away from marriage of course because she didn't want to marry that black-robed man!

However, she couldn't tell Fang Yue this reason.

After all, she and Fang Yue were not familiar with each other, and Fang Yue might be an accomplice of the old man.

If she rashly revealed her true identity and the reason for running away from marriage, it would probably bring trouble to herself.

So, Lin Wan'er decided to remain silent and not answer this question.

Fang Yue saw that Lin Wan'er was silent, and did not continue to ask.

He knew that everyone had their own secrets and difficulties, and he didn't want to force Lin Wan'er to say something she didn't want to say.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. We should know the answer tomorrow." Fang Yue changed the subject.


At the same time, in a cave deep in this mountain village.

There is an altar here.

On the altar, there are some strange patterns, and a black stone statue is placed in the middle.

The appearance of this stone statue is extremely terrifying, as if it is a disheveled, hideous evil ghost.

At this time, a group of people were kneeling in front of the altar, and they were all kneeling devoutly, chanting something.

The prayers of these people echoed in the cave, which seemed extremely strange and terrifying.

Suddenly, the black stone statue on the altar moved, as if it came alive.

Then, a black figure floated out of the stone statue and floated in the air.

This black shadow was like a ball of mist, revealing only a pair of scarlet eyes, exuding a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

This group of black shadows made a strange laugh, the sound was sharp and piercing, as if it could directly pierce people's souls.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with your sacrifice." The black shadow said hoarsely, his voice revealing greed and cruelty, "I will give you power and make you my slaves!"

Hearing the black shadow's words, the people kneeling on the ground suddenly became excited.

They all kowtowed frantically, shouting: "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

It seemed that being able to obtain the power of this black shadow was their greatest honor and expectation.

The black shadow looked at the reactions of these people with satisfaction, and a strange light flashed in his scarlet eyes.

He stretched out an illusory claw and grabbed it in the air.

Suddenly, a black light floated from the altar and slowly condensed into a black bead.

This bead exuded a gloomy and evil breath, as if it was a magic bead from hell.


With a loud bang, the black bead burst instantly, turning into black air currents, spreading around.

These black air currents seemed to have life, and they drilled into the bodies of the kneeling people.

As the black air flowed in, these people's faces showed expressions of pain and ecstasy.

Their bodies began to change, their muscles swelled, their skin became dark, and their eyes flashed scarlet light.

After a while, these people stood up and roared like beasts.

These villagers, at this moment, were like beasts!

However, after a while, they fainted, and their bodies suddenly shrank back to their original appearance, and even became a little weaker. (End of this chapter)

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