The appearance of the man in black robe made Fang Yue feel a strong sense of vigilance in his heart.

He quickly closed the window and turned towards the door of the box.

He knew that he had to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise he might be in danger.

Fang Yue opened the door, walked out of the box quickly, and walked along the corridor to the back door of the restaurant.

"I seemed to have sensed a familiar aura just now, but it disappeared quickly. Who could it be?"

The black robe looked at the elegant room of the restaurant where Fang Yue was just now, but it was empty at this time.

The man in black robe stood in the empty corridor, his eyes burning brightly as he scanned the surroundings. His black robe fluttered gently in the breeze, exuding a mysterious and eerie aura.

"It's strange. I clearly sensed that person's aura, but why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?" The man in black robe said to himself, frowning as if he was thinking about something.

He was not in a hurry to catch up, but stood quietly, closed his eyes, and used his perception ability to explore the disappearing breath.

After a moment, the man in black robe opened his eyes, with a strange smile on his face.

"Interesting, really interesting. I didn't expect that I just came here for a business trip, and I actually met that little thief. It seems that that thing should be mine."

With that said, he turned around and walked out of the restaurant, and soon disappeared into the night.

At this moment, Fang Yue had left Dingfeng Tower and was walking through the streets of Liangzhou Fucheng.


Fang Yue walked all the way, but no matter how he adjusted the direction.

I always feel that there is a vague energy falling not far behind.

"The traces were still found!"

Fang Yue felt a shiver in his heart, knowing that this was the other party's advanced cultivation, and he was tracking it through the energy fluctuations he left behind.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue could only restrain his own energy fluctuations as much as possible.

You can't go back to Si Tianjian now, otherwise your identity will be exposed.

Along the way, Fang Yue was constantly thinking in his mind.

If he goes to Si Tian Jian, then this black robe is a member of the dynasty and holds a high position of power. I am afraid that his status as Si Tian Jian's supervisor will not be taken into account.

Moreover, if he is in Si Tianjian, his true identity will definitely be exposed.

At that time, not only will he be in danger, but his family will also be in danger.

Therefore, it is better not to go to Si Tianjian.

Besides, Si Tianjian's direction was blocked by the man in black robe.

If he goes there, there is a high probability that he will run into the other party directly.


The night in Liangzhou Prefecture is quiet and deep, with only the occasional sound of the watchman knocking on his bangle and the faint barking of a dog in the distance breaking the tranquility.

Fang Yue used the faint moonlight to quickly shuttle through the intricate alleys and arrived near a luxurious house.

When I got here, I didn’t know why.

The feeling that made him feel like a light on his back disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Can the aura be concealed here? Or is this place so special that the person doesn't dare to chase after him?"

Fang Yue hesitated slightly, and immediately decided to hide here tonight, wait a few days, and then find a chance to leave the city.

This house looks quite impressive, and it should be the residence of a wealthy family.

Fang Yue found a remote corner, jumped up, and climbed over the courtyard wall silently.

After he landed, he quickly looked around to make sure that he didn't attract anyone's attention, and then cautiously dived deeper into the house.

Fang Yue sneaked all the way, avoiding the patrolling guards and servants, and finally came to a remote wing.

He opened the door gently, stepped in, and then closed the door tightly.

The room was dark, but Fang Yue could clearly perceive everything around him. With his extraordinary eyesight and perception, he is at home in the dark.

He walked to the window, gently opened a gap, and looked out.

I saw a quiet garden outside, and the moonlight was shining, adding a bit of mysterious beauty to the quiet night.

Fang Yue was secretly glad that the hiding place he chose was really good.


Three days later, Fang Yue, who was about to leave, heard a noise coming from outside the house.

His heart moved and he immediately walked to the window.

I saw a few servant-looking people gathered together and discussing. One of the older servants frowned and said, "There seems to be a rat attack at home these days. A lot of food in the kitchen has been lost inexplicably."

Another young servant said: "This is not a mouse, it is a thief! I think we need to strengthen patrols and find out who is so brave and dares to disturb Tai Sui."

Fang Yue listened to the discussions of the servants by the window and couldn't help but smile.

