Soldiers and government officials patrolled the streets, asking passers-by about their identities and whereabouts from time to time.

Fang Yue was secretly glad that he had changed his makeup, otherwise it would be difficult to sneak into the city.

He came to an inn and asked for a remote room.

He knew that he had to be careful now and not reveal his identity.

Fang Yue stayed in the inn all day without leaving the house.

He quietly thought about what happened last night, trying to find some clues.

He knew that the identity and purpose of Yun Qing and Heiying were key. Only by finding out their details could the truth of the entire incident be revealed.

At night, Fang Yue sneaked out of the inn quietly, preparing to go to Si Tianjian to check the scene.

He knew it was dangerous, but in order to find out the truth, he had to take the risk.

Fang Yue came to the outside of Si Tianjian's wall and found that the place was heavily guarded and there were patrolling soldiers everywhere.

He didn't dare to enter rashly, so he could only observe from outside the wall.

Suddenly, he saw a black shadow flying out from inside Si Tianjian and landing on the roof not far away.

Fang Yue's heart moved and he immediately followed.

The shadow didn't seem to notice Fang Yue's following. He walked quickly through several streets and came to an abandoned house.

Fang Yue hid in the dark, observing the shadow's actions.

I saw the dark shadow walking to the door of the house and knocking softly a few times.

After a while, the door opened and a man in black came out.

When Fang Yue saw that person's face, his heart was shocked.

That person turned out to be Yun Qing!

"How are things going?" Yun Qing asked calmly.

"Replying to the master, everything went well. That Fang Yue has been led into a trap, and now the entire Gunzhou Prefecture is looking for him." The black shadow replied in a low voice.

"Very good. Next, you continue to lurk in the Sitian Prison and wait for my next instructions." Yun Qing nodded with satisfaction.

"These two people are indeed a team. They killed the inspector of the Si Tianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture, and then gave the guy to me!"

Fang Yue hid himself in the dark, frowning slightly.

Yun Qing was actually in the same group as Heiying, and they were also suspected of killing the inspector of the Si Tianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture.

What conspiracy is hidden behind all this?

He knew that the information he had now was too little to reveal the truth of the entire incident.

But he also knew that he had been sucked into a huge whirlpool and it was too late to get out.

Fang Yue decided to find out the details of Yun Qing.

Fang Yue was filled with doubts and confusion.

What kind of secrets does Yun Qing, this seemingly weak woman with no martial arts skills hide, be able to control an innate master-level master like Heiying?

He knew that in order to uncover this mystery, he had to investigate Yun Qing's background and identity in depth.

When the black shadow left, Fang Yue immediately entered the yard in front.

Fang Yue, with a figure like the wind, sneaked into the abandoned house quietly.

The house was silent, and no one seemed to be living there. Fang Yue carefully explored around, trying to find some clues.

Fang Yue was like a nocturnal cat, moving light and agile through the abandoned house.

His eyes were piercing, not letting go of any possible clue.

Although the house seemed desolate and dilapidated, Fang Yue felt that there was a mysterious atmosphere hidden in it.

He followed Yun Qing and came to a seemingly ordinary room, but found that the door was closed tightly and seemed to be blocked by some kind of force.

Fang Yue gathered his strength and gently opened the door. A cold breath hit his face, making him shiver.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and walked into the room full of cold atmosphere. His eyes quickly adjusted to the surrounding darkness, and gradually, he saw the scene in the room.

The room was sparsely furnished, with only a table and a few chairs.

However, what is unusual is that the walls are covered with various ancient paintings and charms.

These portraits and charms emit a faint light, adding a mysterious and eerie atmosphere to the entire room.

Fang Yue walked to the wall and carefully observed the portraits and spells.

He found that the characters in these portraits were all wearing ancient costumes and had solemn and mysterious faces.

The words on the spell were ancient words that he had never seen before, exuding an ancient and powerful power.

Fang Yue stared at the ancient portraits and spells, a strong curiosity welling up in his heart.

He knew that there must be some important secret hidden behind these portraits and spells, which might be inextricably linked to the identities of Yun Qing and Heiying and the truth of the entire incident.

He stretched out his hand, trying to touch the portraits and charms, feeling the weak power they emanated.

However, at the moment he was about to touch the portrait, an invisible force suddenly struck him and pushed him away.

Fang Yue was shocked and quickly stabilized his body.

He knew that this place was indeed not simple. These portraits and spells were probably protected by some mysterious power and were not allowed to be touched by outsiders.

He did not give up, but gathered his strength again and tried to break through the invisible force.

However, no matter how hard he tried, that power was always as strong as a rock, preventing him from getting even close to the portrait.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so brave. The whole city is looking for you, but you still dare to come back!"

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded.

Fang Yue turned around quickly and saw Yun Qing slowly walking out of the shadow of the room with a sneer on her face.

"Yun Qing, you are really not simple." Fang Yue said coldly, his heart was full of vigilance, "Did you plan all this?"

Yun Qing smiled slightly and did not directly answer Fang Yue's question: "Fang Yue, you are really smart to be able to chase here. However, there are some things that you should not know."

"Fang Yue, you don't understand. This world is much more complicated than you think. Some things are not good for you to know."

"So, are you going to keep me in the dark like this, be used by you, and even die because of it?"

Fang Yue's tone was full of sarcasm and dissatisfaction. He couldn't accept that he was being used as a pawn without knowing it.

Yun Qing was silent for a while, her eyes became deep:

"Fang Yue, I admit that we did use you. But we had no choice. Our goal is for greater benefits and for more people. You are just a small pawn, but your role is crucial."

"Greater benefits? More people? What are you planning?" Fang Yue's heart was full of doubts and confusion, he was eager to know the truth.

However, Yun Qing did not answer his question directly, but changed the subject:

"Fang Yue, do you know? There are many things in this world that cannot be distinguished by black and white. What we do may be wrong in your opinion, but in our opinion, it is necessary."

"Necessary? Can you sacrifice innocent people for your own benefit?" Fang Yue could not accept Yun Qing's statement, his heart was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"What exactly are your plans? Why do you want to use me? And what is your relationship with Black Shadow?"

Yun Qing took a deep breath and decided to reveal some truth to Fang Yue: "Fang Yue, our organization has been secretly planning a major change.

This change will change the pattern of the entire Gunzhou Prefecture and may even affect the whole world. And Black Shadow is an important member of our organization, and he has been secretly assisting us."

"Fang Yue, this world is full of injustice and oppression. The weak people are bullied by the powerful, and innocent people are sacrificed because of the struggles of the powerful.

We want to change all this, strive for a fair opportunity for the weak, and bring real peace to this world."

When Fang Yue heard this, his face showed sarcasm, and he looked at Yun Qing with a smile: "Are you waiting for the poison to take effect!"

Fang Yue's figure was like the wind, and he came to Yun Qing in an instant. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Yun Qing's neck directly.

Yun Qing's face changed. She didn't expect Fang Yue to suddenly attack.

But even if she thought of it, she would be helpless because she didn't know martial arts at all.

A trace of panic flashed in Yun Qing's eyes, and she quickly retreated, trying to avoid Fang Yue's attack.

However, Fang Yue's speed was too fast, and she had no time to react, and could only watch Fang Yue capture her.

After Yun Qing was captured by Fang Yue, a sense of powerlessness surged in her heart. She knew that she was now in Fang Yue's control, and her life and death were only between his thoughts.

However, she did not give up, but tried to stay calm and tried to find a chance to escape.

"Fang Yue, listen to my explanation."

Yun Qing struggled and said, "I know you are very dissatisfied with our approach, but we are also forced to do so. Our goal is for greater benefits and for more people."

"Forced? For greater benefits?"

Fang Yue sneered, "Tell me everything you know now. If you don't, I can't guarantee what I will do to you!"

It must be said that Yun Qing is definitely a beautiful woman, especially with softness and charm. Even in the crisis at this moment, Yun Qing's unique temperament still did not disappear.

There was a hint of stubbornness and determination in her eyes, which made people feel pity for her, and wanted people to hug her tightly and protect her well.

However, Fang Yue knew that he could not be fooled by Yun Qing's appearance.

He forcibly suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart, stared at Yun Qing coldly, and waited for her answer.

Yun Qing took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm.

She knew that the current situation was extremely unfavorable to her, and she had to find a way to turn the situation around.

She decided to use her feminine charm to confuse Fang Yue and fight for a glimmer of hope.

She raised her head slightly, stared at Fang Yue with her watery eyes, and her voice trembled slightly:

"Fang Yue, do you really think I am that kind of cold-blooded person? I admit that we did use you, but that was also for a greater goal. You believe me, once our plan succeeds, it will bring hope and salvation to countless people."

As she said, a tear slid down the corner of her eye and slowly slid down her cheek. A pitiful and weak look that made people fall in love.

However, Fang Yue was not moved by Yun Qing's tears.

He had experienced too many intrigues and knew that in this world, beauty is a sharp knife that scrapes bones, especially for women like Yun Qing. The more beautiful they are, the more vicious they are.

Fang Yue looked at Yun Qing coldly, without a trace of pity or sympathy in his eyes.

He knew that at this time, any softness of heart might lead him into a deeper predicament.

"Yun Qing, put away your tricks. Do you think a few tears can make me let you go?"

Fang Yue's voice was cold and firm, "I tell you, it's impossible. Unless you tell me the truth, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yun Qing looked at Fang Yue's cold eyes, and her heart trembled. She knew that she might have really met a difficult opponent this time.

However, she did not give up, but decided to adopt another strategy.

She put away her tears and put on a firm expression:

"Fang Yue, I admit that we used you. But I also tell you that our goal is just.

We want to overthrow this corrupt court and fight for a better life for the people. If you can join us, I promise you will get what you want."

Fang Yue couldn't help but sneer when he heard this: "Yun Qing, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Will I be confused by your high-sounding words?

I tell you, I'm not interested in your plan. I just want to know the truth and then decide my own way."

Yun Qing looked at Fang Yue's firm eyes and knew that he might not be able to convince him this time.

She took a deep breath and decided to tell part of the truth: "Fang Yue, I can tell you some truth. But you have to promise me that you can't leak it out."

Fang Yue smiled slightly: "Yun Qing, do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me now?"

Yun Qing's face changed, but she knew that Fang Yue was telling the truth. She nodded helplessly:

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you can only know part of it. Because our organization is very tight, once it is leaked, my life will be in danger."

Fang Yue nodded: "Go ahead. As long as what you say is true, I will consider letting you go."

Yun Qing took a deep breath and began to tell the story.

She told how she joined the organization and some basic information and goals of the organization.

However, when Fang Yue heard Yun Qing mention the organization's goals, his face suddenly changed.

Because he found that the goals Yun Qing said were consistent with some of the information he had learned before.

This made him realize that this organization might really have secrets and conspiracies that cannot be told.

"Yun Qing, is everything you said true?" Fang Yue asked, staring into Yun Qing's eyes.

"Of course, it's absolutely true!" Yun Qing's eyes were firm, and he stared at Fang Yue without dodging.

Fang Yue's eyes were slightly focused, and his vitality turned into a real pressure and pressed towards Yun Qing fiercely.

The strong pressure suddenly hit Yun Qing's mind like a siege hammer. (End of this chapter)

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