The person these two servants were talking about was naturally him.

After all, although his cultivation level is good, he still needs to eat.

"Oh, by the way, have you heard that our master must marry the eldest lady to that person? I heard that the guy was wearing a black robe and even covered his face."

"That's right, I don't dare to show my face, maybe it's really disfigured."

Then the two people continued to chat about the major events that happened in the house yesterday.

Hearing this, Fang Yue frowned slightly.

He originally just wanted to take shelter here temporarily and solve the problem of food and clothing, but he didn't expect to encounter the black robe again!

Why is this guy still lingering?

"Black robe?"

Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart. Although he had seen it, he had a feeling that the man the two servants outside were talking about was the black robe of the dynasty who had been chasing him for a long time.

Hearing the servants mention "black robe", Fang Yue couldn't help but feel a strong sense of vigilance and curiosity.

He knew that there was a big grudge between him and the black robe, but why this mysterious black robe man appeared here, and he was also engaged to the young lady of this family, which made him very confused.

"What is the origin of this black robe?" Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart, and he decided to find out the identity and purpose of the black robe.

He quietly opened the door and walked along the corridor to the front hall of the house.

He planned to find out more information there to see if he could find the trace of the black robe.

Fang Yue came to the front hall and hid behind a rockery.

I saw a lot of people gathered in the front hall, all servants and guards of this family, and they were talking.

"I heard that the black-robed man is a court worshiper, with great martial arts skills and mysterious." A guard whispered, with a look of awe on his face.

Hearing this, Fang Yue's heart moved.

Sure enough, the black-robed man mentioned by these servants is the same person chasing him.

"However, although the black-robed man is a martial arts master, he is said to be very ugly and dare not even show his face. Our eldest daughter is beautiful, but marrying such a person is really a flower stuck in cow dung." A guard continued.

"Hush, keep your voice down. Don't say such things casually. If the master hears it, you will die." Another guard quickly reminded.

"Black-robed, court worshiper..."

Fang Yue thought to himself, "This guy has been chasing me. It seems that the thing is extraordinary!"

After hearing this news, Fang Yue's heart became more alert.

He knew the strength and means of the black-robed man, and he also knew that he had been looking for the treasure in his hand.

Now he is still an opponent, so he must remain vigilant and not easily expose his whereabouts.

He is well aware of the strength and means of the black robe, and also knows that he has been looking for the treasure in his hand.

However, Fang Yue also knows that he can't stay here for long and must find a chance to leave as soon as possible.

While Fang Yue was thinking, suddenly, he heard a guard in the front hall shouting: "No, no, the young lady ran away."

Hearing the shout of "The young lady ran away", Fang Yue was also slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that such a thing would happen in this mansion.

However, this may be a good opportunity for him to leave.

Fang Yue immediately decided to take this opportunity to leave the mansion to avoid being involved in unnecessary trouble.

He turned around quickly, ready to return along the original route, and then climb over the wall to leave.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps and noise.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately dodged and hid in the rockery on the side.

A group of servants and guards ran over from the front, each of them looked panicked, as if they were looking for something.

"Quick, go find the young lady, she must not have run far." A servant shouted loudly.

Others responded and scattered to look for the escaped young lady.

Fang Yue quietly observed the scene behind the rockery.

After the servants and guards ran away, Fang Yue walked out from behind the rockery.

He looked around and made sure that there was no one else before walking towards the back door of the mansion.

There was no one guarding the back door, and Fang Yue easily climbed over the wall.

He looked back at this luxurious mansion and sighed in his heart.

I didn't expect that I had been hiding here for so many days, and finally I was able to leave because of a runaway young lady.

Fang Yue shook his head, turned and walked towards the outside of the city, ready to leave Liangzhou Prefecture.

But in a moment, Fang Yue was out of the city.

Following the official road, Fang Yue rushed eastward and soon left the scope of Liangzhou City.


The setting sun was falling,

"Miss, if we run out like this, what will we do if we are caught by the master?"

A crisp voice sounded in the dim twilight, with a bit of childishness and worry.

This is a little maidservant of fourteen or fifteen years old, named Xiao Cui.

She was wearing a light green dress and two cute buns on her head. At this moment, she was following her mistress closely.

In front of her was a young woman in a goose yellow long dress. This woman had a slim figure and a beautiful face, like a fairy in the moon palace.

She was the famous beauty in Liangzhou City-Lin Wan'er.

Her father asked him to marry a man who had never met and was said to be very ugly. How could she agree, so she fled Liangzhou City.

Lin Wan'er heard Xiao Cui's worry, smiled gently, and comforted her: "Don't worry, Xiao Cui.

We are so far away from the mansion. Even if father wants to catch us back, it won't be that easy."

Her voice was soft and firm, as if there was a kind of magic that could make people feel at ease.

After hearing what her young lady said, Xiao Cui's worries were slightly relieved.

She knew that her young lady was a person with her own opinions. Since she had made a decision, she just needed to follow her.

The two took advantage of the twilight and went east all the way.

They did not choose to take the official road, but chose some small roads and forests to pass through.

In this way, although the speed was slower, they could avoid those possible pursuers.

In this way, the two of them walked and walked until it was almost dark, and then they arrived at a remote mountain village.

This mountain village is hidden among the mountains and has only a dozen households.

It was dusk at this time, and the smoke from the kitchen was rising, intertwined with the fog in the mountains, forming a beautiful picture.

When the two came to the mountain village, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at the scene in front of her.

They had been walking for three full days and were already exhausted.

Fortunately, the mountain village in front of us is remote and hidden, so it should be a good place to rest temporarily.

"Miss, what should we do next?" Xiao Cui looked at her young lady, her eyes full of confusion and worry.

Lin Wan'er gently patted Xiao Cui's shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, Xiao Cui. Let's rest here first and wait until daybreak to figure out a solution."

As she spoke, she looked around and saw that although the mountain village was remote, it was very peaceful and peaceful.

Lin Wan'er gently patted Xiao Cui's shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, Xiao Cui. Let's rest here first and wait until tomorrow before leaving."

As she spoke, she looked around and saw that although the mountain village was remote, it was very peaceful and peaceful.

Several simple thatched huts are scattered in the mountains, with smoke rising from the chimneys, and groups of chickens and ducks foraging leisurely in front and behind the houses.

Seeing this, Lin Wan'er's fatigue seemed to lighten a bit.

She took Xiaocui's hand, walked to the nearest hut, and knocked lightly on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and an old man with gray hair poked his head out.

When he saw Lin Wan'er and Xiao Cui, he was stunned for a moment, and then greeted warmly: "You two girls, please come in quickly."

The old man let the two people into the house and was busy lighting a fire and making tea.

Although this hut is simple, it is very clean and tidy.

There are some farm tools and game animals hanging on the wall, showing the diligence and ability of the owner.

Lin Wan'er and Xiao Cui sat on the kang, drinking hot tea made by the old man, and couldn't help but feel a warm current in their hearts.

But as soon as this thought arose, Lin Wan'er felt dizzy and then lost consciousness.


"Hey, I didn't expect that there is a small village in this mountain valley. It seems that there is a place to rest tonight."

Fang Yue looked at the small village ahead.

He was a little tired from walking all the way and was looking for a place to rest.

Fang Yue walked into the village and saw a few thatched huts scattered in the mountains, with smoke rising from the cooking pots.

Groups of chickens and ducks forage leisurely in front and behind the houses, making the whole village look peaceful and peaceful.

He walked to a hut and knocked lightly on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

An old man poked his head out and was startled when he saw Fang Yue. He wondered what was going on today and why these fat sheep kept coming one after another.

The two little ladies just now can be sold to the bachelors in the village as wives. Now this young man just cooks and eats meat.

Thinking of this, the old man immediately greeted warmly: "This young master, please come in quickly."

The old man let Fang Yue into the house and was busy lighting a fire to make tea.

Although this hut is simple, it is very clean and tidy, with some farm tools and game hanging on the wall.

Fang Yue sat on the kang, drinking the hot tea cooked by the old man, and the fatigue in his heart seemed to lighten a bit.

However, Fang Yue felt that today's tea was sweet and quite delicious. (End of chapter)

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